NEET Physics Youngs Double Slit Experiment MCQs Set A

Refer to NEET Physics Youngs Double Slit Experiment MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Youngs Double Slit Experiment Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Physics Youngs Double Slit Experiment

Full Syllabus Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Youngs Double Slit Experiment in Full Syllabus.

Youngs Double Slit Experiment MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Physics with Answers

Question:  The fringe width in a Young’s double slit experiment can be increased if we decrease

a) separation of slits

b) width of slits

c) wavelength of light used

d) distance between slits and screen

Answer: separation of slits


Question: If Young’s double slit experiment is performed in water keeping the rest of the set-up same, the fringes will

a) decrease in width

b) not be formed

c) increase in width

d) remain unchanged

Answer: decrease in width


Question:  In Young’s double slit experiment, one slit is covered with red filter and another slit is covered by green filter, then interference pattern will be

a) invisible

b) green

c) red

d) yellow

Answer: invisible


Question:  In Young's double slit experiment with sodium vapour lamp of wavelength 589 nm and the slits 0.589 mm apart, the half angular width of the central maximum is

a) sin–1 (0.001)

b) sin–1 (0.01)

c) None of these

d) sin–1 (0.0001)

Answer: sin–1 (0.001)


Question:  The maximum number of possible interference maxima for slit-separation equal to twice the wavelength in Young’s double-slit experiment is

a) five

b) infinite

c) zero

d) three

Answer: five


Question:  In the Young’s Double slit experiment, when we place a converging lens after the slits and place the screen at the focus of the lens, it

a) introduces an extra fringe in the diffraction pattern

b) introduces an extra phase difference in the parallel beam.

c) introduces no path difference in the parallel beam

d) introduces an extra path difference in the parallel beam

Answer:  introduces an extra fringe in the diffraction pattern


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a) 0.45º

b) 0.30º

c) 0.10º

d) 0.15º

Answer:  0.45º


Question:  In Young’s experiment, two coherent sources are placed 0.90 mm apart and fringe are observed one metre away. If it produces second dark fringe at a distance of 1 mm from central fringe, the wavelength of monochromatic light used would be

a) 6 × 10–5 cm

b) 10 × 10–4 cm

c) 60 × 10–4 cm

d) Nonwe of these

Answer:  6 × 10–5 cm


Question: Distance between screen and source is decreased by 25%. Then the percentage change in fringe width is

a) 25%

b) 75%

c) 31%

d) 20%

Answer: 25%


Question:  Monochromatic light of wavelength 400 nm and 560 nm are incident simultaneously and normally on double slits apparatus whose slits separation is 0.1 mm and screen distance is 1m. Distance between areas of total darkness will be

a) 28 mm

b) 14 mm

c) 5.6 mm

d) 4 mm

Answer: 28 mm


Question:  In a Young's double slit experiment, the separation of the two slits is doubled. To keep the same spacing of fringes, the distance D of the screen from the slits should be made

a) 2D

b) 4D

c) 3D

d) 5D

Answer: 2D


Question:  The Young’s double slit experiment is performed with blue and with green light of wavelengths 4360Å and 5460Å respectively. If x is the distance of 4th maxima from the central one, then




d) None of these



Question:  In Young's double slit experiment, the fringes are displaced by a distance x when a glass plate of refractive index 1.5 is introduced in the path of one of the beams. When this plate is replaced by another plate of the same thickness, the shift of fringes is (3/2) x. The refractive index of the second plate is

a) 1.75

b) 1.50

c) 1.25

d) 1.00

Answer: 1.75


Question: Light of wavelength 6.5 × 10–7 m is made incident on two slits 1 mm apart. The distance between third dark fringe and fifth bright fringe on a screen distant 1 m from the slits will be

a) 1.625 mm

b) 0.325 mm

c) 0.65 mm

d) 3.25 mm

Answer:  1.625 mm


Question:  In Young’s double slit expt. the distance between two sources is 0.1 mm. The distance of the screen from the source is 20 cm. Wavelength of light used is 5460 Å. The angular position of the first dark fringe is

a) 0.16º

b) 0.20º

c) 0.32º

d) 0.08º

Answer:  0.16º


MCQs for Youngs Double Slit Experiment Physics Full Syllabus

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Physics to develop the Physics Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Physics will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Physics. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Physics so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Physics MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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