Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 6 Science Body Movements Worksheet Set D. Students and teachers of Class 6 Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Body Movements in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 6 students should practice questions and answers given here for Science in Class 6 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 6 Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Body Movements
Class 6 Science students should download to the following Chapter 8 Body Movements Class 6 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 6 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 6 Science Worksheet for Chapter 8 Body Movements
Skeletal System
I. Fill in the blanks :
1. In Shark, skeleton is made up of _______________.
2. Snails move with the help of a _________________.
3. The _____________ in the earthworm helps to get a good grip on the ground.
4. __________________ joint allows movement in all directions.
5. Synovial cavity is found in _______________ joints.
6. Elbow joint is an example of ______________ joint.
II. Write True or False :
1. Muscles and bones are attached by means of ligaments. ___________
2. Mammals like tiger and elephant, use their hind limb and fore limb for locomotion. ___________
3. Snakes move in a straight line. ___________
4. When a muscle contracts, it get short and fatter. ___________
5. The finger bones do not have joints. ___________
III. Name the following :
1. Name the skull bone which are moveable.
2. Name the joint found in neck.
3. Name the shape of the body found in fish.
4. Name the joint present in between adjacent vertebrate in the backbone
I) Fill in the blanks :
1. The bones are moved by alternate _________________ and of __________________ of two sets of muscles.
2. Snails move with the help of muscular ____________
3. Fish swim by forming ___________________ alternately on two sides of the body.
4. The body and legs of cockroaches have hard coverings forming on outer _____________
5. Snakes ________________ on the ground by looping sideways.
II) Distinguish between the following :
1. Ball , socket joint and Hinge joint.
2. Bone and Cartilage.
III) Define
1. Skeleton
2. Ribcage
3. Joint
IV) Answer the following questions :
1. Name the different types of joints in our body.
2. Write the adaptation of a bird.
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
1. ___________, _____________ and _____________ form our skeleton.
2. The ____________ in earthworm helps to get a good grip on the ground.
3. Cockroaches have _________ pairs of legs and _________ pairs of wings.
4. Small bones that constitute the backbone are called________________.
5. X-ray shows the shapes of _____________ in our body.
6. Foot of snails is made up of ________________ only.
7. _____________ and ________________ are the body parts that can be rotated completely , as they have ________________________ joint.
8. Cartilage is found in ________________ and ___________________.
9. _________________________ is the part of the body we sit on.
10._______________________ joint allows movement in all direction and _____________ joint allows only back and forth movement.
11.Ribs join _____________ and ___________________ together to form ribcage.
12.An organism with outer skeleton is _________________.
13.The bones are moved by alternate _________________ and of __________________ of two sets of muscles.
14.Snails move with the help of muscular ____________________________________.
15. The body and legs of cockroaches have hard coverings forming on outer ______________.
Q2. Tick the correct option:
1. Total number of bones present in an adult human:
a) 202
b) 204
c) 206
d) 208
2. Which of these helps a fish to move / swim in water:
a) Fins
b) Streamlined Body
c) Tail
d) All of these
3. The joint present in elbow region:
a) Fixed Joint
b) Hinge Joint
c) Pivotal Joint
d) Ball and Socket Joint
4. The joint present in our neck region:
a) Fixed Joint
b) Hinge Joint
c) Pivotal Joint
d) Ball and Socket Joint
Q3. What is the significance of human skeleton?
Q4. Name the parts of the body protected by the following bones:
A. Skull
B. Rib Cage
Q5. List some properties of muscles?
Q6. How does earthworm fix its body parts to the ground?
Q7. List the features that help a bird to fly?
Q8. How do muscles work to move a bone? Explain.
Q9. What is a streamlined body and how is it useful to fish?
Q10. Why is the upper part of our ear not soft as the ear lobe?
Q11. Define:
A. Joints
B. Cartilage
C. Streamlined Body
Q12. Name the type of the joint present in the following parts of body:
a) Skull Bones
b) Shoulder Bones
c) Pelvic Girdle
d) Knee
e) Wrist
f) Lower Jaw-
Q13. Choose the correct answer :
1. ( Hinge joint / Pivot joint ) allows rotation.
2. Cockroach has ( 2 / 3 ) pair of legs.
3. In snails, a hard shell from the rigid ( endoskeleton / exoskeleton ).
Q14. Distinguish between the following :
1. Ball, socket joint and Hinge joint.
2. Bone and Cartilage.
Q15. During a field-trip some students visited an agricultural farm and saw a few birds eating earthworms. They enjoyed the scene and then they also started picking and killing the earthworms for pleasure. The farmer strongly objected and asked them to leave the field.
(a) What values do you find missing in the student's behaviour ?
(b) What makes an earthworm a “farmer’s friend”?
Q16. Shruti saw a road accident. She immediately helped the person and took him to the nearby hospital. The doctor took an X-Ray of the patient’s elbow.
(a) What is an X-Ray?
(b) Which joint is present in our elbows?
(c) What moral values are shown by Shruti?
Q1 Complete the following table
Name of the animal | Body parts | How they move |
Cockroach | ||
Frog | ||
Crow | ||
Earthworm |
Q2 Define Joints.Name the varios types of movable joints
Q3 Bones are hard and cannot be bent?How do we bend our limbs at the elbow and knees?
Q4 What are fixed joints ?Give its example.
Q5 What is a ball and socket joint?Give its example.
Q6 How are we able to move our head up and down and sideways?
Q7 Name the joint that allows movement in one plane only?
Q8 Define pivotal joint.
Q9 What is the significance of human skeleton?(2 pionts)
Q10 What is a rib cage?
Q11 What are the important organs protacted by ribcage?
Q12 How many bones are present in our shoulder?
Q13 Differentiate between bone and cartilage?
Q15 What is the importance of cartilage?
Q16 What is the main function of a muscle and how does it work?
Q17 What will happen if cartilage is replaced by bone at our nose tip?
Q18 How does an earthworm moves?
Q19 Why do we say that earthworm are friends of farmers?
Q20 How does earthworm fix its body parts to the ground?
Q21 What area the special features that help a bird to fly?
Q22 What are the different body parts used by cockroach for its movements?
Q23 Explain the movement of snail?
Q24 What is the significance of streamlined body in fishes?
Q25 What is the importance of fins in fish?
Q26 Name the types of joints present in
a) Elbow
b) Shoulder
c) Wrist
d) Ankle
e) Knee
f) Skull
g) Neck
h) Lower jaw
Q28 Identify the types of joints involved in the following activities
a) Writing
b) Neck exercise
c) chewing
d) bowling
e) running
Q1 Complete the following table
Name of the animal Body parts How they move
Q2 Define Joints.Name the varios types of movable joints
Q3 Bones are hard and cannot be bent?How do we bend our limbs at the elbow and knees?
Q4 What are fixed joints ?Give its example.
Q5 What is a ball and socket joint?Give its example.
Q6 How are we able to move our head up and down and sideways?
Q7 Name the joint that allows movement in one plane only?
Q8 Define pivotal joint.
Q9 What is the significance of human skeleton?(2 pionts)
Q10 What is a rib cage?
Q11 What are the important organs protacted by ribcage?
Q12 How many bones are present in our shoulder?
Q13 Differentiate between bone and cartilage?
Q15 What is the importance of cartilage?
Q16 What is the main function of a muscle and how does it work?
Q17 What will happen if cartilage is replaced by bone at our nose tip?
Q18 How does an earthworm moves?
Q19 Why do we say that earthworm are friends of farmers?
Q20 How does earthworm fix its body parts to the ground?
Q21 What area the special features that help a bird to fly?
Q22 What are the different body parts used by cockroach for its movements?
Q23 Explain the movement of snail?
Q24 What is the significance of streamlined body in fishes?
Q25 What is the importance of fins in fish?
Q26 Name the types of joints present in
a) Elbow
b) Shoulder
c) Wrist
d) Ankle
e) Knee
f) Skull
g) Neck
h) Lower jaw
Q28 Identify the types of joints involved in the following activities
a) Writing
b) Neck exercise
c) chewing
d) bowling
e) running
1.The joint between head and upper jaw is an example of:
(A) Hinge joint
(B) Pelvic joint
(C) Fixed joint
(D) Ball and socket joint
2.Name the joint where our neck joins the head.
3.In which direction does the hinge joint allow movements?
4.Name the joints which can not move.
5.Name the frame work which gives the shape to our body.
6.Which bones enclose the portion below the stomach in our bodys?
7.Name the structure which encloses and protects the brain.
8.The joints which move in all directions and the rounded end of one bone fits into the cavity of the other bone, are called:
(A) Ball and socket joints
(B) Pivotal joints
(C) Hinge joints
(D) Fixed joints
9.Ball and socket joints are present in:
(A) Joint between neck and head.
(B) Elbow joint
(C) Joint between shoulder and arm.
(D) Knee joint
10.joint moves the body part in forward, backward and in side ways direction.
(A) Hinge
(B) Pivotal
(C) Ball and socket
(D) Fixed
11.Match the following and choose the correct answer from the code given below:
Column I Column II
i) Neck A) moves back and forth.
ii) Arms B) do not move at all.
iii) Knee C) moves forward, backward and sideways.
iv) Bones in head D) move in all direction
(A) i)-D); ii)-A); iii)-C); iv)-B
(B) i)-C); ii)-B); iii)-A); iv)-D)
(C) i)-B); ii)-D); iii)-C); iv)-A)
(D) i)-C); ii)-D); iii)-A); iv)-B)
12.The bone at the back which is made up of many small bones is called:
(A) Backbone
(B) Ribcage
(C) Pelvic bones
(D) Cartilage
13.The bones which enclose the portion of the body below the stomach:
(A) Backbone
(B) Hip bones
(C) Shoulder bones
(D) Rib cage
14.Which of the following statements are true:
i) Cartilage is found in upper parts of the ear.
ii) Ribcage joins the chest bone and backbone together.
iii) The bones in our body form a framework, called skeleton which gives shape to our body.
iv) Backbone is made up of only one long bone.
(A) i) and ii) only
(B) i), ii) and iv)
(C) i), ii) and iii)
(D) i), ii) and iv)
15.The animal that does not have any bones is:
(A) Earthworm
(B) Bird
(C) Elephant
(D) Fish
16.Earthworm secretes a slimy substance to help it in:
(A) Growth
(B) Movement
(C) Digestion
(D) Respiration
17.The outer skeleton of a snail is called :
(A) Shell
(B) Skull
(C) Backbone
(D) Both a & b
18.Cockroaches have ______pairs of legs and _____ pairs of wings.
(A) 2, 3
(B) 3, 3
(C) 3, 2
(D) 2, 2
19.The ____ musclesof a cockroach help in flying.
(A) Heart
(B) Breast
(C) Leg
(D) Flight
20.Movement in cockroaches is due to:
(A) Outer skeleton
(B) Legs
(C) Antennae
(D) Wings
21.The birds can fly because of:
(A) Forelimbs modified into wings.
(B) Hollow and light bones.
(C) Both a) & b)
(D) None of the above.
22.In birds, the bones of hind limbs are used in:
(A) Flying
(B) Respiration
(C) Walking and perching
(D) Prevention
23.The streamlinedbody in ___helps in movement.
(A) Snakes
(B) Fishes
(C) Earthworm
(D) Snail
24.The bony parts of the forelimbs in birds are modified as:
(A) Fins
(B) Hands
(C) Legs
(D) Wings
25.Which body part helps the fish to swim.
(A) Tail
(B) Fins
(C) Scales
(D) Forelimbs
26.Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer from the code given below.
i) Stream-lined is the shape in which body tapers at both ends.
ii) ball and socket joint can move in all direction.
iii) X-Ray shows the shape of the bones in our body.
iv) When muscles contract, they become shorter, stiffer and thicker.
(A) i) and iii) only
(B) i), ii) and iii)
(C) i), ii), and iv)
(D) All
27.Match the following and choose the correct answer from the code given below :
Column I Column II
i) Birds A) Slither
ii) Fishes B) Fly and walk
iii) Snakes C) Walk
iv) Humans D) Swim
(A) i)-C); ii)-D); iii)-B); iv)-A
(B) i)-B); ii)-D); iii)-A); iv)-C)
(C) i)-B); ii)-A); iii)-C); iv)-D)
(D) i)-C); ii)-A); iii)-B); iv)-D)
28.Ancient Greek Philosopher, ________ in his book "Gait of animals" asked many questions to himself about the body movements in different animals.
(A) Aristotle
(B) Lavoiser
(C) Kennedy
(D) Newton
29.The body parts used by earthworms to get a good grip on the ground are:
(A) Thorns
(B) Bristles
(C) Slimy secretion
(D) Legs
30.When one muscle ____ ,the bone moves in that direction and other muscle____.
(A) contracts, relaxes
(B) relaxes, relaxes
(C) contracts, contracts
(D) relaxes, contracts
31.The ________ bones in birds are modified to hold the muscles for flight which are used to move the wings up and down.
(A) Shoulder
(B) Breast
(C) Forelimb
(D) Hind limb
32.Match the items of column 'A' with the items of column 'B':
Column A Column B
I Leg a. Friend of farmer
II Snail b. thigh bone
III Earthworm c. swimming
IV Whale d. Covered with a hard shell.
(A) I - b, II - d, III - a, IV - c
(B) I - d, II - c, III - b, IV - a
(C) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - a
(D) I - c, II - b, III - a, IV - d
33.Which one of the following animals has streamlined body?
(A) Earthworm.
(B) Snail.
(C) Fish.
(D) Snake.
34.Which of the following is not the function of the skeletal system?
(A) It forms the framework of body.
(B) It helps to protect the delicate organs.
(C) It helps in the movement of the body.
(D) It helps in digestion of food.
35.The movable skull bone is -
(A) Upper jaw.
(B) Lower jaw.
(C) Both (1) and (2).
(D) None of these.
36.Cockroach has _______ of jointed legs.
(A) Three pairs
(B) Two pairs
(C) Four pairs
(D) One pair
37.The joint which allows movement only in onedirection is-
(A) Pivotal joint.
(B) Ball and socket joint.
(C) Gliding joint.
(D) Hinge joint.
38.Snail moves with the help of-
(A) Contracting and expanding body.
(B) Muscular foot.
(C) Fins.
(D) None of these.
39.Movement of arm atthe elbow is due to ___.
(A) Ball and socket joint.
(B) Pivotal joint.
(C) Fixed joint.
(D) Hinge joint.
40.Which of the following statement is not true?
(A) The longest bone in our skeletal system is the thigh bone.
(B) The movement of a body as a whole is called locomotion.
(C) Cartilage is hard and bones are soft.
(D) Cockroaches have an external skeleton.
41.The systems which help in different types of movements in our body are__________.
(A) Skeletal and muscular system.
(B) Skeletal and circulatory system.
(C) Only the skeletal system.
(D) Muscular system and circulatory system.
42.The joint in the skull is a -
(A) Ball-socket joint.
(B) Gliding joint.
(C) Fixed joint.
(D) Hinge joint.
43.Find the odd one out -
(A) Eye.
(B) Mouth.
(C) Heart.
(D) Hand.
44.Total number of bones in our skeleton is -
(A) 406.
(B) 208.
(C) 206.
(D) 306
45.Which of the following is not an external organ in humans?
(A) Head.
(B) Hand.
(C) Leg.
(D) Lungs.
46.What meant by streamlined body shape?
47.Our skeleton is made up of -
(A) Bones.
(B) Cartilage.
(C) Both (1) and (2).
(D) None of these.
48.Joints of the bones help in the .... of the body.
49.A combination of bones and cartilages forms the of the body.
50.The bones at the elbow are joined by a joint.
51.The contraction of the pulls the bones during movement.
52.The muscle get bulged due to
53.What may happen if our body has no joints ?
54.What is the importance of skeleton in our body ?
55.What is the importance of rib cage in our body ?
56.Name the organs used by : (a) fish during swimming (b) earthworms during moving.
57.What is a fixed joint? Give examples
58.What is cartilage where is it found?
59.What are called joints? Write any two uses .
60.write a short note on the gait of snail?
61.write about hinge joint?
62.Give one location for each of the following in our body.
(i) Hinge joint (ii) Pivotal Joint
63.Why does a snake move very fast and not in a straight line?
64.What is a ball and socket joint ?
65.Which of the skull bones are movable ?
66.Why can our elbow not move backwards ?
67.What are fixed joints ?
68.What is a pivotal joint ?
69.What are joints? Name them.
70.What is a ball and socket joint?
71.What is cartilage? Where do we find it ?
72.What is a skeleton? Write its functions
73.write a short note on pivotal joint
74.What comprises the human skeleton?
75.Explain the movements in a cockroach
76.How do earth worms move? What two things help them in their movements? How
77.How is a fish able to move easily in water?
78.How do bones move? Explain.
79.What makes the birds body suitable to fly
80.What is a ball and socket joint and Hinge joint ?Explain
81.Write a short note on pivotal joint and fixed joint
I) Fill in the blanks :
1. The bones are moved by alternate _________________ and of __________________ of two sets of muscles.
2. Snails move with the help of muscular ____________________________________.
3. Fish swim by forming ____________________________ alternately on two sides of the body.
4. The body and legs of cockroaches have hard coverings forming on outer __________________________________.
5. Snakes ___________________________ on the ground by looping sideways.
II) Distinguish between the following :
1. Ball , socket joint and Hinge joint.
2. Bone and Cartilage.
III) Define
1. Skeleton
2. Ribcage
3. Joint
IV) Answer the following questions :
1. Name the different types of joints in our body.
2. Write the adaptation of a bird.
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
1. ___________, _____________ and _____________ form our skeleton.
2. The ____________ in earthworm helps to get a good grip on the ground.
3. Cockroaches have _________ pairs of legs and _________ pairs of wings.
4. Small bones that constitute the backbone are called________________.
5. X-ray shows the shapes of _____________ in our body.
6. Foot of snails is made up of ________________ only.
7. _____________ and ________________ are the body parts that can be rotated completely , as they have ________________________ joint.
8. Cartilage is found in ________________ and ___________________.
9. _________________________ is the part of the body we sit on.
10._______________________ joint allows movement in all direction and _____________ joint allows only back and forth movement.
11.Ribs join _____________ and ___________________ together to form ribcage.
12.An organism with outer skeleton is _________________.
13.The bones are moved by alternate _________________ and of __________________ of two sets of muscles.
14.Snails move with the help of muscular ____________________________________.
15. The body and legs of cockroaches have hard coverings forming on outer ______________.
Q2. Tick the correct option:
1. Total number of bones present in an adult human:
b) 204
c) 206
d) 208
2. Which of these helps a fish to move / swim in water:
a) Fins
b) Streamlined Body
c) Tail
d) All of these
3. The joint present in elbow region:
a) Fixed Joint
b) Hinge Joint
c) Pivotal Joint
d) Ball and Socket Joint
4. The joint present in our neck region:
a) Fixed Joint
b) Hinge Joint
c) Pivotal Joint
d) Ball and Socket Joint
Q3. What is the significance of human skeleton?
Q4. Name the parts of the body protected by the following bones:
A. Skull
B. Rib Cage
Q5. List some properties of muscles?
Q6. How does earthworm fix its body parts to the ground?
Q7. List the features that help a bird to fly?
Q8. How do muscles work to move a bone? Explain.
Q9. What is a streamlined body and how is it useful to fish?
Q10. Why is the upper part of our ear not soft as the ear lobe?
Q11. Define:
A. Joints
B. Cartilage
C. Streamline
d Body
Q12. Name the type of the joint present in the following parts of body:
a) Skull Bones
b) Shoulder Bones
c) Pelvic Girdle
d) Knee
e) Wrist
f) Lower Jaw-
Q13. Choose the correct answer :
1. ( Hinge joint / Pivot joint ) allows rotation.
2. Cockroach has ( 2 / 3 ) pair of legs.
3. In snails, a hard shell from the rigid ( endoskeleton / exoskeleton ).
Q14. Distinguish between the following :
1. Ball , socket joint and Hinge joint.
2. Bone and Cartilage.
Q15. During a field-trip some students visited an agricultural farm and saw a few birds eating earthworms. They enjoyed the scene and then they also started picking and killing the earthworms for pleasure. The farmer strongly objected and asked them to leave the field.
(a) What values do you find missing in the student's behaviour ?
(b) What makes an earthworm a “farmer’s friend”?
Q16. Shruti saw a road accident. She immediately helped the person and took him to the nearby hospital. The doctor took an X-Ray of the patient’s elbow.
(a) What is an X-Ray?
(b) Which joint is present in our elbows?
(c) What moral values are shown by Shruti?
Q1 Answer the following in one word
a) A group of cells performing a special job____________
b) Strong ,bands that keep the bones together at joints_________
c) Tough bands which attach muscles to bones _____________
d) Animals that have backbones____________
Answer the following question
Q.2 Explain how you will make a ball and socket joint with the help of a paper strip and a rubber ball?
Q.3 How does an earthworm fix parts of its body to the ground?
Q.4 Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
(i) The hinge joint allows movement in
a. all direction b. one plane only c. two planes only d. depends on where the joint is located in the body.
(ii) What acts as shock absorber at the joints?
a. ligaments b. cartilage c.tendons d. biceps
(iii) Which of these is not an organ system ?
a. heart b. respiratory . c. digestive d. excretory
Q.4 Write the significance of “ charkha” during independence movement
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Worksheet for CBSE Science Class 6 Chapter 8 Body Movements
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