Refer to JEE Physics Communication System MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by JEE (Main), NCERT and KVS. Communication System Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Physics Communication System
Full Syllabus Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Communication System in Full Syllabus.
Communication System MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Physics with Answers
Question: A device which provides output in electrical form or it has input in electrical form is called a
- a) Transducer
- b) Receiver
- c) Repeater
- d) Transmitter
Answer: Transducer
Question: Out of the following, which is not an essential element of a communication system?
- a) Transducer
- b) Receiver
- c) Communication channel
- d) Transmitter
Answer: Transducer
Question: Decrease in signal strength due to energy losses is called
- a) Attenuation
- b) Noise
- c) Interference
- d) Distortion
Answer: Attenuation
Question: The disturbance or distortion in the transmission and processing of message signals is called
- a) Noise
- b) Attenuation
- c) Interference
- d) None of these
Answer: Noise
Question: A repeater is a combination of
- a) All of these
- b) Transmitter
- c) AmplifierReceiver
- d) Receiver
Answer: All of these
Question: The frequency band of FM broadcast is
- a) 88 MHz to 108 MHz
- b) 88 Hz to 88 kHz
- c) None of these
- d) 800 kHz to 8000 MHz
Answer: 88 MHz to 108 MHz
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Modulation is necessary
- a) All of these
- b) To avoid mixing up of signals from different transmitters
- c) To increase effective power radiated by antenna
- d) To select suitable size of antenna
Answer: All of these
Question: A device that connects one computer to another across ordinary telephone lines is called
- a) Modem
- b) None of these
- c) Fax
- d) Transducer
Answer: Modem
Question: Three waves A, B and C of frequencies 1600 kHz, 5 MHz and 60 MHz, respectively are to be transmitted from one place to another. Which of the following is the most appropriate mode of communication?
- a) A is transmitted via ground wave, B via sky wave and C via space wave
- b) A is transmitted via space wave while B and C are transmitted via sky wave
- c) B and C are transmitted via ground wave while A is transmitted via sky wave
- d) B is transmitted via ground wave while A and C are transmitted via space wave
Answer: A is transmitted via ground wave, B via sky wave and C via space wave
Question: A speech signal of 3 kHz used to modulate a carrier signal of frequency 1 MHz, using amplitude modulation. The frequencies of the side bands will be
- a) 1.003 MHz and 0.997 MHz
- b) 3001 kHz and 2997 kHz
- c) 1 MHz and 0.997 MHz
- d) 1003 kHz and 1000 kHz
Answer: 1.003 MHz and 0.997 MHz
More Questions..............................
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: An ‘antenna’ is
- a) Inductive
- b) Capacitative
- c) Resistive above its resonance frequency
- d) None of these
Answer: Inductive
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: A male voice after modulation-transmission sounds like that of a female to the receiver. The problem is due to
- a) Poor bandwidth selection of amplifiers
- b) Poor selection of carrier frequency
- c) Loss of energy in transmission
- d) Poor selection of modulation index
Answer: Poor bandwidth selection of amplifiers
Question: A basic communication system consists of
A. Transmitter B. Information source C. User of information D. Channel E. Receiver
Choose the correct sequence in which these are arranged in a basic communication system
- a) BADEC
- b) BDACE
- c) BEADC
- d) ABCDE
Answer: BADEC
Question: Identify the mathematical expression for amplitude modulated wave
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: The distance between consecutive maxima and minima is given by
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Long distance short-wave radio broad-casting uses
- a) Ionospheric wave
- b) Direct wave
- c) Ground wave
- d) Sky wave
Answer: Ionospheric wave
Question: The band width of amplitude modulation is
- a) Double the frequency of audio signal
- b) Double the frequency of carrier wave
- c) Equal to frequency of aduio signal
- d) Half the frequency of carrier wave
Answer: Double the frequency of audio signal
Question: Broadcasting antennas are generally
- a) Vertical type
- b) Omnidirectional type
- c) Horizontal type
- d) None of these
Answer: Vertical type
Question: For television broadcasting, the frequency employed is normally
- a) 30 - 300 MHz
- b) 30 - 300 GHz
- c) 30 - 300 kHz
- d) 30 - 300 Hz
Answer: 30 - 300 MHz
Question: The sound waves after being converted into electrical waves are not transmitted as such because
- a) They are highly absorbed by the atmosphere
- b) The frequency is not constant
- c) They travel with the speed of sound
- d) The height of antenna has to be increased several times
Answer: They are highly absorbed by the atmosphere
Question: The process of superimposing signal frequency (i.e., audio wave) on the carrier wave is known as
- a) Modulation
- b) Detection
- c) Reception
- d) Transmission
Answer: Modulation
Question: In an amplitude modulated wave for audio -frequency of 500 cycles/second, the appropriate carrier frequency will be
- a) 50,000 cycles/s
- b) 500 cycles/s
- c) 100 cycles/s
- d) 50 cycles/s
Answer: 50,000 cycles/s
Question: If there were no atmosphere, the average temperature on the surface of earth would be
- a) Lower
- b) Higher
- c) Same as now
- d) 0°C
Answer: Lower
- a) 55 km
- b) 50 km
- c) 60 km
- d) 100 km
Answer: 55 km
Question: Radio wave of constant amplitude can be generated with
- a) Oscillator
- b) Rectifier
- c) FET
- d) Filter
Answer: Oscillator
Question: Ozone layer above earth’s atmosphere will not
- a) Reflect back radiowaves
- b) Prevent ultraviolet rays from sun
- c) Prevent ultraviolet rays from sun
- d) Prevent infrared radiations from sun reaching earth
Answer: Reflect back radiowaves
Question: An audio signal of 0.1 V is used in amplitude modulation of a career wave of amplitude 0.3. The modulation index is
- a)
- b) 3
- c) 0.03
- d) None of these
Question: The frequency of amplitude modulated wave is equal to
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: The radio waves of frequency ranging from 2 MHz to 30 MHz are called
- a) Sky waves
- b) Ground waves
- c) Space waves
- d) None of these
Answer: Sky waves
Question: A device which connects one computer to another is known as
- a) Modem
- b) FAX
- c) Laser lazer
- d) Photostat machine
Answer: Modem
Question: Loss of strength of a signal is known as
- a) Attenuation
- b) Modulation
- c) De-modulation
- d) Noise
Answer: Attenuation
Question: Which of the following is an advantage of FM over AM?
- a) Less noise
- b) Larger bandwidth
- c) Can be transmitted to longer distance
- d) More circuit complexity
Answer: Less noise
Question: The process of changing some characteristic of a carrier wave in accordance with the signal to be transmitted is called
- a) Modulation
- b) None of these
- c) Rectification
- d) Amplification
Answer: Modulation
Question: Modulation is done in
- a) Transmitter
- b) Radio receiver
- c) None of these
- d) Communication channel
Answer: Transmitter
Question: “Need for modulation” arises due to which of the following reasons?
- a) All of these
- b) It allows multiple user-friendly communication
- c)
- d)
Answer: All of these
Question: A ground receiver station is receiving a signal at 500 MHz transmitted from a ground transmitter at a height of 300 m located at a distance of 500 km. It is coming via
- a) Satellite communication
- b) Sky wave
- c) Space wave
- d) Ground wave
Answer: Satellite communication
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
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MCQs for Communication System Physics Full Syllabus
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