Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 English A Triumph of Surgery Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 10 English can get free printable Worksheets for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Chapter 1 A Triumph of Surgery in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 10 students should practice questions and answers given here for English in Class 10 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 10 English Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest English books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Chapter 1 A Triumph of Surgery
Class 10 English students should download to the following Footprints without Feet Chapter 1 A Triumph of Surgery Class 10 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 10 English Worksheet for Footprints without Feet Chapter 1 A Triumph of Surgery
Triumph of Surgery
A TRIUMPH OF SURGERY is story is written by James Herriot.
The story ‘A Triumph of Surgery’ revolves around an ill dog named Tricki and his mistress, Mrs Pumphrey. The pet dog Tricki is overfed with copious amounts of energy food by its owner. She provides all kinds of luxury and comforts to her dog. This makes him very obese and his overweight body finds difficulty even to walk and move around.
One day Tricki stops eating. On seeing his pathetic condition, Mrs Pumphrey takes her pet dog to a veterinary doctor who treats the dog without using a single medicine. Tricki is hospitalised and the doctor gives Tricki nothing to eat for the first two days except water.
Moreeover Tricki is left with all other dogs to play and get the much-needed physical exercise. This helps him to lose all his excess fat.
On the third day, signs of improvement are seen in Tricki. He starts taking food properly. Tricki starts running around and playing with the other dogs cheerfully. Soon, he recovers completely. Mrs Pumphrey continues enquiring about Tricki over phone and feels gratitude towards the doctor for her pet’s cure. Sheis overjoyed and eyes are filled with tears of happiness when she comes to discharge Tricki from the hospital. She calls this the magical recovery as ‘A Triumph of Surgery’.
Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:
Out on the road, I glanced down at the pathetic little animal gasping on the seat by my side. I patted the head and Tricki made a brave effort to wag his tail. “Poor old lad,” I said. “You haven’t a kick in you but I think I know a cure for you.”
(A Triumph of Surgery)
Question. Mr. Harriot calls the dog ‘the pathetic little animal’ as he knows that:
(1) his mistress has pampered him a lot.
(2) he is suffering from malnutrition.
(3) he is overfed and overweight.
(4) he is tired and needs some rest.
(a) Option (1) only
(b) Option (2) only
(c) Option (1) and (3)
(d) Option (2), (3) and (4)
Answer. (c) Option (1) and (3)
Question. Select the option listing Mr. Harriot’s characteristics, as revealed in the extract.
(1) Stern (2) Sympathetic
(3) Strict (4) Experienced
(5) Affectionate
(a) (2) and (3)
(b) Only (5)
(c) (1), (2) and (4)
(d) (2), (4) and (5)
Answer. (d) (2), (4) and (5)
Question. ‘Tricki made a brave effort to wag his tail’, it shows that:
(a) he had barely any vigour left in him.
(b) he was not comfortable in the car.
(c) he understood that he was not well.
(d) he was not happy.
Answer. (a) he had barely any vigour left in him.
Question. Select the most appropriate option based on (1) and (2).
(1) Mr. Harriot knows the reason of Tricki’s ailment.
(2) He has planned the line of treatment for Tricki.
(a) (2) is true and (1) is false.
(b) (2) is the result for (1).
(c) (2) is the cause for (1).
(d) (2) is false and (1) is true.
Answer. (c) (2) is the cause for (1).
Question. The phrase ‘not a kick in you’ suggests that Tricki is………… .
(a) hungry
(b) tired
(c) lacking energy
(d) sleep deprived
Answer. (c) lacking energy
Extract-Based Questions
Q. 1. The entire staff was roused and maids rushed in and out bringing his day bed, his night bed, favourite cushions, toys and rubber rings, breakfast bowl, lunch bowl, supper bowl. Realising that my car would never hold all the stuff, I started to drive away. As I moved off, Mrs. Pumphrey, with a despairing cry, threw an armful of the little coats through the window. I looked in the mirror before I turned the corner of the drive; everybody was in tears.
Out on the road, I glanced down at the pathetic little animal gasping on the seat by my side. I patted the head and Tricki made a brave effort to wag his tail. “Poor old lad,” I said. “You haven’t a kick in you but I think I know a cure for you.”
(i) What might the atmosphere of the household in the above extract signify?
(a) Mrs. Pumphrey’s status in society reflected in Tricki’s lifestyle.
(b) The staff’s love for Tricki, which matched that of Mrs. Pumphrey
(c) The grand life of comforts and luxuries that Tricki enjoyed.
(d) Mrs. Pumphrey’s indulgence and anxiety acted upon by the staff.
Answer. D
(ii) Given below are emotions reflecting various expressions and reactions. Choose the option that correctly describes the narrator’s mindset in the given extract.
(a) Options (i) and (iii)
(b) Options (ii) and (iv)
(c) Options (iii) and (v)
(d) Options (ii) and (v)
Answer. B
(iii) Given below are some well-known quotes shared by the staff to console Mrs. Pumphrey, after Tricki’s departure. Choose the option that correctly identifies the quote that IS NOT appropriate to the consolation offered.
(a) Option (i)
(b) Option (ii)
(c) Option (iii)
(d) Option (iv)
Answer. D
(iv) As the extract indicates, Mrs. Pumphrey indulged Tricki and bought him many things. Choose the option that best describes the kinds of advertisement/s that seem likely to persuade Mrs. Pumphrey to buy something for Tricki.
(i) Statistics Appeal – Such advertisements use facts and data to convince consumers to buy products.
(ii) Scarcity Appeal – Such advertisements create a feeling of exclusivity and are often used to convince people to take advantage of a sale or limited period offer.
(iii) Personal Appeal – Such advertisements focus on evoking emotions to convince consumers and often relate to family or other inter-personal interactions.
(iv) Fear Appeal – Such advertisements focus on inspiring some kind of fear to convince consumers to take action in order to avoid certain negative or undesirable consequences.
(a) Options (i), (ii) and (iv)
(b) Options (iii) and (iv)
(c) Options (i), (iii) and (iv)
(d) Option (ii) only
Answer. B
(v) The narrator describes Tricki as a “pathetic little animal”. The use of the word ‘pathetic’ indicates that the narrator
(a) was very fond of Tricki.
(b) thought Tricki was contemptible.
(c) pitied Tricki’s condition.
(d) believed Tricki’s health was deteriorating.
Answer. C
Q. 2. He discovered the joys of being bowled over, tramped on and squashed every few minutes. He became an accepted member of the gang, an unlikely, silky little object among the shaggy crew, fighting like a tiger for his share at meal times and hunting rats in the old henhouse at night. He had never had such a time in his life.
All the while, Mrs. Pumphrey hovered anxiously in the background, ringing a dozen times a day for the latest bulletins. (5 × 1 = 5)
(i) Read the following statements, each of which describes the gist of the given extract. Select the option that captures the essence of the extract correctly. Statement I – It highlights the kind of comforts and luxuries that Tricki was used to at home.
Statement II – It brings out a contrast between Tricki and Mrs. Pumphrey’s state of being.
Statement III – It reflects that Tricki was happier at the surgery, and loved being with other dogs.
Statement IV – It shows Tricki’s journey with his peers at the surgery, and documents his recovery.
(a) Statements I and II
(b) Statements III and IV
(c) Statements I and III
(d) Statements II and IV
Answer. D
(ii) What does the reference to Tricki as a “silky little object” signify?
(a) Tricki was a very small and rather pampered dog.
(b) Tricki was comfortably attired in fine silks and warm coats.
(c) Unlike the other dogs, Tricki had lived in the lap of luxury with care and grooming.
(d) The narrator’s mockery of Tricki’s life and treatment with Mrs. Pumphrey.
Answer. C
(iii) Why does the narrator describe being “tramped on and squashed” as joys?
(a) To suggest the irony about the strange ways of dogs.
(b) To mention the simple pleasures of canine life.
(c) To compare it to Tricki’s earlier play-time at the house.
(d) To direct attention towards Tricki’s successful recovery.
Answer. B
(iv) “All the while, Mrs. Pumphrey hovered anxiously in the background”.
Given below are different types of pet parenting styles described in Country Living, an e-magazine.
Choose the option that best reflects the kind of pet owner Mrs. Pumphrey was.
(i) Traffic Light pet owners have a healthy balance of rules and freedom and give clear and consistent signals for ‘yes’ and ‘no’.
(ii) Entranced pet owners have the best intentions, but as soon as their pet locks eyes with them and gives their command, they are at their pet’s beck and call.
(iii) The Goose pet owners go all-out in protecting their pet. They often limit their time away from their pet, especially puppies.
(iv) The Baggage Handler pet owners love being close to their pets and going on adventures together. They are always mindful of the pet’s comfort and security.
(a) Option (i)
(b) Option (ii)
(c) Option (iii)
(d) Option (iv)
Answer. B
(v) Pick the option that reveals Tricki’s characteristics in the context of ‘fighting like a tiger for his share at meal times and hunting rats in the old henhouse at night.’
(1) selfish (2) happy (3) greedy
(4) confident (5) sturdy (6) cruel
(a) 2, 4 and 5
(b) Only 2
(c) 1 and 5
(d) 3, 4 and 6
Answer. D
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question. What do you think would happen to Tricki after he went back to Mrs. Pumphrey?
Answer. After he went back to Mrs. Pumphrey, Tricki was very happy. As a result, Mrs. Pumphrey must have taken good care of the dog and must not have overfed it. So that Tricki must would stay as healthy as at the end of the story.
Question. “I was really worried about Tricki this time.” Comment on the writer’s choice of beginning the story in this manner. What purpose does it serve?
Answer. The above line shows the narrator’s concern about Tricki when the narrator saw the dog after a long time he was really in bad health. And when he asked Mrs. Pumphrey about his diet and exercises, she made excuses and was not following it.
Question. Do you think the narrator’s decision to not reveal the actual treatment to Mrs. Pumphrey was unprofessional? Justify your stance.
Answer. No, the narrator was not all unprofessional rather he was highly practical. He knew every well that it would be very difficult for Mrs. Pumphrey to hear about Tricki’s treatment at the hospital. At the same time, it was necessary to save Tricki.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question. What was the cause of Tricki’s ailment?
Answer. Tricky was overfed by Mrs Humphrey. He became hugely fat and inactive. He was pampered with a lot of cream cakes, chocolates and Hotlinks. This was the main cause of his illness.
Question. What made Mrs. Pumphrey call the vet?
Answer. Tricki had become fat and lazy. He used to lie on his rug and pant. He also refused to eat his favourite dishes. His bouts of vomiting added to Mrs. Pumphrey’s worry and hence she decided to call Dr. James Herriot, the vet.
Question. According to a popular quote— Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.
In what way is this quote relevant to the events of the story?
Answer. Strength gets accumulated after facing struggles in one’s life. If the person does not face any challenges in his life, he will remain weak forever. In the same way, when Mrs. Pumphrey had to stay away for a long time, she understood true worth of Tricki and good health for him.
Question. How does Dr Herriot treat Tricky?
Answer. Dr Herriot cut down Tricki’s food and made him exercise. For the first three days he was not given any food but was kept only on fluid, that is, water. He did not receive any medical treatment but was kept in the company of other dogs. Tricki discovered the joy of being bowled over and tramped on. Finally he recovered from obesity and was overjoyed.
Question. Imagine Mrs. Pumphrey came to know how Tricki was actually treated.
Write a brief note to the narrator on her behalf.
You may begin this way:
Dear Mr
. Herriot
I recently met Mrs. Mallard when she brought her Pixie to visit dear Tricki. I spoke to her about the great triumph of surgery that had brought him back to me. Imagine my surprise when she told me how mistaken I was! I am writing to you to share……(continue)……...
Answer. ……………. I am writing to you to share my feelings regarding Tricki’s recovery. When dear Tricki came back from the hospital, he was transformed into a flexible, hard muscled animal. He was stretching out in great bounds. But, I was really left heart broken when Mrs. Mallard informed me that Tricki was given no food for two days. Any ways, I must thank you Dr. Herriot for doing what was needful for Tricki and curing him.
Question. Privilege often confuses actual needs for perceived ones.’ Evaluate this statement with reference to Mrs. Pumphrey.
Answer. Mrs. Pumphrey loved her dog too much. She treated him like her own son. She could never refuse to give Tricki whatever he demanded for. In fact, she herself hade made assumptions about Tricki’s likes and dislikes so she couldn’t understand that Tricki needed controlled diet rather that sweets and drinks.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question. Write the character-sketch of Tricki.
Answer. Tricki was a small dog. He was pampered and overfed by his mistress. He was fed with excessive nutritious food. He was greedy enough to refuse food at any time. He liked eating cream cakes and chocolates. This made him hugely fat. He looked like a bloated sausage. He had bloodshot and rheumy eyes. He became dull, flabby, lazy and listless. He was seriously sick. He had bouts of vomiting. He was taken to Herriot’s surgery. There he was given no food for two days. He was made to do a lot of exercises. This changed him and he became fit. He loved his mistress very much. His mistress remarked that Tricki would pine and die if he did not see her even for a single day.
Question. Mrs. Pumphrey and Dr. Herriot have been invited to speak at a community pet adoption drive.
There were some differences in Mrs. Pumphrey and Dr. Herriot’s notions of responsibility and experiences of keeping a pet.
As a reporter for the local pet magazine, write an article recording and comparing their perspectives. Don’t forget to give it an interesting title.
Answer. Responsible pet ownership
Owing a pet is a priv
ilege, but the benefit of pet ownership come with responsibilities. Pets bring companionship, personality and humor in the household. Having a pet shows you responsible because they need full time and care. Animals, too, need food, shelter, attention and love just the ways humans do. Coming home every day to the wagging tail and happy pet after a long day is an awesome feeling. Your pet senses if you are sad, happy or just need to be comforted. In the same way, it is our responsibility as the pet owner to take care of the physical, mental and emotional health of our pets. Only feeding them with delicacies and providing them comfortable bed is not enough. Time to time medical consultation is very much important.
Not only this, but the doctors advise also needs to be followed strictly. But the emotional and mental health of our pets is as important as their physical health. Becoming responsible, compassionate and having full time protection are the three positive outcomes of owning a pet. Many positive experiences are to be had in being a pet owner.
Question.Write the character-sketch of Mrs. Pumphrey.
Answer. Mrs Pumphrey was a very wealthy lady. She was very loving to her dog. She pampered and overfed him. She gave him lots of nutritious food. Tricki was very greedy. He never refused food. This made him hugely fat and lazy. Mrs Pumphrey was worried about him. She thought that he was suffering from malnutrition and so she eventually gave him more energy food. She almost swooned when Herriot told her that Tricki must be hospitalized for a fortnight. She thought that Tricki would pine and die if he did not see his even for a single day.
Mrs Pumphrey is impractical but very compassionate and caring. She and her staff members arranged and provided all possible comforts such as beds, cushions and toys to Tricki. She regularly enquired about his health from Dr Herriot. She gratefully thanked Dr Herriot for saving Tricki’s life and called it “A triumph of Surgery.”
Question. Imagine that Walt Whitman shares his poem ‘Animals’ in response to Dr. Herriot’s narration of Tricki’s story.
Dr. Herriot reflects on the poem and his experience with Tricki and Mrs. Pumphrey, draws a connection between them and records his thoughts in his diary.
Write the diary entry as Dr. Herriot.
You may begin this way:
12 May 1950, Friday 9.30 pm
Walt’s poem has compelled me to think again about my experience with Tricki and Mrs. Pumphrey. All those materialistic playthings ….
Answer. 12 May, 1950, Friday
Walt’s poem Animals has compelled me to think again about my experience with Tricki and Mrs. Pumphrey. All those materialistic playthings and uncontrolled fool couldn’t help Tricki to retain his health. When Mrs. Pumphrey found the Tricki was no more active and energetic, she tried to give more nutrients in his food to make him more energetic. But she was not giving him exercises. In fact, Tricki was not suffering from any disease. Poor animal couldn’t resist to eat food and used to have meal at any hour of the day or night. As a result, he had become glutton. But he didn’t complain about his condition. Nor did he complain when he was kept starving for two days in my hospital.
The same wonder ful and insightful message has been given by Walt Whitman in his poem Animals. He says animals are for more content and wiser than the humans. They are calm, placid and self-contained.
Question. Write the character-sketch of Dr. James Herriot.
Answer. Dr James Herriot is a competent veterinary surgeon. He is really worried about Tricki. He understands that the real fault of the dog is his greed for food. Dr Herriot instructs Mrs Pumphrey to keep Tricki on a very strict diet.
Dr James Herriot is practical and pragmatic. He doesn’t give any medical treatment to the dog. He feeds the dog with only water. His method works. The grateful mistress thanks Dr Herriot and calls his feat “A triumph of Surgery!” Dr James is clever enough to enjoy the best of both the worlds. He is tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest. It was a happy period for Dr Herriot and his friends. He used to enjoy eggs for breakfast and wine and brandy for lunch.
Question. Imagine that one of Mr. Herriot’s partners can understand the language of dogs and listens to Tricki on his last night with them
(a) What might Tricki share about his experience?
(b) How would he evaluate it in comparison to his home experience?
Answer. (a) I am sad to leave you people and go back to Mrs. Pumphrey’s house. It’s not that I don’t love here. I really love her a lot and also care for her affection and care. But I miss the company which I got her There I keep lying on my couch and keep eating the delicacies which are provided to me. I long for my friends. I too want to run, play and exercise like them. This is the reason I’m unwilling to go back to Mrs. Pumphrey’s house.
(b) I received great care here in the hospital. The first two days I miss the food that I got in my house. But I actually, felt lighter the third day. I loved joining my friends and their friendly barking, fighting with them for share of food and hunting rats at might. You know, food, good bedding and best care can never replace the feeling of freedom that I experienced here in the hospital.
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Worksheet for CBSE English Class 10 Footprints without Feet Chapter 1 A Triumph of Surgery
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