Refer to JEE Physics Communication System MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by JEE (Main), NCERT and KVS. Communication System Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Physics Communication System
Full Syllabus Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Communication System in Full Syllabus.
Communication System MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Physics with Answers
Question: An information signal of 150 MHz is to be sent across a distance of 40 km. Which mode of communication is suitable?
- a) Space wave propagation
- b) Satellite communication
- c) Ground wave propagation
- d) Sky wave propagation
Answer: Space wave propagation
Question: The communication satellite are parked at a height of (from surface of earth)
- a) 36000 km
- b) 3600 km
- c) 360 km
- d) 36 km
Answer: 36000 km
Question: For VHF television broadcasting, the frequency employed is generally
- a) 54 - 72 MHz
- b) 420 - 890 MHz
- c) 540 - 1600 kHz
- d) 88 - 108 kHz
Answer: 54 - 72 MHz
Question: Line of sight (LOS) communication is also known as
- a) Space wave communication
- b) Ionospheric communication
- c) Ground wave communication
- d) Sky wave communication
Answer: Space wave communication
Question: If a carrier of 1000 kHz is used to carry the signal, the length of transmitting antenna will be equal to
- a) 75 m
- b) 3000 mn
- c) 30 m
- d) 3 m
Answer: 75 m
Question: Modem is a device used for
- a) Either of these
- b) Converting digital to analog signals
- c) Converting analog signal to digital signals
- d) None of these
Answer: Either of these
Question: Long distance short wave radio broadcasting uses
- a) Sky wave
- b) Direct wave
- c) Space wave
- d) Ground wave
Answer: Sky wave
Question: 3-30 MHz frequency range is known as
- a) HF
- b) VHF
- c) UHF
- d) MF
Answer: HF
Question: A photodetector is made from a compound semiconductor with band gap 0.73 eV. The maximum wavelength it can detect is
- a) 17030 Å
- b) 6200 Å
- c) 1703 Å
- d) 12400 Å
Answer: 17030 Å
Question: Satellite communication is generally carried out for frequencies above
- a) 20 MHz
- b) 20 kHz
- c) 1 kHz
- d) 1 MHz
Answer: 20 MHz
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Question: An AM broadcasting station has a vertical telescopic transmitting antenna and a receiver has a vertical telescopic antenna. The receiver will respond to
- a) Electric component of the electromagnetic wave produced by antenna
- b) Magnetic component of the electromagnetic wave produced by antenna
- c) Both electric and magnetic components of electromagnetic wave produced by antenna
- d) 50% of both components of electromagnetic wave produced by antenna
Answer: Electric component of the electromagnetic wave produced by antenna
- a) 20 km
- b) 40 km
- c) 10 km
- d) 1 km
Answer: 20 km
Question: An audio signal of amplitude one half the carrier amplitude is used in an amplitude modulation. The modulation index is
- a) 0.50
- b) 0.125
- c) 0.25
- d) 2
Answer: 0.50
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: A demodulator circuit contains
- a) A diode
- b) A transistor
- c) A solar cell
- d) Logic gate
Answer: A diode
Question: A device which converts one type of energy into other is known as
- a) Transducer
- b) Receiver
- c) Transmitter
- d) Attenuator
Answer: Transducer
Question: On a particular day, the maximum frequency reflected from the ionosphere is 10 MHz. The maximum electron density in ionosphere is
- a) 1.23 × 1012/m3
- b) 1/9 × 106/m3
- c) 106/m2
- d) 1012/m3
Answer: 1.23 × 1012/m3
Question: Need for modulation" arises due to which of the following reasons?
- a) All of these
- b) It allows multiple user-friendly communication
- c)
- d)
Answer: All of these
Question: The area of the region covered by the T.V., broadcast by a T.V. tower of height 100 m is (in m2)
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- a) 60°
- b) 45°
- c) 30°
- d) 15°
Answer: 60°
Question: The communication satellites are parked at an altitude of
- a) 36000 km
- b) 3600 km
- c) 360 km
- d) 36 km
Answer: 36000 km
Question: A photodetector is made of a compound semiconductor with the band gap of 0.73eV. The maximum wavelength it can detect is
- a) 17030 Å
- b) 6200 Å
- c) 1703 Å
- d) 12400 Å
Answer: 17030 Å
Question: Modem is a device used for
- a) Both
- b) Modulation
- c) Demodulation
- d) None of these
Answer: Both
Question: If a carrier wave of 1000 kHz is used to carry the signal, the length of transmitting antenna will be equal to
- a) 75 m
- b) 3000 m
- c) 30 m
- d) 3 m
Answer: 75 m
Question: A ground receiver station is receiving a signal at 100 MHz transmitted from a ground transmitter at a height of 300 m located at a distance of 1000 km. It is coming via
- a) Satellite communication
- b) Sky wave
- c) Space wave
- d) Ground wave
Answer: Satellite communication
Question: In an AM wave for audio frequency of 3400 cycle/s, the appropriate carrier frequency will be
- a) 800,000 Hz
- b) 60000 Hz
- c) 34000 MHz
- d) 1000 Hz
Answer: 800,000 Hz
Question: In frequency modulation, the amount of frequency deviation depends on the
- a) Amplitude of audio signal
- b) None of these
- c) Frequency of audio signal
- d) Both the frequency and amplitude of audio signal
Answer: Amplitude of audio signal
Question: The ‘Facsimile Transmission (FAX)’ involves
- a) Exact reproduction of a document or static picture
- b) Taking photograph
- c) Speech communication
- d) Telegraphy
Answer: Exact reproduction of a document or static picture
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: A transmitting antenna at the top of tower has a height 32 m and height of receiving antenna is 50 m. Minimum distance between them for satisfactory LOS mode of communication is
- a) 45 km
- b) 60 km
- c) 100 km
- d) 40 km
Answer: 45 km
Question: Which of the following modulation index produces noise?
- a) 1.2
- b) 0.7
- c) 0.8
- d) 0.5
Answer: 1.2
Question: The radiowaves of frequency 300 MHz to 3000 MHz belong to
- a) Ultra high frequency band
- b) Super high frequency band
- c) Very high frequency band
- d) High frequency band
Answer: Ultra high frequency band
Question: Range of frequencies alotted for commerical FM radio broad cast is
- a) 88 to 108 MHz
- b) 88 to 108 kHz
- c) 8 to 88 MHz
- d) 88 to 108 GHz
Answer: 88 to 108 MHz
Question: The length of a half wave dipole antenna at 30 MHz is
- a) 5 m
- b) 100 m
- c) 50 m
- d) 10 m
Answer: 5 m
Question: In a single reflection from the ionosphere, the sky waves cover a distance on ground not more than
- a) 4000 km
- b) 400 km
- c) 4000 m
- d) 400 m
Answer: 4000 km
Question: The maximum range of ground or surface wave propagation depends on
- a) Both on frequency as well as power
- b) Wavelength of radiowaves
- c) Power of the transmitter only
- d) The frequency of radiowaves only
Answer: Both on frequency as well as power
Question: Refractive index of ionosphere is
- a) Less than one
- b) One
- c) More than one
- d) Zero
Answer: Less than one
Question: For sky wave propagation of a 10 MHz signal, what should be the minimum electron density in ionosphere?
- a) 1.2 × 1012 m–3
- b) 1.2 × 1014 m–3
- c) 1.2 × 1016 m–3
- d) 1.2 × 108 m–3
Answer: 1.2 × 1012 m–3
Question: The TV tower has a height of 100 m. What is the maximum distance upto which the T.V. transmission can be received ?
- a) 35.2 km
- b) 40.70 km
- c) 32.70 km
- d) 34.77 km
Answer: 35.2 km
Question: If both the length of the antenna and the wavelength of the signal to the transmitted are doubled, the power radiated by the antenna
- a) Remains constant
- b) Is doubled
- c) Is halved
- d) Increases 16 times
Answer: Remains constant
Question: Arrange the following communication frequency bands in the increasing order of frequencies
a. AM broadcast b. Cellular mobile radio c. FM broadcast d. Television UHF e. Satellite communication
- a) a, c, d, b, e
- b) e, b, d, c, a
- c) a, c, b, d, e
- d) a, b, c, d, e
Answer: a, c, d, b, e
Question: The waves used by artificial satellites for communication purposes are
- a) Microwaves
- b) AM radiowaves
- c) X-rays
- d) FM radiowaves
Answer: Microwaves
- a)
- b) 3r
- c) 4r
- d) 5r
Question: Modulation is the process of superposing
- a) Low frequency audio signal on high frequency waves
- b) Low frequency radio signal on low frequency audiowaves
- c) High frequency radio signal on low frequency audio signal
- d) High frequency audio signal on low frequency radiowaves
Answer: Low frequency audio signal on high frequency waves
Question: Which range of frequencies can be transmitted suitably by sky wave propagation?
- a) 2 MHz to 20 MHz
- b) Above 50 MHz
- c) 1 MHz to 2 MHz
- d) 5 kHz to 500 kHz
Answer: 2 MHz to 20 MHz
Question: In an optical fibre, the light signal is transmitted by
- a) Repeated total internal reflections at the core and cladding interface
- b) Polarisation of optical signals
- c) Interference between the incident and inflected waves
- d) Refraction at the core-cladding interface
Answer: Repeated total internal reflections at the core and cladding interface
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: The band width of amplitude modulation is
- a) Double the frequency of audio signal
- b) Double the frequency of carrier wave
- c) Equal to frequency of aduio signal
- d) Half the frequency of carrier wave
Answer: Double the frequency of audio signal
Question: Electromagnetic waves with frequencies greater than the critical frequency of ionosphere cannot be used for communication using sky wave propagation because
- a) The refractive index of ionosphere becomes very high for f > fc
- b) The refractive index of ionosphere becomes very low for f > fc
- c) The refractive index of ionosphere becomes very high for f < fc
- d) The refractive index of ionosphere becomes very low for f < fc
Answer: The refractive index of ionosphere becomes very high for f > fc
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MCQs for Communication System Physics Full Syllabus
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