CBSE Class 6 English Prepositions Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 6 English Prepositions Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 6 English can get free printable Worksheets for Class 6 English Prepositions in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 6 students should practice questions and answers given here for English in Class 6 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 6 English Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest English books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 6 English Prepositions

Class 6 English students should download to the following Prepositions Class 6 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 6 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 6 English Worksheet for Prepositions


A preposition is a word placed before a Noun or Pronoun to show the relation between the Noun or Pronoun to some other word in a sentence.

A preposition may join a—
1. Noun to another Noun. g. There is a pen in my beg.
2. Noun to an Adjective. g. They are found of ice cream.
3. Noun to a Verb. g. She shouted for help.
The same preposition can be used to show a relationship with Time, Space, Rate, State, and Direction.
E .g.
1. I’ll come at 6 O’clock. (Time)
2. She is sitting at the window. (Space)
3. Mangoes sell at Rs.50per Kg. (Rate)
4. The cricketers are at a loss. (State)
5. The girls rushed at the film star. (Direction)

PREPOSITION OF TIME : Time has two dimension : (a) Point of time (b) Period of time.

(i) At : At is used for point of time.
E .g.
1.The train will leave at 5.30 p.m.
2.He will come back at sunset.
3.The thief entered the house at midnight.
4.We had lunch at noon.
5.I shall go to office at ten.

(ii) On : On is used for days and dates
E .g.
1.My brother will come to Kota on Tuesday English
2.We celebrate the independence Day on Fifteenth August.
3.Michael goes to church on Sundays.
4.I‘ll come back on the morning of 21st September.

(iii) In : in is used with the names of months, seasons, century and years.
E .g.
1.My Friends Jacob was born in July in 1975
2.Himachal Pradesh is very beautiful in winters.
3.We are living in the twenty first century.
Before morning / afternoon / evening.
E .g.
1.Meet me in the evening.
2.He goes to school in the evening.
Before a period of time.
E .g. have to finish this work in a week.
2.I shall be back in an hour.

(iv) After : To indicate ‘following in time’ or ‘later then’
E .g.
1.Don’t go out after dark.
2.The doctor came after the death of the patient.
3.Meet me at my office after lunch.
4.I ‘m leaving for Mumbai the day after tomorrow.

(v) Before : To indicate ‘earlier then’.
E .g.
1.Come back before dark.
2.The patient had died before the doctor came.
3.Meet me before dinner.
4.I went there the day before yesterday.

(vi) By : To indicate the meaning of ‘not later then’ or ‘as soon as’
E .g.

1.I shall finish the syllabus by January.
2.It will be dark by the time you reach home.
3.By 15 th January I shall have finished your course.
4.They decided to end up the party by midnight.

(vii) During : To indicate the meaning of ‘throughout the continuance of’
E .g.
1.The sun dives us light during the day.
2.During my college days I watched many movies.
3.What did he do during my absence?

(viii) For : To indicate extent of time.
E .g.
1.We are leaving for Delhi for a week.
2.My uncle is going abroad for a month.
To indicate period of time in the Perfect Tenses.
E .g.
1.They have been playing for four hours.
2.It has been raining for 2 days.

(ix) Since : To indicate a point of time.
E .g.
1.I have been teaching in this institute since 2005.
2.She has been staying with her husband in Channel since their marriage.
3.They have been practicing very hard since last two days.

(x) Through : To indicate ‘from beginning to end of time’
E .g.
1.You can’t work though the day in summers. It is very hot.
2.Student cannot sit quietly though a boring lesson.

(xi) Till / Until : To indicate ‘up to the time when’ or ‘not earlier then’
E .g.
1.Until his marriage he spent the time with his friends.
A labor works hard from morning till night.

(xii) Within : To indicate ‘in less then time’
E .g. You should complete your examination papers within the stipulated time.

(xiii) With : To indicate ‘at same time as’
E .g. With the approach of the clouds it becomes dark.
We must rise with the sun.

(xiv) From : To indicate the starting of a period of time.
E .g. Our examinations will start from 10 th March.

(xv)Between : Used when two times are mentioned.
E .g. The Director will be arriving any time between 3and 4o’clock.


(i) At : To indicate the place in which somebody or something is / was/ will be.
E .g. 1.I shall meet you at the station .
2.The soldiers rushed at the enemy.

(ii) In : To indicate position or something in a surrounded place.
E .g. Kangaroo is found in Australia.

(iii) On : To indicate the position of a thing covering or forming part of a surface that is at rest.
E .g. Leaves are floating on the water.

(iv) To : To show destination.
E .g.
1. I walk to my office.
2.Go to the railway station and get my ticket to Delhi.

(v) Into :Used with verbs of motion.
E .g. A man jumped into the well to fetch water.

(vi) Across : To indicate ‘from side to side of’.
E .g. There are many bridges across the Ganga.

(vii) Before : To indicate the meaning of ‘in front of’.
E .g. Jackson is standing before Phillips in the queue for the movie ticket.

(viii) In front of : To indicate the meaning of ‘directly before’.
E .g. There are some mango trees in front of my uncle’s house.

(ix) Above : To indicate ‘higher then ‘ or ‘at a higher point’.
E .g. The sun rose above the horizon..

(x) Over : To indicate a thing covering the surface partly or completely.
E .g. The waiter spread a tablecloth over the table.

(xi) Upon : To indicate thing in motion.
E .g. The cat jumped upon the table.

(xii) Under : To indicate ‘a position lower then ‘for both persons and things.
E .g. The cat is under the table.
I sat under the tree.

(xiii) Underneath : It is used for thing only.
E .g. The shoes are kept underneath the table.

(xiv) Between : Used with two person or thing only.
E .g. The mother stood between her son and her husband.

(xv) Among : Used with more then two person or things.
E .g. He divided his property among his four song.

(xvi) Beside : It means ‘by the side of’.
E .g. The child is playing beside his mother.

(xvii) Besides : It means ‘in addition to’
E .g. Besides his job, he also takes private tuitions.


1. By: Travel by train / car/ bus/ air / sea.
2. On: V on foot/ scooter/ motorcycle /bicycle /
3. From and to: Travel from (starting point) to (destination).
4. In: Arrive in a country/ village / town.
5. At: Arrive at/get to a specific place (hotel, address, railway station, bus stand, river bank etc.)
6. In and into : To get in/ into a vehicle. (i. e. to Board)
7. Get out of : To get out of a vehicle. (i. e. to Alight)
8. Get on / onto : To get on / onto a horse, a bicycle.(i.e. to Mount)
9. Get off : To get off a horse, bicycle. (i.e. to Dismount)


Adjective Prepositions Constructions Questions for Class 6 English

Question. Venice is famous ....... its canals.
(a) about
(b) in
(c) with
(d) for
Answer. D

Question. My son is afraid ....... the dark.
(a) from
(b) on
(c) of
(d) by
Answer. C

Question. Maria is married ....... my cousin.
(a) with
(b) for
(c) to
(d) into
Answer. C

Question. The second hotel was different ....... the first.
(a) to
(b) for
(c) with
(d) from
Answer. D

Question. Lucas is very good ....... drawing.
(a) at
(b) on
(c) to
(d) with
Answer. A

Question. I'm tired ....... waiting for the bus. Let's take a taxi.
(a) to
(b) on
(c) of
(d) from
Answer. C

Question. George was worried ....... his father's health.
(a) since
(b) about
(c) on
(d) at
Answer. B

Question. I didn't know you were interested ....... science.
(a) in
(b) for
(c) on
(d) to
Answer. A

Question. Why are you angry ....... him?
(a) of
(b) from
(c) on
(d) with
Answer. D

Question. We were very pleased ....... the service.
(a) with
(b) on
(c) at
(d) from
Answer. A

More Question

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:

1. She goes ________________ school everyday.
2. This is a weight______________ my shoulders.
3. The teacher looked_______________ the student sternly.
4. The tiger enters _________________ the jungle.
5. Don’t drink directly________________ the bottle.
6. He is always talking_________________ the phone.
7. Put the dishes__________________ the table.
8. Please take a look_________________ yourself_______ in the mirror.
10. He is the tallest_______________ his friends.
11. Look______________ the window________________ the sky.
12. My mother washes clothes__________________ detergent.
13. Banks lend money only____________ security.
14. The traffic_____________ Karol Bagh was______________ a stand still.
15. The criminal appeared________________ the court.
16.. He is loyal_______________ his friends.
17. Because of his mischief, he got_______________ a lot of trouble.
18. If you smoke, you are_______________ danger of falling ill.
19. It is a pity that holidays do not last_______________ ever.
20. She went___________ her friend’s house ____________a party.
21. I prefer to pay______________ cheque than cash.
22. He returns back _____________ his house.
23. The old lady is hard________________ hearing.
24. She eats her breakfast ___________ the morning.
25. I have made a contract _____________ him.
26. The park is______________ a walking distance.
21. Ravi came _______ my house ________ a discussion.
22. Please listen ______ me .
23. I prefer coffee______________ tea.
24. I do not agree_____________ you______________ this point.
25. She is well qualified __________ the job.
26. His uncle deals__________________ cloth.
27. The leaves of the trees fall_________________ autumn.
28. She is proud __________________ her beauty.
29. You have no taste________________ music.
30. He talked ______________me _____________the problem.
31. He lied______________ the police when he was arrested_______________ drunken driving.
32. The movie was boring______________ the beginning_________________ the end.
33. In the floods there was a lot_______________ water.
34. Robin died _______ cancer.
35. This road leads ______ Calcutta.

Prepositions of Time and Date for Class 6 English

Question. I wouldn't want his shift — he has to wake up ....... 3 am everyday.
(a) (none)
(b) on
(c) at
Answer. C

Question. Mandy can't wait for snow because she wants to go skiing ....... the winter.
(a) in
(b) at
(c) (none)
Answer. A

Question. I don't know what time they'll be back ....... this evening, if at all. It all depends on the road conditions today.
(a) for
(b) in
(c) (none)
Answer. C

Question. We hope there won't be much snow ....... this year but you never know.
(a) about
(b) (none)
(c) on
Answer. B

Question. ....... last year, the weather was really bad. This year, the forecast is better.
(a) In
(b) (none)
(c) About
Answer. B

Question. I have to go for a check-up ....... next week. I go for a check-up once a year.
(a) about
(b) on
(c) (none)
Answer. C

Question. I called in to make an appointment and I can see the doctor ....... 3 pm. Can you come with me?
(a) (none)
(b) on
(c) at
Answer. C

Question. I'm meeting an old friend for lunch ....... noon. I haven't seen her for a long time.
(a) on
(b) in
(c) at
Answer. C

Question. I don't have any plans ....... Thanksgiving Day because my entire family lives overseas.
(a) for
(b) in
(c) about
Answer. A

Question. I'm going to my parents' house in Maine. What are you doing ....... Christmas Day?
(a) on
(b) in
(c) with
Answer. A

Question. ....... yesterday, I went shopping and found some great outfits for spring.
(a) On
(b) In
(c) (none)
Answer. C

Question. The meeting is ....... Monday morning at 9:30 am sharp. Don't be late.
(a) in
(b) with
(c) on
Answer. C

Question. My birthday is ....... April. Can you come to my birthday party?
(a) on
(b) (none)
(c) in
Answer. C

Question. I love swimming ....... the summer months. I usually swim at an outdoor pool as much as I can and sometimes we go the lake.
(a) about
(b) (none)
(c) in
Answer. C

Question. I'm going hiking ....... the weekend. Do you want to come?
(a) in
(b) on
(c) about
Answer. B

Question. After our hiking trip, I'm going to be really sore ....... Monday morning.
(a) about
(b) in
(c) on
Answer. C

Question. ....... three weeks, I'm going on a camping trip. We're going to a really scenic spot.
(a) On
(b) In
(c) (none)
Answer. B

Question. ....... the day after tomorrow, I'm going to Bora Bora. I can't wait!
(a) In
(b) On
(c) (none)
Answer. C

Question. ....... 2002, I got a promotion and I'm hoping for another one this year.
(a) On
(b) (none)
(c) In
Answer. C

Question. Someday, ....... the future, we're going to build the house of our dreams.
(a) on
(b) about
(c) in
Answer. C

Question. ....... yesterday, we went to the Royal Alberta Museum they had some really interesting exhibits.
(a) On
(b) For
(c) (none)
Answer. C

Question. We're going to the Botanical Gardens and ....... tomorrow, we're planning to see some more aspects this city has to offer.
(a) in
(b) (none)
(c) on
Answer. B

Question. ....... two weeks, the project should be complete. I hope our clients approve of the new format.
(a) On
(b) In
(c) About
Answer. B

Question. I finished a very important project ....... two months ago. It was really intense because of the cutting edge technology we used.
(a) on
(b) (none)
(c) in
Answer. B

Question. My vacation starts ....... July 3. Wendy will fill in for me while I'm gone.
(a) on
(b) at
(c) in
Answer. A

Question. I like to eat breakfast ....... the morning but today I had to skip it because I had an early meeting with the Board of Directors.
(a) on
(b) in
(c) about
Answer. B

Question. I love going for walks ....... the spring everything is so fresh and beautiful.
(a) about
(b) (none)
(c) in
Answer. C

Question. I'm going to finish reading this great book ....... today — it's really captivating.
(a) in
(b) on
(c) (none)
Answer. C

Question. ....... 2004, I'm getting a raise so we'll be able to afford more things like tropical vacations.
(a) On
(b) (none)
(c) In
Answer. C

Question. We're going for dinner at a great Italian restaurant ....... tonight. It's not far from here.
(a) (none)
(b) on
(c) about
Answer. A

Question. ....... the seventeenth century, artwork in Europe was quite different from what you see today.
(a) (none)
(b) In
(c) On
Answer. B

Question. ....... Valentine's Day, I'm taking my girlfriend to a wonderful spot it's really remote and romantic. I hope she likes it.
(a) On
(b) In
(c) About
Answer. A

Question. ....... one week ago, she was told she couldn't have any more time off.
(a) For
(b) (none)
(c) In
Answer. B

Question. ....... next month, I'm expecting my family to visit from the Virgin Islands.
(a) On
(b) (none)
(c) In
Answer. B

Question. ....... Saturday night, we went to a great movie and then had supper with the Johnsons.
(a) For
(b) On
(c) In
Answer. B

Question. ....... Independence Day, we always go to the fair and watch the fireworks at 11 pm.
(a) About
(b) On
(c) (none)
Answer. B

Question. ....... Wednesday night, I'm going to take the staff out for dinner.
(a) About
(b) In
(c) On
Answer. C

Question. ....... tomorrow evening, we're going to have a surprise birthday party for Mitch.
(a) (none)
(b) About
(c) In
Answer. A

Question. ....... midnight, the tradition is to sing a traditional song to ring in the New Year.
(a) On
(b) At
(c) In
Answer. B

Question. ....... 2005, I finished my degree and now I'm working with a small accounting firm.
(a) On
(b) In
(c) At
Answer. B


Q1.Make an attractive poster on the following topics On ½ size chart.

a) SAY NO TO PLASTIC BAGS. (Roll no.1to8)

B) SAY NO TO CRACKERS (Roll no.9 to 16)

C) SAY NO TO DRUGS (Roll no.17 to onwards)

Q2.Write an account of a television programme that you have enjoyed and critically evaluate the item and state why it was a success.

Q3 Find 15 words and their synonyms and write on a A4 size sheet.

Q4.Do the following pages in your workbook (page no.67,68,97)

Q5.Read your extensive reading book ‘CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY’

(chapter---1 to 10) and write the character of Charlie on the basis of your reading. keeping into consideration the latest CBSE syllabus.

Q1. Fill in the blacks using suitable prepositions.

A. The plane flew ____the Mountains.

B. The books are kept ___ the table.

C. She is sitting ____ the table.

D. What is the time ___ your watch.

E. The train is passing ___ the tunnel.

Q2. Fill in the blanks using suitable conjunctions.

A. Do you prefer tea ____ coffee?

B. Shivani worked very hard ____ she could not score will in her exams.

C. She did not come to school today ___ she was unwell.

D. Write it down ___you don’t forget.

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Worksheet for CBSE English Class 6 Prepositions

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Prepositions designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 6 English released by CBSE. Students of Class 6 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 6 English on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for English by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 6 English to develop the English Class 6 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 6 English designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 6 English in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 6 English Prepositions for latest session from

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Are there any websites that offer free test sheets for Class 6 English Prepositions

Yes, provides all latest NCERT Prepositions Class 6 English test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 6 English Prepositions worksheets?

CBSE Class 6 English Prepositions worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 6 English scores?

Regular practice with Class 6 English worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.