Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 6 English Revision Worksheet Set B. Students and teachers of Class 6 English can get free printable Worksheets for Class 6 English All Chapters in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 6 students should practice questions and answers given here for English in Class 6 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 6 English Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest English books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 6 English All Chapters
Class 6 English students should download to the following All Chapters Class 6 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 6 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 6 English Worksheet for All Chapters
Question. Which language was not used in the Ancient period-?
1. Pali
2. Sanskrit
3. Hindi
Answer : ( 3 )
Question. Name a important river along which people lived for several hundred thousand years-
1. Narmada
3. Ganga
Answer : ( 1 )
Question. The name India was given by the Iranians and –
1. France
3. Poland
Answer : ( 4 )
Question. The bark of the birch tree was used to prepare-
1. Huts
3. boat
Answer : ( 2 )
Question. People who gathered their food are called-
1. Hunters
3.Skilled labours
4 .Merchants
Answer : ( 1 )
Question...................are persons who study the object of the past.
Answer : Archeologists
Question. Agriculture began ............years ago.
Answer : 8000
Question. Prakrit was the language used by......... people.
Answer : Ordinary
Question. the meaning of Indus in Sanskrit.
Answer : Sindhu
Question...................are writings engraved on hard surfaces such as stone or metal?
Answer : Inscription
Question. What do you mean by Manuscript?
Answer : Manuscript means any book document written by hand.
Question.Where were Manuscript preserved?
Answer : Manuscript were often preserved in temples and monasteries.
Question.Where does the word India come from?
Answer : The word India comes from the Indus called Sindhu in Sanskrit.
Question.What is source?
Answer : The word source refers to the information found from manuscript, inscription and archeology.
Question.Where did people live in pre- historic times?
Answer : In the pre- historic times people lived along the rivers and in the areas with plant and animals life.
Question. Who are Archeologist? What do they do?
Answer : Archeologists are persons who study the objects of the past. They study the remains of the buildings made of stone and brick, painting and sculptures. They also explore and dig the earth in order to find out tools ,weapons, ornaments and coins.
Question. Differentiate between Manuscripts and Inscriptions?
Answer : Manuscript- They are the old books that give written accounts. These were written on leaves and barks of trees.
Inscriptions- These are engraved form of writings used for various purposes.
These are written on hard surfaces such as stones or metals.
Question.How are coins a valuable source of information about ancient India?
Answer : Coins are a valuable archaeological source of information. They help in gaining knowledge about ancient India in the ways as:
The way of life and the administ-ration of reigning kings of the past are known through coins.
The trade policies and routes are highlighted.
An idea about the economy of the Past is from them.
Art and religion of the particular Period comes to light.
The extent of the king’s empire is known.
A. Summary of the lesson-
Once upon a time, a farmer lived with his wife and his small son in a village. One day, the farmer brought a baby mongoose with him. The farmer thought the baby mongoose will be his son’s companion in future. The mongoose grew to its full size within six months. The farmer’s son was still a baby. One day, the farmer’s wife wanted to go to the market. She asked her husband to keep an eye on the baby in the cradle. She didn’t like to leave the baby with the mongoose. But the farmer treated the mongoose as a friendly animal. The farmer’s wife went to the market and he went to his field. After some time when the farmer’s wife returned from market with a bag full of groceries, she saw that the mongoose was sitting outside the house. Its face and paws were stained with blood. She thought that the mongoose killed her baby. She became blind with rage. She hit the mongoose on the head with the basket and she rushed inside the house. When she went in she saw that her child was sleeping soundly in the cradle. She also found a black snake lying dead near the cradle. She understood everything. She realized her mistake. She came out hurriedly. The mongoose was lying dead there. She started sobbing. After some time, she heard the crying of her baby. She wiped her tears and went in.
B. Learn and write the given Word- Meanings-
1. Cradle - Infant’s bed on the rockers
2. Companion - Fellow
3. Groceries - General supplies
4. Customary - Usual
5. Screamed - Cried
6. Hysterically - As it fainting
7. Smeared - Covered
C. Learn and write the following questions and answers-
Question. Why did the farmer bring a baby mongoose into the house?
Answer : The farmer brought a baby mongoose into the house because he had a son. He thought when
his son would grow up , he would need a companion. This animal would be his son’s
Question. Why did the farmer’s wife not want to leave the baby alone with the mongoose?
Answer : The farmer’s wife did not want to leave the baby alone with the mongoose because she was
afraid that the mongoose could harm her child.
Question. What was the farmer’s comment on his wife’s fear?
Answer : The farmer commented, “There is nothing to be afraid. The mongoose is a pet animal and true friend of our son.”
Question. Why did the farmer’s wife strike the mongoose with her basket?
Answer : When the farmer’s wife returned from the market, she saw that the face and the paws of the mongoose were smeared with blood. She thought that the mongoose had killed her son so she struck the mongoose with her basket.
Question. How did the mongoose prove his friendly nature?
Answer : The mongoose proved his friendly nature by saving the life of the farmer’s son. He killed the snake. He sacrificed his life. He was killed by farmer’s wife due to misunderstanding.
Question. Write the moral of the story.
Answer : (Do it yourself)
D. Make sentences by using the given words- (Do it yourself)
1. Friendly-
2. Farmer-
3. Mongoose-
4. Cradle-
5. Companion-
E. Who said to whom-
Question. “We must have a pet.”
Answer : The farmer said to his wife.
Question. “It’s a baby mongoose.”
Answer : The farmer’s wife said to the farmer.
Question. “You wicked animal! You have killed my baby.”
Answer :The farmer’s wife said to the mongoose.
Question. “Oh! You saved my child.”.
Answer : The farmer’s wife said to the mongoose
Question. “The mongoose is a friendly animal.”
Answer : The farmer said to his
POEM: My Furry Friend
A : Give the rhyming words of the following words:
1. bus us, fuss, discuss
2. light bite, fight, right
3. neat meat, treat eat
Activity 3: Read the following words / phrases and use them in meaningful sentences:
1. conversation: He listens to our conversation.
2. frown: His forehead has a frown.
3. tear down: He tears down his toys.
4. quick on feet: He is quick on feet.
B : Write a few things about the furry friend of the poet.
Answer :
1. Poet‟s furry friend is a puppy.
2. He is black and white.
3. He sleeps day and night.
4. He is quick on feet.
5. He is always ready to fight.
C : Read and answer.
1. I brought home a puppy
He looked very happy!
Q. What did the poet bring home?
Answer : The poet brought home a puppy.
2. Nibbles like a mouse
Eats whatever he finds in the house.
Q. What does the puppy nibble at?
Answer : He nibbles at the food.
3. You ask him to go
He growls loudly to say NO.
Q. Why does the puppy growl?
Answer : He growls if you ask him to go.
4. He is quick on his feet
When you give him a treat.
Q. When is the puppy quick on his feet?
Answer : He is quick on feet when you give him food.
The Giving Tree
1 : Read the following phrases. Find out their meaning by reading the story again. Write two meaningful sentences using each phrase:
1. climb up: a. You can climb up a tree.
b. You can climb up a mountain.
2. cut off: a. Do not cut off any branch.
b. Cut off this shirt.
3. cut down a. Never cut down a tree.
b. Cut down your bad habits.
4. stay away a. Stay away from bad habits.
b. Stay away from bad company.
5. take away a. You can take away my book.
b. Take it away with care.
2 : Read the story carefully and answer the following questions in 'Yes' / 'No':
For example:
Question: Did the boy love the tree when he was a child?
Answer: Yes, he did.
Q. Did the tree love the little boy?
Answer: Yes, he did.
Q. Did the tree have money to give the boy?
Answer: No, she did not have.
Q. Did the boy want to go to a nearby village?
Answer: No, he did not.
Q. Did the boy get married?
Answer: Yes, he did.
Q. Did the tree allow the boy to sit down on the stump?
Answer: Yes, he did.
3 : Answer the following questions:
Q. Who would come and play with the tree?
Ans. A little boy would come and play with the tree.
Q. Who was too big to climb and play?
Ans. The boy was too big to climb and play.
Q. Why did the boy want a boat?
Ans. He wanted to go to another city.
Q. Why did the boy want to go to another city?
Ans. He wanted to go for business.
Q. What did the tree say in the end?
Ans. “An old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, boy, sit down and rest.”
4 : Fill in the blanks with the words given below. You can use each word twice, if necessary:
(sailed, tree, stump, grew, happy, climb up, swing, house, tired, apples)
1. Once there was a boy and a tree.
2. The boy played with the tree.
3. The tree asked the boy to climb up and swing from her branches.
4. The boy grew older.
5. The tree asked the boy to sell-off appples to get money.
6. The boy cut off the branches to make a house.
7. The boy made a boat from the trunk of the tree and sailed away.
8. The tree was not happy.
9. The boy came back to the tree. He said that he was tired.
10. The boy sat on the stump to rest.
5 : Give opposites of the given words in the given space:
Word Opposite
1. happy sad
2. give take
3. sell buy
4. come go
5. quiet loud
6. climb up come down
6 : Add '-ed' to the following words and write a meaningful sentence:
Example: Stay: I stayed in Jammu for a week
1. want: I wanted to go.
2. climb: He climbed up the tree.
3. play: I played football.
4. sail: He sailed to the city.
5. rest: He rested under a tree.
Paragraph is a short piece of writing which contains small sentences on a given topic. The students should remember some important points while writing a paragraph.
1. Keep the paragraph on one topic.
2. Include a topic sentence.
3. Use supporting sentences that give details or facts about the topic.
4. Include vivid words.
5. Include sentences that make sense and stick to the topic.
*Here,I am giving a sample paragraph for reading and writing.
Write a paragraph on the topic- „The Importance Of Discipline‟
Aristotle once said, “Discipline is obedience of rules formed by the society for the good of all.” Therefore, discipline is the habit of acting according to the rules. Indiscipline is one of the most pressing problems of our society. Corruption comes in when there is no discipline. Man lives in a society. He can make progress only in society. So, the good of society must be in the good of an individual. Sometimes, an individual has to sacrifice his personal interest also for the good of society. Discipline is necessary in every field of life. Without it there will be chaos in life. For ex- If the members of the family don‟t obey the head of the family, they will never be happy. Discipline is necessary in every field of life. For ex- In family, in school and colleges, in sports, in army and in the administrative sphere etc. If the students don‟t obey their teacher, their results can not improve. If the players don‟t listen to their captain, their team will loss the match. Discipline is also very essential in army. A soldier has to obey his officer. He cannot argue or misbehave. In the administrative sphere, the duty of the peon is to obey the clerk who has to obey his immediate officer. In this way, the whole system runs. Now-a-days, as we can see, the whole world is fighting against the Corona epidemic. The countries that are listening to their government, following discipline are getting less affected. On the other hand, those who are not showing discipline, their conditions are pitiable. Thus, we see that discipline is very important. We should follow it not only for our success but for the good of our country.
Definition- Words used in place of nouns are called Pronoun. In other words, Pronouns are substitutes for nouns to avoid repetition. Ex- She, that, ourselves etc.
Kinds of Pronoun-
1. Personal Pronoun- A Pronoun which stands for a person or thing is called a Personal Pronoun.
Personal Pronoun are of three type.
A. First Person- The Pronouns which refer to the person or persons speaking are of the First Person. It is also called the speaker.
Ex- I, we, my, our, me, us.
B. Second Person- The Pronouns which refer to the person or persons spoken to are of the Second Person. It is also called the listener.
Ex- you, yours.
C. Third Person- The Pronouns which refer to the person or thing spoken of are of the Third Person. It is the person or thing about whom the first and second person talk.
Ex- he, she, it, him, his, her, its, they, them, their.
2. Interrogative Pronoun- An Interrogative Pronoun is used to ask question.
Ex- i) Who is .your friend?
ii) Which is her book?
3. Demonstrative Pronoun- A Demonstrative Pronoun is used to point out the object or objects to which it refers.
Ex- 1) This is my house.
2) Those are your classmates.
4. Possessive Pronoun- A Pronouns that shows possession is called a Possessive.
Ex- 1) This book is yours.
2) That cash is mine.
5. Indefinite Pronoun- Indefinite Pronoun are those pronouns which refer to persons or things in a general way. They don’t refer to any particular person or thing.
Ex- 1) Some students are not doing their work.
2) All of us should follow the rules.
6. Reflexive Pronoun- Pronouns in which the action of the subject reflects or turns back on the subject itself are called Reflexive Pronoun.
Ex- 1) She is preparing for her examination by herself.
2) They are doing their work by themselves.
7. Distributive Pronoun- Distributive Pronoun are those which show that persons or things are taken one at a time or in separate groups.
Ex- 1) Neither of them came to see me.
2) Each of them got a medal in the race.
8. Relative Pronoun- The pronouns who, whose, whom, that and which join two sentences and refer back to nouns going before them, they are called Relative Pronoun.
Ex- 1) The boy who met me yesterday is a doctor.
2) This is the girl whose mother is a teacher.
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable Pronouns and write their kinds-
1. I gave her a pen. ____ thanked me.
2. ____ is your best friend?
3. ____ are stale fruits.
4. ____ of these children have money.
5. I have lost my pen. Can I have one of ____?
6. ____ has stolen my book.
7. We must practice this work by ____.
8. Where is the book ____ I gave you.
B. Fill in the blanks with suitable Pronouns and write their kinds-
1. Here is the man ____ courage saved us.
2. ____ of them is taking part in the drama.
3. Bravo! You did it by ____.
4. The postman gave me a couple of letters but none of them was ____.
5. Wait here till ____ complete our work.
6. ____ told you that I was ill.
7. ____ of these apples are rotten.
8. ____ is my house and ____ is yours.
Note- After doing the above paragraph write a paragraph on the topic „Hard Work is the Key to Success‟.
This lesson is about a little boy Patrick who did not like to do his homework. One day he met an elf at his home. Patrick saved him from his pet cat who promised Patrick to grant him a wish. Patrick asked him to do his homework till the end of the semester. After hearing this, the elf became very angry but he kept his promise. The Elf asked Patrick to bring books for him and also helped him in every subject. Patrick did so. Finally, the last day of the semester arrived. The elf slipped out from the back door of the Patrick’s house. Patrick got A grade. His teachers praised him, his classmates were amazed and his parents were surprised. Now Patrick had become a model kid. But the secret is that Patrick did his all work himself.
A. Learn and write the given word meanings-
1. Nintendo - A video game
2. Ignoramus - An ignorant person who lacks education
3. Britches - Short trousers
4. Dishcloth - A cloth used for washing dishes
5. Hamper - A basket with a lid
6. Glitch - Hitch or problem
7. Shrieked - A short, high- pitched cry
8. Attitude - A feeling about someone or something
9. Drag - Something dull and uninteresting
10. Slyly - Secretively
11. Kid - A child
12. Nag - One who troubles someone all the time by complaining or asking them to do something
13. Grimaced, scowled - (Here) Elf’s face had these expressions to show pursed his lips disgust and anger
14. Chores - Work that must be done everyday
B. Learn and write the following question answers-
Question. What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
Answer. One day Patrick found his cat was playing with something. He thought it was playing with a doll. Soon he realized it wasn’t a doll at all but a man of the tiniest size.
Question. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?
Answer. The little man granted Patrick a wish because Patrick saved him from his cat who was grabbing the little man away.
Question. What was Patrick’s wish?
Answer. Patrick’s wish was that the little man would do all his homework.
Question. How did the elf react after hearing all this (Patrick’s wish)?
Answer. The elf’s face wrinkled like a dishcloth throw in a hamper. He kicked his legs and doubled his fists and he grimaced and scowled and pursed his lips, “Oh, am I cursed but I’ll do it.”
Question. How did Patrick help the elf?
Answer.Patrick helped the elf in many ways. He always told the elf what to do. He brought books for him from the library. He read the books for him. He also helped him in different subjects like- English, Maths and history. Patrick did everything whatever he could do for him.
Question.What happened on the last day of school?
Answer. Finally, the last day of the school arrived and the elf was free to go because there
was no more homework so he quietly and slyly slipped out from the back door.
Patrick got his A’s. His classmates were amazed. His teacher smiled and praised.
His parents wondered what had happened to Patrick. He was now a model kid- cleaned his room, did his chores, was cheerful never rude, like he developed a whole new attitude.
C. Make sentences by using the given words-
1. Homework-
2. Semester-
3. Britches-
4. Shrieked-
5. Hamper-
6. Slyly-
7. Library-
Read the following passage and answer the questions :
Oscar awards are annual awards given by the United States Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences for excellent and outstanding achievement in various branches of film- making. The major awards are for best leading and supporting actor and actress, best direction, best screenplay and best film. Another special Oscar is given for the life-time achievement. These awards are considered the most prestigious international awards in the field of world cinema.
The award was instituted by the academy on 16 May, 1929 and named after Oscar Pierce of Texas who was a wheat and fruit grower. The Academy was founded by Louis B.Mayer in 1927 with an objective to prevent the creation of an union of actors and artisans. Another aim was to improve the image of the film industry by issuing awards for merit and distinction. Originally the award was intended to be a modest one with citations within the Hollywood film industry. But the importance of the award kept on increasing as broad media coverage generated widespread popular interest. Oscar award winning movies assured box-office success as was noticed from the increasing revenue of winning movies. Labelling of an Oscar worked like a trademark for the commercial success of a film.
Q.1 Oscar awards are given to those who has got outstanding achievement in the field of –-
(a) sports (b)cinema (c)social work (d) science.
Q.2 Which statement is correct?
(a)Oscar Awards are given every four vears (b) every two years (c) every year (d)every six months.
Q.3 The man who founded the US Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is----- (a)Louis Philip (b) Louis Pierce (c)Emil Jannings (d) Louis B. Mayer.
Q.4 Oscar awards got popularity in due course because ----
(a)media played a major role (b) common people were given awards (c)public voting was used (d) it was conducted on streets.
Q.5 The word citation means…………………………
(a) trophy given to successful candidates in sports (b) violation of rules (c) words or lines taken from a book (d) permission to do something.
Q.6 You recently visited an exhibition with the theme ‘Heal the World ‘Write a diary entry for the same in not more than 80 words. Help Box stalls displaying the posters causing damage and destruction, natural disasters, global warming, need of the hour : save resources – water, air , land , power and emphasize on reuse and recycle.
Summary of the lesson-
This chapter is about a dog. Many years ago, there was a dog that was tired of roaming alone and was in search of a new master. The dog wanted the strongest master on the earth. He first asked a wolf to be his master but when he found that the wolf was afraid of a bear, he left him. Then he asked the bear but the same thing happened. This time he asked the lion to be his master. The lion was afraid of man. The dog finally asked the man to be his master and till now the dogs are serving the men faithfully.
A. Learn and write the given word meanings-
1. ill pleased - Not happy
2. Kinsman - A relative
3. Fierce - Violent, frightening
4. Take up service with - Become the servant of
5. Darted - Moved quickly, suddenly
6. Come over you - Affected you
7. Dared - To be brave enough to do something
8. Cliff - A steep, high rock
B. Learn and write the following question answers-
Q. Why did the dog feel the need for a master? What did he decide?
Ans. The dog felt the need for a master because he was sick and tired of wandering about by himself, looking for food and being frightened by those who were stronger than he. So, he decided that the best thing for him was to become the servant of one who was stronger than anyone else on the earth.
Q. Whom did the dog choose his first master? Why did he leave him?
Ans. The dog chose a wolf to be his first master but he soon left him because he was afraid of a bear.
Q. Whom did the dog choose his second master?
Ans. The dog chose a bear to be his second master.
Q. Why did the dog serve the lion for a long time?
Ans. The dog served the lion for a long time as he had nothing to complain of.Moreover, there was no stronger beast in the forest than the lion and no one dared to touch the dog because he was with the lion. He enjoyed good life in the lion’s service.
Q. Whom did the dog finally choose as his master and why?
Ans. Finally, the dog chose the man as his master and till date, he serves him faithfully.He found that the man is stronger than anyone else on the earth. Therefore, he transferred his loyalties to man.
C. Make sentences by using the given words-
1. Master-
2. Kinsman-
3. Darted-
4. Cliff-
5. ill-pleased-
Q1 Read the following passage carefully.
1. Whatever may be the cause of their suffering we have got to treat the handicapped with sympathy and understanding. In many instances physically handicapped children suffer neglect and are left to themselves in their homes. This makes their life extremely sad and lonely. Our first duty is to make these children more happy and less lonely. Secondly, we have got to educate these children and help them to live useful lives. We should secure them the benefits of education in schools specially intended for them. We have got to make them useful citizens by creating for them suitable opportunities to be employed. They will then have a sense of achievement, and we can be happy that we have done our duty by them.
2. In countries where the disabilities of the handicapped are treated with sympathy and understanding, and attention is given to their education, here are, for instance, office-assissstants, teachers and lawyers among the blind.deaf and dumb persons are similarly helped along and provided with suitable employment.
3. There are several instances to show that,given the right kind of education and opportunity,a handicapped person cannot only become a useful citizen but also achieve great things.a most remarkable instance of such a person is Miss Helen keller, a famous woman whose life and achievements are a miracle of modern times.
4. Miss keller became completely blind, deaf and dumb when she was scarcely two years old, but she took the highest degrees that universities could offer, earned a name as a distinguished writer of her day and won many high honours. How did this person achieve all this?
Choose the most appropriate option out of the following:
1) How do people generally treat the handicapped?
a) kindly
b) sympathetically
c) indifferently
d) cruelly
2) The writer is concerned mostly about the disabled persons’
a) education
b) education and employment opportunities
c) general treatment
d) employment opportunities
3) Do u you think Miss Keller was
a) normal
b) unusual
c) abnormal
d) wonderful
4) What is the attitude of the writer?
a) encouraging
b) discouraging
c) sympathetic
d) negative
5) The word ‘distinguished (para 4)means the same as
a) famous
b) infamous
c) great
d) different
Q2 Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions
1) He was slow ______steady.
2) He was found stealing;_______ he was fined.
3) Did you know ______ she was my sister?
4)She is beautiful _______not vain.
5)Though he is poor,______ he is honest.
Q3 Change the following sentences from active to passive voice.
1) The teacher told a story.
2) He made a remarkable speech.
3) They switched off the light.
4) The principal rewarded the girl with a trophy.
Q4 Rewrite the following sentences from simple present tense to simple past tense.
1) I open the door and pick up the newspaper in the morning.
2) The traveler lies down to rest.
3) Birds build nests and chirp noisily.
Q5 Complete each sentence using the correct form of the irregular verb in brackects.
1) We have just _____(finish)our dinner.
2) I have ______(live)in Mumbai for ten years.
3) Reena has ______ (hurt) her ankle while running.
4) He_______ (go) out ten minutes ago.
Q6 Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions from the box.
At , since, on, for, within, in , from
1) He will start_____ six o’ clock.
2) He has been studying English _____ten years.
3) The train is _______time.
4) He will return _____ a week.
5) He begins school ______today.
(Section A)
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Fleming was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to eke out a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. There, mired till his waist in black muck was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.
The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman‟s sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy farmer Fleming had saved. “I want to repay you,” said the nobleman. “You saved my son‟s life.”
“No, I can‟t accept payment for what I did,” the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer‟s son came to the door, “Is that your son?‟ the nobleman asked. “Yes,” the farmer replied proudly. “I‟ll make you a deal. Let me take him and give him a good education. If the man is like you, he‟ll grow up to be a man you can be proud of.” And that he did
In time, farmer Fleming‟s son graduated from St Mary‟s Hospital Medical School, London. He went on to become the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.
Years later, the nobleman‟s son was stricken with Pneumonia. What saved him? Penicillin. Who do you think was the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill. His son‟s name? Sir Winston Churchill, the famous British Prime Minister.
2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Lions are mostly found in Africa and India. A lion is yellowish grey in colour and measures more than 3 ½ m from its nose to the tip of the tail. A large male may weigh as much as 200kg. Lions live in herds. A herd consists of a male, many lionesses and their cubs.
Lions generally hunt in couples and occasionally alone. They feed on deer, buffaloes and even porcupines. A herd of lions is known as a pride. The lions usually wait for their prey at the water points. When a deer or a buffalo is sighted by the male lion, it drives it toward the lioness. The lioness jumps on the surprised animal and breaks its neck with one heavy blow. The carcass of the dead animal is eaten for a few days by the lions.
1. Where are lions found?
2. What does a herd consist of?
3. What is a herd of lions known as and what do they feed on?
4. Where do the lions usually hunt?
5. What does the male lion do?
6. How does the lioness kill the prey?
Section B
3. Based on the picture given below, write a composition on the effects of a thunderstorm. Your composition must have at least three paragraphs.
4. A friend borrowed a book from you a long time ago. Now you need this book but he / she has not returned the book inspite of your requests on phone. Write a letter to him / her requesting him to return the book. Explain your urgency.
5. It was a Sunday evening. There was a heavy rain in your locality and the electricity was cut. You could not go out as the roads were all clogged with rain water. Write a narrative composition, in about 100 words, on what you did.
6. Your uncle from the US has sent you an awesome gift. It is something you always wanted. Describe the gift in a paragraph of 100 words
Section C
7. Classify the following into different types of nouns – Common, Proper, Collective, Abstract and Concrete:
Chair Beauty Iron Strength
Dog Herd Flock Choir
Hazratganj Rajghat Lal Qila Courage
Whiteness Teacher Carpet Wool
8. Fill in the blanks with pronouns:
i. She presented the books to Kanika and ___________.(I / me)
ii. Does ________(she/her) know that ________(I/me) was in the library?
iii. The girl, __________(whose/who) father is a teacher, is my friend.
iv. The teacher, ________(who/whom) we invited to the party, arrived late.
v. Elephants, _________(who/which) have long tusks, are found in India.
9. Fill in the blanks with articles:
John lives in (a) _____ apartment with his mum, dad and sister Kady. (b) _______apartment has three bedrooms, (c) _____ kitchen and (d) ___ sitting room. John‟s mum works in (e) ___ office and his dad stays at home and looks after (f) ______ apartment. He spends most of his time in (g) ____ kitchen, preparing meals. John and Katy help their dad with (h) ____ housework. John likes using (i) ____ vacuum cleaner and Katy likes to sweep (j) _____ floor.
10. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tenses of the verbs given in the bracket:
Have you ever (a) _______ (forget) something? I (b) _______(have). It (c) ______(happen) last summer at the railway station. A few weeks ago, my friends and I (d) ________ (decide) to go to Goa for a holiday. We (e) ______ (wait) for the train on the platform when suddenly I realized that I (f) ______ my ticket at home.
11. Fill in the blanks by arranging the adjectives in the right order:
a. She was wearing _____________________________. (a sweater, winter, woolen)
b. There is ____________________ in this town. (a church, Gothic, very old)
c. __________________________ didn‟t feel comfortable living with the British family. (the girl, French, fifteen-year-old)
d. There were _______________________ on the shelf. (a lot of ornaments, china, little, useless)
e. Why don‟t you wear _____________________________. It‟s rather cold. (your coat, thick, fur)
12. Underline the adverbs in the following sentences and state their kind:
a. They will hold a meeting tomorrow.
b. My friends surf the internet daily.
c. The gardener works hard.
d. The policeman is running fast.
e. The child speaks clearly.
13. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions:
a. My dad _________ I are going boating this afternoon.
b. Either we are going to win ______ they are going to win.
c. Santa Claus is a favourite __________ among children _________ among the elderly.
d. We played very well ______ we still lost the game.
e. I will build a house ____ you help me.
14. Convert the following sentences to negative sentences:
a. The water is not cold.
b. I got a new bike.
c. That house is new.
d. Sam always tells the truth
15. Rewrite the following sentences as indirect speech:
a. “I was sleeping when the doorbell rang,” said Jack.
b. Mili said, “I was late yesterday.”
c. Simi said to her brother, “I have taken your book.”
d. Grandfather said to us, “Grandmother and I may go to Kashmir next week.”
e. The man said to his son, “Where are you going this evening?”
16. Punctuate the following paragraph
a young boy broke a valuable mug that belonged to his teacher when he heard his teachers footsteps he quickly held the broken mug behind his as the teacher came up to him he asked why does one die sir its natural said the teacher everything has a beginning and an end everything has just so long to live and then has to die the boy showed him the pieces of broken mug and said the time for your mug to die had come
17. Fill in the blanks with appropriate analogy:
a. Two : Second – Twenty : ____________
b. Eyes : See – Ears : ________
c. I : mine – they : ___________
d. Wind : blows – sun : __________
e. Bad : Worst – Good : ____________
Section D
18. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
„If only I had the newspaper that John wanted to buy me,‟ she thought, „I could have a look at the picture.‟
a. Name the story from which the above extract has been taken.
b. Who is the author?
c. Who is „I‟ in these lines?
d. Why does she want the newspaper?
e. What picture is she thinking about?
19. Answer the following questions in about 30 – 40 words:
a. What was the family‟s reason for buying Attila?
b. Why does the crocodile visit the dentist?
c. Describe the man who got into the same compartment as Mrs Blake.
d. Describe the world before Pandora opened the mysterious box.
e. Why is Hope so important to human beings?
20. Answer the following in about 60 - 70 words:
Imagine yourself to be Mrs Blake. Describe how you would have reacted in the situation Mrs Blake was.
The Cracked Pot
1 : Look at the words given below. Write as many words as you can think of that may be related to the given words:
Example: Flowers
yellow, beautiful, smell, lovely, soft, pretty, bunch, bouquet, etc.
crack: pot, repair, soil, water, water-bearer, river, house, etc.
planted: seeds, plants, flowers, water, fruits, trees, greenery, environment, etc.
seeds: water, grow, flowers, plants, trees, fruits, etc.
river: water, clean, long, deep, blue, ducks, birds, animals, etc.
pot: flowers, water, soil, river, crack, etc.
house: family, parents, room, kitchen, garden, etc.
2 : Read the story and answer the following questions
Question. How many pots did the water-bearer have?
Answer : He had two large pots.
Question. How did he carry the pots?
Answer : Pots were hung on a pole. Then he carried them on his shoulders.
Question. Where did he live?
Answer : He lived in India.
Question. What did he do with the pots?
Answer : He delivered water tfrom the river to his master‟s house.
Question. What problem did one of the pots have?
Answer : It had a crack.
3 : Read the story and fill in the blanks in the passage given below:
One of the two pots one had a crack in it but the other pot was perfect. The cracked pot was half filled but the other pot had full water when the water-bearer reached his master's house. For two years, this went on daily. The bearer delivered only one and a half pots full of water to his master's house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of itself. It was perfect for what it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its crack.
4 : Who said to whom?
Question. For these past two years, I delivered less water than the other pot because of this crack in my side.
Answer : The cracked pot to the water-bearer.
Question. My water leaks out all the way back to your master's house.
Answer : The cracked pot to the water-bearer.
Question. You don't get full value for your efforts because of my crack.
Answer : The cracked pot to the water-bearer.
Question. Today when we return to the master's house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path.
Answer : The water-bearer to the cracked pot.
Question. Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path?
Answer : The water-bearer to the cracked pot.
5 : Select the right option from the three given
Question. The water bearer had ______________ perfect pot.
a. two
b. three
c. one
Answer : (a) two.
Question. The water-bearer _____________about the crack in the pot.
a. did not know
b. knew
c. felt ashamed
Answer : (b) knew
Question. The cracked pot took notice of _______________________on their return from the river.
a. beautiful flowers
b. water leaking from its crack
c. the other pot
Answer : (a) beautiful flowers
Question. The water-bearer had ________________ on one side of the path.
a. planted flower seeds
b. planted vegetables
c. planted small trees
Answer : (a) planted flower seeds
Question. The pot ________________________________ its fault.
a. informed the water-bearer about
b. apologised to the water-bearer for
c. tried to hide from the water-bearer
Answer : (b) apologised to the water-bearer for
Q1 Read the following passage carefully.
1. Hunting for sport is also a major factor for the loss of animal biodiversity. From time immemorial man has hunted animals for food, sport as well as hides, skins, tusks, antlers and other parts of animals. The government of India has enacted various laws banning the trade of animal products like ivory, fur, skin, etc. The people who break these laws must be severely dealt with.
2. Pollution is another serious cause of environmental degradation leading to the loss of animal and plant biodiversity. If such degradation continues unchecked,2/3rd of the earth will soon become unfit for human animal habitation. The air we breathe is polluted with toxic gases, the water we drink is contaminated and the food we eat is not so pure as it should be. The noise pollution is also causing havoc among the wild species of birds and animals. According to a study, the arctic whales are on the verge of extinction as a result of increase in the noise of ships particularly ice-breakers and oil tankers.
3. Deforestation is yet another cause for the loss of biodiversity. Destruction of forest cover and undergrowth is going on recklessly. Deforestation mainly results from population settlement, growing need for agricultural land, demand for fuel wood, wooden furniture and commercial purposes. Choose the most appropriate option out of the following:
1. The passage is about
(a) animal hunting
(b) deforestation
(c) the loss of biodiversity
(d) pollution
2. Environment includes
(a) plants
(b) everything that affects life
(c) everything around us
(d) animals
3. Many birds and animals are affected greatly by
(a) deforestation and pollution
(b) noise pollution
(c) cut in green cover
(d) hunting
4. The author wants us to
(a) fight pollution
(b) conserve environment
(c) stop hunting
(d) control population
5. The word 'toxic' in para 2 means
(a) poisonous
(b) bad
(c) deadly
(d) unpleasant
Q2. Change the following sentences into indirect speech:
1.Raj said, "I am very busy now."
2.He said,"I am unable to come just now because i am ill,but i will ceratinly start soon."
3.She said," Honesty is the best policy."
4.The servant says,"The master is not at home."
Q3.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions:
1.Meena jumped ____the swimming pool.
2.You,boys,must settle it _______ yourselves.
3.Do not cry _____split milk.
4.I stayed ____Delhi ____a week.
Q4.Join the following pairs of sentences using conjunctions:
1.I read the paper.It interests me.
2.I was annoyed.I kept quiet.
3.He did not succeed.He worked hard.
4.I went to the shop.I bought a slate.
Q5. Change the voice in the following sentences:
1.They painted the house red.
2.I shall order the carriage.
3.The boy was teasing the dog.
4.The carpenter is making the chair.
Q6.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets.
1.The festival_____for a week.(last,lasts)
2.One day people______to Mars.(will travel/travel)
3.I______a book at present.(read/am reading)
4.At this time next year,I ______in Cambridge.(will be studying/study)
Q7.Tick the correct word given in the brackets.
1.He cut the (cord/chord)with a knife.
2.I got a (birth/berth)reserved for me in the first class compartment.
3.The (site/sight)the school building was selected by the headmaster.
4.The (principle/principal)of our college delivered his speech in Hindi.
Q.1. Change the following sentences in the interrogative form?
1. The hockey player penalized for hitting his opponent's knee with the stick
2. The officer commanded his army to attack the enemies.
3. I am going to Singapore in summer vacations.
4. Delhi is 275kms away from chandigarh.
5. Shruti is my elder sister.
6. You been faithful in keeping your room clean this week
7. India will win the T-20 series.
8. Summer vacations are starting from 17 may 2014.
. 9. Maths is my favourite subject.
10. Volcanoes are described as active, dormant, or extinct.
Q.2 State the kind of Imperative sentences.
1. Doctor told me to rest for 3 weeks. _________
2. Servant! Get me a glass of water. __________
3. The officer commanded the soldiers. _________
4. You should work hard in order to pass your FA. ________
5. Can you lend me your book for one day.
Q.3 Underline the subject and circle the predicate in the following sentences.
1. South Tucson spent $30,000 on a 1992 recount of 1990 Census figures
2. Owners of the mall hope that the new store will increase pedestrian traffic and lure shoppers to the downtown area
3. We took care of the injured bird until we could liberate it.
4. Visitors to the science museum can hear authentic sounds made by animals.
5. We went to my cousin's wedding over 300 people were invited.
Q.4 Write a notice for your school bulletin board informing them about the Dental Health check up camp being organised in school from classes III – XII. Date of being organised is 29th April 2014 in the assembly area.
Q.5 Write a notice for your school bulletin board informing the students about the Shaimak Dawar dance classes being organised in your school during the summer vacations. Classes will start from 25.05.14 till 25.06.14. Charges will be Rs. 850 per student.
The Kabuliwala
1 : In the following table, you will see some words with their meanings. Make one sentence of each word:
1 chatting(v) [talking in a friendly way]:- He is chatting with his friend.
2 conversation (n) [talk between people]:- They had a long conversation.
3 lively (adj) [full of life]:- They had a lively talk.
4 crime (n) [an act for which you can be punished by law]:- Never commit a crime.
5 ceremony(n) [an important religious or social event- wedding, birthdays, etc.]:- The ceremony was performed well.
6 afford (v) [to have enough money to pay for something]:- I can‟t afford the expenses.
2 : Choose the correct option to answer the following questions:
Q. Why was Mini afraid of the Kabuliwala?
(a) Kabuliwallah looked very horrible.
(b) She had heard that Kabuliwala caught the children.
Ans. (b) She had heard that Kabuliwala caught the children.
Q. What was Kabuliwala's name?
(a) Rehman
(b) Armaan
Ans. (a) Rehman
Q. Why was the Kabuliwala arrested?
(a) He had stolen money from Mini's house.
(b) He had stabbed a man.
Ans. (b) He had stabbed a man.
Q. What did Mini's father give to the Kabuliwala?
(a) some clothes and food
(b) some money
Ans. (b) Some money.
Q. Mini's father could not afford the military band on her marriage. Why?
(a) because he had given some money to the Kabuliwala.
(b) because he had suffered a huge loss in his business.
Ans. (a) Because he had given some money to the Kabuliwala.
3 : Put a tick (√ ) or a cross (× ) against each sentence:
1. Little Mini was three years old. (False)
2. Rehman was a big bearded pathan. (True)
3. The Kabuliwallah was hanged to death. (False)
4. Mini could not forget the Kabuliwala. (False)
5. Mini's father helped Rehman with some money. (True)
4 : Complete the following sentences:
1. Mini could not live without chatting all the time.
2. The Kabuliwala and Mini would sit and chat for hours and crack jokes with each other.
3. There was a terrible noise in the street.
4. Mini had grown into a beautiful woman.
5. Mini's father had to cut down the expenses on the wedding.
1. Types of Sentences
2. Direct and Indirect objects
3. Articles
I. Write to which type, each of the following sentences belong. (Types of sentences).
1. He likes to play chess.
2. What are you doing on your birthday?
3. Shut the windows to keep out the wind.
4. Best wishes to all me dear students!
5. How beautiful the sunrise looks!
6. The children are playing in the ground.
7. Who is known as the Father of the Nation?
8. Please give me a glass of water.
9. God bless you all!
10. He always speaks the truth.
11. What a great write Ruskin Bond is!
12. Can you show me your homework after the class?
13. Sit down here.
14. Kanpur is an industrial city.
II. Complete the following sentences, using suitable question tags.
1. The boys are studying now, _______________.
2. John waited for his friend, ________________.
3. There was enough coffee, _________________.
4. You have done that lesson, ________________.
5. He didn’t go to the lecture, _________________.
6. She can come tomorrow, ___________________.
III. Change the following sentences according to the instruction given in brackets.
1. It is a nice bird (Exclamatory)
2. What a brilliant scholar he is! (Declarative)
3. She is going to School (interrogavitve)
4. What a wonderful monument the Taj Mahal is! (Declarative)
5. Thinking and writing is a good combination. (Exclamatory)
6. How tall she is! (Declarative)
7. You should write a letter today. (Imperative)
8. She is a poor speaker. (Exclamatory)
9. What a lovely sight it is (Declarative)
10. The books are on the table. (Interrogative)
2. Direct and Indirect objects.
I. Pick out the Direct and Indirect objects in the following sentences.
a. The teacher has taught us the lesson.
Direct object __________ Indirect object ____________
b. He gave me a pen.
Direct object ___________ Indirect object ___________
c. They brought some books for the children.
Direct object ___________ Indirect object ___________
d. The teacher gave us homework
Direct object ___________ Indirect object ___________
e. He gave me a story book
Direct object ___________ Indirect object ___________
II. Use To or For as each sentence requires to change its form.
a. My father bought me a new school bag.
b. The teacher taught us the lesson
c. They brought the children some books.
d. Rishi gave the beggar some old clothes.
e. The conductor gave him a ticket.
f. He sent him a telegram.
g. Ranjana brought her teacher some flowers.
h. The teacher gave me these three books.
3. I. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line.
Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate options. (ARTICLES)
Nancy was jealous of (a) _________ singing bird and asked Joe to remove (b)_______ bird from Charlie’s house and instead place (c) ____________ ordinary bird. Joe behaved in such (d) ___________ cruel manner that he killed the bird.
The Peacock and the Crow
1 : Look at the following pairs of words. They have the same meaning but different forms. Column 1 has the second form and column 2 has the first form. Fill up blank spaces in Column 2 with the first form of the given words.
Column 1 Column 2
second form words first form words
1. lived live
2. liked like
3. wanted want
4. looked look
5. said say
6. wished wish
7. saw see
8. got get
9. collected collect
10. stuck stick
11. flew fly
12. felt feel
13. started start
14. accepted accept
15. thought think
2 : Read and write answers:
Question. What did the crow not like about himself?
Answer : He did not like his black feathers and his look.
Question. Who did he want to be like? Why?
Answer : He wanted to be like a peacock because peacocks are very beautiful.
Question. What did he say to the other crows?
Answer : “You look so dull and plain…I wish I were a peacock.”
Question. What did the crow see on the ground?
Answer : He saw many peacock feathers on the ground.
Question. What did he do with the peacock feathers?
Answer : He collected and stuck them into his wings and tail.
3 : Who said to whom?
Question. "You look so dull and plain. Look how beautiful the peacocks are."
Answer : The crow to other crows.
Question. "Look at my beautiful feathers. I don't belong to you anymore. So, stay away from me."
Answer : The crow to his friends.
Question. "Peacock feathers will not make you a peacock."
Answer : The peacocks to the crow.
Question. "We should accept ourselves the way we are."
Answer : The old crow to the crow.
Question. "You will not be able to fly properly with these stuck on your body."
Answer : The old crow to the crow.
4 : Complete the sentences in the following blanks:
1. One day, perching on his tree, the crow saw many peacock feathers on the ground.
2. The crow flew to the river to see his reflection.
3. The peacocks knew that he was not one among them. He was a crow.
4. He tore off the entire peacock feathers that were stuck to his feathers.
5. Then, he went to his friends and apologized for insulting them.
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
1. “She knits flowered skirts and speckled pants – now they can go to the beach or a dance.”
a. Whom does ‘she’ refer to?
b. Give the meaning of the word ‘speckled’.
(i) Bunches
(ii) crannies
(iii) spotted
c. Whom does ‘they’ refer to?
(i) Shrubs and birds
(ii) wasps
(iii) cats
2. “He was still planning for the future when he died”.
a. Who is the speaker here?
(i) Ted Hughes
(ii) Shakespeare
(iii) Ruskin Bond
b. Whom does ‘he’ refer to?
(i) author’s father
(ii) author’s neighbour
(iii) author’s friend
c. Name the lesson
(i) The selfish Giant
(ii) The Wish
(iii) The Tempest.
3. “Your pretty bird in a gilded cage flutters its sorrowful sing”.
a. Which bird is mentioned here?
b. Why are the wings described as being sorrowful?
c. Give the meaning of the word ‘gilded’.
4. “Do not worry about the train, it never leaves on time”.
a. Who said these words to whom?
b. Why did the speaker say so?
c. Name the author.
5. “How happy we are here! They cried to each other”.
a. Whom does ‘we’ refer to?
b. What is the reason of their happiness?
c. Name the lesson
6. “He’s little and brown and wild and shy But free to build and thrive”
a. Whom does ‘he’ refer to?
b. Give the meaning of the word ‘thrive’.
c. Who is the speaker of these lines?
7. “Winter-long they’re thankful for them?
a. Whom does ‘they’ refer to?
b. Why are they thankful?
c. Name the poem / lesson.
8. “I believe the spring has come at last”.
a. Who is the speaker?
b. Why did he speak so?
c. Name the author.
9. “What on earth are you doing?”
a. Whose words are these?
b. Whom does ‘you’ refer to?
c. What was he doing?
10. “Has a tea cozy with tassels on it”
a. Who is having a tea cozy?
b. Who knitted the tea cozy?
c. The meaning of the word tassel is ________
11. “Never now may he wheel and soar with the sunshine on his wings”.
a. Whom does ‘he’ refer to?
b. Is he getting sunshine on his wings?
c. Give the word meaning for ‘soar’?
12. “You must tell him to come tomorrow”.
a. Who spoke these words to whom?
b. Why did he speak so?
c. Whom does ‘him’ refer to?
III. Answer the following questions:
1. What did the Giant see as the most wonderful sight in his garden?
2. What were the small treasures that the author forgot to recover from the hole in the banyan tree?
3. What does grandma knit for shrubs and birds?
4. Which bird do you think is happy? Why?
5. The lotus was made the queen of flowers. Do you think it was the right choice? Why do you think so?
6. Why do you think the trees begin to blossom as soon as the children enter the garden?
7. Why was Ayah unhappy when the family decided to leave Dehra?
IV. Writing Tasks:
1. Write the character sketch of Grandma from the poem ‘Grandma’.
2. Give the summary of the poem, ‘My Bird Sings’.
3. Imagine that you are the little boy in the lesson ‘The Wish’ and write how you felt when you were leaving Dehra?
4. Write the character sketch of ‘The Giant’ from the lesson, ‘The Selfish Giant and the character sketch of ‘Ayah’ from the lesson ‘The Wish’.
5. Imagine that you are the selfish Giant and write a diary entry telling how you felt the day when you saw the spring had come to your garden.
6. Give the summary of the poem, ‘Grandma’.
7. Write the character sketch of grandmother from the lesson ‘The Wish’.
8. Give the summary of the poem, ‘Lotus
Worksheet for CBSE English Class 6 All Chapters
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