JEE Physics Mechanical Properties Of Fluids MCQs Set C

Refer to JEE Physics Mechanical Properties Of Fluids MCQs Set C provided below. JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Physics MCQ questions with answers are available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested in Full Syllabus by JEE (Main), NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Mechanical Properties Of Fluids are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding of Mechanical Properties Of Fluids and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Physics Mechanical Properties Of Fluids

Full Syllabus Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Mechanical Properties Of Fluids in Full Syllabus.

Mechanical Properties Of Fluids MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Physics with Answers



Question: The neck and bottom of a bottle are 3 cm and 15 cm in radius respectively. If the cork is pressed with a force 12 N in the neck of the bottle, then force exerted on the bottom of the bottle is

  • a) 300 N
  • b) 600 N
  • c) 150 N
  • d) 30 N

Answer: 300 N



  • a) 0.8 gcc–1
  • b) 1.2 gcc–1
  • c) 1.4 gcc–1
  • d) 1.6 gcc–1

Answer: 0.8 gcc–1


Question: A wooden ball of density D is immersed in water of density d to a depth h below the surface of water and then released. Upto what height will the ball jump out of water?

  • a)

  • b)

  • c) h
  • d) Zero



Question: A piece of solid weighs 120 g in air, 80 g in water and 60 g in a liquid. The relative density of the solid and that of the liquid are respectively

  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d) 3, 2




  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question: Ice pieces are floating in a beaker A containing water and also in a beaker B containing miscible liquid of specific gravity 1.2. When ice melts, the level of

  • a) Liquid in B increases
  • b) Water decreases in A
  • c) Water increases in A
  • d) Liquid in B decreases

Answer: Liquid in B increases


Question: A vessel contains oil (density 0.8 g cm–3) over mercury (density 13.6 g cm–3). A homogenous sphere floats with half volume immersed in mercury and the other half in oil. The density of the material of the sphere in gcm–3 is

  • a) 7.2
  • b) 6.4
  • c) 3.3
  • d) 12.8

Answer: 7.2


Question: Two solid pieces, one of steel and the other of aluminium when immersed completely in water have equal weights. When the solid pieces are weighed in air

  • a) Aluminium piece will weigh more
  • b) Steel peice will weigh more
  • c) The weight of aluminium is half the weight of steel
  • d) They have the same weight

Answer: Aluminium piece will weigh more


Question: A piece of wood is floating in water. When the temperature of water rises, the apparent weight of the wood will

  • a) May increase or decrease
  • b) Increase
  • c) Decrease
  • d) Remain same

Answer: May increase or decrease



  • a) Both l and h decrease
  • b) l increases and h decreases
  • c) l decreases and h increases
  • d) Both l and h increase

Answer: Both l and h decrease


More Questions........................................


Question: An iceberg is floating in water. The density of ice in the iceberg is 917 kg m–3 and the density of water is 1024 kg m–3. What percentage fraction of the iceberg would be visible?

  • a) 10%
  • b) 5%
  • c) 12%
  • d) 8%

Answer: 10%


Question:  A piece of wax wieghs 18.03 g in air. A piece of metal is found to weigh 17.3 g in water. It is tied to the wax and both together weigh 15.23 g in water. Then, the specific gravity of wax is

  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question: Eight equal drops of water are falling through air with a steady velocity of 10 cm–1. If the drops combine to form a single drop big in size, then the terminal velocity of this big drop is

  • a) 40 cms–1
  • b) 10 cms–1
  • c) 30 cms–1
  • d) 80 cms–1

Answer: 40 cms–1



  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question: Streamline flow is more likely for liquid with

  • a) Low density and high viscosity
  • b) Low density and low viscosity
  • c) High density and high viscosity
  • d) High density and low viscosity

Answer: Low density and high viscosity


Question: An air bubble of radius 10–2 m is rising up at a steady rate of 2 × 10–3 ms–1 through a liquid of density 1.5 × 103 kg m–3, the coefficient of viscosity neglecting the density of air, will be (g = 10 ms–2)

  • a) 167 units
  • b) 334 units
  • c) 83.5 units
  • d) 23.2 units

Answer: 167 units


Question: The flow of liquid is laminar or streamline is determined by

  • a) Rate of flow of liquid
  • b) Density of fluid
  • c) Coefficient of viscosity of liquid
  • d) None of these

Answer: Rate of flow of liquid


Question: A boat carrying a number of large stones is floating in a water tank. What would happen to the water level, if a few stones are unloaded into water?

  • a) Falls
  • b) Rises
  • c) Remains unchanged
  • d) Rises till half the number of stones are unloaded and then begins to fall

Answer: Falls


Question:  The velocity of a small ball of mass M and density d1 when dropped in a container filled with glycerine becomes constant after some time. If the density of glycerine is d2, the viscous force acting on the ball is

  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d) mgd1d2



Question: There are two holes one each along the opposite sides of a wide rectangular tank. The cross-section of each hole is 0.01 m2 and the vertical distance between the holes is one metre. The tank is filled with water. The net force on the tank in newton when the water flows out of the holes is (density of water = 1000 kgm–3)

  • a) 200
  • b) 300
  • c) 400
  • d) 100

Answer: 200


Question:  A hole is made at the bottom of the tank filled with water (density 1000 kg/m3). If the total pressure at the bottom of the tank is 3 atm (1 atm = 105 N/m2), then the velocity of efflux is

  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question: horizontal pipe line carries water in stremline flow. At a point where the cross-sectional area is 10 cm2 the water velocity is 1 ms–1 and pressure is 2000 Pa. The pressure of water at another point where the crosssectional area is 5 cm2, is

  • a) 500 Pa
  • b) 800 Pa
  • c) 400 Pa
  • d) 200 Pa

Answer: 500 Pa


Question: A rectangular vessel when full of water, takes 10 min to be emptied through an orifice in its bottom. How much time will it take to be emptied when half filled with water?

  • a) 7 min
  • b) 5 min
  • c) 3 min
  • d) 9 min

Answer: 7 min


Question: A metal plate of area 103 cm2 rests on a layer of oil 6 mm thick. A tangential force 10–2 N is applied on it to move it with a constant velocity of 6 cms–1. The coefficient of viscosity of the liquid is

  • a) 0.1 poise
  • b) 0.5 poise
  • c) 0.7 poise
  • d) 0.9 poise

Answer: 0.1 poise


Question: With an increase in temperature, surface tension of liquid (except molten copper and cadmium)

  • a) Decreases
  • b) Increases
  • c) Remain same
  • d) First decreases then increases

Answer: Decreases



  • a)

  • b) 2.46 mJ
  • c) 8 mJ
  • d) None of these



Question: A mercury drop of radius 1.0 cm is sprayed into 106 droplets of equal sizes. The energy expended in this process is (surface tension of mercury is equal to 32 × 10–2 Nm–1)

  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)




  • a) 0.11 Nm–1
  • b) 0.7 Nm–1
  • c) 0.072 Nm–1
  • d) None of these

Answer: 0.11 Nm–1


Question: A liquid does not wet the sides of a solid, if the angle of contact is

  • a) Obtuse
  • b) 90°
  • c) Acute
  • d) Zero

Answer: Obtuse


Question: Two drops of equal radius coalesce to form a bigger drop. What is ratio of surface energy of bigger drop to a smaller one?

  • a) 22/3 : 1
  • b) 1 : 1
  • c) 21/2 : 1
  • d) None of these

Answer: 22/3 : 1


Question: The term ‘fluid’ is used for

  • a) Both liquids and gases
  • b) Gases only
  • c) Liquids only
  • d) A mixture of liquid and gas only

Answer: Both liquids and gases


Question: Select wrong statement about pressure

  • a) None of these
  • b) Pressure is always compressive in nature
  • c) Pressure is a scalar quantity
  • d) Pressure at a point is same in all directions

Answer: None of these


Question: Gauge pressure

  • a) All of these
  • b) May be zero
  • c) May be negative
  • d) May be positive

Answer: All of these


Question: Figure shows two containers P and Q with same base area A and each filled upto same height with same liquid. Select the correct alternative

  • a) px = py
  • b) px > py
  • c) py > px
  • d) None of these

Answer: px = py


Question: The pressure of confined air is p. If the atmospheric pressure is P, then

  • a) P is less than p
  • b) P is equal to p
  • c) P is greater than p
  • d) P may be less or greater than p depending on the mass of the confined air

Answer: P is less than p



  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)




  • a) 10
  • b) 15
  • c) 20
  • d) 25

Answer: 10



  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question:  A barometer kept in an elevator reads 76 cm when it is at rest. If the elevator goes up with some acceleration, the reading will be

  • a) < 76 cm
  • b) Zero
  • c) > 76 cm
  • d) 76 cm

Answer: < 76 cm



  • a) 0.8 N
  • b) 1 N
  • c) 8 N
  • d) 16 N

Answer:  0.8 N


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Mechanical Properties Of Fluids JEE (Main) Full Syllabus MCQs Physics

Regular MCQs practice helps to gain more practice in solving questions to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of Mechanical Properties Of Fluids concepts. MCQs play an important role in developing understanding of Mechanical Properties Of Fluids in JEE (Main) Full Syllabus. Students can download and save or print all the MCQs, printable assignments, practice sheets of the above chapter in Full Syllabus Physics in Pdf format from studiestoday. You can print or read them online on your computer or mobile or any other device. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Physics MCQ Test for the same chapter

JEE (Main) MCQs Physics Full Syllabus Mechanical Properties Of Fluids

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Regular revision of MCQs given on studiestoday for Full Syllabus subject Physics Mechanical Properties Of Fluids can help you to score better marks in exams

What are MCQs for Full Syllabus Physics Mechanical Properties Of Fluids

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for Mechanical Properties Of Fluids Full Syllabus Physics are objective-based questions which provide multiple answer options, and students are required to choose the correct answer from the given choices.

Why are Mechanical Properties Of Fluids important for Full Syllabus students?

Learning Mechanical Properties Of Fluids based MCQs will help students improve their overall understanding of important concepts and topics and help to score well in Full Syllabus Physics exams.

How can I practice Mechanical Properties Of Fluids for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus?

You can practice Mechanical Properties Of Fluids for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus through worksheets, textbooks and online quizzes provided by

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You can find JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Physics Mechanical Properties Of Fluids MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

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To prepare for Mechanical Properties Of Fluids MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

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Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Full Syllabus Physics Mechanical Properties Of Fluids

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Yes, you can find printable Mechanical Properties Of Fluids worksheets for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Physics on

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