JEE Physics Kinetic Theory MCQS Set A

Refer to JEE Physics Kinetic Theory MCQS Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by JEE (Main), NCERT and KVS. Kinetic Theory Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Physics Kinetic Theory

Full Syllabus Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Kinetic Theory in Full Syllabus.

Kinetic Theory MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Physics with Answers



Question: Select the appropriate property of an ideal gas

  • a) All of these
  • b) It strictly obeys the ideal gas laws
  • c) There are no forces of interaction between its molecules
  • d) Its molecules are infinitesimally small

Answer: All of these


Question: A real gas behaves as an ideal gas at

  • a) Very low pressure and high temperature
  • b) High pressure and low temperature
  • c) Low pressure and low temperature
  • d) High pressure and high temperature

Answer: Very low pressure and high temperature


Question: A gas at a pressure P0 is contained in a vessel. If the masses of all the molecules are halved and their velocities doubled, then the resulting pressure P will be

  • a)

  • b) P0
  • c) 2P0
  • d) 4P0



Question: If E is the energy density in an ideal gas, then the pressure of the ideal gas is

  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question: A sample of gas in a box is at pressure P0 and temperature T0. If number of molecules is doubled and total kinetic energy of the gas is kept constant, then final temperature and pressure will be

  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question: By increasing temperature of a gas by 6°C its pressure increases by 0.4 %, at constant volume. Then initial temperature of gas is

  • a) 1500 K
  • b) 2000 K
  • c) 750 K
  • d) 1000 K

Answer: 1500 K


Question: Boyle’s law is obeyed by

  • a) Ideal gas of constant mass and temperature
  • b) Real gas of constant mass and temperature
  • c) Both ideal and real gases at constant temperature and variable mass
  • d) Both ideal and real gases of constant mass and variable temperature

Answer: Ideal gas of constant mass and temperature


Question: For an ideal gas the fractional change in its volume per degree rise in temperature at constant pressure is equal to [T is absolute temperature of gas]

  • a) T–1
  • b) T2
  • c) T3
  • d) T0

Answer: T–1


Question: The raise in the temperature of a given mass of an ideal gas at constant pressure and at temperature 27° to double its volume is

  • a) 327°C
  • b) 54°C
  • c) 300°C
  • d) 600°C

Answer: 327°C


Question: Which of the following methods will enable the volume of ideal gas to be increased four times?

  • a) Double the temperature and reduce the pressure to half
  • b) Double the temperature and also double the pressure
  • c) Reduce the temperature to half and double the pressure
  • d) Reduce the temperature to half and reduce the pressure to half

Answer: Double the temperature and reduce the pressure to half


Question: A container has N molecules at absolute temperature T. If the number of molecules is doubled but kinetic energy in the box remain the same as before, the absolute temperature of the gas is

  • a)

  • b) T
  • c) 3T
  • d) 4T

Answer: 3T


Question: During an experiment an ideal gas is found to obey an additional law VP2 = constant. The gas is initially at temperature T and volume V, when it expands to volume 2V, the resulting temperature is

  • a)

  • b)

  • c)  2T
  • d)



Question: When pressure remaining constant, at what temperature will the r.m.s. speed of a gas molecules increase by 10% of the r.m.s. speed at NTP?

  • a) 57.3ºC
  • b) 557.3 K
  • c) –57.3ºC
  • d) 57.3 K

Answer: 57.3ºC



  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question: The average speed of gas molecules is v at pressure P. If by keeping temperature constant the pressure of gas is doubled, then average speed will become

  • a) v
  • b) 2v
  • c)

  • d)

Answer: v


Question:  Four molecules of a gas have speeds 1, 2, 3 and 4 km/s. The value of the r.m.s. speed of the gas molecules is

  • a)

  • b)

  • c) 2.5 km/s
  • d) None of these



Question: The r.m.s. speed of the molecules of enclosed gas is V. What will be the r.m.s. speed if pressure is doubled keeping the temperature same?

  • a) V
  • b) 2V
  • c) 4V
  • d)

Answer: V


Question:  Four molecules of a gas have speeds 1, 2, 3 and 4 km/s. The value of the r.m.s. speed of the gas molecules is

  • a) v
  • b) 2v
  • c)

  • d) None of these

Answer: v


Question: The effect of temperature on Maxwell’s speed distribution is correctly shown by

  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question: Select the incorrect statement about Maxwell’s speed distribution

  • a) The distribution curve is symmetric about the most probable speed
  • b) The area under the distribution curve gives total number of molecules of the gas
  • c) The distribution function depends only on the absolute temperature
  • d) None of these

Answer: The distribution curve is symmetric about the most probable speed


More Questions........................................


Question: The ratio of number of collisions per second at the walls of containers by He and O2 gas molecules kept at same volume and temperature, is (assume normal incidence on walls)

  • a)

  • b)

  • c) 1 : 2
  • d) 2 : 1



Question: An ant is moving on a plane horizontal surface. The number of degrees of freedom of the ant will be

  • a) 2
  • b) 3
  • c) 6
  • d) 1

Answer:  2



  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question: Molar specific heat at constant volume, for a non-linear triatomic gas is (vibration mode neglected)

  • a) 3R
  • b) 4R
  • c) 2R
  • d) R

Answer: 3R


Question: A mixture of ideal gases has 2 moles of He, 4 moles of oxygen and 1 mole of ozone at absolute temperature T. The internal energy of mixture is

  • a) 16 RT
  • b) 14 RT
  • c) 11 RT
  • d) 13 RT

Answer: 16 RT


Question: E0 and EH respectively represents the average kinetic energy of a molecule of oxygen and hydrogen. If the two gases are at the same temperature, which of the following statement is true?

  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d) Data insufficient



Question: 14 g of CO at 27°C is mixed with 16 g of O2 at 47°C. The temperature of mixture is (vibration mode neglected)

  • a) 37°C
  • b) 27°C
  • c) 32°C
  • d) –5°C

Answer: 37°C



  • a) 1.50
  • b) 1.6
  • c) 1.40
  • d) 1.33

Answer: 1.50



  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question: On increasing number density for a gas in a vessel, mean free path of a gas

  • a) Decreases
  • b) Increases
  • c) Remains same
  • d) Becomes double

Answer: Decreases


Question: At room temperature the rms speed of the molecules of a certain diatomic gas is found to be 1920 m/s. The gas is

  • a) H2
  • b) F2
  • c) Cl2
  • d) O2

Answer: H2


Question: An ideal gas is enclosed in a container of volume V at a pressure P. It is being pumped out of the container by using a pump with stroke volume v. What is final pressure in container after n-stroke of the pump? (assume temperature remains same)

  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)




  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question: Variation of atmospheric pressure, with height from earth is

  • a) Exponential
  • b) Hyperbolic
  • c) Parabolic
  • d) Linear

Answer: Exponential


Question: A narrow glass tube, 80 cm long and opens at both ends, is half immersed in mercury, now the top of the tube is closed and is taken out of mercury. A column of mercury 20 cm long remains in the tube. Find atmospheric pressure

  • a) 60 cm of Hg column
  • b) 20 cm of Hg column
  • c) 20 cm of air column
  • d) 60 cm of air column

Answer: 60 cm of Hg column


Question: One mole of monatomic gas and three moles of diatomic gas are put together in a container. The molar specific heat (in JK–1 mol–1) at constant volume is (Let R = 8 JK–1 mol–1)

  • a) 18
  • b) 19
  • c) 20
  • d) 21

Answer: 18


Question: Two closed containers of equal volume filled with air at pressure P0 and temperature T0. Both are connected by a narrow tube. If one of the container is maintained at temperature T0 and other at temperature T, then new pressure in the containers will be

  • a)

  • b)

  • c)

  • d)



Question: The temperature of a gas is –68°C. At what temperature will the average kinetic energy of its molecules be twice that of –68°C?

  • a) 137°C
  • b) 127°C
  • c) 100°C
  • d) 05°C

Answer: 137°C


Question: An ideal gas is filled in a closed container and container is moving with uniform acceleration in horizontal direction. Neglect gravity. Pressure inside the container is

  • a) Less in front
  • b) Less at back
  • c) Less at top
  • d) Uniform everywhere

Answer: Less in front


Question: One kg of a diatomic gas is at pressure of 8 × 104 N/m2. The density of the gas is 4 kg/m3. The energy of the gas due to its thermal motion will be

  • a) 5 × 104 J
  • b) 3 × 104 J
  • c) 4 × 104 J
  • d) 7 × 104 J

Answer: 5 × 104 J


MCQs for Kinetic Theory Physics Full Syllabus

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Physics to develop the Physics Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Physics will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Physics. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Physics so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Physics MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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