1. The three types of ____________________ activities are primary, secondary and tertiary activities.
2. Tertiary activities provide support to the primary and secondary activities through _______________________.
3. Favourable topography of soil and climate are vital for ______________ activity.
4. ___________________ ____________________ agriculture is prevalent in the thickly populated areas of the monsoon regions of south, southeast and east Asia.
5. In commercial farming crops are grown and animals are reared for ______________in the ____________________.
6. A large variety of crops are grown to meet the requirement of the growing _______________________.
7. _______________is the staple diet of tropical and sub-tropical regions.
8. ___________________ are also known as coarse grains and can be grown on less fertile and sandy soils.
9. Wheat requires moderate temperature and rainfall during ____________ season and bright sunshine at the time of ___________________.
10.Cotton grows best on _____________ and _________________soils.
11._________________ is the leading producer of coffee.
12.Tea is a beverage crop grown on ____________________.
13.______________________of agriculture is another aspect of agricultural development.
14.The ultimate aim of agricultural development is ____________________.
15.______________________________ is known as Jhumming in North-East India, Milpa in Mexico, Roca in Brazil and Ladang in Malaysia.
1. Commercial rearing of silk worms. _____________________
2. Breeding of fish in specially constructed tanks and ponds.
3. Growing vegetables, flowers and fruits for commercial use.
4. The type of farming practiced to meet the needs of the farmer’s family.
5. In this type of farming herdsmen move from place to place with their animals for fodder and water along defined routes.
6. This exists when all people at all times have access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. _______________________________
7. Developing countries with large populations and small land holdings usually practice this type of agriculture.
8. This crop is referred as golden fibre. ____________________
9. This includes Jowar, Bajra and Ragi. ____________________
10.The leading producers of jute..___________________,
11.It is also known as ‘slash and burn’ agriculture. ____________________
12.Cultivation of grapes. __________________________
1. Define agriculture. Why is India considered an agricultural country?
2. What is ‘Organic Farming’?
3. Write short note on: Shifting Cultivation
4. What do you understand by mixed farming? Mention the regions where it is mostly practice
5. How can food security be achieved? How important it is.
6. Explain: subsistence farming.
7. ‘Agriculture or farming can be looked at as a system’. Justify
8. Write a note on: ‘Plantation Agriculture’.
9. Comment on: ‘Commercial Farming’.
10. Make a comparative study of the life styles of farmers in India and USA.
CBSE Class 8 Social Science Agriculture Worksheet CBSE Class 8 Social Science Agriculture Worksheet