CBSE Class 10 English Bholi Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 English Bholi Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 10 English can get free printable Worksheets for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Chapter 9 Bholi in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 10 students should practice questions and answers given here for English in Class 10 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 10 English Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest English books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Chapter 9 Bholi

Class 10 English students should download to the following Footprints without Feet Chapter 9 Bholi Class 10 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 10 English Worksheet for Footprints without Feet Chapter 9 Bholi


From a very young age, Bholi was neglected at home. She had remained a backward child and had contacted small-pox at the age of two which left her permanently disfigured by deep black pock-marks.She was late to start speaking and she stammered which made the other children make fun of her.
This resulted in her speaking very little, until she went to school and learned to read and write with the help of a dedicated teacher.

Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:

1. At birth, the child was very fair and pretty. But when she was two years old, she had an attack of small-pox. Only the eyes were saved, but the entire body was permanently disfigured by deep black pock-marks. Little Sulekha could not speak till she was five, and when at last she learnt to speak, she stammered. The other children often made fun of her and mimicked her. As a result, she talked very little.

A. Multiple Choice Questions

Question. At birth, Bholi:
(a) was dark and ugly.
(b) had a deformed face.
(c) was very fair and pretty.
(d) had deformed feet.
Answer. C

Question. Bholi had an attack of smallpox:
(a) at the age of five.
(b) at the age of three.
(c) at the age of two.
(d) at the age of seven.
Answer. C

Question. What kind of family was she born in?
(a) An educated family
(b) A poor family
(c) A prosperous family
(d) None of these
Answer. C

Question. What made her body ugly?
(a) A high fever
(b) Hard work
(c) Hunger
(d) Smallpox
Answer. D

Question. What is the meaning of ‘mimicked’?
(a) Imitated
(b) Copied
(c) Aped
(d) All of these
Answer. D


B. Very Short Answer Questions

Question. Why did Bholi have deep black pock-marks all over her body?
Answer. When Bholi was two years old she had an attack of small-pox which left her entire body disfigured with deep-pock marks.

Question. Why did the other children make fun of Bholi?
Answer. Bholi could not speak till she was five years old, and when she started speaking, she used to stammer. This was why the other children made fun of her.

Question. Why do you think Bholi stammered?
Answer. When Bholi was ten months old she fell off the cot and this damaged a part of her brain. As a result she started speaking only when she was five years old and then she was stammering.

Question. Why did the author consider her a backward child?
Answer. Due to the fall Bholi was not as bright as other children of her age. This is why the author considered her a backward child.

Question. How did Bholi get her name?
 Bholi was christened Sulekha when she was born, but due to a fall from the cot at the age of two, some part of her brain was damaged due to which she was backward in her growth. So she was named Bholi, the simpleton.


2. “What’s the matter with you, you fool? Shouted Ramlal. “I am only taking you to school.” Then he told his wife, “Let her wear some decent clothes today or else what will the teachers and the other schoolgirls think of us when they see her?
New clothes had never been made for Bholi. The old dresses of her sisters were passed on to her.
No one cared to mend or wash her clothes. But today she was lucky to receive a clean dress which had shrunk after many washings and no longer fitted Champa. She was even bathed and oil was rubbed into her dry and matted hair. Only then did she believe that she was being taken to a place better than her home! When they reached the school, the children were already in their classrooms.”

A. Multiple Choice Questions

Question.(i) Why did Ramlal call Bholi a fool?
This was because:
(a) Bholi had become hysterical and was screaming.
(b) Bholi shouted in fear and pulled her hand away.
(c) Bholi was behaving foolishly and was running away.
(d) Bholi had been behaving very strangely with her father.
Answer. B

Question. Pick the sentence that brings out the meaning of ‘decent’ as used in the extract.
(a) He gets a decent amount of salary.
(b) One must be decent when having a conversation with strangers.
(c) She was dressed in a decent manner for the interview.
(d) It was very decent of him to lend me some money.
Answer. C

Question. Pick the option that best describes how Bholi felt at the end of her first day in school.
(a) lost and scared
(b) calm and peaceful
(c) elated and peaceful
(d) hopeful and elated
Answer. D

Question. Why was Bholi’s hair matted?
(a) It was entangled and oiled.
(b) It was never oiled or combed.
(c) It was not combed regularly.
(d) It was unkempt and oiled.
Answer. B

Question. What fear did Bholi have when she was told about being taken to school?
(a) She thought she was going to be neglected by her parents.
(b) She thought her parents were going to get rid of her.
(c) She felt that she would be thrown out of the house and sold.
(d) She thought her parents were thinking of ways to throw her out.
Answer. C


B. Very Short Answer Questions

Question. Why did Bholi’s father say to let Bholi wear some decent clothes?
Answer. Bholi’s clothes were never mended nor cleaned. If she wore those clothes to school what would her teachers and school girls think of them. So, her father said to let her wear some decent clothes.

Question. How did Bholi’s hair get matted?
Answer. Bholi’s hair were never oiled or combed. Thus they became matted.

Question. Who asked Ramlal to send his daughter’s to school?
Answer. When the primary school for girls was opened in the village the Tehsildar who came to open the school told Ramlal that as a revenue official he was the representative of the government in the school so he should set an example to the village by sending his daughters to school.

Question. What type of dress was Bholi made to wear?
Answer. Bholi was given a clean dress to wear that day. The dress belonged to her sister Champa and it no longer fitted her as it had shrunk after many washings.

Question. Why did Bholi believe that she was being taken to a place better than her home?
Bholi got a clean dress to wear that day. She was also bathed and oil was rubbed into her dry and matted hair. That was why she believed that she was taken to a place better than her home.


3. And Sulekha said in a voice that was calm and steady, ‘‘Don’t you worry, Pitaji! In your old age I will serve you and Mother and I will teach in the same school where I learnt so much. Isn’t that right, Ma’am?’’
The teacher had all along stood in a corner, watching the drama. ‘‘Yes, Bholi, of course,’’ she replied.
And in her smiling eyes was the light of a deep satisfaction that an artist feels when contemplating the completion of her masterpiece.

A. Multiple Choice Questions

Question. Sulekha’s voice when she spoke was:
(a) stammering
(b) calm and steady
(c) wailing
(d) breaking
Answer. B

Question. Sulekha planned to:
(a) sit at home.
(b) do social work.
(c) teach in the school she studied.
(d) help the villagers.
Answer. C

Question. What trait of Bholi’s character is reflected in the above extract?
(a) Cowardice
(b) Selfishness
(c) Bold and courage
(d) Self-sacrifice
Answer. C

Question. Who has penned the above extract?
(a) K.A. Abbas
(b) Ruskin Bond
(c) Sinclair Lewis
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
Answer. A

Question. Give the verb form of ‘satisfaction’.
(a) Satisfactory
(b) Satisfy
(c) Satisfying
(d) Satisfactorily
Answer. B


B. Very Short Answer Questions

Question. Why did Sulekha tell her father not to worry?
Answer. Sulekha told her father not to worry as she just broken her marriage by refusing to many the greedy bridegroom.

Question. What did Sulakha plan to do instead of getting married?
Answer. Sulekha planned to serve her parents in their old age and teach in the school where she had her education.

Question. Why was the teacher standing in a corner?
Answer. The teacher was standing in a corner because the wedding was a family event and she was participating in it as a guest.

Question. What was the drama that teacher was watching?
Answer. The teacher watched the drama of the bridegroom demanding five thousand rupees to marry Bholi and the girl’s defiant refusal to marry the greedy bridegroom.

Question. How did the teacher feel when Bholi refused to marry the greedy old man?
Answer. The teacher felt deep satisfaction just like an artist when or she has just completed a masterpiece


 I. Multiple Choice Questions 

Question. Why did the Tehsildar come to Bholi’s village?
(a) To see how the village was developing
(b) To open a primary school for the girls of the village.
(c) To meet the Ramlal the revenue officer
(d) To meet the villagers in general.
Answer. B

Question. How did Bholi leave school on the first day?
(a) Very depressed and sad
(b) Frightened and subdued
(c) Happy with a ray of hope in life
(d) Very angry and irritated
Answer. C

Question. What did the Tehsildar ask Ramlal to do?
(a) To keep the villagers happy
(b) To discuss the problems of the village with him
(c) To have dinner with him to know each other better
(d) To send his daughters to school
Answer. D

Question. Why did Bholi became backward?
(a) At ten months old she fell off from the cot
(b) At two years old she had small pock
(c) At five years old she started speaking
(d) She could never speak well, she stammered
Answer. A

Question. Why did Bishamber demand five thousand to marry Bholi?
(a) Because that was the custom
(b) Because Bholi’s looks were marred by the pock-marks on her face
(c) Because Bishamber thought he was a rich man and should be honoured
(d) Because Bishamber’s friends told him to ask Bholi’s father for the money
Answer. D


Short Answer Questions :

Question. Why did the Tehsildar come to Ramlal’s village? What did he ask Ramlal to do?
The Tehsildar came to the village to perform the opening ceremony of the new primary school for girls that was being opened there. He asked Ramlal to set an example to villagers as he was a representative of the government, and send his daughters to school.

Question. Why was Ramlal worried about his daughter Bholi and not about his other children?
Ramlal was worried about Bholi because she had neither good looks nor intelligence. She stammered and had pock-marks on her face. He was worried, that nobody would marry her.

Question. Bholi had many apprehensions about going to school. What made her feel that she was going to a better place than her home?
Answer. Bholi did have many apprehensions about going to school. She was frightened that she would be turned out of the house like her old cow, Laxmi. However, when clean clothes of Champa were given to her, she was even bathed and oil was rubbed into her dry and matted hair. Only then, Bholi started believing that she was taken to a place better than her home.

Question. Why was Bholi frightened to go to school?
Answer. No girl in the family had ever gone to school. The next day, when Ramlal held her hand to take her to school, Bholi was frightened. She did not know what a school was. She thought that perhaps her parents were punishing her by sending her to school. So, she cried in terror and pulled her hand away from her father’s grip.

Question. Bholi was a neglected child. Explain.
Answer. No new clothes for Bholi, old dresses passed on to her, nobody cared for or mended her clothes. Her parents sent her to school as they thought there was a little chance of her getting married.

Question. What happened when Bishamber took a quick glance at his bride's face?
Answer. The auspicious moment had come. The bridegroom lifted the garland of yellow marigolds. A woman slipped back the silken veil from the bride's face. Bishamber took a quick glance. The garland remained poised in his hand. He shouted that the bride had pock-marks on her face. If he was to marry her, her father must give him five thousand rupees.

Question. How did Ramlal react after the ceremony ended with the departure of the bridegroom alone?
Answer. Ramlal stood silently rooted to the ground. His head bowed with the weight of grief and sorrow. He turned to Bholi and asked what would happen to her now. No one would ever marry her. He asked,‘‘What shall we do with you?’’

Question. How did the teacher react to Bholi's wish expressed in the end?
Answer. The teacher had all along stood there in a corner. She had been watching the whole drama. She also heard Bholi saying that she would teach in the same school where she had learnt so much. Bholi turned to the teacher for affirmation. The teacher replied, ‘‘Yes, Bholi, of course’. She felt as if her mission had been completed.

Question. Why was Sulekha called Bholi, the simpleton?
Answer. ‘Sulekha’ means a woman who writes with a beautiful hand. Ironically, Bholi of the story was considered to be a backward child. She was called a ‘simpleton’ or a witless girl. She fell off her cot in early childhood, and a part of her brain was damaged. All the girls of Ramlal except Bholi were good looking and healthy. Bholi couldn’t speak properly and stammered. Her pock-marks made her far from being pretty. Everyone mocked and made fun of such a stammering simpleton.

Question. Describe the family of Ramlal, the Numberdar.
Answer. Ramlal was a Numberdar and collected revenue for the government from the village. He had seven children – three sons and four daughters. Radha, the eldest girl was married. Mangla was the second daughter. Her marriage had been fixed. All his daughters were good looking and healthy. The boys were sent to the city for studies. Ramlal was worried about Bholi. She had neither good looks nor intelligence. It was rather difficult to get her married off.

Question. Was Ramlal happy to send Bholi to school? If not, why did he send her there?
Answer. No girl in the family had ever gone to school. Bholi’s mother believed if they sent their daughters to school, then no one would marry them. But an unexpected thing happened. The Tehsildar who inaugurated the first girl school in the village asked Ramlal to set an example before the villagers. He must send his daughters to school. Ramlal couldn’t afford to disobey the Tehsildar. So, Bholi was sent to school.

Question. How was Bholi’s first day at the school? Did she enjoy it?
Answer. Ramlal handed over Bholi to the headmistress. She asked Bholi to sit down in a corner in one of the classes. Bholi was glad to find so many girls of her age in the class. She hoped to make one of them her friend. She couldn’t understand what the teacher was saying. She liked the pictures of birds, and animals on the wall. The teacher asked her name but Bholi couldn’t pronounce it in spite of many efforts. The kind and friendly teacher encouraged her and Bholi could say, ‘‘Bh-Bh-Bho-Bholi’’. The teacher patted her on her success. Bholi felt comforted and relieved.

Question. How did the teacher help Bholi to pronounce her name full and clearly?
Answer. The teacher asked Bholi to tell her name. She could stammer ‘‘Bh-Bh-Bho’’ only. She began to cry, and tears rolled down her eyes. Girls still laughed at her. But the teacher comforted her. Her voice was very soothing. She made another effort but failed. The teacher encouraged her. And Bholi made the last effort and spoke, “Bh – Bh – Bho – Bholi.’’ She was relieved as if it was a great achievement. The teacher patted her on her success.

Question. When and why did Bholi feel that her heart was throbbing with a new hope and a new life?
Answer. Bholi had achieved what she could have never even dreamed. With the encouragement and help of her teacher she could pronounce her name : ‘‘Bh – Bho – Bholi’’ and say : ‘‘Ye – Ye – Yes.’’ Then the teacher gave her a picture book. She was sure that Bholi would finish it within a week. In time she would be more learned than anyone in the village. Then, nobody would ever dare to laugh at her. Bholi felt her heart throbbing with a new hope and new life.

Question. Was Bishamber a suitable bridegroom for Bholi? Give your opinion.
Answer. No, Bishamber was not at all a suitable match for Bholi. No doubt, he was rich, had a big shop, a house of his own and thousands of rupees in the bank. But he was mean, greedy and a worthless man. When he came to know of the pock-marks on Bholi's face, he demanded a dowry of 5000 rupees to marry her. Even the turban of Ramlal at his feet couldn't melt his heart. Bholi did the right thing to reject him.

Question. Why didn't Bholi at first oppose the proposal of the unequal match? Why did she agree to it?
Answer. Bholi knew that she was just a burden for her parents. They thought her worthless and couldn't even dream of a good marriage proposal for her. When she realised that her parents were happy to find such a rich and prosperous bridegroom for her, she bowed to their wish. She didn't oppose it to keep the honour of the family intact. She agreed to marry a man who was of the age of her father and had grown up children from his first wife.

Question. How did Ramlal react to Bishamber's demand of 5000 rupees to marry Bholi?
Answer. Bishamber clearly declared that if he married Bholi, her father would give him 5000 rupees. Ramlal went and placed his turban at Bishamber's feet. He begged him not to humiliate him in that manner. He was ready to give 2000 rupees. Bishamber didn't budge. Ramlal went inside and came back with the money and placed the bundle of notes at Bishamber's feet.

Question. How did Bholi react to the remarks of an old woman who called her ‘‘a shameless girl’’ and ‘‘a harmless dumb cow?’’
Answer. When Bholi refused to accept a mean, greedy and cowardly man as her husband, everybody was stunned. An old woman called her ‘‘a shameless girl.’’ She had thought her ‘‘a harmless dumb cow.’’ Bholi turned violently on the old woman. She told that everybody had thought her a dumb cow and so they wanted to hand her over to such a heartless creature. She reminded that the ‘dumb cow’ had got a tongue now and she could speak out to defend herself.

Question. What made Bholi feel that she is going to a better place than her home?
Answer. Bholi never got attention before that day. She was bathed and given a clean dress. Oil was rubbed into her dry and matted hair. This made her feel that she was going to a better place than her home.

Question. Did Bholi enjoy her first day in school? What made her happy on this very day?
Answer. It was a mixed day for Bholi. She was happy to see the girls of her age. She was fascinated with the colourful pictures on the wall of the classrooms. But when the teacher asked her name she could not answer properly and other girls laughed at her. She cried. But her teacher‘s soft words made her happy on this very day.

Question. How does she become a masterpiece?
Answer. The teacher transformed a simpleton girl into a well-behaved and confident girl. Bholi was a foolish and stammering girl. The teacher put in all her hard work in transforming her into a mentally strong and welleducated girl. It was really a masterpiece of the teacher.

Question. Why did Bholi look at Bishamber with cold contempt?
Answer. Bholi looked at Bishamber with cold contempt because he had demanded 5000 to get married to her.Bholi saw how her father got humiliated; she realised that Bishamber was greedy and exploiting her father due to her look.

Question. Why did Bishamber‘s marriage with Bholi not take place?
Answer. Bishamber‘s marriage with Bholi did not take place because Bholi refused to marry a greedy man. She also realised that Bishamber was trying to exploit her father due to her looks.

Long Answer questions :

Question. The chapter ‘Bholi’ highlights the discrimination against the girl child. Analyze this statement.
Answer.‘Nature does not discriminate, but society does’.
From time immemorial the world has discriminated against the girl child. The chapter, ‘Bholi’ throws, up many instances. Ramlal’s sons go to school and college. His daughters are not educated because it would be difficult to marry them off. Her mother does not think it necessary to take Bholi’s consent for her marriage. The groom is an old and lame widower. Still he demands dowry. Her father is ready to pay him. It is the girl herself who realizes that she is being demeaned and hence opposes the marriage. She raises her voice against the man’s undue demand and refuses to marry him. She is criticized and humiliated for standing up for her dignity. But she is firm and decides the course of her life. From the dumb cow and stammering fool, she transforms herself into a bold girl who is ready to speak her mind.

Question. Why did Bholi agree at first to an unequal match and then why did she reject the marriage soon after? What does this tell us about her?
Answer. Bholi a simpleton, not so good looking but educated --- Parents’ decided to get her married --- Found an old, lame, widow but a wealthy shopkeeper, Bishamber --- Parents persuaded her to marry – though it is an unequal match --- Somehow she agrees--- The day of the marriage arrives - when the marriage was about to take place --- The priest ask herto garland Bishamber ---Bishamber glanced at her pock marked face and refused to garland Bholi --- He demanded five thousands rupees as a dowry --- Bholi’s father was ready to pay two thousand --- But Bholi rejected this demand and refused to marry him --- Bholi asked her father not to request him --- She said that she would teach in the school and live with her parents --- It shows that the education she has got has made her independent, confident and able to take decision in her life ---She was not the same Bholi but totally changed Bholi --- as School education turned Bholi

Question. Draw a character-sketch of Bholi in your own words, highlighting her transformation from a harmless ‘dumb cow’ to a fearless and independent girl.
Bholi was known to be a ‘‘dumb cow.’’ How did she turn out to be an out-spoken and fearless girl?
Answer. Bholi was the youngest of Ramlal's four daughters. All other daughters were good-looking and healthy. Bholi was considered just a simpleton. Her stammering made her a stock of laughter for children. Her pock-marks had disfigured her badly. She had neither good looks nor intelligence. She was like ‘‘a harmless dumb cow’’ who didn't know how to express herself properly. At birth, Bholi was very fair and pretty. When she was just ten months old, she fell of her cot. Perhaps a part of her brain was damaged. When she was two years old, she had an attack of small pox. Her eyes were saved but deep black pock-marks disfigured her.
Bholi's teacher at the village primary school changed her life. In her teacher, she found a kind and helpful human being. She taught her how to pronounce her name properly. She gave Bholi all the confidence and encouragement that she needed so badly. The teacher assured that one day she would be more learned than anyone else in the village. Being an obedient child, Bholi didn't oppose the proposal of an old and lame person. She did so for the honour of the family. But when Bishamber insisted on demanding five thousand rupees for marrying a girl with pock-marks, she revolted. She threw the wedding garland into the fire. She refused to marry such a greedy and mean person. She also decided to serve her parents in their old age. She declared that she would teach in the same school where she had learnt so much.

Question. Give a character-sketch of Bholi's teacher who taught at the primary village school.
Answer. The lady teacher who taught Bholi's class was really an ideal teacher. She had all the mobility and maturity that are the hallmarks of her profession. She was kind-hearted and understanding. She knew how to deal with a child of special needs like Bholi. When she noticed her, she smiled and asked her name. Bholi stammered: ‘‘Bho –Bho –Bho.’’ The girls laughed but the teacher assured her. The teacher's voice was soft and soothing. She again asked to tell her name. It was not a command. All her life she had never been called like that.
The teacher persisted in her efforts to make her pronounce her full name without stammeing. And she did succeed. Bholi pronounced: ‘‘Bh–Bh–Bho–Bholi.’’ Even Bholi was surprised how she was able to say it.
With affection and tender love, the teacher dealt with the unfortunate child. She gave her a book of pictures and hoped she would finish it within a month. She assured Bholi that one day she would be more learned that anybody else in the village.
The teacher had all along stood in a corner during the wedding day of Bholi. She was watching the whole drama. She heard Bholi say that she would teach in the same school where she had learnt so much. Bholi looked towards for her confirmation. The teacher replied promptly; ‘‘Yes, Bholi, of course.’’

Question. What kind of a treatment does Bholi get from her parents? Does she deserve it? Comment.
Answer. Sulekha (iiholi) was the fourth and youngest daughter of Numberdar Ramlal. At birth, Bholi was quite fair and pretty. When she was just ten months old, she fell off the cot. Perhaps, she damaged a part of her brain. When she was two years old, an attack of small pox disfigured her. She had deep black pock-marks all over her body. All the other daughters of Ramlal were good looking and healthy. Bholi's parents were worried, as Bholi had neither good looks nor intelligence. The parents had no problem in marrying the other girls. They thought that no one would ever marry such a girl. Bholi's parents considered her a backward child. Her stammering made children laugh. Bholi was sent to school. It was not because her parents wanted to give her a good education. Actually, being a Numberdar, he couldn't disobey the Tehsildar who asked him to send his daughters to school. The way Bholi's parents treated Bholi in finalising her marriage with Bishamber shows their callousness and indifference towards their daughter. Marrying her to an old and limping man with grown up children showed their callous disregard for the happiness of their unfortunate child.

Question. Narrate Bholi's first experience in the class. How was she treated by her teacher?
Answer. Bholi was afraid of going to school. She didn't know what school was like. When Ramlal caught her hand to take her to school, she shouted in terror; ‘‘N–n–n–No.’’ She pulled her hand away. Ramlal handed over Bholi to the headmistress. Bholi was sent to one of the classrooms. She sat in a corner. At last, she was happy to find so many girls there. They were of her age. She hoped to befriend one of them. Bholi was impressed by the colourful pictures of birds and animals on the wall. The woman who made Bholi's first experience at the school pleasant and enjoyable, was her teacher. She smiled at her and asked her name. Bholi could only stammer; ‘‘Bh–Bho–Bho–’’. She couldn't pronounce her full name. She began to cry and tears flowed from her eyes. She felt helpless. The girls laughed at her. But the soothing voice of the teacher comforted her. In her soft voice, the teacher asked to make another try. It was not a command. It was a friendly request. The teacher encouraged her. ‘‘Come on, now – the full name’’. At last, Bholi was able to say, ‘‘Bh – Bh – Bho – Bholi.’’ She felt relieved. She wondered at her success.
Bholi was fortunate to have such a teacher. She gave a picture book to Bholi. She hoped that she would finish it within a month. She assured Bholi that one day she would be more learned than anyone else in the village. Then nobody would be able to laugh at her.

Question. How did Bholi’s teacher play an important role in changing the course of her life?
Answer. Bholi’s teacher played an important role in changing her life. At home, Bholi was a neglected girl. Even her parents thought that she had neither good looks nor intelligence. However, the teacher left her impression on the delicate heart of Bholi on the very first day. For a girl who was considered a backward and simpleton by her family, the teacher’s kind and humane behaviour touched her heart. While all children made fun of her when she stammered, her teacher taught her how to pronounce her full name. The thing that the unfortunate girl with pock-marks needed was encouragement. The teacher went on encouraging her to pronounce her name and finally she did pronounce ‘‘Bh-Bh- Bho-Bholi.’’ The teacher patted her back on her first success. She gave her a book of pictures. She assured that Bholi would finish that book within a month. Then, she would finish a bigger book. In time, Bholi would become more learned than anyone in the village. In the end, after discarding her bridegroom, she assured her father that she would teach in the same school where she would learn so much. The teacher encouraged her by saying ‘‘Yes, Bholi, of course.’’ The teacher was happy as if her mission was fulfilled.

Question. Bholi’s real name is Sulekha. We are told this right at the beginning. But only in the last but one paragraph of the story is Bholi called Sulekha again. Why do you think she is called Sulekha at that point in the story?
Answer. Bholi’s real name is Sulekha. In Hindi, ‘Su’ means good and ‘lekha’ means a writer. So Sulekha means a woman who writes with a good hand. But unfortunately Sulekha became Bholi, the simpleton.Once a fair and beautiful girl became disfigured with pock-marks with all over the body due to an attack of small-pox. She also damaged a part of the brain when she fell off the cot. So the girl was called ‘Bholi’ or ‘witless’.
Apart from at the very beginning of the story, the word ‘Sulekha’ comes only at the end of the story.
But here, the word is used in the proper context. The writer, K.A. Abbas, wants to highlight that Bholi is no more Bholi the simpleton, but she has transformed herself into ‘Sulekha’, an educated girl with a beautiful handwriting. She is no more a ‘backward’ girl but looks forward to become a teacher in the same school where she had learnt so much. His teacher confirms that one day she would be a teacher without any doubt.

Question. Education is always a great asset in the life of a woman. How did Bholi, an educated girl free thechallenge posed by Bishamber‘s greed?
Answer. Ironically, Bholi was sent to school as her mother believed she was a burden and let the teachers at the school worry for her. The teacher showed affection and encouraged her to shed her fear. She was assured by her teacher that she would speak like others one day. Years of hard work transformed Bholi into a bold and confident young woman. Bishamber refused to marry Bholi due to her appearance and demanded five thousand rupees. Bholi saw how her father was humiliated for no reason. She refused to marry a greedy, mean and contemptible coward. She assured her father that she would serve him and her mother in their old age. She had a mission in her life; she would spread the light of education in her village.

Question. Bholi‘s whole personality underwent a complete transformation towards the end of the story‖. Explain.
Answer. Bholi‘s real name was Sulekha but she was called Bholi, the simpleton as she was a backward child. She started speaking only when she turned five but she stammered when she spoke and as a result she was always mimicked or made fun of by the other children. Therefore, Bholi talked very little. Bholi did not know what exactly a school was and what happened there, in the class when her teacher asked her name, she stammered and began to cry. She kept her head down throughout the class. The teacher was very encouraging and friendly to her and this made her gain confidence to speak. She started seeing a ray of hope for a new life. After years of gaining education and with the help of her teacher, Bholi turned into a confident girl. She no longer stammered and could speak properly. She even had the courage to refuse marrying the lame old man because he was greedy and asked money from her father to marry her. On seeing her father worried about her marriage, she said that he need not worry as she would teach in the same school where she learnt so much and would take care of him and her mother in their old age.

Question. Dowry is a negation of the girl‘s dignity‖. Explain this statement in the light of the story of ‗Bholi‘.
Initially Bishamber did not demand dowry to get married to Bholi. He was a widower, having children and of the age of Ramlal. But during the marriage ceremony he happened to see the face of Bholi. He bargains if he was given five thousand rupees, he will marry the girl. Bholi‘s father Ramlal placed his turban at his feet but he refused. A girl is considered a liability in her own natal home due to prevalence of the custom of dowry practice. Some parents are unwilling to give higher education to their daughter as they have to search for highly educated boy for marriages and a better educated boy will demand more dowry which creates unnecessary problem, for parents. Besides, the boy who receives huge amount of dowry may think of himself as more dignified as having a higher status, greater prestige and more respectful than the girl. Subsequently the girl develops inferiority complex. Fortunately, Bholi refuses to marry greedy Bishamber and decides to serve her parents instead in their old age.

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Worksheet for CBSE English Class 10 Footprints without Feet Chapter 9 Bholi

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CBSE Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Chapter 9 Bholi worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

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Regular practice with Class 10 English worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.