CBSE Class VI Science

Download Class 6 Science NCERT Solutions, latest Books, printable worksheets with important questions and answers, latest CBSE Sample Papers and past year question papers with solutions and other useful study material prepared based on latest guidelines, examination pattern and blueprint issued by CBSE and NCERT. Also, Download Mathematics 6th Class Study Material Here.

Class 6 Science syllabus, examination structure and important topics. The syllabus for class 6 mainly has topics as given in the science books issued by NCERT books, most of the schools are also recommending books of other publishers which have additional worksheets, which the students can practice to score better in class tests and school level examinations. Students also keep on searching for worksheets and videos to better understand various topics. You can find all study material on Details of important topics is given below:


The Class 6 Science students should be able to perform the following: 

  1. Explore surroundings, natural processes, phenomena using senses viz. seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, hearing.
  2. Pose questions and find answers through reflection, discussion, designing and performing appropriate activities, role. plays, debates, use of ICT, etc. Also do Worksheets for Class 6 Science
  3. Record the observations during the activity, experiments, surveys, field trips, etc.
  4. Analyse recorded data, interpret results and draw inference/ make generalisations and share findings with peers and adults. Also try doing NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science
  5. Exhibit creativity presenting novel ideas, new designs/patterns, improvisation, etc.
  6. Internalise, acquire and appreciate values such as cooperation, collaboration, honest reporting, judicious use of resources, etc. Also solve Question papers for Class 6 Science.

1. Food Sources of food What are the various sources of our food? What do other animals eat?

Components of food What is our food made up of? Why do we eat a variety of food?

Cleaning food How do we separate the grains after harvesting the wheat /rice crop?

2. Materials

Materials of daily use What are our clothes Made of? How did people manage when there were no clothes?
Are some of our clothes made of materials obtained from plants? In what kinds of places do these plants grow? Which parts of the plants are used for making clothes?

Different kinds of materials
What kinds of things do we see around us?

How things change/ react with one another In what ways do things change on being heated? Do they change back on being cooled? Why does a burning candle get shorter?

How much salt can be dissolved in a cup of water?

3.The World of the Living
Things around us

Are all things around us living? What is the difference between living and non-living? Are all living things similar? Do all living things move? Where do plants and animals live? Can we grow plants in the dark?

The habitat of the living
How does habitat affect plants and animals? How do fish live in water?

Plants – form and function
What is the structure and function of various parts of the plants - stem, leaf and roots? How do different flowers differ from one another? How does one study flowers?

Animals – form and function
What is inside our bodies? How do animals move? Do all animals have bones in their bodies? How do fishes move? And birds fly? What about snakes, snails, earthworms?

4. Moving Things, People and Ideas

How did people travel from one place to another in earlier times? How did they know how far they had travelled? How do we know that something is moving? How do we know how far it has moved?

5. How things work

Electric current and circuits
How does a torch work?
Do all materials allow current to flow through them?

What is a magnet?
Where on a magnet do things stick?
How is a magnet used to find direction?
How do two magnets behave when brought close to each other?

6. Natural Phenomena
Rain, thunder and lightning

Where does rain come from? How do clouds form?

Which are the things we can see through?
When are shadows formed? Do you get a shadow at night – when there is no light in the room, no moonlight or other source of light? What colour is a shadow?
On what kinds of surfaces can we see images?

7. Natural Resources Importance of water What will happen to soil, people, domestic animals, rivers, ponds and plants and animals if it does not rain this year?
What will happen to soil, people, domestic animals, plants and animals living in rivers and ponds, if it rains heavily?
Importance of air
Why do earthworms come out of the soil when it rains?
Do you throw away fruit and vegetable peels and cuttings? Can these be reused? If we dump them anywhere, will it harm the surroundings? What if we throw them in plastic bags?