CBSE Class 12 Biology Principles Of Inheritance And Variation Worksheet Set D

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 Biology Principles Of Inheritance And Variation Worksheet Set D. Students and teachers of Class 12 Biology can get free printable Worksheets for Class 12 Biology Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 12 students should practice questions and answers given here for Biology in Class 12 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 12 Biology Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Biology books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 12 Biology Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Class 12 Biology students should download to the following Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation Class 12 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 12 Biology Worksheet for Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation


1.Name one autosomal dominant and one autosomal recessive

2..Name one autosomal dominant and one autosomal recessive Mendelian disorder in humans.

3.Write the genotype of

i) an individual who is carrier of sickle cell anaemia gene but apparently unaffected, and

ii) an individual affected with the disease.

4.Write the percentage of F2 homozygous and heterozygous populations in a typical monohybrid cross.

5.A man with blood group A married a woman with B group. They have a son with AB blood group and a daughter with blood group O. Workout the cross and show the possibility of such inheritance.


Important Questions for NCERT Class 12 Biology Principles of Inheritance and Variation


Question. The law of dominance is used to explain the expession of only one of the parental characters in a monohybrid cross in ..................... and the expression of both in .......
(a) F1 and F2
(b) F2 and F3
(c) F1 and F3
(d) F2 and F1

Answer : A

Question. A diploid organism is heterozygous for 4 loci, how many types of gametes can be produced?
(a) 8
(b) 16
(c) 2
(d) 32

Answer : B

Question. When a cross is made between tall plant with yellow seed (TtYy) and tall plant with green seed (Ttyy), what proportion of phenotype in the offspring could be expected to be tall and green.
(a) 25%
(b) 12.5%
(c) 37.5%
(d) 50%

Answer : C

Question. The fact that the alleles donot show any blending and that both the characters are recovered as such in F2 generation, become the basis of
(a) Law of Dominance
(b) Law of paired factors
(c) Law of segregation
(d) Law of independent assortment

Answer : C 

Question. If there are four allelic forms for the gene controlling ABO blood group then what will be the number of possible genotypes
(a) 6
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 14

Answer : B

Question. Multiple alleles can be found during study of
(a) Gametes
(b) Individual
(c) Population
(d) All above

Answer : C

Question. In sickle cell anaemia which of the following genotype will show disease phenotype
(a) HbA HbA
(b) HbS HbS
(c) HbS HbA
(d) Both 1 and 2

Answer : B

Question. Which of the following is not concerned with sickle cell anaemia
(a) Sixth position of b-chain
(b) a chain of Hb
(c) Valine
(d) Haemoglobin

Answer : B

Question. Shape of seed depends on starch granules size, so inheritance of seed shape show ......... relationship while inheritance of starch grains show ...........
(a) Dominant recessive, codominance
(b) Incomplete dominance, codominance
(c) Dominant - recessive, incomplete dominance
(d) Codominance, incomplete dominance

Answer : C

Question. Inheritance of starch grains size shows
(a) Dominant recessive relationship
(b) Codominance
(c) Incomplete dominance
(d) Multiple allelism

Answer : C

Ques. Which one of the following conditions in humans is correctly matched with its chromosomal abnormality/linkage?
(a) Erythroblastosis fetalis - X-linked
(b) Down’s syndrome - 44 autosomes + XO
(c) Klinefelter’s syndrome - 44 autosomes + XXY
(d) Colour blindness - Y-linked 

Answer: C

Ques. Both sickle cell anaemia and Huntington’s chorea are
(a) virus-related diseases
(b) bacteria-related diseases
(c) congenital disorders
(d) pollutant-induced disorders. 

Answer: C

Ques. If a colour blind woman marries a normal visioned man, their sons will be
(a) all colour blind
(b) all normal visioned
(c) one-half colour blind and one-half normal
(d) three-fourths colour blind and one-fourth normal. 

Answer: A

Ques. Cri-du-chat syndrome in humans is caused by the
(a) trisomy of 21st chromosome
(b) fertilisation of an XX egg by a normal Y-bearing sperm
(c) loss of half of the short arm of chromosome 5
(d) loss of half of the long arm of chromosome 5.

Answer: C

Ques. Sickle cell anaemia has not been eliminated from the African population because
(a) it is controlled by dominant genes
(b) it is controlled by recessive genes
(c) it is not a fatal disease
(d) it provides immunity against malaria. 

Answer: D

Ques. A man and a woman, who do not show any apparent signs of a certain inherited disease, have seven children (2 daughters and 5 sons). Three of the sons suffer from the given disease but none of the daughters affected. Which of the following mode of inheritance do you suggest for this disease?
(a) Sex-linked dominant
(b) Sex-linked recessive
(c) Sex-limited recessive
(d) Autosomal dominant 

Answer: B

Ques. A woman with 47 chromosomes due to three copies of chromosome 21 is characterised by
(a) superfemaleness
(b) triploidy
(c) Turner’s syndrome
(d) Down’s syndrome.

Answer: D

Ques. Haemophilia is more commonly seen in human males than in human females because
(a) a greater proportion of girls die in infancy
(b) this disease is due to a Y-linked recessive mutation
(c) this disease is due to an X-linked recessive mutation
(d) this disease is due to an X-linked dominant mutation. 

Answer: C

Ques. Which of the following is not a hereditary disease?
(a) Cystic fibrosis
(b) Thalassaemia
(c) Haemophilia
(d) Cretinism 

Answer: D

Ques. A woman with normal vision, but whose father was colour blind, marries a colour blind man. Suppose that the fourth child of this couple was a boy. This boy
(a) may be colour blind or may be of normal vision
(b) must be colour blind
(c) must have normal colour vision
(d) will be partially colour blind since he is heterozygous for the colour blind mutant allele.

Answer: A

Ques. A male human is heterozygous for autosomal genes A and B and is also hemizygous for haemophilic gene h. What proportion of his sperms will be abh?
(a) 1/8
(b) 1/32
(c) 1/16
(d) 1/4 

Answer: A

Ques. A normal woman, whose father was colour-blind is married to a normal man. The sons would be
(a) 75% colour-blind
(b) 50% colour-blind
(c) all normal
(d) all colour-blind.

Answer: B

Ques. The recessive genes located on X-chromosome humans are always
(a) lethal
(b) sub-lethal
(c) expressed in males
(d) expressed in females.

Answer: C

Ques. Pattern baldness, moustaches and beard in human males are examples of
(a) sex linked traits
(b) sex limited traits
(c) sex influenced traits
(d) sex determining traits. 

Answer: C

Ques. Which one of the following conditions though harmful in itself, is also potential saviour from a mosquito borne infectious disease ?
(a) Thalassaemia
(b) Sickle cell anaemia
(c) Pernicious anaemia
(d) Leukaemia 

Answer: B

Ques. Down’s syndrome is caused by an extra copy of chromosome number 21. What percentage of offspring produced by an affected mother and a normal father would be affected by this disorder?
(a) 100 %
(b) 75 %
(c) 50 %
(d) 25 % 

Answer: C

160. Christmas disease is another name for
(a) haemophilia B
(b) hepatitis B
(c) Down’s syndrome
(d) sleeping sickness.

Answer: A

Ques. A diseased man marries a normal woman. They get three daughters and five sons. All the daughters were diseased and sons were normal. The gene of this disease is
(a) sex linked dominant
(b) sex linked recessive
(c) sex limited character
(d) autosomal dominant.

Answer: A

Ques. Which of the following is a correct match?
(a) Down’s syndrome - 21st chromosome
(b) Sickle cell anaemia - X-chromosome
(c) Haemophilia - Y-chromosome
(d) Parkinson’s disease - X and Y chromosome

Answer: A

Ques. Sickle cell anaemia induce to
(a) change of amino acid in a-chain of haemoglobin
(b) change of amino acid in b-chain of haemoglobin
(c) change of amino acid in both a and b chains of haemoglobin
(d) change of amino acid either a or b chains of haemoglobin. 

Answer: B

Ques. Mongolian Idiocy due to trisomy in 21st chromsome is called
(a) Down’s syndrome
(b) Turner’s syndrome
(c) Klinefelter’s syndrome
(d) Triple X syndrome. 

Answer: A

Ques. In Drosophila, the XXY condition leads to femaleness whereas in human beings the same condition leads to Klinefelter’s syndrome in male. It proves
(a) in human beings Y chromosome is active in sex determination
(b) Y chromosome is active in sex determination in both human beings and Drosophila
(c) in Drosophila Y chromosome decides femaleness
(d) Y chromosome of man have genes for syndrome.

Answer: A

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Worksheet for CBSE Biology Class 12 Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Biology released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 12 Biology on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Biology by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 12 Biology to develop the Biology Class 12 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Biology designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Biology in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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Yes, provides all latest NCERT Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation Class 12 Biology test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation worksheets?

CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 12 Biology scores?

Regular practice with Class 12 Biology worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.