Refer to NEET Physics Specific Heat Capacity and Thermodynamical Processes MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Specific Heat Capacity and Thermodynamical Processes Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Physics Specific Heat Capacity and Thermodynamical Processes
Full Syllabus Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Specific Heat Capacity and Thermodynamical Processes in Full Syllabus.
Specific Heat Capacity and Thermodynamical Processes MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Physics with Answers
Question: The specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is greater than the specific heat of the same gas at constant volume because
a) work is done in the expansion of the gas at constant pressure.
b) work is done in the expansion of the gas at constant volume.
c) the attraction between the molecules increases at constant pressure.
d) the molecular attraction increases at constant volume.
Answer: work is done in the expansion of the gas at constant pressure.
Question: Which of the following formula is wrong?
d) None of these
Question: The specific heat of a gas in an isothermal process is
a) infinite
b) negative
c) zero
d) remains constant
Answer: infinite
Question: The work done in an adiabatic change in a particular gas depends only upon
a) change in temperature
b) change in pressure
c) None of these
d) change in volume
Answer: change in temperature
Question: Which one of the following is an isoentropic process?
a) Isothermal
b) Adiabatic
c) Isochoric
d) Isobaric
Answer: Isothermal
Question: During isothermal expansion, the slope of P-V graph
a) decreases
b) remains same
c) increases
d) may increase or decrease
Answer: decreases
Question: Which of the following processes is adiabatic ?
a) Bursting of tyre
b) Melting of ice
c) Motion of piston of an engine with constant speed
d) None of these
Answer: Bursting of tyre
Question: Which of the following holds good for an isochoric process?
a) Both
b) No work is done on the gas
c) No work is done by the gas
d) None of these
Answer: Both
Question: Which process will increase the temperature of the system without heating it?
a) Adiabatic compression
b) Adiabatic expansion
c) Isothermal compression
d) Isothermal expansion
Answer: Adiabatic compression
a) 282 kJ
b) 141 kJ
c) 423 kJ
d) 320 kJ
Answer: 282 kJ
More Questions.....................................
a) 104 kJ
b) 366 kJ
c) 206 kJ
d) 628 kJ
Answer: 104 kJ
a) 340 kJ
b) 170 kJ
c) –170 kJ
d) – 340 kJ
Answer: 340 kJ
Question: A point on P – V diagram represents
a) the condition of a system
b) work done on or by the system
c) work done in a cyclic process
d) a thermodynamic process
Answer: the condition of a system
Question: A sample of gas expands from volume V1 to V2. The amount of work done by the gas is greatest when the expansion is
a) isothermal
b) adiabatic
c) isobaric
d) equal in all cases
Answer: isothermal
Question: When heat is given to a gas in an isothermal change, the result will be
a) external work done
b) rise in temperature
c) increase in internal energy
d) external work done and also rise in temperature
Answer: external work done
Question: Which of the following statements about a thermodynamic process is wrong ?
d) None of these
Question: In a cyclic process, work done by the system is
a) equal to heat given to the system
b) more than heat given to the system
c) independent of heat given to the system
d) zero
Answer: equal to heat given to the system
Question: The slopes of isothermal and adiabatic curves are related as
a) 256 atm
b) 8 atm
c) 68.7 atm
d) 28 atm
Answer: 256 atm
Question: A diatomic gas initially at 18ºC is compressed adiabatically to one eighth of its original volume. The temperature after compression will be
a) 668.4ºK
b) 395.4ºC
c) 144ºC
d) 18ºC
Answer: 668.4ºK
a) 10.9 MJ
b) 9.10 MJ
c) 109 MJ
d) 1.09 MJ
Answer: 10.9 MJ
a) 6 cal
b) 16 cal
c) 66 cal
d) 14 cal
Answer: 6 cal
Question: Choose the incorrect statement related to an isobaric process.
a) Heat given to a system is used up in raising the temperature only.
Answer: Heat given to a system is used up in raising the temperature only.
a) (A) – (3), (B) – (1), (C) – (2), D – (4)
b) (A) – (3, 4), (B) – (3), (C) – (2), (D) – (1)
c) (A) – (1), (B) – (2), (C) – (3), (D) – (4)
d) (A) – (1), (B) – (3), (C) – (4), D – (2)
Answer: (A) – (3), (B) – (1), (C) – (2), D – (4)
Question: Which of the following statements are correct about isothermal and adiabatic changes?
I. Isothermal system is thermally conducting to the surroundings.
II. Adiabatic system is thermally insulated from the surroundings.
III. Internal energy changes in isothermal process.
a) I and II
b) I and III
c) II and III
d) I, II and III
Answer: I and II
Question: A thermodynamic system undergoes cyclic process ABCDA as shown in fig. The work done by the system in the cycle is
a) Zero
Answer: Zero
a) Change in pressure will be more than three times the initial pressure.
b) Change in pressure will be less than three times the initial pressure.
c) Final pressure will be three times more than initial pressure.
d) Final pressure will be three times less than initial pressure.
Answer: Change in pressure will be more than three times the initial pressure.
Question: Four curves A, B, C and D are drawn in the figure for a given amount of a gas. The curves which represent adiabatic and isothermal changes are
a) A and B respectively
b) B and A respectively
c) D and C respectively
d) C and D respectively
Answer: A and B respectively
Question: For an ideal gas graph is shown for three processes. Process 1, 2 and 3 are respectively.
a) Isochoric, isobaric, adiabatic
b) Isochoric, adiabatic, isobaric
c) Adiabatic, isobaric, isochoric
d) Isobaric, adiabatic, isochoric
Answer: Isochoric, isobaric, adiabatic
Question: In the P-V diagram, I is the initial state and F is the final state. The gas goes from I ot F by (i) IAF, (ii) IBF, (iii) ICF. The heat absorbed by the gas is
a) greater in (i) than in (ii)
b) the same in (i) and (iii)
c) the same in (i) and (ii)
d) the same in all three processes
Answer: greater in (i) than in (ii)
a) –60 kJ
b) –50 kJ
c) 50 kJ
d) 40 kJ
Answer: –60 kJ
a) 1.5
b) 0.25
c) 0.75
d) 0.4
Answer: 1.5
Question: During an adiabatic process an object does 100J of work and its temperature decreases by 5K. During another process it does 25J of work and its temperature decreases by 5K. Its heat capacity for 2nd process is
a) 15 J/K
b) 100 J/K
c) 24 J/K
d) 20 J/K
Answer: 15 J/K
Question: The pressure inside a tyre is 4 times that of atmosphere. If the tyre bursts suddenly at temperature 300 K, what will be the new temperature?
a) 300 (4)–2/7
b) 300 (2)7/2
c) 300 (4)2/7
d) 300 (4)7/2
Answer: 300 (4)–2/7
Question: In pressure-volume diagram, the isochoric, isothermal, isobaric and iso-entropic parts respectively, are
a) CD, DA, AB, BC
b) AB, BC, CD, DA
c) DC, CB, BA, AD
d) BA, AD, DC,CB
Answer: CD, DA, AB, BC
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MCQs for Specific Heat Capacity and Thermodynamical Processes Physics Full Syllabus
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