Structural Design and Drawing MCQ Questions and Answers in Civil Engineering

Refer to Structural Design and Drawing MCQ Questions and Answers in Civil Engineering provided below. Civil Engineering MCQ questions with answers are available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Civil Engineering with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested for your exams. Multiple Choice Questions for Structural Design and Drawing are an important part of exams for Civil Engineering and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding of Structural Design and Drawing and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for Civil Engineering and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Civil Engineering Structural Design and Drawing

Civil Engineering students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Structural Design and Drawing

Structural Design and Drawing MCQ Questions Civil Engineering with Answers

Question: When a sliding joint is made what is interposed at the junction of wall and base?
a) rubber
b) timber
c) plastic
d) soil

Answer: a

Question: Calculate the maximum vertical moment due to prestress if given self weight moment is 16.5kn/m, thickness is 0.115m and loss ratio is 0.0075?
a) 15.4
b) 21.5
c) 25.4
d) 2.6

Answer: c

Question: What will be the maximum superrelevation in hills on Major District roads?
a) 4 in 30
b) 1 in 10
c) 1 in 4
d) 1 in 60

Answer: b

Question: Which of the following statement is true?
a) lap joint eliminates eccentricity of applied load, butt joint results in eccentricity at connection
b) lap joint and butt joint eliminates eccentricity at connection
c) lap joint results in eccentricity of applied load, butt joint eliminates eccentricity at connection
d) lap joint and butt joint results in eccentricity of applied load

Answer: c

Question: What are spandrels?
a) exterior beams at floor level of buildings
b) interior beams at floor level of buildings
c) exterior columns
d) interior columns

Answer: a

Question: The diameter of longitudinal bars of a column should never be less than?
a) 12 mm
b) 6 mm
c) 10 mm
d) 8 mm

Answer: a

Question: An ideal bolted plate girder section consists of
a) flange angles and cover plates for both compression flange and tension flange
b) flange angles and cover plates for compression flange and only flange angle for tension flange
c) only flange angle for compression flange and flange angles and cover plates for tension flange
d) flange angles for both compression flange and tension flange

Answer: b

Question: Which of the statement is not true about intermediate stiffeners?
a) they reduce shear capacity of web
b) they improve shear capacity of web
c) they can be used to develop tension field action
d) their main purpose is to provide stiffness to the web

Answer: a

Question: The bending moment due to dead load of girder is maximum at
a) one-third distance at span
b) two-third distance at span
c) end of span
d) centre of span

Answer: d

Question: Live load for roof truss should not be less than
a) 0.4kn/m2
b) 0.2kn/m2
c) 0.75kn/m2
d) 0.8kn/m2

Answer: a

Question: Originally, Rankine’s theory of lateral earth pressure can be applied to only
a) cohesion less soil
b) cohesive soil
c) fine grained soil
d) coarse grained soil

Answer: a

Question: The earth pressure at rest exerted on a retaining structure can be calculated using
a) theory of plasticity
b) theory of elasticity
c) mohr’s theory of rupture
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b

Question: The prestressed concrete slab systems are ideally suited for
a) roofs
b) slabs
c) beam
d) column

Answer: b

Question: A simple prestressed flat slab is generally supported by a network of
a) beams
b) columns
c) spans
d) deflections

Answer: b

Question: These are important roads within a district connecting areas of production with markets and connecting them with the State Highways & National Highways and are maintained by the State PWD?
a) state highway
b) national highway
c) district road
d) rural road

Answer: c

Question: Which authority is responsible for national highway?
a) local governments and municipalities
b) panchayats, jry and pmgsy
c) public works department of state/union territory
d) ministry of road transport and highways

Answer: d

Question: In a lap joint, at least bolts should be provided in a line.
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

Answer: c

Question: Clip and seating angle connection is provided for
a) lateral support
b) bending support
c) frictional support
d) hinged support

Answer: a

Question: In the fixed base joint the junction is between the tank wall and
a) slab
b) footing
c) beams
d) columns

Answer: b

Question: Find vertical prestressing force if characteristic strength is 8.2, wires are stressed at 1000n/mm2, diameter is 150mm?
a) 1500kn
b) 1230kn
c) 4567kn
d) 8967kn

Answer: b

Question: What is beam?
a) structural member subjected to transverse loads
b) structural member subjected to axial loads only
c) structural member subjected to seismic loads only
d) structural member subjected to transverse loads only

Answer: a

Question: Complex stresses may occur when
a) loads are inclined to principal axes
b) loads are along principal axes
c) symmetrical section are used
d) small values of shear and bending moment occur at section

Answer: a

Question: For initial estimate for a beam design, the width is assumed?
a) 1/10th of span
b) 1/30th of span
c) 1/15th of span
d) 1/5th of span

Answer: b

Question: Which of the following is economical if depth is limited and loads are too large?
a) rolled section beam
b) truss girder
c) welded box plate girder
d) bolted box plate girder

Answer: c

Question: Which of the following is correct regarding gantry girders?
a) it is laterally supported except at the columns
b) it is subjected to impact load
c) it should not be analysed for unsymmetrical bending
d) it is not subjected to longitudinal load

Answer: b

Question: The simple or continuous slabs are analyzed for
a) design foundation
b) design reinforcement
c) design moments
d) design slab

Answer: c

Question: Maximum shear stress in transverse fillet weld of leg h and length l is
a) p/hl
b) 1.21p/hl
c) p/1.21hl
d) none of the listed

Answer: b

Question: Simple connections are used to transmit
a) forces
b) moments
c) stresses
d) both force and moment

Answer: a

Question: The wheel load transferred from trolley to gantry girder is given by
a) w1 = [wt(lc+l1)]/(2lc)
b) w1 = [wt(lc-l1)](2lc)
c) w1 = [wt(lc-l1)]/(2lc)
d) w1 = [wt(lc+l1)]/( lc)

Answer: c

Question: At high shear locations in the girder web, principal plane will be to longitudinal axis of member
a) inclined
b) parallel
c) perpendicular
d) coincides

Answer: a

Question: The advantage of reinforced concrete is due to
a) monolithic character
b) moulding in any desired shape
c) fire-resisting and durability
d) monolithic character, moulding any shape and fire-resisting

Answer: d

Question: Simple bending takes place if
a) loading passes above shear centre for single symmetric open section
b) loading passes below shear centre for single symmetric open section
c) loading plane coincides with one of the principal planes of doubly symmetric section
d) loading plane do not coincide with one of the principal planes of doubly symmetric section

Answer: c

Question: Calculate vertical prestressing force if wires of 5mm diameter with an initial stress of 1000n/mm2 are available for circumferential winding and Freyssinet cables made up of 12 wires of 8mm diameter stressed to 1200n/mm2 are to be used for vertical prestressing?
a) 15
b) 12
c) 8
d) 4

Answer: b

Question: wires of 8mm diameter stressed to 1200n/mm2 are to be used for vertical prestressing?
a) 15
b) 12
c) 8
d) 4

Answer: b

Question: Why is double cover butt joint preferred over single cover butt joint or lap joint?
a) bolts are in single shear
b) eliminates eccentricity
c) bending in bolts
d) shear force is not transmitted

Answer: b

Question: Prestressed concrete although it is water tight, it is not
a) gas tight
b) liquid tight
c) vapour tight
d) material tight

Answer: a

Question: A structure that carries water above land is known as an
a) aqueduct
b) aquedant
c) over surface
d) outland

Answer: a

Question: What will be the width of metalled surface single lane on Major District road?
a) 1.70 m
b) 3.70 m
c) 0.70 m
d) 10 m

Answer: b

Question: What will be the design load for bridges and culverts on National Highway?
a) i.r.c. class-d loading
b) i.r.c. class-c loading
c) i.r.c. class-a loading
d) i.r.c. class-b loading

Answer: c

Question: One way slabs may be supported across the entire width of the slab by means of
a) columns
b) piers
c) ridges
d) footings

Answer: b

Question: A force 2P is acting on the double transverse fillet weld Leg of weld is h and length l. Determine the shear stress in a plane inclined at θ with horizontal.
a) psinθ(sinθ+cosθ)/hl
b) p(sinθ+cosθ)/hl
c) pcosθ(sinθ+cosθ)/hl
d) none of the listed

Answer: a

Question: Rankine’s theory of lateral pressure was extended to other soil by
a) resal and bell
b) mohr
c) none of the mentioned
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: a

Question: The minimum recommended rise of trusses with Galvanised Iron sheets is
a) 1 in 12
b) 1 in 6
c) 1 in 10
d) 1 in 18

Answer: b

Question: Which of the following is correct during tension field action?
a) web can resist diagonal compression
b) horizontal component of diagonal compression is supported by flanges
c) vertical component of diagonal compression is supported by flanges
d) vertical component of diagonal compression is supported by stiffeners

Answer: b

Question: Bending resistance of plate girders can be increased by
a) decreasing distance between flanges
b) increasing distance between flanges
c) reducing distance between flanges to half
d) bending resistance cannot be increased

Answer: b

Question: A foundation rests on
a) base of the foundation
b) foundation soil
c) subgrade
d) foundation soil and subgrade

Answer: d

Question: Members used in bridges parallel to traffic are called
a) spandrel
b) stringers
c) purlin
d) joist

Answer: b

Question: Calculate minimum wall thickness given a cylindrical prestressed water tank of internal diameter 30m over a depth of 7.5m and the permissible compressive stress at transfer is 13n/mm2 and the maximum compressive stress under working pressure is 1n/mm2 and the loss ratio is 0.75?
a) 43.8
b) 82.3
c) 64.5
d) 90.4

Answer: b

Question: Calculate circumferential prestress of a cylindrical prestressed concrete water tank given that the thickness is 12mm, loss ratio is 0.75, the maximum stress under working pressure is 1n/mm2(Nd value is 720)?
a) 9.4n/mm2
b) 5.6n/mm2
c) 11.2n/mm2
d) 15.2n/mm2

Answer: a

Question: which of the following condition is true for web side plate connection?
a) hsfg bolts should be used
b) bolts should be designed to fail by shear of bolt
c) bolts should be designed to fail by bearing of connected plies
d) edge distances must be less than two times the bolt diameter

Answer: c

Question: Use of lap joints is not recommended because
a) stresses are distributed unevenly
b) eccentricity is eliminated
c) bolts are in double shear
d) no bending is produced

Answer: a

Question: An culvert is normally a low profile culvert. It allows them to be installed without disturbing the causeway as it will span over the entire drainage width.
a) box
b) rectangle
c) arch
d) circular

Answer: c

Question: A structure that allows water to flow under a road, railroad, trail, or similar obstruction from one side to the other side is called as
a) drainage
b) bridges
c) tunnel
d) culverts

Answer: d

Question: What will be the ruling gradient in hills on “Other district roads”?
a) 1 in 20
b) 1 in 5
c) 1 in 10
d) 1 in 3

Answer: c

Question: The proportioning of tendons in design of prestressed concrete simple flat slab between the column and middle strips may be based on
a) moments
b) codes
c) deflections
d) loads

Answer: b

Question: The precast prestressed hollow core slabs, with or without topping is an important
a) floor panels
b) tendons
c) wall coatings
d) reinforcements

Answer: a

Question: What will be the coefficient of earth pressure at rest for a rigid retaining wall, If the backfill consists of cohesion less soil having φ = 26°?
a) 0.1295
b) 0.6552
c) 0.5616
d) 0.7383

Answer: c

Question: Which of the following cases for cohesion less backfill in Rankine’s theory is considered?
a) submerged backfill
b) moist backfill with no surcharge
c) backfill with sloping surface
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d

Question: Which of the following is true for economic spacing?
a) cost of trusses should be equal to twice the cost of purlins
b) cost of trusses should be equal to twice the cost of purlins minus cost of roof coverings
c) cost of trusses should be equal to the cost of purlins plus cost of roof coverings
d) cost of trusses should be equal to twice the cost of purlins plus cost of roof coverings

Answer: d

Question: The design principles of continuous flat slab floors are similar to
a) one way slab
b) two way slab
c) continuous
d) deformed

Answer: b

Question: In the case of large tanks, the base slabs is subdivided by
a) water
b) joints
c) scale
d) lines

Answer: b

Question: In flexible end plate design, beam is designed for the
a) maximum bending moment
b) shear force
c) torsional moment
d) zero end moment

Answer: d

Question: Determine the length of kennedy key required to transmit 1200N-m and allowable shear in the key is 40N/mm². The diameter of shaft and width of key can be taken as 40mm and 10mm respectively.
a) 49mm
b) 36mm
c) 46mm
d) 53mm

Answer: d

Question: Hard, rough and durable granite stone ballast gauge, shall be used
a) 100 mm
b) 20 mm
c) 1mm
d) 60mm

Answer: d

Question: The nominal reinforcement provided for floor slabs stipulated by Indian standard code is not less than?
a) 0.5
b) 0.7
c) 0.15
d) 0.8

Answer: c

Question: Which of the following statement is correct?
a) beams are termed as fixed beams when end condition do not carry end moments
b) beams are termed as simply supported beams when ends are rigidly connected to other members
c) beams are termed as fixed beams when ends are rigidly connected to other members
d) beams are termed as continuous beams when they do not extend across more than two support

Answer: c

Question: Prestressed concrete tanks have been widely used for the storage of
a) gas
b) air
c) fluids
d) water

Answer: c

Question: Based on the assumptions of Rankine’s theory, the soil mass is
a) stratified
b) submerged
c) homogeneous
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: c

Question: The main advantage of sunk key is that it is a drive.
a) positive
b) negative
c) neutral
d) none of the listed

Answer: a

Question: The maximum wheel load is obtained when
a) crane crab is farthest to gantry girder
b) crane crab is closest to gantry girder
c) crane crab is not attached
d) crane crab is at mid span

Answer: b

Question: The expression for K0 as given by Jacky is
a) k0 = 1 – sin φ
b) k0 = sin φ
c) k0 = 1 – cos φ
d) k0 = 1 + sin φ

Answer: a

Question: Which of the following load combination is not considered for design of roof trusses?
a) dead load + crane load
b) dead load + wind load
c) dead load + earthquake load
d) dead load + live load + wind load

Answer: c

Question: Which of the following causes web buckling in plate girder?
a) diagonal tension
b) diagonal compression
c) diagonal tension and diagonal compression
d) neither diagonal tension nor diagonal compression

Answer: b

Question: Load transfer by a beam is primarily by
a) bending only
b) shear only
c) bending and shear
d) neither bending nor shear

Answer: c

Question: Calculate the spacing of 5mm wires having a loss ratio of 0.075, compressive stress is 10.75n/mm2, 5mm diameter wires stress is 1000n/mm2, 12 wires of 8mm diameter are stressed to 1200n/mm2(Nd = 840n/mm2)?
a) 15.4mm
b) 11.6mm
c) 12.4mm
d) 18.5mm

Answer: b

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Civil Engineering Structural Design and Drawing MCQs

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Structural Design and Drawing MCQs Civil Engineering

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MCQs Civil Engineering Structural Design and Drawing

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