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Worksheet for Class 3 English Adjectives
Class 3 English students should download to the following Adjectives Class 3 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 3 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 3 English Worksheet for Adjectives
Tick (√) the most appropriate adjectives in the following sentences.
Underline the adjectives in the following sentences.
1. The kind lady lived in a small hut near the jungle.
Answer. kind, small
2. The young girl picked up the sweet cherries from the trees.
Answer. young, sweet
3. Babita was happy.
Answer. happy
4. The room was dark.
Answer. dark
5. She wore a new dress for the party.
Answer. new
6. The axe was bright and sharp.
Answer. bright, sharp
7. Nitin is fat and lazy.
Answer. fat, lazy
8. This blanket is warm.
Answer. warm
9. I drank cold water.
Answer. cold
10. You are a brave and a wise man.
Answer. brave, wise
Fill in the blanks with correct adjectives given in the help box.
pretty, strong, kind, thin, dry,sweet, light, cold, good, black HHeellpp bbooxx
1. Grandmother gave me a ..................................... apple.
Answer. sweet
2. Tiger is a ..................................... animal.
Answer. strong
3. The lady gave food to the hungry children. She was very..................................... .
Answer. kind
4. Uncle gave me a ..................................... frock on my birthday.
Answer. pretty
5. I am feeling very thirsty. Please give me some ................. water.
Answer. cold
6. The colour of a crow is ....................... .
Answer. black
7. You will pick the bag easily. It is very ............................. .
Answer. light
8. We must have ..................................... manners.
Answer. good
9. He gave me a ..................................... book to read. I read it very quickly.
Answer. thin
10. These clothes are ..................................... now. You may put them in cupboard.
Answer. dry
Write the opposites of the following adjectives.
1. easy –
2. brave –
3. expensive –
4. long –
5. dirty –
6. rich –
7. heavy –
8. beautiful –
9. happy –
10. huge –
1. difficult 2. coward
3. cheap 4. short
5. clean 6. poor
7. light 8. ugly
9. sad 10. tiny/small
Fill in the blanks with the correct degrees of adjectives from those given in brackets.
1. Yesterday it was ..................................... than today.(colder/cold)
Answer. colder
2. Tiger runs ................................ than many other animals.(fast/faster)
Answer. faster
3. A rabbit is ...................................... than a cow. (small/smaller)
Answer. smaller
4. This pencil is ................................. than that. (shorter/short)
Answer. shorter
5. This boy is ...................................... than his friends.(cleverer/clever)
Answer. cleverer
6. Homemade food is .................................... than junk food.(healthy/healthier)
Answer. healthier
7. Today my bag is ....................................... than yesterday.(heavier/heavy)
Answer. heavier
8. A cycle is ..................................... than a car. (lighter/light)
Answer. lighter
9. Neeta is ..................................... than her sister. (pretty/prettier)
Answer. prettier
10. Your house is ..................................... to school than mine.(close/closer)
Answer. closer
Discoverer of the Circulatory System
This seventeenth-century English physician was the fi rst person to understand the human circulatory system. Who was he?
To answer the question, write the correct form of the missing degree of comparison for each adjective. In the parentheses at the end of each set, a letter is called for. Find this letter in your answer, and write the letter in the space above the adjective’s number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.
Positive Comparative Superlative
1. good __________ best (sixth letter)
2. grim grimmer __________ (fi fth letter)
3. bad __________ worst (fi fth letter)
4. little less __________ (third letter)
5. __________ rougher roughest (fi fth letter)
6. __________ narrower narrowest (sixth letter)
7. __________ hungrier hungriest (sixth letter)
8. thirsty __________ thirstiest (seventh letter)
9. __________ lovelier loveliest (third letter)
10. wild __________ wildest (third letter)
1. T (Egyptian) 2. N (Italian) 3. E (Chinese) 4. I (Swedish) 5. A (Mexican)
6. D (England) 7. H (Irish) 8. G (Norwegian) 9. D (Finland) 10. R (Switzerland)
11. H (French) Right Handed
Slow Grower
This sea animal takes up to a hundred years to grow one-third of an inch.What is the name of this incredibly slow-growing animal?
To answer the question, complete each sentence below with the correct form of adjective. Choose your answers from the words that follow each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.
1. The Indian Ocean is _______________ than the Atlantic Ocean.
G. small
C. smaller
Answer. C
2. Covering nearly sixty-four million square miles, the Pacifi c Ocean is the ______________ ocean of all.
N. bigger
S. biggest
Answer. S
3. A _______________ part of the Arctic Ocean is ice-covered year-round.
P. great
L. greatest
Answer. P
4. The sailfi sh is the _______________ fi sh in the ocean.
G. faster
D. fastest
Answer. D
5. Whales, which are mammals, are among the _______________ animals on Earth.
W. larger
L. largest
Answer. L
6. Many species of fi sh are _______________ when compared to whales.
M. tiny
R. tinier
Answer. M
7. Sharks have incredibly _______________ jaws with sharp teeth.
A. strong
R. stronger
Answer. A
8. There is no _______________ sight than a sunset over the ocean.
R. lovely
E. lovelier
Answer. E
High-Protein Food
Worried that his elderly patients were not eating enough foods with protein,Dr. Ambrose Straub invented this food. What food did he invent?
To answer the question, read each sentence below. Decide whether the underlined adjective is used correctly. If the form of the adjective is correct, write the letter for “correct” in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. If it is incorrect, write the letter for “incorrect.” You will need to divide the letters into words.
1. Everyone should eat foods that provide a more balanced diet.
S. Correct
A. Incorrect
Answer. A
2. Some foods contain more healthy ingredients than others.
N. Correct
R. Incorrect
Answer. R
3. Most people should eat three solid meals each day.
N. Correct
H. Incorrect
Answer. N
4. Most diet experts agree that skipping breakfast is a biggest mistake.
A. Correct
U. Incorrect
Answer. U
5. Eating junk food regularly is one of the baddest food choices you can make.
D. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer. B
6. Few diets are worse than those fi lled with junk food.
P. Correct
F. Incorrect
Answer. P
7. People need to make good decisions when it comes to planning their meals.
E. Correct
I. Incorrect
Answer. E
8. People who are more active than others usually need to eat more calories each day.
T. Correct
N. Incorrect
Answer. T
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei was one of history’s most brilliant scientists. He was one of the first men to use this device as a tool for science. What was the device?
To answer the question, match each of the underlined adjectives on the left with its most accurate label on the right. Write the letter of the label in the space above the adjective’s number at the bottom of the page.
Adjective Type of Adjective
1. American flag C. defi nite article
2. this book E. indefi nite article
3. the best choice T. demonstrative adjective
4. a great story L. adjective, positive degree
5. an apple P. adjective, comparative degree
6. the movie S. adjective, superlative degree
7. a computer O. proper adjective
8. the better one
9. a house
1. O 2. T 3. S 4. L 5. E 6. C 7. E 8. P 9. E
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
This man invented the fi rst handheld camera in 1888. Who was he?
To answer the question, identify the adjective in each sentence below.
(Only one adjective appears in each sentence.) In the parentheses that follow each sentence, a letter is called for. Find this letter in the adjective, and write the letter in the space above the adjective’s sentence number at the bottom of the page. The fi rst one is done for you. You will need to divide the letters into words.
1. Crude photographs were made around 1831. (second letter)
Answer. R (crude)
2. Photography had made several advances by 1860. (fi rst letter)
Answer. S (several)
3. But primitive equipment frustrated photographers. (fourth letter)
Answer. M (primitive)
4. By 1880 great improvements had been made in photography. (fi fth letter)
Answer. T (great)
5. Photographers regularly worked long hours. (second letter)
Answer. O (long)
6. New equipment excited photographers. (fi rst letter)
Answer. N (new)
7. Major breakthroughs with cameras came in 1888. (second letter)
Answer. A (major)
8. Signifi cant advances improved cameras. (third letter)
Answer. G (signifi cant)
9. Soon amateur photographers could be found everywhere. (fi fth letter)
Answer. E (amateur)
Impressive Moon
One of Jupiter’s moons is the largest moon in our solar system. In fact, it is bigger than the planet Mercury. What is the name of this moon?
To answer the question, complete each sentence below with the correct form of adjective. Choose your answers from the words that follow each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page.
1. Jupiter is the _______________ planet in our solar system.
A. most large
E. largest
Answer. E
2. Jupiter, the fi fth planet, is _______________ than Saturn, the sixth planet.
A. more visible
U. most visible
Answer. A
3. Jupiter was named for the _______________ god of the ancient Romans.
S. importantest
M. most important
Answer. M
4. It has a(n) _______________ red spot in its clouds.
N. enormous
R. most enormous
Answer. N
5. This great red spot is a _______________ storm.
E. tremendous
R. most tremendous
Answer. E
6. This storm is thought to be the _______________ in our solar system.
R. greater
G. greatest
Answer. G
7. The storm is _______________ than the entire Earth.
D. bigger
E. biggest
Answer. D
8. Jupiter is among the _______________ planets in our solar system.
M. interestingest
Y. most interesting
Answer. Y
More Question
A. Circle the adjective and underline the noun it describes.
1. The princess wore a lovely gown.
2. David could not carry the box up the steep staircase.
3. The young boy skipped down the lane.
4. Nasser pasted some colourful stamps in his scrapbook.
5. The children clapped when they saw the magician’s clever tricks.
6. The zebra is a striped animal.
7. Mr Sangma was watching an interesting film on television.
8. My sister writes funny stories.
B. Use adjectives of your own to describe these pictures.
Fill in the blanks using appropriate degree of adjectives from the brackets.
Underline the correct describing word in each sentence.
1. Sunflowers have (yellow / black) petals.
2. We saw a (tasty / funny) clown.
3. Suman has (curly / deep) hair.
4. Granny bought (fresh / sharp) apples.
5. Birds have (bitter / light) feathers.
6. The children made a (loud / pale) noise.
7. I want to climb a (deep / high) mountain.
8. A marble is (curly / round).
9. Raman sat under a (shady / loud) tree.
10. Granny tells me a (new / green) story every night.
Real Life Examples
→ Suppose you are lost while going to the market. What do you do?
→ Simple! Make a call to your mother and just describe the place.
This lesson will help you to:—
→ identify words that describe people, places, animals and things in sentences.
→ understand various types of adjectives.
→ A word that describes a noun or pronoun is called adjective.
For example: a small child, a black cat.
In these phrases ‘small’ and ‘black’ are adjectives.
→ Anytime you describe something, you are using an adjective.
→ To learn to describe various senses such as sight, sound, taste and touch as accurate as possible, we use adjectives.
→ This is how adjectives can help you. You will be able to express yourself better using them.
Here are a few adjectives to help you describe better.
An honest man, a beautiful girl, a green balloon, a red car, a blind man, a tall man, little juice in the glass, an intelligent boy, sour milk, sweet mangoes.
(a) Adjective of quality: They ask the question ‘of what
kind’ from the noun.
Example: A red shirt.
What Kind of shirt ? → A red shirt She is a beautiful princess.
What Kind of princess ?- Beautiful
(b) Adjective of quantity: They ask the question how many or how much from their noun.
Example: There are three men.
How many men ? → Three
There is some sugar left.
How much sugar ? → some
(c) Demonstrative adjective: Adjective which points to a person, place or thing is called a demonstrative adjective.
(d) Distributive adjectives: They describe specific members out of a group. They are always followed by a noun or pronoun. They include each, every, either, neither and any.
Example: Every dog has its day.
I neither like tea nor coffee.
(e) Interrogative adjectives: They ask a question. These adjectives are always followed by a noun or a pronoun.
Example : What pet do you want?
Which colour does she like?
Whose books are these?
‘Who’ or ‘how’ aren’t adjectives as they don’t modify nouns.
Positive Comparative Superlative
Big Bigger Biggest
Strong Stronger Strongest
These degrees of comparison help us to describe things more clearly and accurately.
A Poem On Adjectives
Describe a noun or pronoun
is what adjectives do,
say it’s king’s crown.
It’s golden and beautiful too.
Golden and beautiful, are
words which describe.
They are adjectives which you
must imbibe.
→ Positive degree is used to describe the quality of a person or thing.
For example: The man is tall.
The cat is black.
→ Comparative degree is used when you make a comparison between two persons or things.
For example: He is taller than you.
She is more beautiful than her sister.
→ Superlative degree is used to compare more than two things or sets of things.
For example: He is the tallest boy in the class.
She is the most beautiful of all.
Directions (Qs. 1 to 5): Choose the best option to complete the sentences given below.
1. Sudha is wearing a _______________ dress.
(a) beautiful
(b) tall
(c) thin
(d) none of the above
Answer : C
2. The Qutab Minar is a _______________ monument.
(a) black
(b) tall
(c) short
(d) flat
Answer : B
3. Whang Ho is a _______________ wrestler.
(a) lean
(b) bright
(c) strong
(d) low
Answer : C
4. He loves to eat _______________ mangoes.
(a) grey
(b) tall
(c) slim
(d) sweet
Answer : D
5. The _______________ clown was playing tricks.
(a) funny
(b) hard
(c) soft
(d) none of the above
Answer : A
Directions (Qs. 6 to 9): The following analogies are made up of adjectives. Choose a suitable option to complete them.
6. Bright : clever : : ?
(a) Sad : happy
(b) Happy : joyful
(c) Wrong : right
(d) Boy : girl
Answer : B
7. Sweet : bitter : : ?
(a) Lion : lioness
(b) White : black
(c) Beautiful : Ugly
(d) Dark : grey
Answer : C
8. Good : better : : ?
(a) High : low
(b) Right : left
(c) Bad : worse
(d) Night : day
Answer : C
9. Soft : fluffy : : ? (2012)
(a) Hard : tough
(b) Bitter : sour
(c) Sorrow : joy
(d) Tiger : tigress
Answer : A
Directions (Qs. 10 to 12) : Which of the following is not the correct degree of comparison?
(a) brave
(b) more brave
(c) braver
(d) bravest
Answer : B
(a) careful
(b) carefullest
(c) more careful
(d) none of the above
Answer : B
(a) interesting
(b) more interesting
(c) very interesting
(d) most interesting
Answer : C
Directions (Qs. 13 to 17): Look at the picture and choose the appropriate adjective.
(a) Heavy
(b) Light
(c) Horrible
(d) None of the above
Answer : B
(a) Fat
(b) Ugly
(c) Thin
(d) Sick
Answer : C
(a) Tiny
(b) Huge
(c) Ugly
(d) Frightening
Answer : A
(a) Cold
(b) Tiny
(c) Soupy
(d) Hot
Answer : D
(a) Slow
(b) Fast
(c) Ferocious
(d) Brisk
Answer : A
Directions (Qs. 18 to 25) : Complete the expressions by choosing the most suitable adjective from the options given below.
18. As __________ as a queen.
(a) poor
(b) royal
(c) dirty
(d) mean
Answer : B
19. As __________ as sugar.
(a) bitter
(b) sour
(c) salty
(d) sweet
Answer : D
20. As __________ as day.
(a) blessed
(b) bright
(c) bare
(d) beneficial
Answer : B
21. As __________ as a bird. (2017)
(a) natural
(b) free
(c) good
(d) frightened
Answer : B
22. As __________ as a bee.
(a) chatty
(b) kind
(c) busy
(d) honest
Answer : C
23. As __________ as crystal (2012)
(a) small
(b) dull
(c) clear
(d) cool
Answer : C
24. As __________ as silk.
(a) nice
(b) nasty
(c) soft
(d) clean
Answer : C
25. As __________ as gold. 2013)
(a) heavy
(b) costly
(c) hard
(d) dull
Answer : B
Directions (Qs. 26 and 27): Match the following.
List I | List II |
A. cheerful | 1. dress |
B. colourful | 2. apple |
C. tall | 3. girl |
D. sweet | 4. trees |
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 3 1 4 2
(d) 4 2 1 3
Answer : C
List I | List II |
A. new | 1. boy |
B. clever | 2. flower |
C. yellow | 3. clothes |
D. old | 4. soldiers |
E. Indian | 5. man |
(a) 1 2 3 4 5
(b) 4 2 1 3 5
(c) 2 1 4 5 3
(d) 3 1 2 5 4
Answer : D
Directions (Qs. 28 to 37): Fill in the following cloze test on the basis of the picture given below the passage
It was a ___(28)___ scene. The ___(29)___ sun was high up in the sky. There was a ___(30)___ boat on the ___ (31)___ lake. A ___(32)___ boatman was rowing the boat.
There were ___(33)___ mountains in the background. They were covered with ___(34)___ grass. As I sat down I felt a ___(35)___ breeze on my face. The entire area was ___ (36)___ . There was a ___(37)___ feeling in my heart.
(a) ugly
(b) black
(c) beautiful
(d) difficult
Answer : C
(a) colourful
(b) white
(c) bright
(d) night
Answer : C
(a) black
(b) meek
(c) deep
(d) high
Answer : A
(a) red
(b) deep
(c) light
(d) high
Answer : B
(a) golden
(b) green
(c) tall
(d) none of the above
Answer : C
(a) pink
(b) green
(c) colourful (d) blank
Answer : B
(a) yellow
(b) green
(c) tall
(d) blank
Answer : C
(a) high
(b) cold
(c) powerful
(d) strong
Answer : B
(a) bright
(b) peaceful
(c) powerful
(d) tender.
Answer : B
(a) sorrowful
(b) mischievous
(c) joyful
(d) none of the above
Answer : C
38. Which adjective can be used to describe a good looking actress?
(a) wonderful
(b) perfect
(c) beautiful
(d) good
Answer : C
39. Which adjective can be used to describe the feeling of wonder? (2015)
(a) joyful
(b) wonderful
(c) happiness
(d) none of the above
Answer : B
40. Which adjective can be used to describe fearful looks in an animal? (Tricky, 2014)
(a) terrifying
(b) horrible
(c) ugly
(d) painful
Answer : A
41. Which adjective can be used to describe a rainbow?
(a) colourful
(b) sweet
(c) pure
(d) perfect
Answer : A
42. Which adjective can be used to describe a magical castle?
(a) eerie
(b) mysterious
(c) fearful
(d) none of these
Answer : B
Pick out the adjectives, nouns and pronouns from the following sentences and write them down in the space provided.
Fill in the correct word from the options below.
Question. These cows are a mix of _______________ colours.
(a) each
(b) brown and white
(c) none of these
(d) all
Answer : B
Question. This school bag is _______________
(a) pure
(b) fake
(c) new
(d) nothing
Answer : C
Question. They are _______________ swimmers.
(a) high
(b) low
(c) bright
(d) good
Answer : D
Question. Only _______________ students in this class have passed with flying colours.
(a) all
(b) bright
(c) either
(d) these
Answer : B
Question. My friend was sitting in the _______________ row.
(a) fifth
(b) deep
(c) invisible
(d) many
Answer : A
Which of the following is not an adjective?
(a) tall
(b) bright
(c) black
(d) this
Answer : D
(a) smart
(b) white
(c) whose
(d) green
Answer : C
(a) women
(b) blind
(c) brave
(d) intelligent
Answer : A
(a) many
(b) little
(c) this
(d) first
Answer : C
(a) rectangular
(b) complete
(c) major
(d) thirst
Answer : D
Find out the correct form of the adjective.
Question. The black dog ran _______________ than the other dogs.
(a) faster
(b) fastest
(c) more fast
(d) Fast
Answer : A
Question. Bob is the _______________ kid in the class I know.
(a) funny
(b) more funny
(c) funnier
(d) funniest
Answer : D
Question. The crickets are the _______________ in our backyard.
(a) noisiest
(b) noisy
(c) noisier
(d) more noisy
Answer : A
Question. The eagle is _______________ than the pigeon.
(a) biggest
(b) big
(c) more big
(d) bigger
Answer : D
Question. Rick would like the _______________ of the two pieces of cake.
(a) smallest
(b) small
(c) smaller
(d) more small
Answer : C
Question. My new watch is the _____________ gift from my parents.
(a) most wonderful
(b) wonderfullest
(c) more wonderful
(d) wonderful
Answer : A
Question. In the following sentence, which word is the adjective?
Where is the small box?
(a) Where
(b) Is
(c) Small
(d) Box
Answer : C
Question. Which adjective can be used to describe night?
(a) Bright
(b) cold
(c) Big
(d) none of these
Answer : B
Read the passage and then answer the questions given below.
My family likes to go camping every summer. We like to sit under the bright stars shining through the dark sky. We like to listen to the chirping crickets and crackling fire. Sticky marshmallows on melting chocolate fill our hungry tummies. At night, we snuggle in our warm, cozy sleeping bags and tell scary stores until we fall asleep.
Question. How many adjectives can you find in this passage?
(a) 9
(b) 7
(c) 8
(d) 10
Answer : D
Question. What type of adjective are mentioned in the passage?
(a) Adjective of quality
(b) Adjective of quantity
(c) Interrogative adjective
(d) Exclamatory adjective
Answer : A
Read the passage and then give the antonyms of the underlined adjectives.
It was a sunny day and my little puppy jumped onto our red couch and played with his new toy.
I liked to watch him play and it made me feel happy. Soon, my playful puppy yawned. He was a tired puppy. I picked him up and laid him on his soft, round bed. Soon, my sleepy puppy was snoring away.
Question. Antonym of sunny is:
(a) hot
(b) windy
(c) boiling
(d) sticky
Answer : B
Question. Antonym of new is:
(a) expensive
(b) stale
(c) cheap
(d) old
Answer : D
Question. Antonym of tired is:
(a) energetic
(b) sleepy
(c) exhausted
(d) loving
Answer : A
Question. Antonym of soft is:
(a) cozy
(b) fluffy
(c) hard
(d) exhausted
Answer : C
Question. Antonym of happy is:
(a) sad
(b) delighted
(c) joyful
(d) playful
Answer : A
Identify the noun being described by the underlined adjective and choose the correct option.
Question. That big green car on the street is my favourite.
(a) Green
(b) Car
(c) Street
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer : B
Question. I bought a pair of brown leather shoes today.
(a) Pair
(b) Brown
(c) Shoes
(d) Yesterday
Answer : C
Question. Susan left her brown briefcase in the train.
(a) Susan
(b) Briefcase
(c) Train
(d) Left
Answer : B
Question. Please put the marbles into that little blue box on the table.
(a) Marbles
(b) Blue
(c) Box
(d) Table
Answer : C
Question. The girl in the yellow shirt is my little sister.
(a) Girl
(b) Shirt
(c) Sister
(d) Both (a) and (c)
Answer : B
Question. I want the car on the second shelf.
(a) Want
(b) Car
(c) Shelf
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Answer : C
Question. Aunt Carol bakes delicious cookies for me.
(a) Aunt
(b) Carol
(c) Cookies
(d) Bake
Answer : C
Question. It was a very bright sunny day.
(a) Very
(b) Sunny
(c) Day
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Answer : C
Q. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from within the brackets.
1. Ann has a ____________ (blue / tall) scarf.
2. A mouse is a ____________ (small / low) animal.
3. A circle is always ____________ (square / round).
4. It is very ____________ (hot / cold) in summer.
5. Susan is my ____________ (red / best) friend.
6. I like ____________ (fresh / kind) fruits.
7. My brother likes ____________ (warm / hard) milk.
8. It is a ____________ (sunny / fat) day.
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CBSE Class 3 English A Little Fish Story Worksheet |
CBSE Class 3 English Sea Song Worksheet |
CBSE Class 3 English The Balloon Man Worksheet |
CBSE Class 3 English The Yellow Butterfly Worksheet |
CBSE Class 3 English The Story Of The Road Worksheet |
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CBSE Class 3 English Little Tiger Big Tiger Worksheet |
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CBSE Class 3 English Dont Tell Worksheet Set B |
CBSE Class 3 English Dont Tell Worksheet Set C |
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CBSE Class 3 English How Creatures Move Worksheet |
CBSE Class 3 English The Ship Of The Desert Worksheet |
Worksheet for CBSE English Class 3 Adjectives
We hope students liked the above worksheet for Adjectives designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 3 English released by CBSE. Students of Class 3 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 3 English on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for English by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 3 English to develop the English Class 3 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 3 English designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 3 English in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.
You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 3 English Adjectives for latest session from
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Yes, provides all latest NCERT Adjectives Class 3 English test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session
CBSE Class 3 English Adjectives worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.
Regular practice with Class 3 English worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.