CBSE Class 10 English Editing Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 English Editing Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 10 English can get free printable Worksheets for Class 10 English Editing in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 10 students should practice questions and answers given here for English in Class 10 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 10 English Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest English books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 10 English Editing

Class 10 English students should download to the following Editing Class 10 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 10 English Worksheet for Editing



Question. In each of the lines below, one verb does not agree with the subject. Underline the wrong verb and write it correctly. Error correct Ram and Mohan is visiting the Jaisalmer Fort.
1.  The Jaisalmer Fort are one of the largest forts
2.  in the world. The fort stand in the middle of the
3. Thar Desert. Several tales of valour is attached
5. to this fort. Many soldiers has tried to capture
6. this fort. A few has succeeded.
1. are
2. is
3. stands
4. are
5. have
6. have

Question. There is an error in each of the following lines. Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided against each line.
1. Animal cruelty would take many different forms.
2. It include intentional acts of violence,
3. and it also include animals neglect or the failure to
4. looks after their welfare. In fact this also
5.  include any form of psychological harm. There
6. is so many ways of being cruel that Animal Welfare Acts
7. may includes acts such as confining or transporting
8 an animal in a way that are inappropriate for its welfare.
1. can
2. includes
3. includes
4. look
5. includes
6. are
7. include
8. is

Question. There is an error in each of the following lines. Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided against each line. Passage Incorrect Correct Paper were first made by the Egyptians
1. From the plant names papyrus. For 
2. a long time, papyrus were used extensively 
3. as writing material before a Chinese
4. perfect the process.
Incorrect        Correct

1 Were             Was
2. Names         Named
3. Were            was
4. perfect         perfected

Question. Find the incorrect verb in this paragraph and put them in the columns:
1. Children are fond of mango. It was a 
2. juicy and citrous fruit, available in
3. much varieties. Mangoes grows on a tree.
4. One of the best place to had good mangoes 
5. were Andhra Pradesh, India
Incorrect        Correct

1.was                is
2. grows            grow
3. had               have
4. were              is

Question. There is an error in each of the following lines. Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided against each line.
1. I had to went out despite the 
2. Heavy rain outside to got some medicine. 
3. Although the symptoms was not as
4. pronounced as they are in the morning, 
5. the doctor had instructs me to 
be regular with my dosage.
Incorrect        Correct

1. Went             Go
2. Got               Get
3. Was              Were
4. are               were
5. Instructs        Instructed

Question. There is an error in each of the following lines. Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided against each line.
1. Gold medalist Heena Kumari use to 
2. watched her uncle repair all kinds
3. Of guns in her neighbourhood and development 
4. a fancy for it. When she picks up shooting 
5. In 2006, her family did not thinks that she could
6. Represents the country or win a medal, but she 
7. proven everyone wrong with her skills. 

Incorrect             Correct
1. use                    used
2. watched             watch
3. Development      Developed
4. Picks                  Picked
5. Thinks                Think
6. Represents         Represent
7. Proven                Proved

Question. There is an error in each of the following lines. Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided against each line.
1. It is true that a natural disaster was a natural
2. process and we will not stop it, but by making preparations, 
3. we should reduce the magnitude of the loss to life. 
4. First of all, we would reduce global warming which is the 
5. root cause of all the problems. We can 
6. also has insurance policies so that we have 
7. sufficient money to rebuilt our lives after any such disaster.

Incorrect             Correct
1. Was                  is
2. Will                  can
3. should              can
4. would               should
5. can                  should
6. has                  have
7. rebuilt              rebuild

Question. Solve the incorrect words in the following passage.
1. Although Martin Luther is considered to being an icon 
2. for racial equality, his work exceed far beyond that. 
3. As a pastor, he work for human betterment, irrespective 
4. of colour or creed. He believe in the word of the lord 
5. and implement his virtues like kindness in his daily activities.

Incorrect          Correct
1. being               be
2. exceed            exceeds
3. work               worked
4. believe            believed
5. implement       implemented

Question. Find the wrong words in the passage and correct them.
1. Electricity is express by the amount of charge 
2. flowing through a particular area in unit time. Electricity are
3. a necessity to modern civilization. It have invaded our 
4. lives and have become vital to many aspects of our society. 
5. It was a medium for the transmission of signals in computers,
6. cell phones etc. In industries, manufacturing rely on electricity 
to drive virtually all moving parts.

Incorrect            Correct
1. express            expressed
2. are                  is
3. have                has
4. have                has
5. was                 is
6. rely                 relies

Question. Locate errors in the passage and rectify them.
1. Books helps us know more about our civilization. 
2. Through books, we comes in contact with great scholars, 
3. poets and philosophers. Books never misguides us. 
4. They helped us in building our character. By reading 
5. books, our knowledge is elevate. If we are 
6. on a long journey, books gave us good company. 

Incorrect             Correct
1. helps                help
2. comes              come
3. misguides         misguide
4. helped             help
5. elevate            elevated
6. gave                give


The following paragraphs have not been edited. There is one error in each line. Find the error, choose the correct option and write the error along with its correction in the space

Question.                                                            Error           Correction
Once, there was the guru                              (a) _______      _______
communicate wisdom to                               (b) _______      _______
a people who came for his                            (c) _______      _______
darshan with flowers or fruits.
(a) (i) an                        (ii) a                        (iii) were                  (iv) is
(b) (i) communicated   (ii) communicates      (iii) communicating   (iv) communication
(c) (i) the                     (ii) those                  (iii) an                      (iv) this 
Ans.  Error                   Correction
(a)    the                        a
(b)    communicate     communicating
(c)     a                           the


Question.                                             Error            Correction
The guru tell him to                         (a) _______    _______
start with the person that 
he had a greatest faith                    (b) _______    _______
since high regard for.                      (c) _______     _______
(a) (i) telling     (ii) tells     (iii) talk      (iv) told
(b) (i) an          (ii) the      (iii) this      (iv) it
(c) (i) and         (ii) but     (iii) when    (iv) or
Ans. Error      Correction
(a)   tell            told
(b)   a               the
(c)   since         and


Question.                                   Error        Correction
One day, he go to a forest     (a) _______    _______
and was walking around
when she saw                        (b) _______    _______
a ashram.                               (c) _______    _______
(a) (i) gone       (ii) going      (iii) goes     (iv) went
(b) (i) it            (ii) you         (iii) he        (iv) him
(c) (i) an           (ii) few         (iii) the       (iv) any
Ans. Error      Correction
(a)   go           went
(b)   she          he
(c)   a              an


Question.                                     Error             Correction
The sadhu seen a king            (a) _______        _______
who is hungry and tired         (b) _______        _______
and runned to the king           (c) _______        _______
to give him some fruits.
(a) (i) sees    (ii) saw          (iii) see    (iv) sight
(b) (i) are     (ii) has           (iii) was    (iv) were
(c) (i) ran     (ii) running     (iii) run     (iv) runs
Ans. Error      Correction
(a)   seen       saw
(b)   is            was
(c)   runned    ran


Question.                                                                Error            Correction
The saint get a piece of chalk equal to              (a) _______    _______
the lump in the opium and tell the                    (b) _______     _______
opium eater to continue eaten opium but         (c) _______     _______
not more than the weight of the chalk each day. 
(a) (i) got           (ii) getting     (iii) gets     (iv) gotten
(b) (i) telling       (ii) tells         (iii) told     (iv) tell
(c) (i) eating       (ii) eaten       (iii) ate     (iv) eats
Ans.  Error     Correction
(a)   get         got
(b)   tell         told
(c)   eaten     eating


Question.                                           Error          Correction
Countries near then equator         (a) _______    _______
are much warm than                      (b) _______    _______
these countries further                  (c) _______    _______
towards its north and south.
(a) (i) the                  (ii) an        (iii) a           (iv) this
(b) (i) warmest          (ii) warms   (iii) warm    (iv) warmer
(c) (i) the                  (ii) those    (iii) an         (iv) that
Ans.  Error    Correction
(a)   then       the
(b)   warm     warmer
(c)   these     the


Question.                                                                                       Error             Correction
Though their is no indication                                                    (a) _______    _______
as to where they were first establish,                                      (b) _______    _______
mektabs were certainly widespread in fourteenth century AD 
in capital cities likes Samarkand.                                            (c) _______     _______
(a) (i) there                  (ii) them             (iii) they                    (iv) these
(b) (i) establishes       (ii) established     (iii) establishment     (iv) establishing
(c) (i) liked                  (ii) liking             (iii) like                     (iv) as
Ans. Error         Correction
(a)   their           there
(b)   establish   established
(c)   like             likes


Question.                                            Error              Correction
For the same reasoning,                (a) _______     _______
Italy is cooler thus India,               (b) _______     _______
but England has                             (c) _______     _______
cooler than Italy.
(a) (i) reasons    (ii) reasoned    (iii) reason   (iv) effect
(b) (i) than        (ii) though       (iii) then       (iv) as
(c) (i) have        (ii) is              (iii) was        (iv) have
Ans. Error          Correction
(a)   reasoning   reason
(b)   thus             than
(c)   has               is


Question.                                                       Error            Correction
The great America inventor                        (a) _______    _______
and businessmen, Thomas Alva Edison    (b) _______    _______
enjoys reading as a child                           (c) _______    _______
and read many chemistry books.
(a) (i) America’s     (ii) Americans      (iii) American              (iv) country
(b) (i) business     (ii) businessman   (iii) businesswoman    (iv) businesswomen
(c) (i) enjoy          (ii) enjoying          (iii) enjoyed                (iv) enjoyment
Ans. Error               Correction
(a) America            American
(b) businessmen    businessman
(c) enjoys               enjoyed


Question.                                                            Error           Correction
The first accumulators was                             (a) _______    _______
produced for electricity cars,                          (b) _______    _______
but there were several defect and several     (c) _______    _______
customers complained about the products.
(a) (i) were              (ii) is             (iii) are              (iv) has
(b) (i) electronic       (ii) electric     (iii) appliance     (iv) current
(c) (i) defected        (ii) defection    (iii) defects        (iv) defecting
Ans. Error                 Correction
(a)   was                     were
(b)   electricity          electric
(c)   defect                 defects


Question.                                                        Error              Correction
In 2010, Time magazine’s included           (a) _______      _______
Sachin in it’s annual                                   (b) _______       _______
Time 100 list as won                                  (c) _______       _______
of the most influential people in the world. 
(a) (i) magazine     (ii) magazines    (iii) booklets       (iv) books
(b) (i) their           (ii) your             (iii) its               (iv) them
(c) (i) one             (ii) ones            (iii) once             (iv) win
Ans. Error               Correction
(a) magazine’s      magazine
(b) it’s                    its
(c) won                  one


Question.                                                                        Error             Correction
Our country can become a heaven for tourists          (a) _______     _______
with its rich culture heritage,                                      (b) _______    _______
ancient monuments, wondering architecture,            (c) _______    _______
and flora and fauna.
(a) (i) heavy         (ii) haven       (iii) have            (iv) heavenly
(b) (i) culturally    (ii) nature      (iii) cultural         (iv) tradition
(c) (i) wonder       (ii) wonders    (iii) wonderful    (iv) wonderfully
Ans. Error               Correction
(a) heaven             haven
(b) culture             cultural
(c) wondering       wonderful


More Questions..

Question. Read the following passage. There is an error in each line. Replace the error with the correct word :
                                                                  Error                                    Correction
(a) Luxor written Instrument Co.              (a) ..........................              ..........................
(b) had introduced Excel 100                   (b) ..........................              ..........................
(c) permanent marker. A product             (c) ..........................               ..........................
(d) has many unique features like            (d) ..........................              ..........................
(e) the dry safe ink which may                 (e) ..........................              ..........................
(f) write smooth and without                    (f) ..........................              ..........................
(g) drying, even if a marker is                  (g) ..........................              ..........................
(h) left capped for 24-36 hours.               (h) ..........................               ..........................
(i) This is a best pen available.                 (i) ..........................               ..........................

Error                 Correction
(a) written            writing
(b) had                 has
(c) A                     The
(d) unique             special
(e) may                can
(f) smooth             smoothly
(g) if                     when
(h) capped            uncapped
(i) a                      the


Question. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example. 
                                                           Error                                  Correction
In the prisoner’s room a candle is     E.g.   is                                   was
burning dimly. A prisoner himself       (a) ..........................          ..........................
sat by the table. Only him back,        (b) ..........................          ..........................
the hair by his head, and his             (c) ..........................           ..........................
hands are visible from outside           (d) ..........................          ..........................
through any window.                        (e) ..........................           ..........................

Error           Correction
(a) A            The
(b) him        his
(c) by           on
(d) are         were
(e) any         the


Question. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer-sheet against the correct blank number.
                                                                                  Error                       Correction
Anne is in need of the true friend with e.g. the a
who she can share her joys and                                (a) .................           ..................
sorrows. She has loving parent and about                 (b) .................           ..................
thirty people whom she can call friend.                      (c) .................         ..................
When she is with his friends she                               (d) .................           ..................
could talk about matters of everyday                        (e) .................           ..................
but cannot share her feelings. 
Error                Correction
(a) who             whom
(b) parent          parents
(c) friend            friends
(d) his                her
(e) could            can


Question. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number in your answer sheet. 
                                                                              Incorrect                     Correct
Katherine Mansfield was born at 1888 in              (a) ..........................     ..........................
Wellington, New Zealand. She moved from          (b) ..........................     ..........................
London in 1903 and studied to Queen’s               (c) ..........................      ..........................
College, where she join the staff college              (d) ..........................      ..........................
magazine. Katherine Mansfield is consider a        (e) ..........................       ..........................
great writer. 
Error                Correction
(a) at                   in
(b) from               to
(c) to                   in
(d) join               joined
(e) consider        considered


Question. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line against which a blank has been given. Write the error and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. 

                                                                         Error                                 Correction
Research is an detailed study of a                     (a) ..........................         ..........................
subject undertaking on a systematic                 (b) ..........................         ..........................
basis in order to increase a stock of                  (c) ..........................         ..........................
knowledge, including knowledge for man,          (d) ..........................         .........................
culture and society that the use of this stock     (e) ..........................          ..........................
of knowledge to devise new applications. 
Error                   Correction
(a) an                     a
(b) undertaking       undertaken
(c) a                       the
(d) for                     of
(e) that                   and 


Question. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction.
People of diverse cultures lives                      (a) ..........................          ..........................
together in India. There is many                   (b) ..........................          ..........................
people who exhibit unity on diversity.            (c) ..........................          ..........................
They celebrated different festivals                (d) ..........................           ..........................
together. I love being an citizen of India.       (e) ..........................          ..........................
 Error             Correction
(a) lives              live
(b) is                 are
(c) on                 in
(d) celebrated     celebrate
(e) an                 a


Question. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank has been given.
Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer-sheet against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. 

                                                                                   Error                   Correction
Most trees has a single woody stem called               (a) .................       .................
a trunk who supports a mass of branches                (b) .................       .................
carrying leaves. Trees clean an air                           (c) .................       .................
to removing tiny airborne particles. The                   (d) .................       .................
leaves of trees give in oxygen.                                (e) .................       .................

Error           Correction
(a) has          have
(b) who         which
(c) an            the
(d) to            by
(e) in            out


Question. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer-sheet against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied : 
                                                                                                       Error                    Correction
Mulla Nasiruddin or two other travellers stopped to eat                  (a) .................          ..................
there packed lunch. One of the travellers bragged,                        (b) .................         ..................
“I only eat roasted, salted pistachios, cashews and dates.”
The other said, “Well, I only eat dried salmon.” Then all men         (c) .................          ..................
looked at Nasiruddin, waiting to hear what he will say.                   (d) .................          ..................
Seconds late, Nasiruddin held up a piece of bread and                  (e) .................          ..................
confidently announced, “Well, I only ate wheat, ground up             (f) .................          ..................
and carefully mix with water, yeast and salt,                                  (g) .................          ..................
and than baked at the proper temperature                                    (h) .................           ..................
with the proper time.”                                                                  (i) .................          ..................
Error               Correction
(a) or                 and
(b) there            their
(c) all                both
(d) will              would
(e) late              later
(f) ate               eat
(g) mix              mixed
(h) than             then
(i) with               for


Question. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank has been given.
Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer-sheet against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. 
                                                                            Error                   Correction
Tourism is one in the biggest businesses           (a) .................        .................
in the world generating on least                       (b) .................        .................
288 million jobs. It is vital for an                      (c) .................        .................
economies of much countries. But                    (d) .................        .................
it is a major contributor on climate change.       (e) .................        .................
Error        Correction
(a) in          of
(b) on          at
(c) an          the
(d) much     many
(e) on           in


Question. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction.
                                                                    Incorrect                       Correct
A saint walks the streets of Kolkata.           (a) ..........................       ..........................
It can happen only at India. It                    (b) ..........................        ..........................
is time that us realise our                           (c) ..........................        ..........................
strength. We are greater people. We         (d) ..........................        ..........................
have so much religious leaders.                (e) ..........................         ..........................
Error                Correction
(a) walks            walked
(b) at                  in
(c) us                 we
(d) greater         great
(e) much            many


Question. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank has been given.
Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer-sheet against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. 
                                                                    Error                     Correction
Health precedes action. There are an         (a) .................       .................
undisputed connection among being           (b) .................       .................
fit and being our best. A simple rules         (c) .................       .................
of ‘five’ helps make exercising a most        (d) .................       .................
enjoyable activity. Wake up in 5 a.m., do    (e) .................      .................
five stretches and five yoga asanas.
Error            Correction
(a) are           is
(b) among      between
(c) rules         rule
(d) a              the
(e) in             at


Question. In the following paragraph one word has not been edited. Write the incorrect word along with the correct word in the space provided. Do any four : 
                                                                                 Incorrect                            Correct
In Himalayas, the desert is turning green                E.g.   the                               a
Climate change in a Indian region of                        (a) ..........................         ..........................
Ladakh has shrunk glaciers or has made rainfall       (b) ..........................        ..........................
and temperature unpredictable. Water has               (c) ..........................        ..........................
needed to irrigating the fields.                                 (d) ..........................        ..........................
Farmers may requiring aid from the government.     (e) ..........................        ..........................

Incorrect word       Correct word
(a) a                       the
(b) or                      and
(c) has                     is
(d) irrigating            irrigate
(e) requiring            require


Question. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number in your answer sheet. 
                                                                                 Incorrect                          Correct
Today, girls have broke the five foot barrier             (a) ..........................         ..........................
and on some cases are almost a half                      (b) ..........................         ..........................
foot taller then their grandmothers. The                  (c) ..........................        ..........................
average height in more communities now                (d) ..........................        ..........................
exceeds 5 ft. 8 inches. This is mainly due from        (e) ..........................          ..........................
better dietary habits. 
Error              Correction
(a) broke         broken
(b) on              in
(c) then           than
(d) more          most
(e) from           to 


Question. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number in your answer sheet. 
                                                                             Incorrect                       Correct
After his speech, his father flick open                 (a) ..........................        ..........................
the basket lid and play the pipe again,               (b) ..........................         ..........................
whereupon the snake springed out.                    (c) ..........................        ..........................
People run in terror to save                                (d) ..........................        ..........................
his lives.                                                           (e) ..........................          ..........................

Error              Correction
(a) flick            flicked
(b) play            played
(c) springed     sprang
(d) run             ran
(e) his              their


1.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction. The first one has been done as an example.

                                                                         Incorrect word          Correction

Inactivity is the greater cause of overweight greater greatest

these days. People physical activity                     a-_________        __________
had decreased these days. The main reason       b-__________       __________
being there is many labour saving devices.        c-__________       __________
People does not want to walk on foot.                d-__________       __________
They spend enough time sitting and                  e-__________       __________
watch television. Their excess weight                f-__________       __________
make them sick and they have to spend           g-__________       __________
money in medicine.                                           h-__________       __________

2. In the passage below one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word and the word before and after.

One thing we all must do to cooperate                 a.________   _______   ________
with police and pay heed to their advice.              b.________   _______   ________
They warn us not touch unidentified,                   c.________   _______   ________
unclaimed, suspicious objects like transistors,      d.________   _______   ________
brief cases etc. We need watch out for                 e.________   _______   ________
abandoned cars, scooters report the                    f.________   _______    ________
details such objects to the nearest police             g.________   _______   ________

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First Flight Chapter 07 The Trees
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Worksheet for CBSE English Class 10 Editing

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CBSE Class 10 English Editing worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 10 English scores?

Regular practice with Class 10 English worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.