Refer to Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures MCQ Questions and Answers in Civil Engineering provided below. Civil Engineering MCQ questions with answers are available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Civil Engineering with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested for your exams. Multiple Choice Questions for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures are an important part of exams for Civil Engineering and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding of Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for Civil Engineering and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Civil Engineering Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures
Civil Engineering students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures
Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures MCQ Questions Civil Engineering with Answers
Question. The high pH of the fresh concrete make a thin oxide film around the reinforcement steel
(a) true
(b) false
(c) none
(d) all
Answer : A
Question. How much time required for curing of cement paints?
(a) 2 – 3 hr
(b) 4 – 10 hr
(c) 6 – 7 hr
(d) 1 – 2 hr
Answer : B
Question. Ventilation depends on
(a) humidity
(b) temperature
(c) air change
(d) all of the above
Answer : D
Question. Blistering and peeling is one of the defect seen in
(a) concrete
(b) walling
(c) painting
(d) plumbing
Answer : C
Question. Which pipe is used for carrying a human waste?
(a) soil pipe
(b) vent pipe
(c) waste pipe
(d) rainwater pipe
Answer : A
Question. Emulsion Paints contain:
(a) Nitro cotton
(b) Zinc white
(c) White lead
(d) Polyvinyl acetate
Answer : D
Question. DPM stands for:
(a) Damp Proof Material
(b) Damp Proof Mix
(c) Damp Proof Member
(d) Damp Proof Membrane
Answer : D
Question. There are _____ stages in condition survey.
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 2
Answer : B
Question. Which type of plaster defect generates a swelling in plaster surface?
(a) Crazing
(b) Blistering
(c) Flaking
(d) Popping
Answer : B
Question. Which type of work is done in day to day repair?
(a) Remove chokage in pipes
(b) Cleaning of manholes
(c) Lawn moving
(d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question. In general, electric wiring of the buildings are change at every ________ year.
(a) 15-20
(b) 20-30
(c) 20-25
(d) 30-45
Answer : C
Question. Decay of timber may be caused by certain insects
(a) beetles
(b) marine borers
(c) white ants
(d) all the above
Answer : D
Question. Code for painting on a concrete, masonry & plaster surface are given in ___________
(a) IS : 2395 :1994
(b) IS : 2399 :1994
(c) IS : 2396 :1994
(d) IS : 2395 :1995
Answer : A
Question. Steel structure is likely to come in contact with water. To prevent rusting.
(a) Apply bitumen coat
(b) Apply anti corrosive paint
(c) varnish paint
(d) slacked lime coat
Answer : B
Question. Which type of paint is used for plaster walls?
(a) while washing
(b) Cement paints
(c) Dry distemper
(d) all of the above
Answer : D
Question. The main aim of maintaining any structures is to
(a) Improve its appearance
(b) Utilize the funds provided
(c) Stabilize the structure so as to enable it carry the functions for which it is constructed
(d) Utilize services of in charge maintenance
Answer : C
Question. What is average rebound number for low quality concrete?
(a) < 20
(b) > 10
(c) <50
(d) 50
Answer : A
Question. What is main component of acid rain?
(a) sulfuric acid
(b) nitric acid
(c) a & b both
(d) none of the above
Answer : C
Question. Which compound is responsible for efflorescence inside a concrete?
(a) Ca(OH)2
(b) K2O
(c) K3O
(d) none of the above
Answer : A
Question. Which chemical reaction responsible for the corrosion in RCC?
(a) oxidization
(b) reduction
(c) radiation
(d) carbonization
Answer : A
Question. In cathode protection method, by____________ we can reduce the corrosion in steel.
(a) increasing a electrical potential
(b) decreasing a electrical potential
(c) zeroing a electrical potential
(d) neutralizing a electrical potential
Answer : B
Question. What is minimum projection of beam for earthquake protection? ( L= length of beam)
(a) L/3
(b) L/2
(c) L
(d) 2L
Answer : A
Question. Which factors affect the selection of the demolition techniques?
(a) size of the building
(b) shape of the building
(c) available time
(d) all of the above
Answer : D
Question. Which equipment used for starting the explosion in explosive material?
(a) detonators
(b) starting cap
(c) current switch
(d) none of the above
Answer : A
Question. The pH value of fresh concrete is around
(a) 10
(b) 11
(c) 11.5
(d) 12.5
Answer : D
Question. How much maximum current is allow in single circuit for home electric system?
(a) 20A
(b) 10A
(c) 25A
(d) 15A
Answer : D
Question. While preparing the maintenance estimate the capital cost of building is deducted
(a) true
(b) false
(c) none
(d) all
Answer : A
Question. In restoration of strength by adding external reinforced concrete the damages concrete is first repaired by applying ____________
(a) Preload
(b) Tensile load
(c) Compressive load
(d) Overload
Answer : A
Question. What is main causes of horizontal cracks in concrete?
(a) plastic shrinkage
(b) settlement cracking
(c) early removal of the formwork
(d) all of the above
Answer : A
Question. Spray painting is used to:
(a) Apply paint without touching surface
(b) Apply large amount of paint
(c) Reach high areas
(d) Get textured paint
Answer : A
Question. Which document used for note down the data during the structure assessments?
(a) work sheet
(b) site book
(c) work book
(d) data book
Answer : A
Question. Which type of plaster defect generates a series of hair cracks inside the plaster?
(a) Crazing
(b) Blistering
(c) Flaking
(d) Popping
Answer : A
Question. White washing is done during________
(a) Annual repair
(b) Day to day repair
(c) Special repair
(d) Major repair
Answer : A
Question. Adding water to improve workability has the effect of_________
(a) reducing strength
(b) increasing settlement
(c) drying shrinkage
(d) all the above
Answer : D
Question. There is seepage of water on both sides of load bearing wall of a building with flat roof. What remedy will you suggest?
(a) Remove plaster on the wall and replaster with rich mix.
(b) Inspect the roof for cracks over the wall and seal the crack.
(c) Paint both the surfaces of the wall with oil paint.
(d) Plaster both the surface of wall with cement mortar mixed with water proofing compound
Answer : B
Question. Deflection was noticed in a newly constructed properly designed R.C.C. beam. The defect may be due to____________
(a) very longs pan.
(b) diagonal cracks near edge of support
(c) insufficient concrete cover.
(d) early removal of form work.
Answer : D
Question. Which type of paint affect generates, when water vapor is trapped inside paint?
(a) Peeling
(b) Blistering
(c) Cracking
(d) Flaking
Answer : B
Question. In a brick masonry structure the following defects are noticed during inspection. Which one of them requires immediate maintenance repair?
(a) Dampness on wall
(b) Growth of vegetation
(c) Structure failure by settlement
(d) Falling of plaster
Answer : C
Question. Interior walls of a building have developed cracks. Remedial measures adopted will be to
(a) Fill cracks by port land cement mortar
(b) Fill cracks with bitumen.
(c) Use expansive cement mortar for filling cracks.
(d) Use water proofing compound to fill cracks
Answer : A
Question. Which acid is used for the acid itching?
(a) 10% HCL
(b) 5% HCL
(c) 8% HCL
(d) 20% HCL
Answer : A
Question. DTA stands for Differential Thermal Analysis.
(a) true
(b) false
(c) none
(d) all
Answer : A
Question. What is melting point (in degree Celsius) of the lime stone?
(a) 900
(b) 1200
(c) 800
(d) 500
Answer : A
Question. Which factor does not affect the thermal conductivity of the concrete?
(a) humidity
(b) volume
(c) density
(d) temperature
Answer : B
Question. PMM stands for the Polymer modified mortar.
(a) true
(b) false
(c) none
(d) all
Answer : A
Question. Vacuum concrete is used for_____
(a) making thin section
(b) more removing a extra water from the concrete
(c) when water cement ration is in between 0.5 to 0.65
(d) all of the above
Answer : D
Question. According to IS : 4326-1993, what is earthquake resistance of C category buildings?
(a) 0.05 – 0.08
(b) 0.03 – 0.08
(c) 0.06 – 0.08
(d) 0.06 – 0.09
Answer : C
Question. What is minimum distance between building and road, necessary in the case of push arm technique?
(a) 5m
(b) 3m
(c) 8m
(d) 10m
Answer : B
Question. What is main purpose of test blasting?
(a) to decide effectiveness of explosion
(b) to decide a quality of explosion
(c) to decide a size of explosion
(d) to decide a cost of explosion
Answer : A
Question. If the cracks width is less than 0.1 mm then they are called
(a) fine
(b) thin
(c) medium
(d) wide
Answer : A
Question. What is functions of home water supply system?
(a) to provide a fresh water
(b) distribute the water thought out a home
(c) store the water inside the home
(d) all of the above
Answer : D
Question. Maintaining prestressed concrete structures of various types in a fit and serviceable condition is primary function of ____________
(a) Maintenance engineer
(b) Design engineer
(c) Surface engineer
(d) Structural engineer
Answer : A
Question. The corrosion of reinforcement due to extreme exposure is common for structure located in _
(a) Dry conditions
(b) Costal zones
(c) Regional zones
(d) Hot condition
Answer : B
Question. In how many layers is oil paint applied to a surface?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 1
Answer : A
Question. Which of the below is an example of semi rigid DPC material?
(a) Plastic sheeting
(b) Cement concrete
(c) Asphalt
(d) Stone
Answer : C
Question. Which test used for identifying the integrity of RCC beam?
(a) tapping
(b) pulse-echo
(c) radar test
(d) all of the above
Answer : D
Question. Which type of maintenance work is taken to prevent a wear or decay of building?
(a) Preventive maintenance
(b) Remedial maintenance
(c) Day to day maintenance
(d) Special maintenance
Answer : A
Question. In which type of repair major concreting work is carried out?
(a) Annual repair
(b) Day to day repair
(c) Special repair
(d) Major repair
Answer : C
Question. Which factors kept in mind during the building survey of the buildings?
(a) time of last inspection
(b) Who inspect the building?
(c) level of deterioration in building parts
(d) all of the above
Answer : D
Question. According to the CPWD guideline, schedule for the annual maintenance work should be complete on or before_______
(a) 30th April
(b) 31st January
(c) 15th August
(d) 1st March
Answer : A
Question. Which one of the following methods will be the best method to make R.C.C slab leak proof?
(a) Plaster the roof with cement mortar
(b) Lime koba layer over R.C roof with proper slopes
(c) soap solution to be sprinkled over the R.C roof
(d) Bitumen paint on whole roof surface
Answer : B
Question. Creaking inside paint generates due to __________.
(a) excessive use of putty
(b) very thick coat of the paint
(c) crack in plaster
(d) All of the above
Answer : D
Question. Which paint is made by the powder chalk?
(a) while washing
(b) Cement paints
(c) Dry distemper
(d) oil bound paint
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following jobs will you classify as special maintenance
(a) Replacing door frame damaged by white ants
(b) Renewal coat to W.B.M road surface
(c) White washing and colour washing of buildings
(d) Painting of steel roof trusses of a workshop
Answer : B
Question. Workability reduces with time.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) none
(d) all
Answer : A
Question. Which NDT test work on the principle of rebound of the elastic mass?
(a) hammer test
(b) ultrasonic test
(c) chloride test
(d) none of the above
Answer : A
Question. Which component in sea water is responsible for the erosion in concrete?
(a) calcium hydroxide
(b) sulfate
(c) a & b both
(d) none of the above
Answer : C
Question. Alkaline aggregate reaction is main reason for generation of K2O inside the concrete.
(a) true
(b) false
(c) none
(d) all
Answer : A
Question. What is main reason for thermal movement in concrete?
(a) heat of hydration
(b) temperature
(c) fire outside a concrete
(d) all of the above
Answer : D
Question. Which metal is used for making a foamed concrete?
(a) aluminium
(b) zinc
(c) a & b both
(d) none of the above
Answer : C
Question. What is cement to sand ratio for the mortar used in the repair work of the brick masonry?
(a) 1:3
(b) 2:3
(c) 1:5
(d) 5:3
Answer : A
Question. What is the direction of manual demolition?
(a) top to bottom
(b) left to right
(c) right to left
(d) any direction
Answer : A
Question. Use of electricity is measured in ____________ for home electric system.
(a) V
(b) W
(c) kWh
(d) mA
Answer : C
Question. The structural concrete slab panels can be repaired by ____________
(a) Internal bonding
(b) External bonding
(c) Stress bonding
(d) Layered bonding
Answer : B
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