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Worksheet for Class 9 Social Science India and Contemporary I Chapter 3 Nazism And The Rise Of Hitler
Class 9 Social Science students should download to the following India and Contemporary I Chapter 3 Nazism And The Rise Of Hitler Class 9 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 9 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 9 Social Science Worksheet for India and Contemporary I Chapter 3 Nazism And The Rise Of Hitler
Case Study Questions Nazism And The Rise Of Hiter Class 11 Social Science
Question: Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
In May 1945, Germany surrendered to the Allies. A nticipating what was coming, Hitler, his Propaganda Minister Goebbels and his entire family committed suicide collectively in his Berlin bunker in April. A t the end of the war, an International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg was set up to prosecute Nazi War Criminals for Crimes against Peace, for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. Germany’s conduct during the war,especially those actions which came to be called Crimes Against Humanity, raised serious moral and ethical questions and invited worldwide condemnation. What were these acts?
Under the shadow of the Second World War, Germany had waged a Genocidal war, which resulted in the mass murder of selected groups of innocent civilians of Europe. The number of people killed included 6 million Jews, 200,000 Gypsies,1 million Polish Civilians, 70,000 Germans who were considered mentally and physically disabled,besides innumerable political opponents. Nazis devised an unprecedented means of killing people, that is, by gassing them in various killing centres like Auschwitz. The Nuremberg Tribunal sentenced only eleven leading Nazis to death. Many others were imprisoned for life. The retribution did come,yet the punishment of the Nazis was far short of the brutality and extent of their crimes. The Allies did not want to be as harsh on defeated Germany as
they had been after the First World War.
Question: Killing on a large scale of people leading to destruction is called
(A) Accidental War
(B) Suicidal War
(C) Genocidal War
(D) Artificial War
Answer: C
Question: When did Germany surrender to the Allies?
(A) In July 1945
(B) In May 1945
(C) In March 1945
(D) In June 1945
Answer: B
Question: Which category of people were the biggest victim of Nazis?
(A) Gypsies
(B) Jews
(C) Polish Civilians
(D) Mentally and physically disabled GermAnswer:
Answer: B
Question: In 1941 Allied power of UK and France were also joined by the
(A) USSR and Japan
(B) Japan and China
(C) Italy and Germany
(D) USSR and USA
Answer: D
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
Political Radicalism and Economic Crises Political Radicalisation was only heightened by the economic crisis of 1923. Germany had fought the war largely on loans and had to pay war reparations in Gold. This depleted gold reserves at a time resources were scarce. In 1923 Germany refused to pay, and the French occupied its leading industrial area, Ruhr, to claim their coal. Germany retaliated with passive resistance and printed paper currency recklessly. With too much printed money in circulation, the value of the German Mark fell.
In April the US Dollar was equal to 24,000 Marks,in July, 353,000 Marks, in August 4,621,000 Marks and at 98,860,000 Marks by December, the figure had run into trillions. As the value of the Mark collapsed, prices of goods soared. The image of Germans carrying cartloads of currency notes to buy a loaf of bread was widely publicised evoking worldwide sympathy. This crisis came to be known as hyperinflation, a situation when prices rise phenomenally high.
Question: Germany retaliated with passive resistance and printed ______ currency recklessly.
(A) Plastic
(B) Paper
(C) Bronze
(D) Copper
Answer: B
Question: Germany had fought the War largely on loans and had to pay war reparations in
(A) Gold
(B) Silver
(C) Coal
(D) Currency
Answer: A
Question: When was the US Dollar equal to 4,621,000 Marks?
(A) In April
(B) In August
(C) In July
(D) In December
Answer: A
Question: What is the currency of Germany called?
(A) Rupee
(B) Pound
(C) Dollar
(D) Mark
Answer: D
Read the source given below and answer the following questions :
The crisis in the economy, policy and society formed the background to Hitler’s rise to power.
Born in 1889 in Austria, Hitler spent his youth in poverty. When the First World War broke out, he enrolled for the Army, acted as a Messenger in the front, became a corporal, and earned medals for bravery. The German defeat horrified him and the Versailles Treaty made him furious. In 1919; he joined a small group called the German Workers’ Party. He subsequently took over the Organisation and renamed it the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. This Party came to be known as the Nazi Party.
In 1923, Hitler planned to seize control of Bavaria, march to Berlin and capture power. He failed, was arrested, tried for treason, and later released.
The Nazis could not effectively mobilise popular support till the early 1930s. It was during the Great Depression that Nazism became a mass movement.
As we have seen, after 1929, banks collapsed and businesses shut down, workers lost their jobs and the middle classes were threatened with destitution.
In such a situation Nazi Propaganda stirred hopes of a better future. In 1928, the Nazi Party got no more than 2. 6 per cent votes in the Reichstag – The German Parliament. By 1932, it had become the largest Party with 37 per cent votes.
Question: When did Hitler join the German Workers’ Party?
(A) In 1914
(B) In 1919
(C) In 1916
(D) In 1918
Answer: B
Question: When did Hitler enrol in the army?
(A) When the Second World War broke out.
(B) When the Second World War got over.
(C) When the First World War broke out.
(D) When the First World War ended.
Answer: C
Question: What is the term used for the German Parliament?
(A) House of Laws
(B) Reichstag
(C) White House
(D) Parliament of Germany
Answer: B
Question: Till the early, ______ the Nazis could not effectively mobilise popular support.
(A) 1920’s
(B) 1930’s
(C) 1940’s
(D) 1950’s
Answer: B
Short Answer Type Questions
Question: Describe any three inherent defects in the Weimar Constitution that made it vulnerable to Dictatorship.
Describe any three factors which made the Weimar Republic politically fragile.
State three reasons responsible for the failure of the Weimar Republic.
State any three weaknesses of the Weimar Republic.
State any three factors which made the Weimar
Republic politically fragile.
Describe the problems faced by the Weimar Republic.
Answer: Defects :
(i) The Weimar Constitution was based on proportional representation.
(ii) Article 48 gave President the power to impose emergency, suspend civil rights.
(iii) Thus, in a short time, 20 different cabinets were formed and people lost faith.
Question: Describe any three effects of the Great Depression (1929-1932) on Germany.
What was the impact of the ‘Great Economic Crisis’on the economy of Germany?
Answer: Great Economic Depression :
(i) Industrial output fell by 40 per cent; Workers lost their jobs and they were paid low wages.
(ii) Sharp fall in agricultural prices
(iii) Women were severely affected.
Question: Name the country that defeated Germany in the First World War. State two effects of defeat in Germany.
Answer: US joined the Allies in 1917 and defeated Germany and the Central Powers.
Effects :
(i) The defeat of Germany resulted in the abdication of German Emperor. This gave an opportunity for the Parliamentary Parties to bring a change in German Politics.
(ii) A Democratic Constitution with a federal structure was formed by the National Assembly, which met at Weimar and the Weimar Republic came into existence.
Question: State three features of Political Radicalism in Germany. A
Answer: Features of Political Radicalism :
(i) The Political situation that came into view after the rise of Weimar Republic is termed as Political Radicalism.
(ii) The demand and the uprising for Soviet Style Governance were suppressed by the Weimar Republic and this enraged them to form the Communist Party.
(iii) Both Communists and Socialists wanted Political Radicalism against Hitler’s rule.
Question: State the verdict of Nuremberg Tribunal. Why did the Allies avoid hard punishment on Germany?
Answer: The Nuremberg Tribunal, which was set up to prosecute the Nazis for committing grave crime against humanity which involved killing of innocent civilians in Europe, sentenced only 11 Nazis to death.
Some were given life imprisonment.
Allies avoided harsh punishment on Germany because :
(i) They did not want to repeat the mistakes committed after the First World War where they imposed harsh terms on Germany by virtue of Treaty of Versailles,which resulted in the rise of Hitler.
(ii) Treaty of Versailles was physiologically damaging for the Germans and also proved to be a national shame. The treaty had sown the seeds of the Second World War.
This made the Allies cautious enough of not being much harsh on Germans again.
Question: Describe any three conditions of the Treaty of Versailles.
Explain any three effects of the Treaty of Versailles over Germany.
State any three major effects of the First World War on Germany.
Answer: Impact of the Treaty of Versailles over Germany :
(i) Germany lost its overseas colonies.
(ii) It was demilitarised.
(iii) The Allied armies occupied the resource-rich Rhineland.
(iv) It lost 75 per cent of its Iron and 26 per cent of its Coal to France, Poland, Denmark & Lithuania.
Question: What was the impact of Hitler’s attack on Soviet Union in June 1941 ?
Answer: (i) In this historic blunder, Hitler exposed the German Western Front to British aerial bombing and the Eastern Front to theN powerful Soviet Armies.
(ii) The Soviet Red Army inflicted a crushing and humbling defeat on Germany at Stalingrad.
(iii) The Soviet Red Army hounded out the retreating German soldiers until they reached Berlin, establishing Soviet hegemony over the entire Eastern Europe.
Question: Explain Hitler’s Ideology related to the Geopolitical Concept of Lebensraum.
Answer: Hitler’s Geopolitical Concept of Lebensraum :
(i) He believed that New territories had to be acquired for Settlement.
(ii) This would enhance the area of the Mother Country, while enabling the settlers on new land to retain an intimate link with the place of their origin.
(iii) It would also enhance the material resources and power of the German nation.
Question: How did the Nazis demonstrate support for Hitler ?
Answer: (i) The Nazis held Massive Rallies and Public Meetings to demonstrate the support for Hitler and instill the sense of unity among the people.
(ii) The Red banners with the Swastika, the Nazi salute and the ritualised rounds of applause after the speeches were all part of this spectacle of power.
(iii) Nazi propaganda skilfully projected Hitler as a Messiah, a Saviour, as someone who had arrived to deliver people from their distress.
Question: Explain the circumstances under which Nazism became popular in Germany.
What is Nazism? How did it become popular in Germany? Explain.
Discuss why did Nazism become popular in Germany by 1930.
Answer: Circumstances under which Nazism became popular were :
(i) Hitler was a great Orator. His passion and words moved people.
(ii) He promised to build a strong nation.
(iii) He promised to restore dignity of the Germans and undo the injustice of the Treaty of Versailles.
(iv) He promised Employment for those looking for work and a secure future for the youth.
(v) He promised to weed out all Foreign influences and resist all Foreign conspiracies against Germany.
(vi) Hitler devised a new style of politics. Nazis held massive rallies and public meetings as to show the strength and confidence for Hitler.
(vii) The Red banners with the Swastika, ritualised rounds of applause and the Nazi salute after the speeches, were all part of this spectacle of power.
(viii) Nazi propaganda projected Hitler as a Messiah or a Saviour.
Question: Explain three reasons that led to the German invasion of Soviet Union.
Answer: Reasons leading to the German invasion of Soviet Union were :
(i) Hitler dreamt of settling the German with pure Aryan blood in the Asian steppe region and of using the Jews and Asians as Slaves.
(ii) He wanted to ensure Food supplies for the GermAnswer: The Germans and Russians had serious differences over the Balkan, where no clear line
demarcation had been worked out.
(iii) Hitler wanted to eradicate Communism
Question: Describe the Ideology of Racial Hierarchy propounded by Hitler.
Answer: Ideology of Racial Hierarchy propounded by Hitler :
(i) No equality between people. Blond, blue-eyed,Nordic German Aryans were at the top.
(ii) Jews were located at the lowest rung of the society.
They came to be regarded as an anti-race, the archenemies of the AryAnswer:
(iii) All the coloured people were placed in between depending upon their external features.
Question: Explain briefly the theory of Herbert Spencer used by Hitler.
Answer: Theory :
(i) Herbert Spencer propounded the Idea of 'Survival of the Fittest'.
(ii) According to this idea, only those species survived on Earth which could adapt them to changing climate conditions.
(iii) Used by Racist Thinkers and Politicians to justify Imperial rule over conquered people. According to Nazi argument, the strongest race would
survive and the weak ones would perish.
Question: How were the ideas of Darwin and Herbert Spencer adopted by Hitler or Nazis ?
Answer: (i) Hitler’s Racism was heavily borrowed from Thinkers like Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer.
(ii) The ideas written by Darwin in ‘The Origin of Species’ natural selection was used by Hitler to justify his Imperial rule over conquered people.
(iii) Adopting the Idea of the ‘Survival of the Fittest’propounded by Herbert Spencer, the Nazi Government suggested that the strongest race, that is Nordic German Aryans would survive and the weak ones would perish.
Question: Describe the role of Youth Organisations in Nazi Germany.
Mention three Youth Organisations that were responsible for educating German Youth in the Spirit of National Socialism.
Describe the Youth Organisations in Nazi
Explain any three methods adopted by Hitler for educating German Youth in the spirit of National Socialism.
Answer: Methods :
(i) Youth Organisations were made responsible for educating German young in the Spirit of National Socialism. Ten years old had to enter ‘Jungvolk’ the Nazi Youth Group.
(ii) At 14, all the Boys had to join Nazi youth Organisation called ‘Hitler Youth’ where they learnt to worship war, glorify aggression and violence, condemn Democracy and hate Jews,Communists and Gypsies.
(iii) After a period of rigorous ideological and physical training, they joined the ‘Labour Service’, and later, they joined the Armed Forces and entered one of the Youth Organisations.
Question: Explain any three effects of Nazism on the School System.
Answer: Effects of Nazism on the School System :
(i) Hitler was fanatically interested in the Youth of the Country. He believed in teaching the Nazi Ideology to the Students.
(ii) Jewish Teachers who were seen as politically unreliable were dismissed from service.
(iii) Children were segregated – German and Jews could not sit or play together.
(iv) Good German children were subjected to a process of Nazi Schooling, a prolonged period of Ideological training.
(v) School Textbooks were rewritten to glorify and justify the Nazi Ideas of Racial Superiority.
(vi) Children were taught to be loyal, submissive and hate the Jews.
(vii) Sports were introduced to nurture violence and aggression among students. Hitler believed that ‘Boxing could make children iron hearted, strong and masculine.
Question: List the communities which were classified as Undesirable in Nazi Germany.
Answer: Undesirable communities in Nazi Germany were :
(i) Gypsies and Blacks those living in Nazi Germany.
(ii) Russians and Poles were considered subhuman.
(iii) Jews too were inferior, threatening biological purity of the ‘Superior Aryan’ Race.
Question: Describe the role of Propaganda Films in creating hatred for Jews.
Answer: (i) Most infamous film was the ‘Eternal Jew’ in which orthodox Jews were stereotyped and marked.
(ii) They were shown with flowing beards wearing kaftAnswer:
(iii) They were referred to as vermin, rats and pests. Their movements were compared to those of rodents.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question: State any five steps taken by Hitler to establish his Dictatorial rule in Germany.
Explain any five features of Political Policy adopted by Hitler after coming to power in 1933.
Answer: Features of Political Policy adopted by Hitler :
(i) Suspended Civil Rights and introduced the Enabling Act.
(ii) Communists sent to Concentration camps.
(iii) All Political Parties and Trade Unions except the Nazi Party were banned in Germany.
(iv) State control over Economy, Media, Army and Judiciary.
(v) Creation of special Surveillance and Security Forces.
Question: Mention five important consequences of Nazism in Germany.
Answer: Consequences of Nazism :
(i) It pulled the country out of economic crisis.
(ii) Hitler tried to make Germany a powerful country,enhanced its Military.
(iii) All Political Parties except Nazi party were banned.
(iv) The Socialists, the Communists and the Jews were given harsh treatment as they were blamed of German defeat in World War I.
(v) Trade Unions were banned.
(vi) A Massive programme of Militarism was launched and preparation for War began in a big way.
Question: Explain briefly the main causes of the rise of Nazi Dictatorship in Germany.
Answer: The main causes of rise of Nazi Dictatorship in Germany were as follows :
(i) The First World War defeat.
(ii) Weakness of Weimar Republic : The Weimar Constitution had some inherent defects which made it unstable and vulnerable to Dictatorship.
Due to proportional representation, One Party Rule became an impossible task, leading to a rule by coalitions. Another defect was Article 48, which gave the President the power to impose emergency, suspend Civil Rights and Rule by Decree.
(iii) Treaty of Versailles : Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles with the Allied Powers.
This made Germany to lose its Overseas Colonies, a tenth of its population, 13 per cent of its territories and many more. The Allied Powers demilitarised Germany. The Allied Armies also occupied the resource rich Rhineland.
The War guilt clause forced Germany to pay £ 6 Billion as War Damages to the Allied Powers.
(iv) The Economic crisis : German Economy was worst hit. Industrial production was reduced to 40 per cent. Due to Great Economic Depression, the National Income of the USA fell by half, leading to shut down of the Factories. The Exports fell down and Farmers suffered the most during the Depression.
(v) Mass unemployment : Workers of Germany lost their jobs and were paid reduced wages.
Unemployed youth played cards or lined up at Local Employment Exchange. Jobs disappeared and youth took to criminal activities.
(vi) German people thought that Hitler would be a Good Dictator as he promised to undo the injustice of Treaty of Versailles. He also promised to give Employment to those looking for work.
Later, the Nazi Party became the largest Party with 37 per cent votes in Reichstag.
Question: Why was Nazi Propaganda effective in creating a hatred for the Jews? Explain any five reasons.
Answer: Reasons :
(i) The Nazi regime used Language and Media with care.
(ii) They used chilling terms. They never used the words ‘kill’ or ‘murder’.
(iii) Mass killing was termed as special treatment leading towards the final solution (for the Jews).
(iv) Nazi ideas were spread through visual images,films, radio, posters, etc.
(v) Propaganda films were made to create hatred for Jews.
(vi) They were referred to as vermin, rats, pests.
Nazism worked on minds of the people.
Question: Highlight any five peculiar features of Nazi thinking.
What are the peculiar features of Nazi thinking ?
Answer: The peculiar features of Nazi thinking are :
(i) There was no equality between people, but only a Racial Hierarchy. In this view, blond, blue-eyed, Nordic German Aryans were at the top, while the Jews were located at the lowest rung. All other coloured people were placed in between,depending upon their external features.
(ii) The Aryan Race was the finest. It had to retain its purity, become stronger and dominate the world.
(iii) Nazis glorified war. Their only aim was to unite All people of the Aryan race under one state that is Germany.
(iv) Hitler believed that new territories had to be acquired for settlement. It would enhance the material resources and power of the German nation.
(v) Nazis wanted only a society of pure and healthy Nordic AryAnswer: They alone were considered ‘Desirables’.
(vi) Nazis hated Jews. They terrorised, pauperised and segregated them and compelled them to leave the Country.
(vii) Children were taught to be loyal and submissive, hate Jews and worship Hitler.
(viii) While Boys were taught to be aggressive, masculine and steel-hearted, girls were told that they had to become Good Mothers and rear pure-blooded
Aryan children.
Question: How did the Nazis proceed to realise their Murderous Racial Ideology by eliminating the Undesirables? Explain.
Answer: (i) Once in power, the Nazis quickly began to implement their dream of creating an exclusive Racial Community of pure Germans by physically eliminating all those who were seen as ‘Undesirable’ in the extended Empire as they were mentally or physically unfit Germans, Gypsies, Blacks, Russians and Poles.
(ii) But, Jews remained the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany. They were Stereotyped as ‘Killers of Christ and Usurers’.
(iii) Until Medieval times, Jews were barred from owning land. They survived mainly through Trade and Money lending. They lived in separately marked areas called ‘Ghettos’.
(iv) They were often persecuted through periodically organised violence and expulsion from land. All this had a precursor in the Traditional Christian hostility towards Jews for being the Killers of Christ.
(v) However, Hitler’s hatred of the Jews was based on Pseudo-scientific theories of race, which held that conversion was no solution to ‘the Jewish problem’. It could be solved only through their total elimination.
Question: Highlight five main features of Nazi Schooling, to establish a strong Nazi Society.
Highlight five important features of Education imparted in Nazi Schools.
Answer: Important features of education imparted in Nazi Schools :
(i) Children were segregated. The Germans and the Jews could not sit or play together. Subsequently,undesirable children like Jews and the physically handicapped; the Gypsies were thrown out of Schools.
(ii) All Schools were cleansed or purified. This meant that Teachers who were Jews or seen as politically unreliable were dismissed.
(iii) Good German Children were subjected to a process of Nazi schooling, a prolonged period of Ideological Training.
(iv) Boxing was introduced as Hitler believed that it could make children iron-hearted, strong and masculine.
(v) School Text books were rewritten.
(vi) Children were taught to be loyal and to hate Jews and worship Hitler.
Question: Explain the status of women in the German Society under Nazism.
How did the assigned role for women by Nazis help in the establishment of the Racial State? How were women perceived in Nazi Germany?
Explain Hitler’s Ideology regarding Women and his policy towards them.
Explain what role women had in Nazi Society.
Answer: Status of women in Germany :
(i) Children in Nazi Germany were told that women were radically different from men.
(ii) While Boys were taught to be aggressive, masculine and steel-hearted, girls were told to be Good mothers and rear Pure-blooded Aryan children.
They had to teach Nazi values to their Children.
(iii) Women bearing Undesirable children were punished and those bearing Desirable were awarded.
(iv) Girls had to maintain the purity of race.
(v) They had to keep distance from the Jews, look after their home and teach Nazi values to their children.
(vi) To encourage women to produce more children,a Bronze cross was given for four, Silver for six and Gold for eight or more children.
(vii) Those who maintained contacts with the Jews,Poles or Russians were severely punished.
Question: Mention three ways in which the World gained knowledge about Holocaust.
What event in history is known as the Holocaust?
How did the World come to know about the Holocaust ? Explain.
Answer: The persecution and mass murder of Jews by German Nazis between 1933 and 1945 is known as the Holocaust.
Sources :
(i) Information and full horror of the Holocaust was revealed after Hitler’s death.
(ii) From Diaries, Notebooks, left behind by many Ghetto inhabitants.
(iii) Many of the Jews survived to tell the stories.
(iv) Memoirs, Fictions, Documentaries and Poetry in many parts of the World also revealed information about Holocaust.
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Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 9 India and Contemporary I Chapter 3 Nazism And The Rise Of Hitler
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