CBSE Class 6 English Revision Worksheet Set S

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 6 English Revision Worksheet Set S. Students and teachers of Class 6 English can get free printable Worksheets for Class 6 English All Chapters in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 6 students should practice questions and answers given here for English in Class 6 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 6 English Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest English books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 6 English All Chapters

Class 6 English students should download to the following All Chapters Class 6 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 6 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 6 English Worksheet for All Chapters

The Lake of The Moon

A : Match the following things/birds with their group name:

6th Eng notes AJAY 2020 1

B : Choose the correct option and put a tick:

Question. What happened in the area where the elephants lived?
a. there were floods
b. there was no water
c. there was fire in the jungle.
Ans. There was no water (b).

Question. The elephant king told the elephant to go to
a. different Lakes
b. the moon
c. different directions
Ans. Different directions (c).

Question. What was close to the lake?
a. a big forest
b. a colony of rabbits
c. the moon
Ans. A colony of rabbits (b).

Question. Why did rabbits panic?
a. thousands of rabbits died
b. elephants would drink all the water in the lake
c. the moon would get angry
Ans. Thousands of rabbits died (a).

Question. What did the king of rabbits want other rabbits to find?
a. water
b. another place to go
c. solution
Ans. Solution (c).

Question. What did one little rabbit say?
a. fight the elephants
b. hide till the elephants go away
c. make him a messenger to the elephant king
Ans. Make his a messenger to the elephant king (c).

Question. What did the little rabbit climb?
a. a mountain
b. a huge rock
c. on the back of the elephant king
Ans. A huge rock (b).

Question. What did the little rabbit say to the Elephant King?
a. that he was the messenger of the Moon
b. he ordered the king to leave their area
c. that the elephants should be ready for a fight
Ans. That he was the messenger of the Moon (a).

Question. What message does he give to the King?
a. that the elephant herd had soiled the water of the holy lake
b. rabbits were under the special protection of the moon
c. both 'a' and 'b'
Ans. Both „a‟ and „b‟ (c). 

Question. Where does the rabbit take the elephant king?
a. a lake
b. another forest
c. none of the above
Ans. A lake (a).


C : Answer the following questions:

Q. 1. What happened to the place where the herd of elephants lived?
Ans. A severe drought hit the area.

Q. 2. Where was the water found?
Ans. A water lake was found in another jungle.

Q. 3. Who became the messenger?
Ans. A little rabbit became the messenger.

Q. 4. Why did the water move to and fro?
Ans. The king elephant dipped his trunk into the water, the water moved to and fro.

Q. 5. Why did the elephant king believe that the Moon had become angrier?
Ans. Because the water moved, the king elephant believed that the Moon had become angrier.


D : Change the gender:

Masculine         Feminine
God                  Goddess
Waiter               waitress
tiger                  tigress
lion                   lioness
prince               princess
emperor            empress
host                  hostess
duke                 duchess
actor                 actress

Sometimes the word is slightly changed before -ess is added. Some examples are given in the table. Complete the ones that have been left blank in the table


bull                   cow
son                   daughter
horse                mare
uncle                aunt
nephew             niece
sir                    madam
brother             sister
father               mother
male                 female
husband            wife
goose                gander

Many nouns have different words for the Masculine and the Feminine. Some examples are done for you. Complete the ones that have been left blank in the table


milkman                milkmaid
landlord                 landlady
peacock                 peahen
he-goat                  she-goat
father-in-law           mother-in-law
grandfather            grandmother
son-in-law              daughter-in-law
grandson               granddaughter
policeman              policewoman

Sometimes half the word that shows gender gets changed. Some examples are done for you. Complete the ones that have been left blank in the table


hero                     heroine
lad                       lass
bridegroom           bride
widower               widow
sultan                  sultana
czar                     czarina
magician              magician

Some words change but their patterns are different. Some examples are done for you. Complete the ones that have been left blank in the table

E : Some words are common to both genders. These words can be used for both males and females. Such words are called Common Gender. Some examples are done for you. Complete the ones that have been left blank in the table:

pilot  friend   bird   parent   baby   teacher   doctor   member   child   
candidate   animal   artist   minister   children   singer   musician

F : Some words have no gender. Such words are called Neuter gender. Some examples are done for you. Complete the ones that have been left blank in the table:
Neuter Gender

chair    mountain   paper   fan   book   computer
school   camera   pencil   photo   phone   hospital
knife      floor

G : Fill in the blanks using the correct option:
(aunt, cow, queen, uncle, pilot, man, lady, hen, cock, duck )

1. A queen wears a crown.
2. A pilot flies an aeroplane.
3. My grandmother is an old lady.
4. My father is a very kind and caring man.
5. A cow gives us milk.
6. A hen lays eggs.
7. My father's brother is my uncle.
8. My mother's sister is my aunt.
9. A duck quacks all day long in the pond.
10. A cock says cock-a-doodle-doo.

H : Write the opposite gender:

1. husband - wife
2. master - mistress
3. milkmaid - milkman
4. peahen - peacock
5. nephew - niece
6. washer man - washerwoman
7. president - (It is a neuter gender)
8. queen - king
9. goose - gander
10. princess - prince

Rosy’s Meeting with Nessy

1 : For each word given below, find a word from the lesson that sounds the same:
1. wood:       would
2. two:          too
3. board:       bored
4. site:          sight
5. no:            know

What did you notice? Each pair of words has the same sound but different meanings. Such pairs of words are called homophones.

Write 5 more pairs of homophones:
eight: ate            hair: hare          made: maid
night: knight       peace: piece       roll: role

Choose the correct word for each.

a. Give me their address. (there / their)
b. He caught the ball. (caught / cot)
c. We see with our eyes (sea / see)
d. I have only one pen. (won / one)
e. Please give me some sugar (some / sum)


2 : Answer the following questions:

Q. Where did Rosy go?
Ans. She went to her aunt‟s house in Scotland.

Q. What is Loch Ness?
Ans. Loch Ness is a deep lake.

Q. Where did Rosy go when she felt bored?
Ans. She went to the lake.

Q. What did Rosy want to do at the lake?
Ans. She wanted to throw some stones into the water and watch ripples.

Q. Who did she find in the lake?
Ans. She saw a huge animal. It was Nessy.


3 : Say 'True' or 'False' for the following statements:

1. Rosy went to visit her Aunt Teena in Scotland.                             True
2. Aunt Teena told her to go out and throw stones into the lake.       False
3. Rosy met Nessy who wanted to eat her.                                       False
4. Nessy was a herbivore.                                                                True
5. Rosy went around the lake on Nessy's back.                               True


4 : Read the statements given below. Three options are given. Tick the right option

Q. Scotland is in the ____________of the United Kingdom.
a. South
b. West
c. North
Ans. (c) North

Q. The lake is____________.
a. nice and blue
b. deep and dangerous
c. black and dirty
Ans. (b) deep and dangerous

Q. Rosy gathered some stones because ____________.
a. she wanted to count them
b. she wanted to put them in her pocket
c. she wanted to throw them into the lake
Ans. (c) she wanted to throw them into the lake.

Q. The stone made a____________ sound when they touched water.
a. splash
b. ouch
c. eeks
Ans. (a) splash

Q. Nessy was a ____________creature.
a. huge
b. small
c. bad
Ans. (a) huge

Q. Nessy looked like a ______________________.
a. rhinoceros
b. dinosaur
c. crocodile
Ans. (b) dinosaur

Q. Nessy offered Rosy ____________.
a. a ride on its neck
b. some fruits from the lake
c. more stones to throw
Ans. (a) a ride on its neck

Q. People called Nessy a monster because ____________.
a. they were scared of its size
b. they did not know her
c. she talked like humans
Ans. (b) they did not know her

Q. Rosy caught onto Nessy's strong____________ to sit on her back.
a. neck
b. horns
c. humps
Ans. (b) horns

Q. Rosy did not see Nessy's cave because ____________.
a. she was scared to go underwater
b. she had to go to Edinburgh
c. her aunt was waiting for her
Ans. (c) her aunt was waiting for her



Before giving your hair a shampoo brush and comb it thoroughly so that no tangles remain. Then wet the hair all over by dipping it in warm water. Half of the shampoo which should be already prepared, may now be poured on to the scalp. Rub it well in by pressing hard with the fingers, till a thick, lather is obtained. Leave the hair itself to the last, when it can be rubbed between the hands, Rinse off the lather and apply of the rest of the shampoo as before. This time rinse very thoroughly. When there is no sign of the shampoo left, squeeze out as much water as you can and then wrap the head in a ward towel and press out still more. Dry off by using another warm towel. If possible it is good to finish by lifting the hair blow out in the fresh air and sunshine. In winter, finish drying it by sitting near, but not right in front of the fire. Do not let the hair get too hot, as excessive heat dries the natural oil out of the hair.

Answer the following questions :-

1. What should you do before giving your hair a shampoo?

2. What do you do after rinsing off the first lather?

3. What is the best way to finish drying your hair on a fine day?

4. You should not let your hair get too hot. Why?

5. How much of the shampoo should you pour on the first time?


Topic : Pronoun

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable personal pronouns-

1. Mr. Arora is our teacher. _____ teaches us English.

2. I have three pals. _______ are all best friends.

3. Do you know who ____ am?

4. She gave a nice gift to _____ on my birthday.

5. It is so beautiful! Can you buy it for ___, Papa?

B. Fill in the blanks with suitable demonstrative pronouns-

1. _____ apples in your hand are looking ripe.

2. Both books are good, but ____ is better than that.

3. Please take _____ shoes.

4. But _____ on the tree are raw.

C. Fill in the blanks with suitable interrogative pronouns-

1. ____ is your father in the picture?

2. _____ is this box?

3. ______ do you want to buy?

4. _____ of the flowers do you like?

II Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follows :-


If I knew the box where the smiles were kept,
No matter how large the key or
Strong the bolt, I would try so hard,
I would open, I know, for me;
Then over the land and sea broad cast
I would scatter the smiles to play,
That the children’s faces might hold them fast
For many many a day.
If I knew a box that was large enough,
To hold the frowns I meet
I would gather them, everyone,
From nursery, School and Street;
Then folding and holding, I’d pack them in,
And turn the monster key,
And hire a giant to drop the box,
To the depths of the deep, deep sea.

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Where would the poet keep the frowns?

2. Why does he call the key a ‘monster key’?

3. What would he do with the smiles and why?

4. The giant would drop the box in a pond. True of false?

5. From the following list, choose adjectives which describe the poet; happy, loves children, sad, positive, evil, caring.

1. Direct and indirect Objects :

I Write the direct and indirect objects of the following sentences

1. Mother will buy some clothes for me tomorrow,

2. He gave his son a toy gun.

3. Geeta gave a pen to Rita.

4. My sister gave me a chocolate.

5. He gives bread to his pet dogs.

6. Ashish collects old clothes for the poor.

7. I think he is planning a picnic for us.

II. Use ‘to’ or ‘for’ as each sentence requires, to change its form.

1. His father bought him new shoes.

2. Raji brought her friend some flowers.

3. He wrote his father a letter.

4. The teacher told us a beautiful story.

5. The referee showed him the yellow card.

6. The referee awarded them a penalty kick.

7. He gave his sister a gift.

2. Types of Sentences

I. State to which type each of the following sentences belong.

1. She was waiting for the bus.

2. Please write it down.

3. If only I were in Goa!

4. How cute the baby looks!

5. She can run fast.

6. You are in the team.

7. Is this his book?

8. Where is my pen?

9. Stop it at once.

10. Call the witness.

II. Make changes in the given sentences as instructed in the brackets

1. Ah! What a lovely day it is! (Declarative)

2. It is a beautiful evening. (Exclamatory)

3. He is really talented. (Exclamatory)

4. You are in the team. (Interrogative)

5. The watchman opened the gate. (Interrogative)

6. He reads very well. (Emphatic statement)

7. Stop the bus immediately. (Declarative)

8. Give me the papers tomorrow. (Emphatic Imperative)

9. How beautiful she is! (Negative Statement)

10. You should bring your note book tomorrow. (Imperative)

11. You must go to see the exhibition. (Emphatic Imperative)

3. Articles

I Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ ‘an’ or ‘the’

1. We shall be back in ___________ hour and _________half.

2. He is _____________ honorary secretary of our club.

3. I like to give ____________ useful present.

4. ___________ electric iron is used for pressing clothes.

5. There is ___________ hourly service of buses on this route.

6. He is ___________ Indian but his wife is ___________.

7. ___________ honest man is ___________ noblest work of God.

8. ___________ English defeated ___________ French.

9. ___________ Yamuna is ___________ sacred river.

10. Where there is ___________ will there is ___________ way.

11. ___________ people of Agra are very fond of visiting ___________ Taj.

II. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ ‘an’ or ‘the’ which ever is suitable. If no article is required, put ‘X’ in the blank space.

1. ___________ airplane flies in ___________ sky.

2. ___________ Andamans, are ___________ group of ___________ islands in ___________ Bay of Bengal.

3. He is ___________ officer in ___________ Minister of Foreign Affiars. He is posted in ___________ United Kingdom. He is ___________ youngest officer there.

4. ___________ quickest way to get to ___________ United States is by ___________ air.

5. Some of ___________ visitors came by ___________ train, other by ___________ bus.

Writing Tasks :


I Read the outlines given below and write short stories.
a. Forest ________ two travellers ________meet bear ______ one climbs a tree ________ the other cannot climb ________ he lies down as if dead _______ bear smells his head ________ believes him dead ________goes away ________ first traveller asks ________ what bear said ________ “Never keep company with friends who run away in danger”

b. A woodcutter ________ axe falls into the deep river ________ he weeps ________ river. Goddess comes up with a gold axe ________ not his own ________ rejects it ________ next a silver axe is shown ________ not his own ________ does not accept ________ then the Goddess brings the iron axe ________ woodcutter glad to accept ________ honesty pleases the Goddess ________ gives the other axes to the woodcutter.

c. Cap-seller under a tree ________ ten red caps for sale ________ falls asleep ________caps gone when he wakes _______ ten monkeys on the tree _______ each wears a cap _______ he thinks what to do _______ gets an idea _______ takes cap off his head and throws it down _______ monkeys do the same _______ imitation.

II Write a paragraph of not more than 100 words on the following topics :-

1. Trees are our best friends
Trees are essential to our life help in fulfilling our basic necessities _______ air, water, food and clothing, shelter _______ give oxygen _______ absorb carbon dioxide _______retain humidity _______ attract rain _______ prevent soil erosion _______ trees and plants provide food _______ provides many other useful items _______reckless deforestation _______ mankind digging its own grave.

2. Tea
Tea _______ a common drink _______ a sort of addition with many _______ bed led, evening tea, tea party _______ tea _______ a long and ancient history _______ Tea drinking originated in China _______ a plantation crop _______ India _______ the leading producer _______ Tea gardens _______ Assam, Darjeeling, Nilgiri Hills. Tea making _______ an art.

III Write a description of a member of your family. Describe his / her physical features, height and build and general appearance. Also refer to his / her character and personality.

Prepared by :
Mrs. Veena Jeevaraj
VI – VIII (Boys’ Section)

I Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow :-

1. “They were carried away in a bullock-cart”.

i) Whom does ‘they’ refer to?
a) Grandmother and Ayah
b) kabaris
c) The possessions or belongings

ii) Why did they carry away?
a) They were expensive
b) It was impossible to take them
c) They were not so important

iii) Name the title of the lesson
a) The wish
b) The Tempest
c) The selfish Giant

2. “Has a tea cosy with tassels on it”

i) Who is having a tea cosy?
a) Octopus
b) Camel
c) Cat

ii) Who knitted the tea cosy?
a) grandma
b) mother
c) aunt

iii) The meaning of the word ‘tassel’ is
a) bunches of thread hanging from one end as decoration
b) Embroidery
c) Pearls

3. “It sounded so sweet to his ears”
i) What does it mean?
ii) Whom does ‘his’ refer to?
iii) Name the author of the lesson.

4. “Your pretty bird in a gilded cage”.
i) Which is the bird referred here as ‘pretty bird’?
ii) Give the meaning of the word ‘gilded’.
iii) Name the poetess.

5. “Don’t lean out of the window when the train is moving”.
i) Who is the speaker?
ii) Why did the speaker make this remark?
iii) Name the lesson.

6. “Their black and yellow jerseys getting – shabbier and thinner”.
i) Whom does ‘their’ refer to?
ii) Why do their jerseys get shabbier and thinner?
iii) Give the meaning of the word ‘Shabbier”.

7. “What are you doing here? He cried in a very gruff voice”.
i) Whom does ‘he’ refer to ?
ii) Why did he cry in a very gruff voice?
iii) What were they doing there?

8. “My bird sings out with a true wood-note”.
i) Who is the speaker?
ii) Which bird is mentioned here?
iii) Give the meaning of the word ‘wood-note’.

II Answer the following questions :

1. What does Grandma knit for wasp’s?

2. Why did the children say to each other that they were very happy there?

3. Which bird flutters its sorrowful wings? Why do they do so?

4. How can we understand that Ayah is very much attached to the boy ?

5. Which bird do you think is happy? Why?

6. Why does the Giant wish for the spring season? What does this tell you about him?

7. Does the poem ‘Grandma’ make you feel happy? Can you say why?

8. ‘The platform had become a bazaar’ Why is the platform called a bazaar?

III Writing Tasks :

1. Imagine that you are the selfish Giant and write a diary entry telling how You felt the day when you saw the spring had come to your garden.

2. Write the summary of the poem, ‘My Bird Sings”.

3. Write the character sketch of Grandma from the poem, ‘Grandma’.

4. Imagine that you are the little boy in the lesson ‘The Wish” and write how you felt when you were leaving Dehra.

5. Write the character sketch of “Ayah’ from the lesson ‘The Wish’ and the character sketch of the Giant from the lesson, ‘The selfish Giant’.

6. Write the summary of the poem, ‘Grandma”.

POEM- I am Writing a Letter

Answer the following questions:

Q. Who is the poet writing the letter to?
Ans. He is writing the letter to his mother.

Q. What did the poet write on the envelope?
Ans. He writes the address.

Q. Why was the poet anxious?
Ans. He is anxious to keep the letter neat.

Q. What is the meaning of 'My pen travels slowly'?
Ans. It means the poet writes slowly.

Q. What is the meaning of 'There's just room for ten'?
Ans. It means the letter has a little space now.


Q1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions below :

Holi is played with various hues of red, yellow, blue, green, magenta, purple, orange…… But do you know that most of the Holi colours sold these days contain many harmful chemicals? In fact most are dyes meant for industrial uses like dyeing textiles and are not meant to be applied on humans. These colours include heavy metals, acids, alkalis, powdered glass….. The black paste has lead oxide, green contain copper sulphate, red is mercury sulphite etc. All these are toxic and can result in anything from skin allergies to cancer, eye irritation to blindness….. and much more.

Even the base in which these chemicals are mixed is highly toxic. Several powder or dry colours use a base of asbestos talc, chalk powder or silica. Asbestos is a known human carcinogen which gets built up in the body tissue, even micro quantities can result in cancer. Silica may dry as well as chafe the skin. The shine in the colours is due to addition of powdered glass or mica. Many water colours have an alkaline base capable of causing severe injuries. If it enters the eyes, it can pose a great danger to the vision. Colours in theform of pastes have toxic compounds mixed in a base of engine oil or other inferior quality oil, capale of causing skin allergy, temporary blindness……

Read the following questions and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate options given :

1. Various colours used in the holi celebration are dangerous for humans as they contain
(a) many harmful chemicals       (c) industrial colours
(b) Dangerous dyes                   (d) dyeing matter

2. The diseases that these colours spread are ________
(a) Cancer                                (c) cancer, skin allergies, blindness etc.
(b) Cancer and blindness          (d) skin allergies, blindness

3. Asbestos is a known human carcinogen that causes ________
(a) Blindness                       (c) skin allergies
(b) TB                                 (d) cancer

4. What makes these colour shine is __________
(a) Glass                                    (c) glass or mica
(b) Powdered glass and mica      (d) asbestos

5. The word “toxic” means
(a) Chemical                          (c) dangerous
(b) Poison                              (d) poisonous

6. Holi is a festival of colours…….
(a) True
(b) False

On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions as briefly as possible.
(a) What diseases are caused due to colours?
(b) Which chemicals are mixed with colours to bring out its shininess?
(c) What are the disadvantages of water colour?

Q2. Read the following poem carefully :
A plump little girl and a thin little bird
Were out in the meadows together.
“How cold that poor little bird must be
Without any clothes like me” , said she,
“Although it is sunshiny weather!”
“A nice little girl is that” , piped he,
“But, oh how cold she must be ! For, see,
She hasn’t a single feather!”
So each shivered to think of the other poor thing,
Although it was sunshiny weather.
Dodge, Mary Mapes

On the basis of the reading of the poem, answer the following questions :
1. What is the poem about?
2. Who spoke these words, “But, oh how cold she must be! For, see!”
3. Give the rhyming word from stanza 1.

Based on your reading of the passage answer the following questions by choosing the correct option :
1. “She hasn’t a single feather” means the girl ________________
(a) Doesn’t have a feather on her dress
(b) Did not bring a single feather
(c) Doesn’t have a proper covering to protect herself
(d) None of the above

2. In the poem the word “poor” means _____________
(a) Impoversished (c) not rich
(b) Indifferent (d) unfortunate

3. What time of the year is it?
(a) Summer (b) winter (c) rainy (d) autumn

4. Find words from the poem which mean the opposite of the following :
(a) Poor
(b) Cold



1 Poster

2 Letter to the Editor

3 E mail Writing

4 Diary Entry

1. Your school is going to celebrate a tree plantation week. Prepare a poster highlighting the importance of trees in our life.

2. You have lost your bicycle from the school parking area. Design a poster giving details about its colour, model size, brand etc. The person who finds it will receive a reward of SR 25/- contact the supervisor of your section.

3. Write a letter to the Editor of a Hindustan Times, describing how children are easily carried away by misleading advertisements and how they are impressed by super heroes whether Superman or batman.

4. Write a letter of complaint to the Editor of “The Times of India”, New Delhi aout the frequent breakdowns of electricity in your town.

5. You are Nilesh/Nila representing your school at CBSE National Level Basketball Tournament. Write an e-mail to your friend in about 120 words describing your experiences.

6. There was a misunderstanding between your parents and you on the dress that you had to wear for a party. Write an e-mail to your friend in about 120 words giving him/her your views on modern ways of dressing and the conventional thinking of your parents.

7. You are Rita/Ritesh, in your city, everyday there is power failure for long hours in the evening because of which work suffers. Write an e-mail about 120 words, to the Manager, State Electricity Board, making a complaint and requesting for an early solution to the problem.

8. While you were on your way back to home from school you saw an extremely old woman at some distance who wanted to cross the busy road. No one was taking care of her. You hurriedly came to her and hold her hand to cross the road. The old woman blessed you a lot. Now write a diary entry in 50 words expressing your feelings.

9. Imagine you are Malasha from the lesson “Little Girls Are Wiser”. Write a diary about the incident which took place on Easter Sunday.


1. The Sentence
2. Pronoun
3. Article
4. Subject Verb Agreement

1 The Sentence

State to which type each of the following sentences belong:

1. How old are you?

2. Please write it down.

3. If only I were in Goa!

4. How cute the baby looks.

5. She can run fast.

6. You are in the team.

7. How are you?

8. She was waiting for the school bus.

9. Are you coming tomorrow to the school?

10. Go and call your mother.

Make Changes in the given sentences as instructed in the brackets:

1. Ah! How beautiful she looks! (Declarative)

2. It is a beautiful evening. (Exclamatory)

3. He is really very intelligent. (Exclamatory)

4. You are in the team. (Interrogative)

5. The security opened the gate. (Interrogative)

6. She writes very well. (Exclamatory)

7. Stop the car immediately. (Declarative)

8. Please give me your book. (Imperative)

9. How beautiful she is! (Declarative)

10. You should bring your notebook tomorrow. (Imperative)


Fill in the blanks with suitable pronoun:

The large hall was full of young girls. (1) _____________ were listening to the girl in yellow (2) _______________was playing the guitar and a tall dark girl singing a song. (3) ________________ had tears in her eyes as she sang and it was evident that the song that she sang was the outcome of (4) _________________ suffering that she had experienced. The group was visibly moved. (5) ________________ too could feel the sadness of (6) ________________ song. A number of (7) _________________ also had tears in (8) _______________ eyes. (9) ________________ girls were even dabbing their eyes with hankies. At (10) ______________ of the windows stood alone a boy (11) _________________ was hidden by the creeper growing near it and so none of the girls saw (12)________________.

Fill in the blanks with Relative Pronoun :

1. The postman ________________ has dark hair is always early.

2. The story _____________ I wrote was published.

3. I applied for a job _______________ was advertised last month.

4. The car ____________ I bought last month is stolen

5. The boy _______________ has brown eyes is my cousin.

6. We can contact Mr Arora _________________ address I have.

7. I mean ____________ I say.

8. The old man ___________________ I helped one day is now no more.

9. The people __________________ live in our neighbourhood are very helpful.

10. This is the book ______________ I wanted for so long.


Topic : Modals

Fill in the blanks using suitable modals-

1. There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You _____ buy any.

2. It's a hospital. You _____ smoke.

3. He had been working for more than 11 hours. He _____ be tired after such hard work.
He _____ prefer to get some rest.

4. I _____ speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. Now, I can just say a few things in the language.

5. The teacher said we _____ read this book for our own pleasure as it is optional. But we _____ read it if we don't want to.

6. _____ you stand on your head for more than a minute? No, I can't.

7. If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you _____ to work hard. .

8. Take an umbrella. It _____ rain later.

9. You _____ leave small objects lying around. Such objects may be swallowed by children.

10. People _____ walk on grass.

11. Drivers _____ stop when the traffic lights are red.

12. _____ I ask a question? Yes, of course.

13. You _____ take your umbrella. It is not raining.

14. _____ you speak Italian? No, I _____.

POEM - How Beautiful is the Rain!

1 : Pick up words from the text that match the rhyme of the following words:

1. rain          lane
2. heat         street
3. roofs        hoofs
4. out           spout
5. lane         pane
6. pours       roars
7. wide         tide

2 : Read the poem and write answers to the following:

Q. Why does the poet say that the rain is beautiful?
Ans. In summer, it comes after the heat and dust. That is why the rain is beautiful.

Q. Which are the places where the rain falls?
Ans. Rain falls in the streets and lanes, over the roofs and window-panes.

Q. Why does the poet repeat the first line?
Ans. To make us realise the beautiful effect of rain after the heat and dust.

Q. What gushes and struggles out?
Ans. The rain water.

Q. Why is the rain like a tramp of hoofs?
Ans. Because it makes very loud sound.

Q1. Underline the subject in the following sentences.

a) The students have never finished their work so quickly before.

b) Aunt Carol has just come for a week's visit.

c) Our team has never beaten yours.

d) Here comes the bus.

e) The happy children played in the sand box.

Q2. Complete the sentences using a suitable subject/predicate of your choice.

a) The ___________ stood in the queue for the tickets.

b) _________ is the capital of ________.

c) _________ is one of my favorite _________.

d) Reading often improves your _________.

e) I threw a ______ in the air.


The tense refers to the time of action. The time can be present, past or future tens. The time running now is present, the time spent is past and the time to come is future. So the tenses are basically of three types-
• Present Tense
• Past Tense
• Future Tense

Past Tense
As we can understand from the name, past tense verbs are used to indicate an action, event or condition that has happened in the past. Each tense has four aspects that talks about the completion of the event or action and based on that, we have four types of past tense verbs:
• Simple Past Tense
• Past Continuous Tense
• Past Perfect Tense
• Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Simple past tense-
A sentence in the simple-past form describes an event that occurred in the past:
“They agreed with us.”
“They did not agree with us.”
“Did they agree with us?”
Past- Continuous Tense-
The past continuous is made from the past tense of the verb be and the – ing form of a verb: We use the past continuous to talk about the past:

• for something which happened before and after another action:
The children were doing their homework when I got home.

Past-Perfect Tense- The past perfect tense expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past. It can also show that something
happened before a specific time in the past. To form the past perfect, we use had (the past tense of the auxiliary verb have) + the past participle of the
main verb.

“The film had already ended when I switched on the TV.”
“Unfortunately, he had left his keys in the house when he left.”
“Construction had gone smoothly until the earthquake hit.”

Past- Perfect continuous Tense- We use the past perfect continuous to show that something started in the past and continued up to a time in the past or was important at that time in the past:
Everything was wet. It had been raining for hours.
He was a wonderful guitarist. He had been playing ever since he was a teenager.


You have to fill each space with either the past continuous, past perfect simple or past perfect continuous.

1. I was exhausted at the end of the exam. I ……………. (write) for over two hours.

2. When thieves stole my favourite leather jacket, I was really upset. I …………… (have) it for over ten years.

3. Please step out of the car, Mr. Jones. Do you realise you ………………… (drive) at over 90mph?

4. We didn't really want to go and see the musical again. We ……………….
(already see) it twice - so we said "no" and we went to a restaurant instead!

5. I arrived over an hour late to the office and everyone was working. Actually, they ………………. (work) for over two hours on the new project and I felt really guilty.

6. The kitchen was full of steam when we arrived. Joan was in the kitchen and she……………… (cook) a huge meal for everyone at the party.

7. It was a bit embarrassing to arrive at their house and find Mary looking so sad. I think she …………… (cry) before we got there.

8. No-one even noticed when I got home. They ……………….. (all watch) the big game on TV.

I. Writing Task

1. Write a letter to a friend offering advice on how to adopt a healthier life style.

2. Write a letter to your brother explaining him your most memorable day at school.

3. Write an email to your father asking him to send examination fee urgently.

4. Write an email to your class teacher explaining a delay in the project completion.

5. Write a poster making aware of Corona Virus in your school campus.

6. Write a poster, making aware of Mother’s day in your society.

7. Write a paragraph describing your unforgettable birthday celebration.

8. Write a paragraph about what is necessary for a student to succeed in school.

II. Change the sentences as prompted

1. Raju is playing in the garden ( change into interrogative )

2. The play was very fabulous ( change into exclamatory)

III. Identify the sentences ( Assertive \ Imperative \ Interrogative \ Exclamatory )

1. What a beautiful rose it is! _________________

2. Where are you going? _________________

3. What a wonderful idea. _________________

4. Keep quite! _________________

IV. The following passage has not been edited there is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction. Incorrect Correct As the student, Raja would go to the a

their village. His home as well as a) ________________ _______________.

his village had a special attractions b) ________________ _______________.

to him. He didn’t feel tired c) _________________ _______________.

for the difficult journey. But after d) ________________ _______________.

he is settled in the city, things e) _________________ _______________.

had changed her lifestyle f) _________________ ________________.

V. Complete the exercise with suitable connectors ( and, or, but , so, until, since, because )

1. I would like to go to _______________ I am busy.

2. We were getting tired _______________ we stop the car.

3. Let us wait here ________________ the rains stop.

4. Walk quickly _________________ you will be late.

VI. Replace the underline words in the sentences with the contracted form using the apostrophe.

1. Priya says she will get a milk shake

2. We are going to Mc Donald’s.

3. I would like some extra cheese on my bread.

4. You could have ordered a fish sandwich.

5. Are you not feeling hungry?

VII. Use the following verb (believe, fill, get, look, put, take, switch) and preposition ( away,

down, for, in, of, on, out) and form meaningful sentences.

1. Does your little brother ________ ghosts?

2. It’s warm inside ___________ your coat.

3. Quick! _________ The bus. Its ready to leave

4. _________ the form, please.

5. The firemen were able to _________ the fire in the church street.

VIII. Make sentences with the following words

1. Frantically 2.Squabbling 3. Animatedly 4.Valuable 5.Titter

IX. Choose the right tense to complete the sentences.

1. Rahul _________ more than six hundred pieces of music. ( write)

2. I was very thirsty. I __________ the water very quickly. (drink)

X. Insert commas where ever necessary

1. I could only find three of the ingredients sugar flour and coconut.

2. The major holidays in the next few months as are follows Independence day

3 Dussera Diwali Christmas and New Years day

4. I want to learn to dance well and to sing beautifully.

5. Jesus says do to others what you expect others to do to you

XI. Answer the following questions

1. Who wrote little girls are wiser, what lesson did we learn from the little girls?

2. Write about Roger Mc Gough and describe his feelings in the poem?

3. Why did Richard Wright feel shy and half paralysed in the presence of crowd?

4. I knew how to write as well as any pupil in the classroom
a. Who told this sentence?
b. Why he told this sentence?

The Farmhouse Cows

A : Dictionary Reference: Learning New Words

Appreciate:  loaf:   lump:  creature:
Moving:   cheese:  delicious:  underneath:


B : Choose sounds of animals from the given box. Write in the given blank:
neigh, quack, croak, bray, bleat, caw, hoot, talk

1. a horse            neighs
2. an owl             hoots
3. a goat              bleats
4. a crow             caws
5. a parrot           talks
6. a frog              croaks
7. a donkey          brays
8. a duck             quacks


C : Fill in the blanks. Select suitable words from the story.

1. Rajinder was very happy because his parents had moved to the village.
2. Cows moo and lions roar.
3. Cows send us a lot of delicious gifts.
4. Rajinder pours cream on his apples.
5. Mother eats a piece of cheese at teatime.


D : Read each sentence. If it is correct, write 'yes' or if it is not correct then write 'no' in the given space.

1. Rajinder's family moved from country to town.                       No 
2. A cow moos.                                                                          Yes
3. A cow gives us a lot of presents.                                            Yes
4. Rajinder appreciates the cows in the end.                              Yes
5. Rajinder's mother says that cheese is a delicious thing.         Yes


E : Read the story and answer the following questions:

1. What is the name of the boy in the story?
Answer. His name is Rajinder.

2. Where did the boy and his family come from?
Answer. They came to the village from a city.

3. Where does the milk come from?
Answer. The milk comes from the cow.

4. What present does the Mother get from the cow?
Answer. The cow gives the present of milk.

5. What does the boy say about the cow at the end of the story?
Answer. He says that cows are his friends.


F : Look at the table given below. All the words are nouns. Add some more to the table:

Place              Person         Thing             Animal
India                Raghav          toy                    dog
Punjab             Divyam         flowers              cat
Delhi               Amit              oranges             snake
Park                boys              bat                     fox
Class               girls              tree                    wolf
Jalandhar         Kiran            Pen                     cow
Nakodar           Harleen          Pencil                lion
Playground      Harpreet        Notebook           horse
Home              Prabhjot          Bag                   goat


G : Write common nouns in the space given and make small sentences

1. Common Noun:           Girls

Sentence:                  Girls are punctual.

2. Common Noun:          Books
Sentence:                  Books are our friends.

3. Common Noun:         Birds
Sentence:                 Birds fly high.

4. Common Noun:         Boys
Sentence:                Boys play cricket.

5. Common Noun:       Children
Sentence:                Children are clever.


I. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

Tigers are found in India and most of the countries of South East Asia. They live in forests and grassy plains where there are plenty of other animals for them to hunt for food. If you see a tiger in the zoo, you may think its coat is brightly coloured and easily seen, but in the jungles and grasslands where it lives, a tiger is hard to see. The sunlight shining through leaves and branches makes patches of bright light and shadow. A tiger’s golden coloured coat, with its dark stripes, mixes so well into these patches of sunlight and shadows that it is not easily seen. When it walks through the long forest grass, it is also hard to see, for its hair is the same colour as the blades of yellowish grass and patches of deep shadow.

This camouflage, as we call it, is very important because tigers are hunters and catch other animals for their food. If the animals could see a tiger coming, they would quickly escape. It has strong sharp teeth which it uses for seizing and eating the animals, it catches. A tiger’s chief food is deer, wild pigs, monkeys and other small animals, but it will also kill cows. A tiger is also very strong and if it kills a deer or a cow it will often drag the dead animals several yards to the shelter of some bushes where it can eat its meal in peace. Tigers usually hunt and eat at night, and during day time they lie resting hidden in the long grass. Tigers do not like great heat and when it is very hot, they find a resting place by a river or in some wet ground.

Answer the following questions:

a. Besides India, where are tigers also found?

b. Why do tigers live in forests and grass plains?

c. What happens when sunlight comes through leaves and branches in the jungles?

d. Why does the tiger drag the animals it has killed, to the shelter of bushes?

e. Complete the following statements:

(i) The tiger uses its strong, sharp teeth ______________

(ii) It is hard to see a tiger in the long forest grass because ____________.

II. Read the given poem carefully.
The Muddle Head
I knew a man from petushkee,
As muddle-headed as could be
He always got mixed up with clothes;
He wore his mittens on his toes,
Forget his collar in his haste,
And tied his tie around his waist
What a muddle-head was he,
That man who lived in Perushkee!
They told him as he went about, ‘you’ve got your coat on inside out’. And when they saw his hat, they said: ‘You’ve put a sauce pan on your head!. What a muddle-head was he, that man who lived in

At lunch, he scratched a piece of bread,
And spread some butter on his head,
He put his walking stick to bed,
And he stood in the rack instead.
What a muddle-head was he,
That man who lived in Petushkee!

On the basis of your reading of the above poem complete the summary given below:
The poem is about a man from (a) ____________. He is a confused man. He wears his (b) ________________ on his toes. He forgets his (c) _____________ in his haster. He put on his coat (d) __________. He ties his tie around his (e) ___________. Instead of hat, he wears a (f) ___________ on his head. At lunch he scratches his (g) _________ and spread butter on his (h) _____________. He himself stands in the (i) __________ and put his (j) ___________ to bed.

Topic : Sentence

Definition- A sentence is a group pf words that makes sense. A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop (.), question mark (?) or an
exclamation mark (!).

Example- 1. I am the monitor of my class.
2. How beautiful you are!
3. Do you like horror movies?

Kinds of sentences
1. Declarative sentence- It is also known as assertive sentence. It simply makes a
statement. It can be a positive statement or a negative statement.
Example- 1. She is a pilot.
2. He is not an honest businessman.

2. Interrogative Sentence- A sentence that asks a question is called an
interrogative sentence. It begins with a helping verb or wh-question words like
who, what, which, when, etc. It ends with a question mark.
Example- 1. Do you like oranges?
2. What are you doing?

3. Imperative Sentence- It expresses a command, advice or makes a request. It
usually begins with the main verb. The subject you is hidden and understood.
Example- 1. Do your homework.
2. Please give me some water.

4. Exclamatory Sentence- It expresses strong feelings of joy, sorrow, surprise,
hatred, etc. It ends with an exclamation mark.
Example- 1. What a dangerous creature it is!
2. How lovely she is!

5. Optative Sentence- It expresses a wish or a prayer.
Example- 1. May you succeed your mission.
2. May God bless you with a daughter.

Write the kinds of the following sentences-

1. May our country win the war.

2. What a nonsense!

3. Are you willing to join our team?

4. They have applied for passport.

5. How silly the question is!

6. May democracy win.

7. Get me some water..

8. I wish I could go on a vacation.

9. You should not waste time like this.

10. Can I take my puppy in the train?

11. What a grand reception!

12. We have never visited Nepal.

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