CBSE Class 10 English Dialogue Writing Worksheet

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Worksheet for Class 10 English Dialogue Writing

Class 10 English students should download to the following Dialogue Writing Class 10 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 10 English Worksheet for Dialogue Writing

Dialogue Writing

Read the paragraph given below and complete the dialogue that follows by choosing the correct option.

The boss asked Mary why she hadn’t sent the report on new products to the marketing department yet. Mary apologised and said that she was just going to send it. The boss then said that Mary was supposed to have sent the report the previous day. To this Mary replied that that was true but she was waiting for more information from the production department. The boss then asked Mary if she had received all the information that she needed. Mary replied saying that she had all the information she needed.

Boss: Mary, why (a) _____________________________ to the marketing department yet?
Mary: I am sorry, Sir. I am just going to send it.
Boss: But you were supposed to have sent it yesterday itself.
Mary: Yes, I was, but (b) ______________________ from the production department.
Boss: (c) __________________________ you need?
Mary: Yes, I have.

(a) (i) haven’t you send that report on new products
(ii) had you send those report on new products
(iii) haven’t you sent that report on new products
(iv) has she sent a report of new products

(b) (i) I were waiting for more information
(ii) I was waited for much information
(iii) I has waited for more information
(iv) I was waiting for more information

(c) (i) Have you received all the information
(ii) Has you receive all the information
(iii) Had you receiving all the information
(iv) Were you received some information
Boss :
Mary, why haven’t you sent that report on new products to the marketing department yet?
Mary : I’m sorry, Sir. I was just going to send it.
Boss : But you were supposed to have sent it yesterday itself.
Mary : Yes, I was, but I was waiting for more information from the production department.
Boss : Have you received all the information you need?
Mary : Yes, I have.

Read the paragraph given below and complete the dialogue that follows by choosing the correct option.

When A wished and asked B if he could please speak with Mayur, B apologised saying that Mayur was not there at that moment.Then A asked B where Mayur had gone, to which B replied that Mayur had gone to the library. A continued the conversation and asked B when Mayur was likely to be back.To this B said that Mayur was likely to be back in two hours. Then A requested B to ask Mayur to return A’s call on returning. B asked A for his phone number. A gave his number to B. B took the number and said that he would ask Mayur to give A a call when he returned and A thanked B for the same.

A: Hello, (a) ______________________ with Mayur, please?
B: Sorry, he is not here at the moment.
A: Where (b) _______________________?
B: He has gone to the library.
A: (c) _______________________ to be back?
B: He is likely to be back in two hours.

(a) (i) could you speak
(ii) can I speak
(iii) will I speak
(iv) would I speak

(b) (i) have he going
(ii) had he go
(iii) has he gone
(iv) is he go

(c) (i) When is he likely
(ii) Why is he likely
(iii) Where is he likely
(iv) How is he likely
A :
Hello, can I speak with Mayur, please?
B : Sorry, he is not here at the moment.
A : Where has he gone?
B : He has gone to the library.
A : When is he likely to be back?
B : He is likely to be back in two hours.

Read the paragraph given below and complete the dialogue that follows by choosing the correct option.

Shyam greeted Rahul and asked how he was. Rahul thanked Shyam, said he was fine,and asked how Shyam was. Shyam thanked Rahul for asking after him, said he was fine,and then asked Rahul the time. Rahul told Shyam that it was only half past eight and also asked Shyam if he had finished the assignment. Rahul replied saying that he had not finished the assignment. He asked if Rahul would wait for him and that he would be ready in about five minutes. Rahul replied saying he would surely wait, with pleasure.

Shyam: Hi Rahul. How are you?
Rahul: I’m good. Thank you. And you?
Shyam: Fine, thanks. What time is it?
Rahul: It is only half past eight. By the way, (a) _________________________________?
Shyam: No, (b) _______________________. Will you wait for me? I will be ready in about ten minutes.
Rahul: Sure, (c) ____________________________ for you.

(a) (i) has you finish the assignment
(ii) have you finishing the assignment
(iii) have you finished the assignment
(iv) had you finish the assignment

(b) (i) I has not finished the assignment
(ii) I have not finished the assignment
(iii) I am not finishing the assignment
(iv) I was not finished the assignment

(c) (i) I will wait
(ii) I had waited
(iii) I has wait
(iv) I am waiting
Shyam :
Hi Rahul. How are you?
Rahul : I’m good. Thank you. And you?
Shyam : Fine, thanks. What time is it?
Rahul : It is only half past eight. By the way, have you finished the assignment?
Shyam : No, I haven’t finished the assignment. Will you wait for me? I will be ready in about ten minutes.
Rahul : Sure, with pleasure.

Read the paragraph given below and complete the dialogue that follows by choosing the correct option.

Annie is at her friend Karan’s party. Rohan comes to introduce himself. He greets Annie, gives his name, and says that he is a friend of Karan. Annie says that it is nice to meet him and that Karan had told her about him. Rohan asks Annie if she works with Karan and what she does. Annie replies saying that she is a nurse and asks what Rohan does. Rohan replies saying that he works at a bank. Annie says that that is interesting.

Rohan: Hi, I am Rohan. I’m a friend of Karan.
Annie: Oh, nice to meet you. Karan (a) ___________________________ about you.
Rohan: (b)___________________________, don’t you? What do you do?
Annie: I’m a nurse. What do you do?
Rohan: I work at a bank.
Annie: That (c) ___________________________.

(a) (i) have told me a lot
(ii) was told me a lot
(iii) were told me a lot
(iv) has told me a lot

(b) (i) You work with him
(ii) You working with him
(iii) You worked with him
(iv) You works with him

(c) (i) were interesting
(ii) was interested
(iii) had interested
(iv) is interesting
Rohan :
Hi, I’m Rohan. I’m a friend of Karan.
Annie : Oh, nice to meet you. Karan has told me a lot about you.
Rohan : You work with him, don’t you? What do you do?
Annie : I’m a nurse. What about you?
Rohan : I work at a bank.
Annie : That is interesting.

Read the paragraph given below and complete the dialogue that follows by choosing the correct option.

Tina asked Ram whether he had heard what the professor had said the previous day.Ram replied saying that he had missed that. Tina informed Ram that the professor had allotted the groups for the projects and given the topics to the groups. Ram asked if he and Tina were in the same group. Tina replied that that was right. Ram suggested that then the group should meet to divide the work on the project.

Tina : (a) _______________________________ what the professor said yesterday?
Ram : No, I missed that.
Tina : He (b) _______________________________ for the projects and gave topics to the groups.
Ram : Are we in the same group.
Tina : Yes, that is right.
Ram : Then the group (c) _______________________________on the project.

(a) (i) Didn’t you hear
(ii) Don’t you heard
(iii) Do you heard
(iv) Don’t your hear

(b) (i) allotted the groups
(ii) allots the group
(iii) allotting the groups
(iv) allot the groups

(c) (i) will meet to divided the work
(ii) ought to meet to dividing the work
(iii) should meet to divide the work
(iv) should meeting to divided the work
Tina :
Didn’t you hear what the professor said yesterday?
Ram : No, I missed that.
Tina : He allotted the groups for the projects and gave topics to the groups.
Ram : Are we in the same group?
Tina : Yes, that’s right.
Ram : Then the group should meet to divide the work on the project.

Read the paragraph given below and complete the dialogue that follows by choosing the correct option.

Rhea told Rhonda that she just couldn’t believe that they were going to Colorado.Rhonda said that it was a great place to go to in summer. Rhea said that the trip was going to be fantastic. Rhonda said that they could go mountain biking there. To this Rhea asked if it would be safe. Rhonda replied saying that there would be other interesting activities to do too.

Rhea: I just (a) _________________________ to Colorado.
Rhonda: (b) _________________________ to go in the summer.
Rhea: This trip is going to be fantastic.
Rhonda: We could go mountain biking there.
Rhea: (c) _________________________ safe?
Rhonda: There would be other interesting things to do too.

(a) (i) could not believe we are gone
(ii) should not believe we are going
(iii) can’t believe we are going
(iv) can believe we have gone

(b) (i) It will have a great place
(ii) It is a great place
(iii) It has a great place
(iv) It have greatest place

(c) (i) Will this be
(ii) Would that be
(iii) Can this be
(iv) Should that be
Rhea :
I just can’t believe we are going to Colorado.
Rhonda : It is a great place to go in the summer.
Rhea : This trip is going to be fantastic.
Rhonda : We could go mountain biking there.
Rhea : Would that be safe?
Rhonda : There would be other interesting things to do too.



1 Mohan/Mohini applies for a job at a departmental store at M.G. Road in Bengaluru.He/She appears for the interview. Write a dialogue that he/she has with the interviewer with the help from the hints given in the box. The first one has been done as an example.
Example :
Interviewer : Good morning Miss Mohini. What are you doing these days?
Mohini : Sir, I have just completed B.Com. from Bengaluru University,Bengaluru.
Interviewer : Do you have any other special qualifications related to the job?
Mohini : I have a Diploma in Chinese. I passed this from Bengaluru University,Sir.
Interviewer : Being a graduate in Commerce, do you think the job at the reception will suit you?
Mohini : I will feel equally at ease at the reception, Sir.
Interviewer : Can you work in the night shift if needed? What salary do you expect?
Mohini : I am at your disposal. I think the night duties are not much demanding and there are no worries about security etc. I expect a reasonably decent salary that a man of my qualifications can expect.
Interviewer : All right, Miss Mohini, you shall be posted the decision.
Mohini : Thank you, sir.


2 Raj/Rajni is stopped by a traffic policeman on duty. Write out a dialogue and using your own ideas exchanged between them taking help from the clues given in the box below. The first one has been done as an example. red light—licence—overspeeding—book
Example :
Policeman : Stop! Bring your bike to the other side.
Raj : But why, what wrong have I committed?
Policeman : First of all, you have jumped over the red light.
Raj : Oh, I am sorry, really very sorry.
Policeman : Where is your driving licence?
Raj : It seems I have forgotten it at home.
Policeman : You are booked for three offences :
(a) jumping over the red light (b) overspeeding and (c) driving without a valid licence.
Raj : Can you leave me this time? I am telling you the truth. I have a driving licence at home and I can show you. I was in a hurry since my mother is in hospital.
Policeman : I’m sorry to hear but offence is offence.
Raj : Yes, it is right. Then I offer myself. Let the law take its own course.


3 Reshma is late for school. She is stopped from entering the classroom by the teacher.Write a dialogue exchanged between them with the help from the points given in the box and your own ideas. The first one has been done as an example.
frequently late—discipline—principal—one more chance—mother’s illness
Example :
Reshma : May I come in Sir?
The Teacher : No, you can’t. You are late.
Reshma : I feel extremely sorry. Please excuse me this time. Actually, I started very early from home. But due to traffic jams, I got late.
The Teacher : You are frequently late for the class, I am afraid, you have made it a habit.
Reshma : Sir, it is not a habit. Today there is another reason. My mother is bedridden. I have to look after her as there is no one in the family.
The Teacher : That’s quite sad. I can appreciate the unpleasant situation you are in.
Reshma : Sir, give me one more chance, I promise to be in time for the class.
The Teacher : Take care, otherwise, the Principal will be constrained to take action against you.
Reshma : Thank you, Sir. I shall do my best not to be late.
The Teacher : All right.

4 Milli applies for the post of a clerk in a school. She is interviewed by the Principal. Write out a dialogue exchanged between the two with the help from the hints given in the box and your own ideas. The first one has been done as an example.
Qualifications—typing & computer—experience—salary
Example :
Milli : Good morning, Sir. I am Milli.
Principal : Good morning. I see—you are interested in joining our institution as a clerk.
Principal : What are your main qualifications, Miss Milli ?
Milli : Sir, I did B.A. (Hons) English from Delhi University, Delhi, 3 years back. I have a diploma in Computer Programming.
Principal : That’s fine. Do you know typing ?
Milli : Yes, sir. I am equally at ease in typing as in computer literacy.
Principal : Miss Milli. Do you have some experience ?
Milli : Yes Sir. I worked as a clerk in a private company for one year. The work involved computer use also.
Principal : Good. It’s nice.
Principal : What do you expect from us ? I mean, the salary.
Milli : Negotiable. I hope the salary will match my qualifications and skills.
Principal : All right, Milli. We shall soon let you know.
Milli : Thank you, Sir.

5 You are Balram. You plan to go to Shimla for a week. You are talking to the Manager of a travel company. Write a dialogue exchanged between you and the Manager taking help from the hints given in the box and using your own ideas. The first one has been done as an example.
package—stay—buses and tickets—food—sightseeing
Example :
Balram : How about your package tour to Shimla.
Manager : ` 8,888 per person.
Balram : What does the package include ? I mean please give me more details.
Manager : The package is for three days and two nights at Hotel Cecil.
Balram : That’s fine. What kind of buses do you have ? What are other means of transport that you will provide us in Shimla ?
Manager : Sir, you will travel by our Super Deluxe AC buses from Delhi to Shimla.In and around Shimla, we will carry you in air-conditioned Honda cars.
Balram : What about food ? I am strictly vegetarian—not even garlic, please.
Manager : We have special provision and kitchen for the vegetarians. No problem,sir, you will have garlic-free vegetarian meals.


1 Complete the dialogue given below :
Ravi : I have got admission for medicine, Raju!
Raju : Is (a) _________________________________________________________ ?
Ravi : I have to join (b) _______________________________________________ ?
Raju : Where (c) ______________________________________________________ ?
Ravi : It (d) __________________________________________________________ ?
Raju : All the best!
Ravi : Thank you!
(a) it recognised and when do you have to join
(b) it by next week
(c) is it situated
(d) is situated in the middle of the city

2 Akash and Prakash have just met on the road. Complete the dialogue below.
Akash : Hello Prakash! Where are you coming from?
Prakash : I have just been to the railway station.
(a) _______________________________ a ticket for my brother for Delhi.
Akash : (b) ____________________________________________________ to Delhi?
Prakash : On the 18th.
Prakash : My sister told me that (c) _______________________________________ .
Akash : Yes, but not now. Perhaps in May. I have and (d) __________________ .
_______________________________________________________________ .
Prakash : All the best then!
(a) I went there to buy
(b) When is he going
(c) you are also going there
(d) opportunity to see its historical buildings

3 Below you see a conversation between Minu and her mother. Complete the dialogue.
Mother : Minu, why are you so late from school today?
Minu : I visited my friend today.
Mother : Your friend Keerthi telephoned.
Minu : Did you (a) __________________________ ?
Mother : She wanted to know (b) _____________ .
Minu : I had told her that (c) _____________ .
Mother : Why don’t you (d) _____________ ?
Minu : Yes, I will.
(a) meet her ? What did she want to know?
(b) about your studies
(c) you were doing well in these
(d) visit her this week

4 Randhir and his friends pulled up in front of a restaurant. When they came out, they saw a policeman placing a ticket on the windscreen of their car. Complete the following conversation in a suitable way.
Policeman : You parked in the ‘No parking zone’.
Randhir : We (a) _____________ .
Policeman : That is (b) _____________ .
Randhir : Repainted!
Then (c) _____________ .
Policeman : I am excusing you day.
(a) are just moving out in five minutes
(b) newly painted line
(c) I am driving out

5 Rohini and Natasha are meeting after a long time. They discuss what they have been doing since they parted. Complete the dialogue below in any suitable way. The first one has been done as ah. example.
Rohini : Where have you been all these years?
Natasha : I’m a journalist with “The Times’ and I was posted at Delhi. Now I’ve been posted here.
Rohini : That sounds interesting.Since when have you been in this profession?
Natasha : It’s been five years since I took up this profession, (a) _____________ ?
Rohini : Well, I’m working as a lecturer in a college.
Natasha : That’s great! Have you got married?
Rohini : (b) _____________ .
Natasha : Oh really? How old is she?
Rohini : She is three year old. (c) _____________?
Natasha : Not yet, In fact I’m in no hurry to get married. What does your husband do?
Rohini : Madhav, that is my husband, (d) _____________ .
Natasha : That sounds perfect.
(a) In what capacity are you working ?
(b) Yes. I have a daughter,
(c) Have you got married
(d) He is a software engineer

6 Mohit and Ketan are meeting after a long time. Complete the dialogue below in any suitable way. The first one has been done as an example.
Mohit : Nice to see you in the city again. How come you are here?
Ketan : I’ve been posted here.
Mohit : Are you still with the Tata group?
Ketan : Yes, in fact (a) _____________?
Mohit : That’s great! Congratulations. Your promotion calls for a party.
Ketan : Indeed it does. (b) _____________?
Mohit : We would love to but we have to go for a wedding tonight.
Ketan : How about Saturday evening?
Mohit : (c) _____________ .
Ketan : Good. Then you should come to my residence at around 7.30 pm.
Mohit : By the way, where do you live?
Ketan : (d) _____________ .You must bring your family too.
Mohit : Thank you, we’ll be there by 7.30 pm.
(a) I have been promoted now
(b) Let’s have it now
(c) That would be fine
(d) In the same place where you came last

7 Ram and Shyam are discussing their plans for the weekend. Complete the dialogue below in a suitable way. Write the correct answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first one has been done as an example.
Ram : What are you doing this weekend. Shyam?
Shyam : I don’t have any special plan.
Ram : How do you like the idea (a) _______________________________ picnic?
Shyam : That’s wonderful; but have (b) ______________________________ some other friends as well?
Ram : Yes. I have already talked to David and Karim and both are willing.
Shyam : I think we (c) _________________________________________________ to make it more interesting.
Ram : But I am not able to think of any more names. (d) _____________________________________ some names?
Shyam : I think you may include your cousin Mohan, Seema, Rita and Sonam also.
(a) of going on a
(b) you spoken to
(c) should have more friends
(d) Will you suggest

8 Rajni and Vikram are discussing their plan for the evening. Complete the dialogue below in a suitable way. Write the correct answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first one has been done as an example.
Vikram : What is your plan for the evening ?
Rajni : I haven’t planned anything for the evening yet. (a) _______________?
Vikram : Yes, I wanted you to accompany me to the Book Fair at Pragati Maidan.
Rajni : That’s fine. I (b) _______________ .
Vikram : In that case, could you come to my house at 3 pm?
Rajni : Of course (c) _______________ . But why not fix a time to meet at the Fair itself?
Vikram : (d) ___________________ . Let’s meet at gate no. 3 at 4 pm.
(a) Will you accompany me to the Book Fair
(b) too will like to join you
(c) I’ll
(d) That would be fine

9 Ms. Mansi is being interviewed by Mr. Basu for the job of a governess for his nine-year old daughter. Complete the dialogue below in any suitable way. Write your answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first one has been done as an example.
Basu : Miss Mansi, what are you doing at present?
Mansi : Presently, I am in Mumbai for my post graduate diploma in home science. I did my B.Sc. from Nagpur.
Basu : (a) _____________?
Mansi : I have no acquaintance in this city. But I can give you the reference letter of my institute’s principal.
Basu : (b) _____________?
Mansi : I am staying in a working women’s hostel at Versova.
Basu : (c) _____________?
Mansi : I have basic knowledge of Indian Classical Music and Dance in which I was initiated at the age of six.
Basu : So, you’ve not met my daughter Prerna, (d) _____________?
Mansi : Yes, I have. She is a wonderful child. She is quite smart and intelligent.
Basu : You are appointed right now.
Mansi : Thank you, sir.
(a) Do you have any acquaintance in this city
(b) Where have you been staying
(c) Do you have any knowledge about dances
(d) Have you

10 Given below is a conversation between David and his friend Meenu. Complete the dialogue in any suitable way. Write the correct answer in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Do not copy the whole sentence.
David : Hello. Is this 26897367?
Meenu : Yes. (a) __________________________?
David : Could I speak to Meenu? I am her friend David.
Meenu : David! It’s Meenu. (b) ______________________________?
David : I’m calling from Indira Gandhi International Airport. I’m here for a visit.
Meenu : That’s great. (c) ______________________________?
David : I wanted to give you a surprise.
Meenu : When did you arrive? (d) ______________________________?.
David : I just got here and I’m alone.
(a) May I know who do you want to speak to
(b) Where’re you calling from
(c) Why didn’t you inform me earlier about this visit
(d) Who’s with you

Read the conversations and complete the passages that follow

Question. Shylock : I am unwell
Duke : What can I do for you, sir?
Shylock : Will you take me to the doctor?
Duke : Yes, Sir.
Shylock told the Duke (a) …………. The Duke asked (b) ………….
Shylock asked the Duke (c) …………. The Duke replied in affirmative.
(a) that he was unwell
(b) what he could do for him
(c) if he would take him to the doctor

Question. Divya : I am planning to buy a car.
Arti : Which car do you intend to buy?
Divya : I intend to buy the latest model of any popular company.
Arti : It is a wise decision.
Divya told Arti that (a)…………. Then Arti asked her (b) …………. Divya said that (c)…………. Arti said that(d) ………….
(a) she was planning to buy a new car (b) which car she intended to buy
(c) she intended to buy the latest model of any popular company
(d) it was a wise decision

Question. Susan : Why have you not brought my party dress?
Jenny : I haven’t brought it because I had gone to my uncle’s house with my parents, so I forgot to keep it.
Susan : Don’t give me silly excuses. I want to know the truth.
Jenny : I am sorry Susan. I was chatting with my friends till late. I forgot that you needed it urgently today.
Susan asked Jenny (a) …………. . Jenny said that she (b) ………… . Susan (c)…………. Jenny said that
(d)…………. . She was chatting with her friends till late and (e)………… that Jenny needed it urgently that day.
(a) Why she had not brought her party dress
(b) hadn’t brought it as she had gone to her uncle’s house with her parents so she had forgotten to keep it
(c) told her not to give silly excuses and that she wanted to know the truth
(d) she was sorry
(e) had forgotten

Question. Dilip : I have been watching the sea and there hasn’t been any trace of a ship.
Rohan : I told you yesterday too that we’ll be rescued, so have patience.
Dilip : Why do you ask me to keep quiet whenever I say something?
Rohan : Have you ever said anything sensible?
Dilip said that (a)………… the sea and that (b) ………… any trace of a ship. Rohan replied that (c)………… that they (d)………… and asked him to have patience. Dilip angrily asked Rohan (e)………… to keep quiet whenever he said something to which Rohan wanted to know (f)………….
(a) he had been watching
(b) there had not been
(c) he had told him the day before
(d) would be rescued
(e) why he asked him
(f) if he had ever said anything sensible

Question. Sanjay : I am surprised to see you here in Delhi. When did you come?
Madan : I came here yesterday. I have been offered a job here.
Sanjay told Madan (a) ……… and asked (b) …………. .
Madan replied that (c) ………… and added that (d)………… .
(a) that he was surprised to see him there in Delhi
(b) When he had come
(c) he had come there the previous day
(d) he had been offered a job there



Q 1 Read the following passage carefully:

We are in a rush. We are making haste. A compression of time characterises our lives. As time-use researchers look around, they see a rushing and scurrying everywhere.Instant services rule, pollsters use electronic devices during political speeches to measure opinions before they have been fully formed; fast food restaurants add express lanes. Even reading to children is under pressure. The volume “One Minute Bedtime Stories” consists of traditional stories that can be read by a busy parent in only one minute. Time is a gentle deity, said Sophocles. Perhaps it was, for him. These days it cracks the whip. We humans have chosen speed and we thrive on it – more than we generally admit. Our ability to work fast and play fast gives us power. It thrills us. And if haste is the accelerator, multitasking is the overdrive.

A sense of well being comes with this saturation of parallel pathways in the brain. We choose mania over boredom every time. “Humans have never opted for slower,” points out the historian Stephen Kern. We catch the fever –and cramming our life feels good.There are definite ways to save time, but what does this concept really mean? Does time saving mean getting more done? If so, does talking on a cellular phone at the beach save time or waste it? Does it make sense to say that driving saves ten minutes from your travel budget while removing ten minutes from your reading budget?

These questions have no answers. They depend on a concept that is ill formed; the very idea of, time saving. Some of us say we want to save time when we really want to do more and faster. It might be simpler to recognize that there is time and we make choices about how to spend it, how to spare it, how to use it and how to fill it.Time is not a thing we have lost. It is not a thing we ever had. It is what we live in.

Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:

1) What Sophocles said is outdated because
a) Humans today believe in leading a fast paced life
b) Life today must be lived
c) Humans have no other choice but to chase time
d) Humans have admitted that time today is precious

First Flight Chapter 01 A Letter to God
CBSE Class 10 English A Letter to God Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 01 Dust of Snow
CBSE Class 10 English Dust of Snow Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 01 Fire and Ice
CBSE Class 10 English Fire and Ice Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 02 A Tiger in the Zoo
CBSE Class 10 English A Tiger in the Zoo Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 02 Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
CBSE Class 10 English Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 03 How to Tell Wild Animals
CBSE Class 10 English How to Tell Wild Animals Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 03 The Ball Poem
CBSE Class 10 English The Ball Poem Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 03 Two Stories about Flying I His First Flight
CBSE Class 10 English Two Stories about Flying– I His First Flight Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 03 Two Stories about Flying II Black Aeroplane
CBSE Class 10 English Two Stories about Flying– II Black Aeroplane Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 04 Amanda!
CBSE Class 10 English Amanda! Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 04 From the Diary of Anne Frank
CBSE Class 10 English From the Diary of Anne Frank Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 05 The Hundred Dresses I
CBSE Class 10 English The Hundred Dresses I Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 06 Animals
CBSE Class 10 English Animals Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 06 The Hundred Dresses II
CBSE Class 10 English The Hundred Dresses II Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 07 Glimpses of India
CBSE Class 10 English Glimpses of India Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 07 The Trees
CBSE Class 10 English The Trees Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 08 Fog
CBSE Class 10 English Fog Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 08 Mijbil the Otter
CBSE Class 10 English Mijbil the Otter Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 09 Madam Rides the Bus
CBSE Class 10 English Madam Rides the Bus Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 09 The Tale of Custard the Dragon
CBSE Class 10 English The Tale of Custard the Dragon Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 10 For Anne Gregory
CBSE Class 10 English For Anne Gregory Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 10 The Sermon at Benares
CBSE Class 10 English The Sermon at Benares Worksheet
First Flight Chapter 11 The Proposal
CBSE Class 10 English The Proposal Worksheet
Footprints without Feet Chapter 01 A Triumph of Surgery
CBSE Class 10 English A Triumph of Surgery Worksheet
Footprints without Feet Chapter 02 The Thiefs Story
CBSE Class 10 English The Thief’s Story Worksheet
Footprints without Feet Chapter 03 The Midnight Visitor
CBSE Class 10 English The Midnight Visitor Worksheet
Footprints without Feet Chapter 04 A Question of Trust
CBSE Class 10 English A Question of Trust Worksheet
Footprints without Feet Chapter 05 Footprints without Feet
CBSE Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Worksheet
Footprints without Feet Chapter 06 The Making of a Scientist
CBSE Class 10 English The Making of a Scientist Worksheet
Footprints without Feet Chapter 07 The Necklace
CBSE Class 10 English The Necklace Worksheet
Footprints without Feet Chapter 08 The Hack Driver
CBSE Class 10 English The Hack Driver Worksheet
Footprints without Feet Chapter 09 Bholi
CBSE Class 10 English Bholi Worksheet
Footprints without Feet Chapter 10 The Book That Saved the Earth
CBSE Class 10 English The Book That Saved the Earth Worksheet

Worksheet for CBSE English Class 10 Dialogue Writing

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Dialogue Writing designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 10 English released by CBSE. Students of Class 10 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 10 English on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for English by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 10 English to develop the English Class 10 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 10 English designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 English in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 10 English Dialogue Writing

You can download the CBSE Printable worksheets for Class 10 English Dialogue Writing for latest session from

Is there any charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 10 English Dialogue Writing

There is no charge for the Printable worksheets for Class 10 CBSE English Dialogue Writing you can download everything free

Are there any websites that offer free test sheets for Class 10 English Dialogue Writing

Yes, provides all latest NCERT Dialogue Writing Class 10 English test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 10 English Dialogue Writing worksheets?

CBSE Class 10 English Dialogue Writing worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 10 English scores?

Regular practice with Class 10 English worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.