CBSE Class 9 Social Science What Is Democracy Worksheet

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Worksheet for Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy?

Class 9 Social Science students should download to the following Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy? Class 9 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 9 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 9 Social Science Worksheet for Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy?

1. Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people.

• Myanmar where the army rules, Dictator Pinochet’s rule in Chile, or President N.krumah’s rule in Ghana was not democratic. They were not chosen by the people.
• Hereditary kings, like the king of Nepal or Saudi Arabia, are also not democratic rulers.They rule because they were born into noble families.
2. In a democracy final decision making power must rest with those elected by the people.
• In Pakistan, President Musharraf has the power to dismiss national and state assemblies;so the final powers rest with the army and the General himself. We cannot call it a democracy.
3. A democracy must be based on a free and fair election where those currently in power have a fair chance of losing.
• In China elections are held for its Parliament.. But all the candidates are either members of Chinese communist Party or eight smaller allies of the party.
• In Mexico elections have been held every six years since 1980. But the same party,PRI, has won the elections. Obviously there has been rigging and mal-practices, with freedom denied to opposition.
• In both the examples elections are held but one can not claim that they are free and fair.
4. In a democracy people’s will is ascertained by each adult citizen having one vote and each vote has one value. Democracy is based on the fundamental principle of political equality.
• Countries like Saudi Arabia, Estonia and Fiji in some or other way deny voting rights to certain sections of its population.

5. A democratic government rules within limits set by constitutional and citizens’ rights. A democratic government cannot do what it likes after winning the elections. It has to

• respect certain basic rules and is accountable not only to the people but also to other independent officials.
• Robert Mugabe is President of Zimbabwe. He is ruling there for last 38 years. But in many incidences he has behaved in an undemocratic way and even above the law.
Points Against
There has been criticism of democracy by various people. The charges are that :
•  It creates instability by changing its leaders frequently.
•  Democracy is about power play and political competition. There is no scope for morality.
•  So many people have to be consulted before any issue is solved. It leads to delay.
•  Elected leaders do not know the best interest of the people.
•  It leads to corruption for it is based on electoral corruption.
•  Ordinary people do not know what is good for them, so decision making should not be left to them.
Arguments for Democracy:
• Democratic government is a more accountable form of government.
• Democracy improves the quality of decision making.
• Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.
• Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens.
• It allows us to correct its own mistakes.
Broader meaning of Democracy :
Democratic ideas can be practised in various decision making processes. In broader sense no country can be completely democratic, The features of democracy are only minimum conditions.A lot can be done towards achieving real democracy.


Democracy as a principle can go beyond the government and can be applied to any sphere of life. People use the word democracy not to describe any existing government but to set up an ideal standard that all democracies must aim to become. However, if the ideals of democracy are considered then no country in the world is correctly democratic. Still, having an understanding of democracy as an ideal will explain why to value democracy. It enables people to judge an existing democracy and identify their weaknesses. It also helps to distinguish between a minimal democracy and a good democracy. The most common form of democracy in today’s world is being ruled through people’s elected representatives. However, for a small community, there can be other ways of making democratic decisions. All people can sit together and make decisions directly. This is how the Gram Sabha should work in a village.

Free and Fair Electoral Competition
In China, elections are held after every five years for electing the country’s parliament, called Quanguo Renmin Daibiao Dahui (National People’s Congress). Before contesting elections, a candidate needs the approval of the Chinese Communist Party. The government is always formed by the Communist Party. Alternatively, since its independence in 1930, Mexico holds elections after every six years to elect its President. But until 2000 every election was won by a party called PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party). Should we consider the elections described above as examples of people electing their rulers? Reading these examples we get a sense that we cannot. Democracy must be based on a free and fair election where those currently in power have a fair chance of losing.

One person, one vote, one value one value
Democracy is based on a fundamental principle of political equality. However, there are many instances of denial of the equal right to vote. Until 2015, in Saudi Arabia, women did not have the right to vote. Estonia has made its citizenship rules in such a way that people belonging to the Russian minority found it difficult to get the right to vote. In Fiji, the electoral system is such that the vote of an indigenous Fiji has more value than that of an Indian-Fijian. Definitely not a democratic government. The feature of democracy this highlights is that in a democracy, each adult citizen must have one vote and in turn, each vote must have one value.

MCQs :-

Question. Democracy is based on
1. Coalition
2. Free and fair election
3. One party system
4. All of above
Answer. All of above

Question. One party one vote means
1. All person must vote for one person
2. Each person has one vote and each vote has one Value
3. Each person can vote only once in his life
4. None of the above
Answer. Each person has one vote and each has one value

Question. In which country women donot have the right to vote
1. Saudi Arabia
2. Fiji
3. Estonia
4. None of above
Answer. Saudi Arabia

Question. Who led a military coup in Pakistan in 1999?
1. Benazir Bhutto
2. Nawaz Sharif
3. Pervez Musharraf
4. None of the above
Answer. Pervez Musharraf

Question. How many members are elected to the National People’s Congress from all over China?
1. 3050
2. 3000
3. 4000
4. 2000
Answer. 3000

Very Short Answers 

Question. With whom the final decision makng power rest in a democracy?
Answer. Elected representatives of the people .

Question. Under which form of government political equality given importance?
Answer. Democratic

Question. Whose rule is democracy considered to be?
Answer. People rule

Question. Why are quality decisions a possibility in a democracy?
Answer. A democratic decision always involves many persons ,discussions.

Short Answers

Question. What is the role of citizen in promoting democracy?
Answer. Every citizen should be able to play equal role in decision-making. For this a citizen not only needs an equal right to vote but also needs to have equal information, basic education, equal resources.

Question. Explain any three differences between democratic country and nondemocratic country?
Answer. In a Democratic country–
(i) Each adult citizen has a vote;(ii) Each vote has one value; and (iii) Free and fair elections are held.
In a non-democratic country — (i) Election do not offer a choice and fair opportunity; (ii) Rulers are not elected by the people; and (ii) The rulers have unlimited power

Long Answers

Question. How can you say that every government that holds an election is not a democracy? Give an example to prove your point.
Answer. It is true that every government that holds an election is not a democracy. In many dictatorships and monarchies, there are formally elected parliaments and governments but the real power is with those who are not elected. Pakistan under General Musharraf could not be called a democracy because people there elected their representatives to the national and provincial assemblies but the power to take final decision rested with army officials and with General Musharraf


One word Answer

Question. It is a system in which only those who are in power and their supporters are benefited and excludes minorities and weaker sections.
Answer. Dictatorship

Question. The strength of democracy is its ability to uphold the values for which it stands for.
Answer. Freedom,Equality,Justice

Question. Name the country where women donot have right to vote till 2015.
Answer. Saudi Arabia

Question. The major challenges to democracy are....
Answer. Equality among people and abolition of casteism from society

Question. Who led a military coup in Pakistan in 1999?
Answer. General Pervez Musharraf

Question. Who said these words, “Democracy is the rule of people, for the people and by the people”?
Answer. Abraham Lincoln.

Question. Democracy comes from which Greek word?
Answer. Greek word, “Demokrati”.

Question. Name the ruling party of Syria?
Answer. The Baath Party.

Question. Which two countries of the world have allowed the ruling parties to contest elections?
Answer. China and Mexico.

Question. Name the country where women are not allowed to take part in the election.
Answer. Saudi Arabia.

Question. Name the any one country of the world where there is no democracy.
Answer. Zimbabwe.

Question. What type of government would you like to have in your country?
Answer. Democracy.

Question. Name the ruler who had established dictatorship in Germany?
Answer. Adolf Hitler.

Question. Who is President of Zimbabwe?
Answer. Robert Mugabe.

Question. When did Zimbabwe achieve independence?
Answer. 1980.

Question. Which party is ruling over Zimbabwe since independence?
Answer. ZANU-PF.

Question. Write a drawback of the electoral system of Fiji?
Answer. In Fiji, the value of the vote of the indigenous Fiji is more as comparison to an Indian Fijian.

Question. What is PRI?
Answer. PRI is the political party of Mexico- Institutional Revolutionary Party.

Question. What does referendum means?
Answer. Referendum is the direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal.

Question. When did Parvez Musharraf come to power in Pakistan?
Answer. October 1999.

Question. Why are quality decisions always possible in a democracy?
Answer. Because democratic decisions always involves many persons, discussions and meetings.

Question. After how many years does Mexico hold elections for electing its president?
Answer. After every six year.

Question. Name the country that does not give voting rights to minorities.
Answer. Estonia.

Question. By whom the President of China appointed?
Answer. Members of the national People’s Congress.

Question. Name a country which has multi-party system.
Answer. India.


Short answers

Question. What are the three features of Democracy?
Answer. Features of democracy:-
(a) Rulers elected by the people take all the major decision.
(b) This choice and opportunities is available to all people on an equal basis
(c) Elections offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people on an equal basis

Question.Explain any three major political changes that took place recently in India neighbourhood?
Answer. Pakistan –General musharaf led a military coup.
(b) Nepal-In 2005,the king dismissed the elected government.
(c)Iraq-Saddam Husseins regime was overthrown.


Long answer question 

Question. How does democracy improve the quality of decision making?
Answer. Democracy is based on consultation and discussion.A democractic decision always involves many persons discussions and meetings.when a number of people put their heads together,they are able to point out possible mistakes in any decision .This takes time,but there is a big advantage over important decision.This reduces the chances of irresponsible decisionsThus,democracy improves the quality of decision making.

Question. How is democracy better than other form of government?
(a) It is correct that democracy is better than other forms of government because it allows us to correct its own mistakes .There is no guarantee that mistakes cannot be made in democracy.
(b) No form of government can guarantee that the advantage in a democracy is that such mistakes  cannot be hidden for long .
(c) There is a space for public discussion on these mistakes and have better chances for correction of mistakes.Rules and regulation can be changed but this cannot happened in non democratic country

Question. Some countries are not ready to give voting rights to its citizens’. Explain.
Answer. In Saudi Arabia women do not have the right to vote.Estonia had made its citizenship rules in such a way that people belonging to Russian minority find it difficult to get the right to vote.In Fiji the electoral system was is such that the vote of an indigenous Fiji has more value than that of an Indian Fijian.

Question. Name any two countries where elections are held regularly but they cannot be considered as democratic countries. Explain.
Answer. Mexico and China are two countries where elections are held regularly but they cannot be considered as democratic countries.
In china before contesting elections a candidate need the approval of the Chinese Communist Party.
People have no choice. The government is always formed by the communist party. This is against the democratic system of elections.
In Mexico, PRI was known to use many dirty tricks to win elections. All those who were employed in government offices had to attend its party meetings. Teachers of government schools used to force parents to vote for the PRI. Media largely ignored the activities of opposition political parties except to criticize them. This is against the democratic system of elections.

Question. What is responsible government?
Answer. Democratic government is a responsible government.
The representatives elected by the people so it remains responsible towards people.
In case they do not remain responsible before the people can change them during the next elections.

Question. What do understand by political equality?
Answer. Democracy is based on political equality which ensures equal rights.
Both the rich and poor the educated and educated get equal rights.
Democracy enhances the dignity of the people.

Question. What do you understand by room for correction?
Answer. It is only in democracy that mistakes are admitted and all attempts are made to correct these mistakes.
If mistakes are made it is only in democracy that they are admitted and then corrected.
In democracy thus there is a room for correction.

Question: Here is some information about four countries. Based on this information, how would you classify each of these countries. Write ‘democratic’, ‘undemocratic’ or ‘not sure’ against each of these.
(a) Country A: People who do not accept the country’s official religion do not have a right to vote
Answer: Undemocratic
(b) Country B: The same party has been winning elections for the last twenty years
Answer: Not sure
(c) Country C: Ruling party has lost in the last three elections
Answer: Democratic
(d) Country D: There is no independent election commission
Answer: Undemocratic

Question: Here is some information about four countries. Based on this information, how would you classify each of these countries. Write ‘democratic’, ‘undemocratic’ or ‘not sure’ against each of these.
(a) Country P: The parliament cannot pass a law about the army without the consent of the Chief of Army
Answer: Undemocratic
(b) Country Q: The parliament cannot pass a law reducing the powers of the judiciary
Answer: Undemocratic
(c) Country R: The country’s leaders cannot sign any treaty with another country without taking permission from its neighbouring country.
Answer: Not sure
(d) Country S: All the major economic decisions about the country are taken by officials of the central bank which the ministers cannot change.
Answer: Not sure

Question: Which of these is not a good argument in favour of democracy? Why?
(a) People feel free and equal in a democracy
(b) Democracies resolve conflict in a better way than others
(c) Democratic government is more accountable to the people
(d) Democracies are more prosperous than others
Answer: Economic prosperity depends on many factors; like availability of natural resources, quality of human resources, finance, geopolitical scenario, etc. A particular form of government is some role to play, so it cannot be seen as a good argument in favour of democracy.

Question: Each of these statements contains a democratic and an undemocratic element. Write out the two separately for each statement.
(a) A minister said that some laws have to be passed by the parliament in order to conform to the regulations decided by the World Trade Organisation.
Answer : The fact that the laws need to be passed by the parliament is democratic, while conformation to the WTO regulations is undemocratic.
(b) The Election Commission ordered re-polling in a constituency where large scale rigging was reported.
Answer: Re-polling is democratic, while rigging is undemocratic.
(c) Women’s representation in the parliament has never reached 10 per cent. This led women’s organisations to demand one-third seats for women.
Answer: Poor level of women’s representation is undemocratic, while the demand for onethird seats is democratic.
Question: Which of these is not a valid reason for arguing that there is a lesser possibility of famine in a democratic country?
(a) Opposition parties can draw attention to hunger and starvation.
(b) Free press can report suffering from famine in different parts of the country.
(c) Government fears its defeat in the next elections.
(d) People are free to believe in and practise any religion.
Answer: (d) People are free to believe in and practise any religion.
Question: There are 40 villages in a district where the government has made no provision for drinking water. These villagers met and considered many methods of forcing the government to respond to their need. Which of these is not a democratic method?

(a) Filing a case in the courts claiming that water is part of right to life.
(b) Boycotting the next elections to give a message to all parties.
(c) Organising public meetings against government’s policies.
(d) Paying money to government officials to get water.
Answer : (d) Paying money to government officials to get water.

Question: Write a response to the following arguments against democracy:
(a) Army is the most disciplined and corruption-free organisation in the country. Therefore army should rule the country.
Answer: Army officers are not elected by people and hence an army rule would be undemocratic.
(b) Rule of the majority means the rule of ignorant people. What we need is the rule of the wise, even if they are in small numbers.
Answer: Democracy is based on the idea of universal adult franchise. Restricting the rulers from a small section comprising of ‘wise’ people would defeat the purpose of representational democracy.
(c) If we want religious leaders to guide us in spiritual matters, why not invite them to guide us in politics as well. The country should be ruled by religious leaders.
Answer: Religious leaders are not elected by people and hence a country should not be ruled by religious leaders.

Question: Are the following statements in keeping with democracy as a value? Why?
(a) Father to daughter: I don’t want to hear your opinion about your marriage.In our family children marry where the parents tell them to.
Answer: In this case, the daughter does not have the freedom of choice, hence this is undemocratic.
(b) Teacher to student: Don’t disturb my concentration by asking me questions in the classroom.
Answer: The teacher may be involved in thinking about an important topic and hence is asking the student not to disturb her. It cannot be said with surety whether the teacher’s request is democratic or not.
(c) Employee to the officer: Our working hours must be reduced according to the law.
Answer: The employee is asking for a fundamental right and hence it is democratic. 

Question: Consider the following facts about a country and decide if you would call it a democracy. Give reasons to support your decision.
(a) All the citizens of the country have right to vote. Elections are held regularly.
Answer: Regular elections and universal adult franchise are two important features of a democracy and hence this is a democratic situation.
(b) The country took loan from international agencies. One of the conditions for giving loan was that the government would reduce its expenses on education and health.
Answer: An international agency should not interfere in the internal matters of a country.Hence this is undemocratic.
(c) People speak more than seven languages but education is available only in one language, the language spoken by 52 percent people of that country.
Answer: This is an example where majority view is being imposed and hence is undemocratic.
(d) Several organisations have given a call for peaceful demonstrations and nationwide strikes in the country to oppose these policies. Government has arrested these leaders.
Answer: Democratic government should provide the right to protest. The government is denying such right to its citizens and hence is undemocratic.

(e) The government owns the radio and television in the country. All the newspapers have to get permission from the government to publish any news about government’s policies and protests.
Answer: Freedom of media is very important for a democracy. This is an undemocratic example.

Question.The word ‘Democracy’ comes from the Greek word –
(a) Democracia
(b) Demokratia
(c) Demos
(d) Kratia
Answer : B

Question.What kind of government is there in Myanmar?
(a) Government elected by the people
(b) Communist government
(c) Army rule
(d) Monarchy
Answer : C

Question.The head of the government in Nepal is the:
(a) President
(b) Prime Minister
(c) King
(d) Vice President
Answer : A

Question. Who led a military coup in Pakistan in 1999?
(a) Benazir Bhutto
(b) Nawaz Sharif
(c) Pervez Musharraf
(d) None of the above
Answer : C

Question. In which case was the real power with external powers and not with the locally elected representatives?
(a) India in Sri Lanka
(b) US in Iraq
(c) USSR in Communist Poland
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Answer : D

Question. ‘One person, one vote’ means
(a) One person is to be voted by all
(b) One person has one vote and each vote has one value
(c) A person can vote only once in his life
(d) both (a) and (c)
Answer : B

Question. How many members are elected to the National People’s Congress from all over China?
(a) 3050
(b) 3000
(c) 4000
(d) 2000
Answer : B

Question. Why can the Chinese government not be called a democratic government even though elections are held there?
(a) Army participates in election
(b) Government is not accountable to the people
(c) Some parts of China are not represented at all
(d) Government is always formed by the Communist Party
Answer : D


Question. Write a note on democracy?
Answer : A democracy means rule by the people. The name is used for different forms of government,
where the people can take part in the decisions that affect the way their community is run.The people meet to decide about new laws, and changes to existing ones.

Question. Mention some of the features of democracy?.
Answer :

Question. Does democracy enhance the dignity of the citizens? Give reasons supporting your answer
Answer :
1..Recognition of the principle of equality becomes easier to wage a struggle against what is now unacceptable legally.
2. The right to vote has given the right to all the adults to vote and thus express their views.
3. Democracy has strengthened the equal opportunities and equal castes for all. It is the recognition that makes ordinary citizens value their democratic rights.

Question :  Which of the following does not lead to the spread of democracy?
(a) Struggle by the people
(b) Invasion by foreign countries
(c) End of colonialism
(d) People’s desire for freedom
Answer :  (b) Invasion by foreign countries
Question :  Which of the following statement is true about today’s world?
(a) Monarchy as a form of government has vanished.
(b) The relationship between different countries has become more democratic than ever before.
(c) In more and more countries rulers are being elected by the people.
(d) There are no more military dictators in the world.
Answer :  (c) In more and more countries rulers are being elected by the people
Question : Use one of the following statements to complete the sentence: Democracy in the international organisations requires that …
(a) The rich countries should have a greater say.
(b) Countries should have a say according to their military power.
(c) Countries should be treated with respect in proportion to their population.
(d) All countries in the world should be treated equally.
Answer :  (d) All countries in the world should be treated equally
Question : Based on the information given in this chapter, match the following countries and the path democracy has taken in that country.
     Country               Path to democracy
(a) Chile                   1. Freedom from British colonial rule
(b) Nepal                  2. End of military dictatorship
(c) Poland                 3. End of one party rule
(d) Ghana                 4. King agreed to give up his powers
Answer :  (a) ⟶ 2, (b) ⟶ 4, (c) ⟶ 3, (d) ⟶ 1
Question :  What are the difficulties people face in a non-democratic country?
Answer :   People face various difficulties in a non-democratic country as we have seen in case of Chile, Myanmar, Ghana, Pakistan, Poland, Nepal etc. 
In non-democratic countries, the people have no security of life. For example, in Chile thousands of people were killed by military rulers.
People are not free to express their opinions. Criticizing the government or rulers in a nondemocratic country would lead to severe punishments.
There is no freedom for the people either to elect their government or to be elected. Even if they find any government or ruler not to their benefit or well-being, they cannot change it since there is no election.
In non-democratic countries no opposition parties or opposition leader is tolerated. As we have seen in Poland during the regime of a non-democratic government, the workers are not allowed to form their independent Trade Unions. Only such unions can survive which rightly or wrongly support the policies of the government.
In absence of a democratic government there is no socio-economic equality. Societies in such countries remain divided among privileged and non-privileged classes which result in corruption in every department of the government. Ordinary people cannot aspire for any post.
People are always at the mercy of the autocratic ruler or the dictator.
Question : Which freedoms are usually taken away when a democracy is overthrown by the military?
Answer : Freedoms denied to the people when a democracy is overthrown by the military are so many.
In 1973, a military rule or a non-democratic government was established in Chile by General Augusto Pinochet while in Poland, there was a non-democratic government led by General Jeruzelski before 1989. We have seen people were denied many of their freedoms when they did not have democracies, for example:
The people had no ‘right to freedom of speech’ as was the case with the women of Calama in Chile.
The people had no ‘right to from associations or trade unions’ as was the case with the workers like a crane operator and an n electrician in Poland.
In Poland thousands of Solidarity members were put in prison. Freedom to organize, protest and express opinions were taken away.
In Chile more than three thousand people were killed by the military. The life of the people was at the mercy of the ruler.
The people had no ‘right to have free elections’ as was the case in Poland before the dawn of democracy there.
It was because of the above reasons i.e. no freedom of expression, no freedom of forming their own Trade Unions, no right to have free elections, socio-economic inequality and lack of security of life that the people liked to have change in their dictatorial government.
Question : Which of the following positions can contribute to democracy at the global level? Give reasons for your answer in each case.
(a) My country gives more money to international institutions. Therefore, I want to be treated with more respect and exercise more power.
(b) My country may be small or poor. But my voice must be heard with equal respect, because these decisions will affect my country.
(c) Wealthy nations will have a greater say in international affairs. They cannot let their interests suffer just because they are outnumbered by poor nations.
(d) Big countries like India must have a greater say in international organisations.
Answer :
(a) If any country gives more money to international institutions and its citizens want more respect and more power, it would not contribute to democracy at the global level. Every country and its citizens enjoy equal status whether it is a poor or a rich country. Equality is the basic principle of democracy.
(b) If any country is small or poor but its citizens are treated equally and their voice is heard with equal respect it will promote to equality and freedom of expression. If this is done at the global level, then this will definitely contribute to democracy at the global level. Because of these two facts we can say that the position is nearer to democracy.
(c) The third position would also not lead to democracy at the global level because there should be no distinction between the rich nations and the poor nations. Otherwise it will not help in bringing socio-economic equality which is one of the important aspects of democracy. At the global level all the countries, whether poor or rich, should be treated at par with each other.
(d) The last position would also not contribute democracy at the global level because the sizes or the geographical area of a country should not be a condition of superiority. However, in my opinion in international organizations like UN, General Assembly should become like a world parliament with representatives from each country in proportion to the population of the country further study
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Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 9 Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy?

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy? designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 9 Social Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 9 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 9 Social Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Social Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 9 Social Science to develop the Social Science Class 9 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 9 Social Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 9 Social Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy?

You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy? for latest session from

Is there any charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy?

There is no charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 9 CBSE Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy? you can download everything free

Are there any websites that offer free test sheets for Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy?

Yes, provides all latest NCERT Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy? Class 9 Social Science test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy? worksheets?

CBSE Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics I Chapter 1 What is Democracy? worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 9 Social Science scores?

Regular practice with Class 9 Social Science worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.