Engineering Geology MCQ Questions and Answers in Civil Engineering

Refer to Engineering Geology MCQ Questions and Answers in Civil Engineering provided below. Civil Engineering MCQ questions with answers are available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Civil Engineering with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested for your exams. Multiple Choice Questions for Engineering Geology are an important part of exams for Civil Engineering and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding of Engineering Geology and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for Civil Engineering and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Civil Engineering Engineering Geology

Civil Engineering students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Engineering Geology

Engineering Geology MCQ Questions Civil Engineering with Answers

Question. Asbestos has got a ......... structure ?
a) foliated
b) fibrous
c) granular
d) bladed

Answer : B

Question. The rock used for the construction of "Gateway of India" (in Mumbai) is: ?
a) light coloured variety of trap rocks
b) granite of South India
c) charnockite of South India
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. Troposphere is the lowermost atmospheric zone whose upper boundary lies at about: ?
a) 115 km above the earth surface
b) 9 km and 18 km above the surface at poles and equator respectively
c) 700 km above the earth surface
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. The principal setback(s) of "Continental Drift Theory" lies in the fact that it is incapable of accounting for the: ?
a) presence of adequate force necessary for the process of drifting
b) exact reason for the commencement of the drift just after the Palaeozoic period
c) all the above
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. Limestone & Marble - on the basis of their chemical characteristics - may be classified as: ?
a) calcarious rocks
b) argillaceous rocks
c) silicious rocks
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. Specific gravity of Garnet lies between: ?
a) 2.60-3.50
b) 3.50-4.30
c) 4.30-5.20
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. The idea of the wandering continents was first pictured by Wagner (1912) in his: ?
a) convection current hypothesis
b) planetesimal Hypothesis
c) continental drift theory
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. Petrology confines itself to the study of the: ?
a) petroleum products
b) formation of various groups of rocks & their compositions
c) features of the surface of the earth
d) none of the above

Answer : D

Question. Rocks formed from molten magma are known as: ?
a) sedimentary rocks
b) igneous rocks
c) metamorphic rocks
d) none of these

Answer : B

Question. Shingle is: ?
a) decomposed Laterite
b) obtained by crushing Granite
c) Water bound pebbles
d) air weathered rock

Answer : A

Question. Stratoscope extends from the upper boundary of the troposphere to: ?
a) 115 km above the earth surface
b) 400 km above the earth surface
c) 700 km above the earth surface
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. Lithosphere is the: ?
a) solid part of the earth
b) lowermost atmospheric zone
c) uppermost atmospheric zone
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. About 98% of coal annually produced in India comes from: ?
a) lower Gondwana formations
b) upper Gondwana formations
c) option (a) + (b)
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. Stones used for ornamental work must be: ?
a) soft
b) hard
c) light
d) heavy

Answer : A

Question. Slate & Laterite on the basis of their chemical characteristics-may be classified as: ?
a) calcarious rocks
b) argillaceous rocks
c) silicious rocks
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. The process by which the magma-originally uniform and homogeneous-splits up into different types of rocks is known as: ?
a) differentiation
b) assimilation
c) all the above
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. Geographic direction of intersection of the bedding plane with an horizontal plane is called: ?
a) dip
b) strike
c) bedding
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. Which of the following statement is true for "Fossils" ?
a) They are the remains or traces of organisms that have lived on this earth in the past
b) Occurrence of different groups of fossils in the adjoining areas is indicative of separation of these areas by some physical or other barriers
c) by some physical or other barriers
d) All the above

Answer : D

Question. The rocks used for the construction of harbours in Mumbai and Chennai are mostly ?
a) light coloured variety of trap rocks
b) granite and charnockite of South India harbours
c) sandstones & limestones
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. As per Mohs's scale, the hardness of Calcite & Fluorite (in that order) are: ?
a) 1 & 2
b) 2 & 1
c) 3 & 4
d) 4 & 3

Answer : C

Question. Which of the following theories are related to the origin of earth: ?
a) the tidal hypothesis
b) the nebular hypothesis
c) the planetesimal hypothesis
d) all the above

Answer : D

Question. A syncline is a fold in which ?
a) the strata becomes concave upwards
b) the younger rocks usually occupy a position in the interior
c) all the above
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. Calcium Carbonate is found in two mineral forms (i.e., Calcite & Aragonite); the former crystallizing in hexagonal system and the later in orthorhombic one. This phenomenon is specially described as
a) Isomorphism
b) Dimorphism
c) Pseudomorphism
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. The specific gravity of Marble is: ?
a) 2.50
b) 2.60
c) 2.66
d) 2.72

Answer : D

Question. Shale, Slate, Marble, Limestone, and Sandstones, etc., are ?
a) stratified rocks
b) unstratified rocks
c) foliated rocks
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. Syenite & Andesite (silica 70-80%) are the examples of: ?
a) acidic igneous rocks
b) intermediate igneous rocks
c) basic igneous rocks
d) ultra-basic igneous rocks

Answer : B

Question. Kaolin is chemically classified as: ?
a) metamorphic rock
b) argillaceous rock
c) calcareous rock
d) silicious rock

Answer : C

Question. Peridotite is an example of: ?
a) acidic igneous rocks
b) metamorphic rocks
c) basic igneous rocks
d) ultra-basic igneous rocks

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following statements is true in the context of "seismology": ?
a) It is an off-shoot of geophysics
b) It deals with the study of earthquakes in all their aspects
c) all the above
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. Ionosphere is the: ?
a) solid part of the earth
b) lowermost atmospheric zone
c) uppermost atmospheric zone
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. Specific gravity of Dolomite is about: ?
a) 1.95
b) 2.85
c) 3.20
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. Dunes are: ?
a) wind-deposits made up primarily of sand grade particles
b) aeolian deposits
c) all the above
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. The tendency of a stone to split along certain parallel planes, is known as: ?
a) texture
b) fracture
c) cleavage
d) structure

Answer : C

Question. Gneiss is resulted from the metamorphic transformation of: ?
a) dolomite
b) shale
c) granite
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. All the solid materials-thrown out by a volcano at the time of its eruption & consisting of fragments of different sizes - are known as: ?
a) pyroclasts
b) lava
c) lapilli
d) volcanic bombs

Answer : A

Question. Loess may be treated as: ?
a) acolian deposits
b) deflation created depressions
c) slacks
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. Volcanic mountains are formed by the process of volcanic eruptions. The best example of such mountains is (are): ?
a) Ruby mountains of Navada
b) Himalayas & Alps
c) Mount Visuvius, Agung, and Etna
d) all the above

Answer : C

Question. Iron Pyrite has got a ......... structure ?
a) foliated
b) acicular
c) radiating
d) reniform

Answer : C

Question. The region of atmosphere beyond 700 km. above the surface is termed as: ?
a) exosphere
b) ozonosphere
c) lithosphere
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. Hematite has got a .......... structure ?
a) fibrous
b) reniform
c) foliated
d) mammillary

Answer : B

Question. Rocks formed due to alteration of original structure under heat and excessive pressure, are ?
a) sedimentary rocks
b) igneous rocks
c) metamorphic rocks
d) none of these

Answer : C

Question. Lignite - which is also known as brown coal-contains carbon upto the extent of: ?
a) 30%
b) 70%
c) 95%
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. Isoseismals are the lines passing through values of "same intensity" in ?
a) earthquake record
b) rainfall record
c) temperature record
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. Isomorphism is a character exhibited by some minerals which have analogous chemical composition and which crystallize in closely related crystal forms. Examples of isomorphous series is (are) the ?
a) calcite group
b) barite group
c) argaonite group
d) all the above

Answer : D

Question. Gabbro (silica 45-60%) is an example of ?
a) acidic igneous rocks
b) basic igneous rocks
c) ultra-basic igneous rocks
d) sedimentary rocks

Answer : B

Question. Dolomite is a Limestone containing carbonate of magnesia upto ?
a) 15%
b) 20%
c) 25%
d) 45%

Answer : B

Question. Specific gravity of Quartz (SiO?) lies between: ?
a) 2.30-2.60
b) 2.60-2.64
c) 3.60-4.00
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. Rocks resulting from the deterioration of massive magmatic or sedimentary rocks are known as ?
a) chemical deposits
b) fragmental rocks
c) organogenous rocks
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. Slate is resulted from the metamorphic transformation of ?
a) limestone
b) sandstone
c) mudstone
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. A great majority of folds are modifications of the simple types known as anticlines and synclines. An anticline is a fold in which: ?
a) the strata is up arched (i.e. it becomes convex upwards)
b) the older rocks usually occupy a position in the interior (or core of the curvature)
c) all the above
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. When pure Limestone simply recrystallises during the process of metamorphisms without any new mineral formation, the resulting rock is: ?
a) Dolomite
b) Anorthite
c) Marble
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. Granite & Rhyolite (silica 70-80%) are the examples of: ?
a) acidic igneous rocks
b) basic igneous rocks
c) ultra-basic igneous rocks
d) sedimentary rocks

Answer : A

Question. Many attempts have been made to classify igneous rocks on the basis of their chemical composition. The most noteworthy system is: ?
a) cross, iddings, irsson, and Washington (C. I.P.W.) classification
b) tabular classification
c) shand classification
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. The huge Cuddapah basin is more or less crescentic in shape. The name of this system has been derived from the Cuddapah basin of ?
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Maharashtra
c) Andhra Pradesh
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. Basalt is a: ?
a) sedimentary rock
b) metamorphic rock
c) extrusive igneous rock
d) intrusive igneous rock

Answer : C

Question. As per Mohs's scale, the hardnesses of Quartz & Topaz (in that order) are: ?
a) 7 & 8
b) 8 & 7
c) 9 & 10
d) 10 & 9

Answer : A

Question. Black marble is generally found in the district of: ?
a) Jodhpur
b) Jaipur
c) Jabalpur
d) Jaisalmer

Answer : B

Question. Bituminous coal - which is also known as common coal, cooking coal, etc.-contains carbon upto the maximum extent of ?
a) 30%
b) 50%
c) 60%
d) 90%

Answer : D

Question. Sandstones are sedimentary rocks of wide distribution. Their crushing strengths from Calcareous stones to Quartzites, vary from ?
a) 2500 kg/cm² to 3000 kg/cm²
b) 600 kg/cm² to 2500 kg/cm²
c) 3500 kg/cm² to 2500 kg/cm²
d) 1600 kg/cm² to 800 kg/cm²

Answer : B

Question. Maximum permissible water absorptions of Sandstone and Granite (in that order) are ?
a) 10% & 1%
b) 1% & 10%
c) 4% & 8%
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. A type of thermal metamorphism-in which high temperature fluids, liquids, and gases attack the surrounding rocks and induce certain changes in them - is known as ?
a) metasomatism
b) load metamorphism
c) clastic metamorphism
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. The colour of statuary marble used for Sculptor's work is ?
a) red
b) blue
c) white
d) green

Answer : A

Question. Upper boundary of the troposphere is known as: ?
a) tropopause
b) tropoclause
c) tropotop
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. Rocks for their use as road material should possess sufficient cementing value. Very coarse grained igneous rocks such as Pegmatite possess ........ cementing property. ?
a) exceptional
b) excellent
c) good
d) very poor

Answer : D

Question. A mineral may sometimes show a definite and characteristic arrangement in its outer appearance or physical shape which is expressed by the form "structure". Gypsum, as such, has got a ....... structure. ?
a) bladed
b) fibrous
c) reniform
d) granular

Answer : B

Question. The solid materials (or pyroclasts) of different sizes are thrown out by 'volcanoes at the time of their eruptions. Pyroclasts consist of: ?
a) volcanic blocks, lapilli, & volcanic dust
b) volcanic dust & lapilli
c) lapilli
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. Maximum permissible water absorption values for Shale & Gneiss (in that order), are: ?
a) 07.50% & 10.00%
b) 10.00% & 01.00%
c) 01.00% & 10.00%
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. Stratigraphy is an important branch of geology. Which of the following statements is true in the context of stratigraphy: ?
a) It is also known as Historical Geology
b) It deals with the history of rocks of the earth's crust
c) It gives emphatic stress on the time of formation and the changes undergone by the rocks since their formation
d) all the above

Answer : D

Question. Limestone is not a: ?
a) sedimentary rock
b) stratified rock
c) aqueous rock
d) metamorphic rock

Answer : D

Question. The Quattara depression of western Egypt is 300 km long, & 140 km wide. It is the best example of a: ?
a) loess
b) dune
c) slack
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. The temples of Bhuvaneshwar, Puri, and Konark are made up of: ?
a) sandstone of gondwana ag
b) vindhya limestones
c) makrana marble
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. Laterite is a: ?
a) volcanic rock
b) argillaceous rock
c) calcareous rock
d) silicious rock

Answer : B

Question. Good quality stones must ?
a) be durable
b) resist action of acids
c) all the above
d) none of the above

Answer : D

Question. The rock used for roofing is: ?
a) Basalt
b) Granite
c) Slate
d) Pumice

Answer : A

Question. A rain intervening the movement of a dust-ladden wind causes there finer sediments to settle down on the ground below. Loess is the term for the aeolian deposits which occur in many parts of the world. There known example can be found in ?
a) north India
b) central Asia
c) north China
d) none of the above

Answer : C

Question. The rocks having alumina or clay as their major constituents, are known as
a) siliceous rocks
b) argillaceous rocks
c) calcareous rocks
d) sedimentary rocks

Answer : B

Question. All volcanic rocks are amply suitable for use as crushed stone because they are: ?
a) hard & tough
b) having high cementing property
c) resistant to abrasion
d) all the above

Answer : D

Question. Schist may be resulted from the metamorphic transformation of: ?
a) sandstone
b) shale
c) conglomerate
d) none of the above

Answer : B

Question. The maximum angle of slope of a bed (or layer of rock) with the horizontal is known as: ?
a) dip
b) strike
c) bedding
d) none of the above

Answer : A

Question. Hardness & specific gr. of Pyrite lies between: ?
a) 6 - 6.50 & 4.90 - 5.20 respectively
b) 6 - 6.50 & 3.90 - 4.20 respectively
c) 6 - 6.50 & 2.90 - 3.20 respectively
d) none of the above

Answer : A

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Civil Engineering Engineering Geology MCQs

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MCQs for Civil Engineering Engineering Geology

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Engineering Geology MCQs Civil Engineering

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Civil Engineering MCQs for Engineering Geology

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MCQs Civil Engineering Engineering Geology

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Why are Engineering Geology important for students?

Learning Engineering Geology based MCQs will help students improve their overall understanding of important concepts and topics and help to score well in Civil Engineering exams.

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