CBSE Class 3 English Nouns Worksheet

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Worksheet for Class 3 English Nouns

Class 3 English students should download to the following Nouns Class 3 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 3 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 3 English Worksheet for Nouns

roper, Common And Collective Nouns
Question: Underline the common nouns with black colour, encircle the proper nouns with blue colour and encircle the collective nouns with green colour. 
1. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. 
2. There are eleven players in the cricket team. 
3. The troupe of dancers entered the auditorium.
4. Ravi and Amit are friends. 
5. Delhi is a big city. 
6. India has many soldiers in the army. 
7. There are two ducks near the pond. 
8. Dr Kumar is a famous doctor in Chennai. 
9. Mr Sharma gifted a bouquet to Mrs Sharma. 
10. We saw a fleet of ships at the port.
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I Choose the words from the box

[guide, milkman, florist, actor, farmer, author, sailor, baker, barber, photographer]

What do we call a person who:

1. A person who writes books ? _____________________

2. A person who shows the way ? ____________________

3. A person who works ona ship? _____________________

4. A person who sells milk ? __________________

5. A person who sells bread? _________________

6. A person who sells flowers? _________________

7. A person who takes photographs? _______________

8. A person who acts in films? _________________

9. A person who cuts our hair? ________________

10. A person who works in a farm?__________________

II Pick out the common and proper nouns in the following sentences.

1. Riyadh is a big city.

2. Solomon was a good king.

3. Srilanka is an island.

4. February is the shortest month of the year.

5. Tom’s birthday is on Wednesday.

6. Paris has many beautiful building.

7. India is a beautiful country.

8. Rahul is an intelligent boy

9. Sunday is the first day of the week.
10. The Taj Mahal is at Agra
Sl. No       Proper Noun      Common Noun
The Verb
Pick out the verbs in the following sentences.
1. The earth goes round the sun. ___________________
2. A river flows into the sea. _________________
3. Uncle Joe works in a bank. _______________
4. Mum is baking a cake. _________________
5. You are singling too loudly. ______________
6. He is counting the money. _____________
7. She broke the glass. ________________
8. The boy made a kite. ________________

9. Ben and Bob were fighting. _______________

10. Raj was doing his homework._____________

11. Plants will die without water. _____________

12. Always drink pure water. _______________

II Choose the verb of opposite meaning from the box.

[finish, take, forget, find, leave, set, die, lead, play, throw]

1. give - _____________
2. begin - _____________
3. rise - ____________
4. live - ____________
5. arrive - ____________
6. lose - ____________
7. remember - ___________
8. work - _____________
9. catch - ____________
10. follow - ____________
III Define verb. Give 2 examples.


I Give the plural of the following nouns.

1. Doll - _____________ 6. Story - _________________

2. Lion - ______________ 7. Monkey - _______________

3. Brush - _____________ 8. Leaf - ____________________

4. Fox - _____________ 9. Mango - __________________

5. Baby - _____________ 10. Tooth - __________________

11. Roof - _____________ 12. Knife - ___________________

II Give the singular of the following nouns

1. Grapes - ____________ 7. Inches - ____________________

2. Photos - _____________ 8. Skies - __________________

3. Toes - ______________ 9. Geese - __________________

4. Wolves - ___________ 10. Men - _________________

5. Mice - ____________ 11. Thieves - ______________

6. Sheep - _____________ 12. Ladies - ________________

Short Presidency

This president had the shortest term of any president of the United States. He died after only one month in offi ce. Who was he?
To answer the question, fi nd the noun in each set of words below. Write the letter of the noun in the space above its line number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.

A. wonderful
B. from
C. river
D. little
Answer. C

A. essays
B. attempted
C. ran
D. careful
Answer. A

A. into
B. schemed
C. detect
D. candidates
Answer. D

A. questioned
B. smiled
C. dessert
D. often
Answer. C

A. quickly
B. galaxies
C. spoke
D. helpless
Answer. B

A. icy
B. mosquito
C. invented
D. eat
Answer. B

A. avenues
B. shrieked
C. revise
D. harsh
Answer. A

A. molten
B. deserted
C. democracy
D. suddenly
Answer. C

A. galloping
B. erupt
C. smallest
D. device
Answer. D

A. myself
B. amphibians
C. softly
D. fl ew
Answer. B

A. liberty
B. mountainous
C. ancient
D. they
Answer. A

A. terrible
B. hopeful
C. audience
D. coarse
Answer. C

Big Animal

About 110 feet long and weighing approximately 210 tons, this mammal is the world’s biggest animal. What is its name?
To answer the question, fi nd a noun in each of the sentences below.
To answer the question, fi nd a noun in each of the sentences below.Choose your answers from among the underlined words. Write the letter beneath the noun in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. Megan chose a topic for her science report.
                 E              A      O   U
Answer. A

2. She has always been interested in animals.
       S            N                      R                   B
Answer. B

3. She finds bears to be fascinating creatures.
      G     C        E                    S
Answer. E

4. Bears were once found throughout the country.
               S         Y                    D                        E
Answer. E

5. Natalie, Megan’s friend, is doing her report on sea life.
                                 L                H         T              C
Answer. L

6. Natalie finds sea life to be an interesting subject.
                  N                        L           B               H
Answer. H

7. The biggest animals in the world are found in the sea.
              R                                    L        U     C
Answer. L

8. The girls found much of their information on the Internet.
                     M         R           T                                        U
Answer. U

9. They discovered many fascinating facts about animals.
       E          S                       C                  W
Answer. W


Early Computer

In the 1830s, this mathematician and inventor built a mechanical computing machine that many people consider to be an early computer. Who was he?
To answer the question, fi nd the underlined common or proper noun in each sentence below. Only one noun is underlined in each sentence. Write the letter of the noun in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words

1. Elisa has always been interested in computers.
                     T            D         N                  S
Answer. S

2. She chose computers as the topic for her science report.
       N     L                                       R             E
Answer. R

3. An early computing machine was built in England in the 1830s.
           E           T                                  W            H
Answer. H

4. The inventor was a noted mathematician.
             M            S         E           G
Answer. G

5. On Saturday Elisa told her friend Rachel about this invention.
               L                    H                                   C          R
Answer. L

6. The girls decided to find more information on the Internet.
                       T               S       K                                          C
Answer. C

7. They finished their research late in the day.
        N       D                                 S                E
Answer. E

8. Elisa’s mom invited Rachel to stay and have dinner with them.
                             I           A             J                                            O
Answer. A

9. Elisa’s mom prepared an excellent meal.
                 B         G                  T              M
Answer. B

Proper Nouns And Common Nouns

A. Write two proper nouns for these common nouns. 
(One is done for you.) 
1. Building – ...............................
Answer : Burj Khalifa Tara apartment
2. Country – .............................................................
Answer : India, China 
3. Boy – .............................................................
Answer : Abhinav, Rohan 
4. River – .............................................................
Answer : Ganges, Yamuna 
5. Month – .............................................................
Answer : June, September 
6. Planet – .............................................................
Answer : Earth, Mercury 
B. Now, write the common nouns for the given proper nouns. 
1. Lucknow – .............................................................
Answer : city 
2. March – .............................................................
Answer : month 
3. Asha – .............................................................
Answer : girl 
4. Diwali – .............................................................
Answer : festival 
5. Jupiter – .............................................................
Answer : planet



A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets.

1. Mina added some more _________________ to the tea. (rice /sugar)

2. The _________________ is a night animal. (rhinoceros / bat)

3. Katy’s mother is a _________________ (policeman / doctor)

4. We buy stamps from a _________________ (hospital / post office)

5. Plants need _________________ (tea / water) to grow.

6. The cube of _________________ on the plate is melting. (oil / ice)

7. The _________________ is filled with air. (apple / balloon)

8. Grandfather goes to a _________________ for his morning walk. (park / museum)

B. Write C for common nouns or P for proper nouns.

1. Goldilocks ________

2. Republic Day ________

3. hero ________

4. Christmas ________

5. king ________

6. April ________

7. M S Dhoni ________

8. Qutub Minar ________

Match the following and choose the correct option.

Question. Match the animals with the food they eat.

List IList II
A. cow1. carrot
B. dog2. milk
C. rabbit3. bone
C. rabbit4. grass

     A      B     C      D
(a) 1      2      3      4
(b) 2      3      4      1
(c) 3      4      1      2
(d) 4      3      1      2
Answer : D

Question. Match the metals with the articles.

List IList II
A. gold1. utensils
B. clay2. table
C. iront3. necklace
D. wood4. pots

     A      B     C      D
(a) 4      2      1      3
(b) 3      4      1      2
(c) 1      3      4      2
(d) 2      1      3      4
Answer : B

Question. Match the objects with the places where they are stored.

List IList II
A. ship1. mint
B. coins2. harbour
C. art3. laundry
D. clothes4. museum

     A      B     C      D
(a) 1      2      3      4
(b) 2      3      4      1
(c) 2      1      4      3
(d) 3      4      1      2
Answer : C

Question. Match the collective nouns with the words.

List IList II
A. fleet1. cattle
B. swarm2. sheep
C. flock3. bees
D. herd4. ship

     A      B     C      D
(a) 4      3      2      1
(b) 4      1      3      2
(c) 2      3      4      1
(d) 2      4      1      3
Answer : A

Question. Match the phrases with the given words.

List IList II
A. covered stall at a fair1. kindergarten
B. school for Kids2. arsenal
C. fruits are grown3. booth
D. weapons are stored4. orchard

     A      B      C     D
(a) 2      1      3      4
(b) 1      3      4      2
(c) 3      4      1      2
(d) 3      1      4      2
Answer : D

Consider the following statements and choose the correct option.

Question. A. Abstract nouns are invisible verbs. (Tricky)
B. Proper nouns are always written with a capital letter at the beginning.
C. Material noun denotes the quality, state, or action of an object.
D. Proper nouns are sometimes used as common nouns.
(a) A and B are correct
(b) B and D are correct
(c) C and D are correct
(d) A and C are correct
Answer : B

Question. A. Child is a common noun but childhood is an abstract noun. (Tricky, 2014)
B. A sentence starting with a proper noun should not have capital letter.
C. Mob is a collective noun but lion is a common noun.
D. Common nouns can sometimes be used as proper nouns.
(a) A and B are correct
(b) B and D are correct
(c) C and D are correct
(d) A and C are correct
Answer : D

Look at the picture. Based on the picture how many nouns you can find which can be related to the picture.



(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 1
Answer : B (dad, grandpa, Mr. Jones).



(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 1
Answer : A (New york, Statue, liberty).



(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
Answer : C (lady, leather, hand, bag).



(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Answer : D (journey, train, railway, coach).

Read the passage given below and answer the questions based on it.

Some people think laughter is a waste of time. It is essential to our well being and to our life.
Doctors say that if you like laughter, laugh as often as you can and if you don’t like it, then take your medicine but laugh anyway. That is why every morning I go to our nearby Dahlia Park with my grand-parents where we are members of the Laughing Club. There we take to brisk walking and all gather to join the laughter. Now I have also invited my friends John, Lara, Sue, Anny and Roger to join our club. I feel so refreshing after the whole day of studies, games and
other activities. Give yourself permission to laugh, whenever anything is funny.

Question. The word ‘laughter’ is _______. (Critical Thinking)
(a) common noun
(b) abstract noun
(c) proper noun
(d) collective noun
Answer : B

Question. Laughter is essential for ________.
(a) our studies
(b) activities
(c) society
(d) well being
Answer : D

Question. The words ‘Dahlia Park’ and ‘Laughing Club’ are________.
(a) abstract noun
(b) common noun
(c) proper noun
(d) material noun
Answer : C

Question. According to the passage what can laughter do?
(a) make friends
(b) give refreshment
(c) pass exams
(d) help society
Answer : B

From the options given below choose the option which matches with the words given in the table.

Question. Choose the correct option for the collective nouns.

Collective NounWord

(a) singers, soldiers, stamps, stairs
(b) stairs, soldiers, singers, stamps
(c) stamps, singers, soldiers, stairs
(d) soldiers, singers, stamps, stairs
Answer : D

Question. Choose the correct option for animal habitats.


(a) pig, rabbit, dog, horse
(b) dog, pig, rabbit, horse
(c) rabbit, pig, dog, horse
(d) horse, pig, rabbit, dog
Answer : C

Question. Choose the correct option for noun comparisons


(a) busy, blind, brave, black
(b) brave, busy, blind, black
(c) black, brave, busy, blind
(d) blind, busy, black, brave
Answer : B

Read the passage given below and choose the best option to fill in the blanks.

Meera is younger sister of Manish. She loves ____(49)____ and visiting new places. Both of them planned to visit Mumbai with their parents in their vacations. Their father did the ____(50)____ reservation and they took the train from New Delhi to ____(51)____. On the way they saw hills, rivers, forests, fields, towns and villages. There were crowds of people at different stations. The children were excited to cross the ____(52)____ which are made of iron. They had once visited Mumbai in their ____(53)____ so they have forgotten it. Now they were enjoying a lot.

(a) friends
(b) games
(c) adventure
(d) excitements
Answer : C

(a) flight
(b) railway
(c) bus
(d) taxi
Answer : B

(a) Chennai
(b) Jaipur
(c) Lucknow
(d) Mumbai
Answer : D

(a) bridges
(b) hotels
(c) theatre
(d) MC. Donald
Answer : A

(a) infant
(b) infancy
(c) wisdom
(d) patience
Answer : B

Question. Look at the grid given below. Choose the best option to tell how many nouns did you find in the grid


(a) 9
(b) 10
(c) 6
(d) 14
Answer : B

Based on the passage given below, answer the following question.

God gave all these

God made the big earth and the wide blue sky. He made the bright sun and the beautiful moon.
He made the lovely flowers, the tall green trees and the blue sea. God gave us ears so we can hear the chirping of the birds, the rippling of the leaves.

Question. (1) The creator and ruler of the world (Critical Thinking)
(a) Napoleon
(b) Akbar
(c) God
(d) None
Answer : C

Question. The planet where we live
(a) Sun
(b) Moon
(c) Earth
(d) Sea
Answer : C

The following sentences have some errors. Select those parts of the sentences which have the errors.


Ruth gaveher grandfatherabunch of goats

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Answer : D (Collective noun for goats is herd/flock)


Iworkina restaurants

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Answer : D (I work in a restaurant)


The Ladytook thebaby tothe doctor

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Answer : A (The lady took the baby to the doctor)


The Disneylandis locatedinParis

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Answer : D (The Disneyland is located in Paris)


Can youbring mea glassesof milk?

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Answer : C (Can you bring me a glass of milk?)

Choose the gender of the given word.

Question. Actor
(a) Hero
(b) Actress
(c) Heroine
(d) Actors
Answer : B

Question. Bachelor
(a) Groom
(b) Married
(c) Bride
(d) Spinster
Answer : D

Question. Daughter
(a) Mother
(b) Sister
(c) Father
(d) Son
Answer : D

Question. Gentleman
(a) Lady
(b) Madam
(c) Principal
(d) Teacher
Answer : A

Question. Landlord
(a) Landless
(b) Landowner
(c) Landlady
(d) Landsome
Answer : C

Choose the correct option.

Question. Aunt’s husband
(a) Father
(b) Uncle
(c) Neighbour
(d) Grandfather
Answer : B

Question. Brother’s daughter
(a) Niece
(b) Sister
(c) Daughter
(d) Aunt
Answer : A

Question. Father’s father
(a) Uncle
(b) Grandfather
(c) Brother-in-law
(d) Son
Answer : B

Question. Mother’s brother
(a) Grandfather
(b) Cousin
(c) Maternal uncle
(d) Father
Answer : C

Question. Uncle’s daughter
(a) Aunt
(b) Grandmother
(c) Sister-in-law
(d) Cousin
Answer : D

Part I. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and circle your choice.

1. How many nouns are there in the sentence “Many people in the world design fabrics as a hobby.”?
a. 2      b. 3      c. 4      d.5
2. A group of words that expresses a complete thought is called ______________.
a. Phrase    b. sentence     c. clause     d. statement
3. Which one of the following is a sentence?
a. Go          b. Sit down    c. Do you know me?   d. All
4. What does an interrogative sentence do?
a. asks a question     b. commands or orders someone to do something
c. shouts                  d. gives information
5. In the sentence “Alemu works in a government office.” What is the complete predicate?
a. Works       b. works in a government office
c. in a government office    d. all
6. In the sentence “The school’s principal spoke to us.” What is the simple subject?
a. School’s    b. principal    c. the school’s principal    d. spoke
7. Almaz ____________water from the nearby pond every morning.
a. fetches    b. fetched    c. fetching    d. fetch
8. The students were _______________their books.
a. read        b. reading    c. reads      d. reader
9. I saw ____________yesterday.
a. they        b. their        c. them      d. themselves
10. All the patients are very _____________now.
a. good       b. well         c. better     d. best
11. Could you please come _______________.
a. quickly    b. slowly      c. hurriedly    d. all
12. The plural form of the noun “butterfly” is _______________.
a. Butterfliyes    b. butterflies    c. butterflyes     d. butterfliys
13. It is starting to rain, _________lets go.
a. but         b. because    c. and    d. so
14. The mountain is _____________ten miles far from here.
a. in           b. about       c. on      d. a &b
15. I __________________run fast.
a. can         b. will         c. must    d. all
16. The missing punctuation mark in the sentence, “If I go to school I will learn English.” is ____________________.
a. .             b. ?            c. ,         d. !
17. The past tense of the verb “break” is _____________________.
a. breaked   b. breaken   c. broke   d. brok
18. We did all the exercises by _______________________.
a. our         b. us       c. ourself     d. ourselves
19. If I had __________my assignment on time, I wouldn’t be punished.
a. did         b. done    c. do          d. doing
20. ______________pencil is that on the chair?
a. Whom    b. Whose     c. Who     d. Which
1. B     11. A
2. B     12. B 
3. D     13.d 
4. A     14. B 
5. B     15. D 
6. B     16.c 
7. A     17.c 
8. B     18.d 
9. C     19.b 
10.B    20.b 
Part II. Write the correct question (WH) word in the following blank spaces after reading the sentences carefully. Use (Who, Which, What, How, Where, When, Whom, Whose, Why, and How often)
1. __________is your role model?
2. ____________do you think is Ethiopia located?
3. ____________color do you like most? Black or green?
4. ____________time is it now?
5. ____________do you do my friend.
6. ______________are you learning? Is that to know or to relax?
7. _______________was your last trip to a historical place? Last year or this year?
8. ______________wallet is that on the chair? Is it yours?
9. ______________do you like most? Kenennisa or Tirunesh?
10. ________________do you go to shop? Every day or sometimes?
1. Who
3. What
4. What
5. How
6. Why
7. When
8. Whose
9. Whom
10. How often
Part III. Choose the correct word in parenthesis and circle the word.
1. (There, their) future plan is to be great entrepreneurs.
2. The students arrived to school (let, late).
3. You must (learn, teach) very well to be a successful student.
4. All of the students (right, write) their names before they start doing the test.
5. What time does the (plain, plane) arrive.
6. The jar is (full, fool) of water.
7. I haven’t (sin, scene, seen) your brother for a long time.
8. The sun (rises, raises) in the east and sets in the west.
9. My little brother (lies, lays) on the bed after he plays a lot.
10. Did you (sea, see) that big owl on the tree?
1. Their    3. Learn    5. Plane    7. seen    9.lies
2. Late     4. Write     6. Full      8. Rises    10. See
Part IV. Write the type of the tense as past, present, or future on the free space given.
1. What will happen if you mix milk and coffee? ________________________________
2. What did you do during your spare time?_____________________________________
3. You will do all the questions carefully.________________________________________
4. Some people may come tomorrow. ____________________________________________
5. They drove to Gambela yesterday. ____________________________________________
6. Ice melts when it gets hot. ____________________________________________________
7. Where will you be tomorrow by this time? _____________________________________
8. I wasn’t afraid of life bumps when I was a kid. _________________________________
9. Helen broke the glass when she was washing the dishes.________________________
10. When will they come back?__________________________________________________
1. Future   3. Future    5. Past         7. Future    9. Past
2. Past      4. Future    6. Present    8.past        10. Future
Part V. Underline the complete subject once and the complete predicate twice.
1. This new car is a blue-and-white four-door sedan.
2. It has a sunroof and an automatic transmission.
3. The leather seats feel comfortable.
4. Dual air bags make the car very safe.
5. Our family’s new car is a small one with a big trunk.
6. It gets thirty miles per gallon of gas.
7. Consumers don’t like to spend too much on gasoline.
8. Small cars use less gasoline than large vehicles.
9. Some owners of large cars have traded them for smaller models.
10. Many larger vehicles have an extra tax on them.
1. This new car is a blue-and-white four-door sedan.
2. It has a sunroof and an automatic transmission.
3. The leather seats feel comfortable.
4. Dual air bags make the car very safe.
5. Our family’s new car is a small one with a big trunk.
6. It gets thirty miles per gallon of gas.
7. Consumers don’t like to spend too much on gasoline.
8. Small cars use less gasoline than large vehicles.
9. Some owners of large cars have traded them for smaller models.
10. Many larger vehicles have an extra tax on them.
Part VI. Underline all the adverbs in the following sentences. They tell time, manner, place , frequency etc.
1. I went to the market in the morning.
2. The dog sat lazily in the shade of the tree.
3. The man grumbled loudly while cleaning the table.
4. I often visit my grandparents.
5. It is extremely hot today.
6. Please wait patiently.
7. The technician fixed the problem easily.
8. They serve hot pan cakes there.
9. I am waiting here for my daughter.
10. He laughed merrily.
11. We will leave today.
12. She is standing outside.
1. I went to the market in the morning. (Adverb of time)
2. The dog sat lazily in the shade of the tree. (Adverb of manner)
3. The man grumbled loudly while cleaning the table. (Adverb of manner)
4. I often visit my grandparents. (Adverb of frequency)
5. It is extremely hot today. (Adverb of degree)
6. Please wait patiently. (Adverb of manner)
7. The technician fixed the problem easily. (Adverb of manner)
8. They serve hot pan cakes there. (Adverb of place)
9. I am waiting here for my daughter. (Adverb of place)
10. He laughed merrily. (Adverb of manner)
11. We will leave today. (Adverb of time)
12. She is standing outside. (Adverb of place)
Part VII. Rewrite each of the following sentences using correct capitalization.
1. we saw the brooklyn bridge.
2. we’re going to germany in june.
3. we spent our holidays in the addis ababa.
4. i’m starting my job in may.
5. we often go to the beach in the summer.
6. i love learning french.
7. the jamaican man was cooking dinner.
8. i’m pretty bad at math.
9. one of the courses that i have to take this year is “math 3”.
10. i saw senator brown in the lobby.
1. We saw the Brooklyn Bridge.
2. We’re going to Germany in June.
3. We spent our holidays in the Addis Ababa.
4. I’m starting my job in May.
5. We often go to the beach in the summer.
6. I love learning French.
7. The Jamaican man was cooking dinner.
8. I’m pretty bad at math.
9. One of the courses that i have to take this year is “math 3”.
10. I saw senator brown in the lobby.
More questions-

Q 1. Pick out the proper and common nouns from the given box and place them in the right columns:-

CBSE Class 3 English Practice Worksheets (84) - Nouns

Q 2. Fill in the blanks using the most suitable common nouns given below:-

city, man, flower, animal, river

1. Ganga is a holy ______________

2. Shimla is a cold ________________

3. Mr Mohan is a tall _______________

4. Tiger is our national _____________

5. A rose is a beautiful ________________

Worksheets for Class 3 English
CBSE Class 3 All Subjects Practice Worksheet Set A
CBSE Class 3 All Subjects Practice Worksheet Set B
CBSE Class 3 English A Plural Story Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Adjectives Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Antonyms Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Articles Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Birbals Khichdi Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Collective Nouns Worksheet
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CBSE Class 3 English Competency Spellings Worksheet
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CBSE Class 3 English Describing Word Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Funsheet Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Gender Of Nouns Worksheet
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CBSE Class 3 English Grammar Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Hurt No Living Thing Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Kinds Of Nouns Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Literature Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Mr Sun Takes A Holiday Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Nina And The Baby Sparrow Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Nouns Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Opposites Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Passage Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Practice Worksheet Set G
CBSE Class 3 English Practice Worksheet Set N
CBSE Class 3 English Pronouns Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Reading Competency Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Rewrite Sentences Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Sentences Worksheet
CBSE Class 3 English Simple Past Tense Worksheet
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CBSE Class 3 English The Talkative Turtle Worksheet
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CBSE Class 3 English Writing Tasks Worksheet

Worksheet for CBSE English Class 3 Nouns

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Nouns designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 3 English released by CBSE. Students of Class 3 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 3 English on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for English by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 3 English to develop the English Class 3 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 3 English designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 3 English in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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Yes, provides all latest NCERT Nouns Class 3 English test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 3 English Nouns worksheets?

CBSE Class 3 English Nouns worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 3 English scores?

Regular practice with Class 3 English worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.