CBSE Class 6 Science Light Shadows And Reflections Worksheet Set A

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 6 Science Light Shadows And Reflections Worksheet Set A. Students and teachers of Class 6 Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 6 students should practice questions and answers given here for Science in Class 6 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 6 Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection

Class 6 Science students should download to the following Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection Class 6 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 6 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 6 Science Worksheet for Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection

Learning Objectives
1. Introduction
2. Sources of light - Natural and Artificial
3. Luminious and Non-luminous objects
4. Transparent, translucent and opaque objects
5. Rectilinear propagation of light
6. Pinhole camera
7. Shadows and Images
8. Solar and Lunar eclipses
9. Reflection of light

We see the colourful and beautiful world around us. Light helps us to see things around us. We cannot see light but light creates sensation of vision. We detect light with our eyes. Light is a form of energy.

The objects that givse out light are called sources of light.

There are two types of sources of light
1. Natural sources : Sun and stars are natural sources of light.
2. Man-made (or artificial sources) : Electric bulb, glowing tube-light, fire, burning candle etc are all man-made sources of light.
Do You Know : objects give off light at different wave- length which is invisible. These materials are called fluorescent materials.

The objects which emit their own light are called luminous objects. For e.g. Sun, stars, torch, fire, flame of a candle are luminous objects. We can see luminous objects due to the light emitted by them.
The objects which do not emit their own light are called non-luminous objects.
For e.g. Earth, table, chair, flowers etc., are non-luminous objects. Non-luminous objects are visible because of the light falling on them from luminous objects.

An object which allows most of the light to pass through it is called as transparent object. For e.g. Air, glass, water, etc. An object which allows only a part of the light to pass through it is called as translucent object. For e.g., Milky white plastic, frosted glass etc. An object which does not allow light to pass through it is called as opaque object. For e.g., wood, cement, metal sheet etc.
Do You Know : Ultraviolet rays can go through trans- lucent objects. Due to this a person behind this object can get a sunburn on a Sunny day.

Light travel in a straight line. It is known as rectilinear propagation of light.


If you see the flame through the holes at same level, the flame is visible but if one of the cardboards is displaced such that the holes are not in straight line, the flame of the candle will not be visible. This suggests that light travels in a straight line.

A pinhole camera works on the principle of rectilinear propagation of light and pin-hole acts as a lens.

The box is closed from all sides and a forested glass sheet covers one side, containing a very small hole in the centre. An inverted image of the object is formed on it.

Do You Know : Artists from the sixteenth century onwards used a pinhole camera to help them get the correct colour proportions for a painting.SHADOWS AND IMAGES

When light falls on an opaque object, it obstructs the path of light and shadow is formed. Thus shadow is the region of absence of light.


Do You Know : Shadow is comparatively long, in early morning and in late afternoon.

The main requirements for the formation of a shadow are :
(i) A source of light
(ii) An opaque obstacle
(iii) A screen behind the obstacle.

Important characteristics of a shadow
(1) Shadow is formed when path of light is obstructed through an opaque object.
(2) Shadow lies to the opposite side of the source of light.
(3) The size of a shadow changes according to the position of source of light w.r.t the object.

When rays of light after reflection meet, then image of the object is formed. It is an impression of an object.

Do You Know : Image formed by convex mirror is always smaller than the object and the image formed by concave mirror may be larger, smaller or equal to the size of the object depending upon the position of the object from the mirror.

Comparison of shadow and image :

1Shadow is the region of absence of light due to obstruction in its pathImage is the impression of an
object formed when rays of light
after reflection meet.
2Shadow is always darkImage has all the colours of the
3Shadow may be bigger or smaller in size than the actual size of an object.Image formed by a plane mirror is of the same size as that of the

Solar and lunar eclipse are formed due to the shadows only.

Solar eclipse
We know that moon revolves around the earth. When moon comes in between the sun and the earth, then the shadow of moon falls on the earth creating darkness over a small region of earth. This incident is known as solar eclipse. Since the size of moon is smaller as compared to the sun, so the region of total darkness (umbra) is small and region of partial darkness (penumbra) is bigger


Lunar eclipse
During the revolution, earth comes between the sun and the moon then the shadow of the earth is formed on the moon, due to which it appears dark. This phenomenon is called as lunar eclipse. Since the size of the earth is bigger than that of the moon, so the region of total darkness (umbra) is more than the region of partial darkness (penumbra).


When a ray of light falls on an opaque object, it bounces back. This bouncing back of light into the same medium is called reflection of light. Non-luminous objects are visible because they reflect light rays falling on them.

Reflection of light from a smooth and rough surface 
Reflection of light from a smooth surface is called regular reflection. In regular reflection a parallel beam of incident light is reflected back as a parallel beam in one direction. Plane mirror and highly polished metal surfaces produce regular reflection. Images are formed by regular reflection.


Do You Know : In early age, mirrors were formed by polishing a volcanic rock called obsidian which was glassy and black.

When a parallel beam of light falls on a rough surface then light is reflected in different direction, it is known as diffuse reflection or irregular reflection. Rough surfaces like wall, table, cardboard, etc. produce diffuse reflection


Do You Know : We are able to see an object due to diffuse reflection.



ACTIVITY- 1 : To distinguish transparent, opaque and translucent objects.

Question 1- Classify different objects depending on whether an object allows light to pass through it completely, partially or not at all.
Answer : Transparent, translucent and opaque objects.
Question 2- Classify the objects given in following table as transparent, opaque or translucent.
Object/ Material       Transparent/ Opaque/ Translucent
Water                         Transparent
Tissue Paper             Translucent
Stone                         Opaque
Air                              Transparent
Book                          Opaque
Mirror                         Opaque
Thin Cloth                  Translucent

ACTIVITY- 2 : To show that light travels in a straight line. 
Question 1- Light travels in __________ line path
Answer : Straight.
Question 2- Light cannot pass through _________ material.
Answer : Opaque.

ACTIVITY- 3 : To show that screen is compulsory for the formation of shadow. 
Question 1- For shadow formation, how many things are required?
Answer : Three i.e. a source of light, an opaque object and a screen.
Question 2- A shadow is observed, on a screen, when an ______ object comes in-between screen and a source of light.
Answer : Opaque.

ACTIVITY- 4 : To study factors on which size and colour of shadow depends.
Question 1- The size of shadow of a given opaque object depends on relative _____ of source of light and the opaque object.
Answer : Position.
Question 2- What may be the colour of opaque object, shadow will always be ________. (black/ white)
Answer : Black.

ACTIVITY- 5 : To construct a pinhole camera. 
Question 1- Pin hole camera is based on the fact that in ordinary conditions light travel in ____ path.
Answer : Straight line.
Question 2- The images formed by pin hole camera is _______ and ________.
Answer : Inverted and smaller in size.

ACTIVITY- 6 : To observe reflection of lght.
Question 1- A mirror does not change the direction of light that falls on it. (true/ false)
Answer : False.
Question 2- A polished or shining surface like plane mirror produces ___________ reflection.
Answer : Regular.
1- Fill In The Blanks.
a). An object that allow light to pass through them partially are known as translucent objects.
b). Light source like the Sun that emit light of their own are called luminous objects. 
c). Never ever look directly at the Sun because it could be extremely dangerous for the eyes. 
d). The change in direction of propagation of light when light allowed to fall on polished surface is called reflection of light. 
e). Due to reflection phenomena rooms are lighted up in day time though no direct sunlight enters the room.

2- Write True Or False.
a). Moon is a luminous object. (False) 
b). We can clearly see through transparent material. (True) 
c). Shadow of opaque object is always black. (True) 
d). Light doesn’t travel in straight line path. (False) 
e). Due to reflection of light, rooms are lighted up during day time though no direct sunlight enters the room. (True)

3- Match The Column ‘A’ With Column ‘B’.
                A                                                         B
1. Natural source of light                         a. Light moves along a straight path
2. CFL, LED and tube light                       b. Opaque object
3. Rectilinear propagation of light             c. Shadow cast by a heavenly body
4. Eclipse                                               d. Man-made source of light
5. Cardboard, wood and metal                 e. Sun, stars and firefly
Answer : 1-e,2-d,3-a,4-c,5-b

4. Choose The Correct Answer.
(i) Objects, like moon, which do not emit light of their own, are called
a) Luminous objects
b) Absorbers of light
c) Non-luminous objects 
d) Reflectors of light
Answer : C
(ii) An object, through which we can see partially, but not very clearly, is
a) A rubber ball
b) A sheet of plane glass
c) A sheet of tracing paper 
d) A compact disc
Answer : C
(iii) When Sun (during evening) is behind an object, the size of its shadow in comparison to that of the object would be
a) Smaller
b) Larger 
c) Almost zero
d) Equal
Answer : B
(iv) The image, formed by a pin hole camera, is
a) Inverted and diminished 
b) Inverted and enlarged
c) Erect and enlarged
d) Erect and diminished
Answer : A
(v) For shadow formation, we require :
a) An opaque object
b) A source of light
c) The screen to obtain the shadow
d) All of the above 
Answer : D

5- Very Short Answer Type Questions.
(i) State the type of path that light ordinarily follows while going from one point to another.
Answer : Straight line path.
(ii) Fishes do not cast shadow in water. Why?
Answer : Due to absence of a screen at proper distance.
(iii) State the relative position of Sun, Earth and the Moon during solar eclipse.
Answer : During solar eclipse moon is between sun and earth
(iv) In a completely dark room, if you hold a mirror in front of you, will you see a reflection of yourself in the mirror?
Answer : No.
(v) Two identical bed sheets, of pink and grey colour are hanging on a rope under the Sun. What would be the colour of shadow of these two bed sheets?
Answer : Black.

6- Short Answer Type Questions.
(i) What is regular reflection?
Answer : When light fall on polished or shining surface like plane mirror, these surfaces reflect light in a well defined regular manner, this is called regular reflection. Sometimes regular reflection also forms images.
(ii) Why shadow in afternoon is smaller than shadow formed in the morning?
Answer : In afternoon the Sun is above the object, So forms a smaller shadow. In morning sunlight falls obliquely and forms larger shadow.

Question 7- Long Answer Type Questions.
(i) Using suitable diagrams show that size of shadow formed, depends on relative position of the source of light and the opaque object.
Answer : 

 6th.sci.eng.Oct.Nov.21.22 1

(ii) Using diagram, show the formation of image by pinhole camera.
Answer : 

6th.sci.eng.Oct.Nov.21.22 2

More Question-

Q1. What are luminous and non-luminous objects? Give examples.

Q2. Differentiate between transparent, translucent and opaque objects withexamples.

Q3. What is a shadow? How is it formed?

Q4. List the conditions essential for the formation of a shadow.

Q5. Classify the following as transparent, translucent and opaque objects:

       a )Stone                                                   f) Wood

       b) Wax paper                                           g) Smoke

       c) Reading glasses                                   h) Leather

       d) Common salt                                       i) Blood

       e) Skin of a drum                                     j) Dense fog

Q6. What type of shadows are formed by transparent, translucent and opaue objects?

Q7. Why do we not see the shadow of aeroplanes and birds flying in the sky?

Q8. State the principle behind the working of a pinhole camera. Describe in detail how youwill make a simple pinhole camera at home.

Q9. List the characteristics of the image formed in a pinhole camera.

Q10. Describe an activity to show that light travels in a straight line.

Q11. Define reflection of light.

Q12. Fill in the blanks:

1. ____________ objects do not caste any shadow.

2. Moon is a _____________ object. (luminous/nonluminous)

3. Shadows give us information about the _____________ of the object.

4. Solar and Lunar eclipse are examples of _____________ formation in nature.

5. A _____________ changes the direction of light that falls on it.

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Worksheet for CBSE Science Class 6 Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection

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CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflection worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

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