CBSE Class 6 English Basic Spelling Rules Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 6 English Basic Spelling Rules Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 6 English can get free printable Worksheets for Class 6 English Basic Spelling Rules in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 6 students should practice questions and answers given here for English in Class 6 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 6 English Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest English books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 6 English Basic Spelling Rules

Class 6 English students should download to the following Basic Spelling Rules Class 6 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 6 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 6 English Worksheet for Basic Spelling Rules


When adding a suffix that begins with a consonant to a word that ends with a silent e, keep the e. When adding a suffix that begins with a or o to a word that ends with ce or ge, keep the e. When adding a suffix that begins with a vowel to a word that ends in ee or oe, keep the e.

love + -ly = lovely                 knowledge + -able = knowledgeable
canoe + -ing = canoeing

When adding -ly to a word that ends with an l plus a silent e, drop the e.

When adding a suffix that begins with a vowel or y to a word that ends with a silent e, usually drop the e.

terrible + -ly = terribly                 shine + -ing = shining                 nose + -y = nosy


When a word ends in a consonant + y, change the y to i. When the suffix begins with an i, do not change the y to i. When a word ends in a vowel + y, keep the y.

fry + -ed = fried                 cry + -ing = crying                 relay + -ed = relayed


Put i before e except after c and when sounded like a, as in neighbor and weigh.
Some exceptions to this rule are height, seize, leisure, either, efficient. 

belief                 deceive                 eight

Exercise 1 Write the word that is formed when the suffix given is added to each word.

try + -ed tried

1. try + -ing trying

2. admire + -able admirable

3. home + -ly homely

4. cry + -ed cried

5. state + -ment statement

6. foresee + -able foreseeable

7. annoy + -ing annoying

8. awe + -some awesome

9. probable + -ly probably

10. manage + -able manageable

11. muddy + -ing muddying

12. fry + -ing frying

13. like + -ness likeness

14. gentle + -ly gently

15. change + -able changeable

16. play + -ful playful

17. shoe + -ing shoeing

18. mercy + -ful merciful

19. craze + -y crazy

20. merry + -ment merriment

Exercise 2 Write the word in the blank that is formed by adding ei or ie to the incomplete word in each sentence.

.........lei.........  The Hawaiians gave me a necklace of flowers called a I.......

.................... 1. Ms. Kang will not stray from her bel.......f.

.................... 2. Wally did not bring his with him.

.................... 3. The v.......n of ore ran for nearly three miles.

.................... 4. How could anyone of such a thing?

.................... 5. Dowana worked hard to honor-roll status.

.................... 6. In the distance, we heard the whistle of a fr.......ght train.

.................... 7. Mr. Suzuki was appointed ch.......f of staff.

.................... 8. Father O’Brien had been a parish for forty years.

.................... 9. Mario had .......ght years of piano lessons.

.................... 10. Duke learned to a stick in only three days.

.................... 11. Is Pam well enough to visitors?

.................... 12. Our sunflowers grew to a h.......ght of eleven feet.

.................... 13. I read .......ght books this month.

.................... 14. Sue’s brother is conc.......ted.

.................... 15. How long did Alice after Alejandra moved to Texas?

.................... 16. What color shall we paint the c.......ling?

.................... 17. What kind of lace did Jana choose for her v.......l?

.................... 18. Be careful that his promises contain no dec.......t.

.................... 19. We went for a ride.

.................... 20. Athletes must maintain a certain w.......ght.


When a word ends in a single consonant following one vowel, double the final consonant if the word is one syllable. Also double the final consonant if the last syllable of the word is accented and the accent stays there after the suffix is added.

sit + -ing = sitting                 slap + -ed = slapped                         sad + -er = sadder
refer + -ed = referred
            occur + -ence = occurrence            deter + -ing = deterring

Do not double the final consonant if the suffix begins with a consonant, if the accent is not on the last syllable, or if the accent moves when the suffix is added.

hurt + ful = hurtful                            pain + -less = painless                       great + -ly = greatly
envelop + -ed = enveloped
             govern + -ing = governing                 motor + -ize = motorize
refer + -ence = reference
                  confer + -ence = conference

Do not double the final consonant if two vowels come before the final consonant or if the word ends in two consonants.

drain + -ed = drained             moan + -ing = moaning                 keep + -ing = keeping
start + -er = starter
                 belong + -ing = belonging            apart + -ment = apartment

When adding -ly to a word that ends in ll, drop one l.

dull + -ly = dully                 full + -ly = fully

When forming compound words, keep the original spelling of both words.

soap + box = soapbox                 fly + wheel = flywheel                 back + pack = backpack

Exercise 1 Write the word that is formed when the suffix given is added to each word.

fan + -ing fanning

1. pat + -ed patted

2. expel + -ing expelling

3. full + -ly fully

4. rain + -ing raining

5. admit + -ance admittance

6. shut + -er shutter

7. civil + -ize civilize

8. confer + -ence conference

9. glad + -est gladdest

10. main + -ly mainly

11. equip + -ed equipped

12. sharp + -ly sharply

13. layer + -ing layering

14. pad + -ing padding

15. rebel + -ed rebelled

16. loan + -ed loaned

17. plant + -ed planted

18. tip + -ing tipping

19. smart + -est smartest

20. begin + -er beginner

Exercise 2 Write the compound word formed from the words in parentheses. If the sentence is correct, write C in the blank.

     screwdriver     Please hand me the smallest (screw driver).

........................... 1. What did you use for a (steering wheel) on your go-cart?

........................... 2. Micah does his studying in his (bed room).

........................... 3. Marisha is proud of her (table manners).

........................... 4. Yesterday, our class was a (bee hive) of activity.

........................... 5. With a huge leap, Katarina caught the (line drive).

........................... 6. Does your mother hire a (book keeper)?

........................... 7. No one in our class has ever experienced an (earth quake).

........................... 8. Mr. Sanchez wore gray (dress pants) with his blue blazer.

........................... 9. Achim finished the test before (any body) else.

........................... 10. Did you remember to bring your (fishing pole)?

........................... 11. How many hours did the (snow storm) last?

........................... 12. Do you think Mimi would like a (jewelry box) for her birthday?

........................... 13. I know that book is (some where) in this room.

........................... 14. Ms. Yedon has the most beautiful (flower garden) in the neighborhood.

........................... 15. My favorite part of the meal was the (straw berry) and banana dessert.

........................... 16. Please bring some (light bulbs) when you come home.

........................... 17. Elijah has a new (sport coat) to wear to the program.

........................... 18. Dad purchased our new television directly from the (ware house).

........................... 19. Our (bird feeder) needs to be refilled.

........................... 20. I was scared when the stone flew against the (wind shield).


Many English words form plurals by specific rules.

If the noun ends in s, ch, sh, x, or z (including proper names), add -es.

grass, grasses                 catch, catches                 fox, foxes                 Lopez, Lopezes

If the noun ends in a consonant + y, change the y to i and add -es.

carry, carries                 mercy, mercies                 puppy, puppies

If the noun ends in o or a vowel + y, add -s.

rodeo, rodeos                 piano, pianos                 key, keys                 boy, boys

Exceptions:                     potato, potatoes             echo, echoes

If the noun ends in f or ff, add -s.

beef, beefs                 clef, clefs                 cuff, cuffs

Exceptions: sheaf, sheaves loaf, loaves (change f to v and add -es)

If the noun ends in lf or fe, change the f to v and add -es.

calf, calves                 shelf, shelves                 life, lives

One-word compound nouns follow the general rules for plurals. For compound nouns of more than one word or hyphenated words, make the most important word plural.

grandmother, grandmothers                 lady-in-waiting, ladies-in-waiting

ice cream, ice creams                           chief of staff, chiefs of staff

Some nouns have irregular plurals and follow no rules.

man, men                 foot, feet                 child, children

Some nouns do not change spelling for the plural.

deer, deer                 sheep, sheep                 series, series

Exercise 1, Write the correct plural form of each word.

watch watches

1. dress dresses

2. Aldrich Aldriches

3. factory factories

4. goof goofs

5. joy joys

6. broomstick broomsticks

7. loaf loaves

8. glass glasses

9. box boxes

10. wish wishes

11. editor in chief editors in chief

12. Truax Truaxes

13. folly follies

14. crutch crutches

15. woman women

16. beach beaches

17. McCandlish McCandlishes

18. proof proofs

19. knife knives

20. fifty fifties

21. secretary-general secretaries-general

22. echo echoes

23. stress stresses

24. toy toys

25. Jones Joneses

26. buzz buzzes

27. latch latches

28. moose moose

29. mother-in-law mothers-in-law

30. dish dishes

31. kangaroo kangaroos

32. berry berries

33. Martinez Martinezes

34. wedding ring wedding rings

35. cuff cuffs

36. mouse mice

37. wife wives

38. handkerchief handkerchiefs

39. stereo stereos

40. half halves

Writing Link Write a paragraph about a group of people. Use at least four plural words.


Review Basic Spelling Rules Class 6 English

Exercise 1 Correct each misspelled word. Write C in the blank if the word is spelled correctly. Use a dictionary if necessary.

     allys                          allies

1. terriblely                     terribly

2. deciet 

3. keyes 

4. relyance 

5. fullly 

6. kittens 

7. potatos 

8. changable 

9. brother-in-laws 

10. partly

11. joiful 

12. muffes 

13. referrence 

14. lonly 

15. swimer 

16. pianoes 

17. riegn 

18. offerring 

19. soft drinks 

20. concieve 

21. neighbor

22. friing 

23. leafs 

24. losses 

25. releif 

26. neither 

27. childs 

28. trainnable 

29. sheeps 

30. liesure 

31. preist 

32. moveing 

33. halfs 

34. serieses 

35. containning 

36. flurrys 

37. oxes 

38. freing 

39. vien 

40. watchs 

41. toeing 

42. crispper 

43. peanut 

44. crazyer 

46. boxs boxes

47. maping 

48. wieghtier 

49. chief of staffs 

50. pigpen 


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Worksheet for CBSE English Class 6 Basic Spelling Rules

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Basic Spelling Rules designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 6 English released by CBSE. Students of Class 6 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 6 English on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for English by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 6 English to develop the English Class 6 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 6 English designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 6 English in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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Yes, provides all latest NCERT Basic Spelling Rules Class 6 English test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 6 English Basic Spelling Rules worksheets?

CBSE Class 6 English Basic Spelling Rules worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 6 English scores?

Regular practice with Class 6 English worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.