CBSE Class 3 Environmental Studies

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Click below for Class 3 Environmental Studies worksheets, assignments, latest syllabus, NCERT CBSE books, NCERT solutions, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), easy to learn concepts and study notes, online tests, Value Based Questions (vbqs), Sample Papers and Last year solved question papers.Also Download EVS Notes in PDF Format.


The Class 3 Environmental Studies students should be able to perform the following: 

  1. Observe and explore the immediate surroundings i.e. home, school and neighbourhood for different objects/plants/animals/birds for their concrete/ simple observable physical features (diversity, appearance, movement, places of living/found, habits, needs, behaviour etc.).
  2. Observe, explore their home/family for the people whom they live with, what works they do, the relations and their physical features and habits and share the experiences in different ways.
  3. Explore the neighbourhood for the means of transport, communication and what works people do.
  4. Observe their home/school kitchen for the food items, vessels, stoves, fuels and cooking processes. Also do Worksheets for Class 3 Environmental Studies 
  5. Discuss with elders and find out from where we/birds/animals get water, food (plants/animals, which part of the plant we eat etc.), who works in the kitchen, who eats what, who eats last.
  6. Visit different places in the neighbourhood e.g. market to observe the process of buying/selling, journey of a letter from post office to home, local water bodies etc.
  7. Ask/Frame questions and respond to the peers and elders without any fear/hesitation.
  8. Share their experiences/observations through drawing/ symbols /tracing / gestures/ verbally in a few words /simple sentences in their own language.
  9. Compare objects/entities-based on differences/ similarities for observable features and sort them into different categories.
  10. Discuss with the parents/guardians/grandparents/elders in the neighbourhood and compare their lives in past with that of now for the things of daily use such as clothes, vessels, works done by people around, games. Also try doing NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Environmental Studies
  11. Collect and arrange the objects/material such as pebbles, beads, fallen leaves, feathers, pictures, etc. of their finds from their surroundings and arrange in an innovative manner e.g. heaps, pouches/packets.
  12. Critically think to guess/estimate and predict about the happenings, situations, events and the possible ways to check/verify/test them. E.g. which directions (left/right/front/back) to be followed to reach a nearby object/place, which vessel (of same volume) contains more water, how many spoons of water to fill a mug /mugs to fill a bucket etc.
  13. Perform simple activities/experiments to observe/smell /taste /feel /hear using different senses as per their abilities to identify/classify/differentiate between objects/features/entities.
  14. Collect observations/experiences on the experiments/activities and shares that orally /gestures /sketches /tables /writing in simple sentences.
  15. Manipulate local/waste material, fallen dry leaves/flowers, clay, fabrics, pebbles, colours to create/improvise drawings, models, designs, collage etc. For example using clay to make pots/vessels, animals, birds, vehicles, furniture from empty matchboxes, cardboard, etc.
  16. Share experiences of their relationships with pets/domestic animals or other birds animals in surroundings.Also solve Question papers for Class 3 Environmental Studies
  17. Participate actively and undertake initiatives of care, share empathy, leadership by working together in groups e.g. in different indoor/outdoor/local/contemporary activities and games, carry out projects such as taking care of a plant(s), feed birds/animals, things around them.
  18. Question, discuss, critically think and reflect on their experiences related to situations at home, school, neighbourhood for stereotypes/discrimination such as roles of male/female members, access to food, health, going to school, needs of elders and the differently abled etc.
  19. Explore/read pictures, posters, signboards, books, audio-videos, tactile/raised material/newspaper clippings, stories/poems, web resources, documentaries, library and use other resources besides textbook.