Refer to NEET Physics Galvanometer and its Conversion into Ammeter and Voltmeter MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Galvanometer and its Conversion into Ammeter and Voltmeter Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Physics Galvanometer and its Conversion into Ammeter and Voltmeter
Full Syllabus Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Galvanometer and its Conversion into Ammeter and Voltmeter in Full Syllabus.
Galvanometer and its Conversion into Ammeter and Voltmeter MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Physics with Answers
Question: The AC voltage across a resistance can be measured using a
a) moving coil galvanometer
b) potential coil galvanometer
c) moving magnet galvanometer
d) hot wire voltmeter
Answer: moving coil galvanometer
Question: The deflection in a moving coil galvanometer is
a) directly proportional to the number of turns in the coil
b) inversely proportional to the area of the coil
c) inversely proportional to the current flowing
d) directly proportional to the torsional constant
Answer: directly proportional to the number of turns in the coil
Question: In a moving coil galvanometer, the deflection of the coil
d) None of these
a) S (R + G) = RG
b) 2S (R + G) = RG
c) 2S = G
d) 2G = S
Answer: S (R + G) = RG
Question: A moving coil galvanometer has N number of turns in a coil of effective area A, it carries a current I. The magnetic field B is radial. The torque acting on the coil is
b) N2ABI
c) None of these
d) NABI2
Answer: NABI
Question: The current sensitivity of a galvanometer is defined as
a) deflection per unit current.
b) current per unit deflection
c) dflection per unit current when a unit voltage is applied across its terminals
d) the current flowing through the galvanometer when a unit voltage is applied across its terminals.
Answer: deflection per unit current.
Question: The galvanometer cannot as such be used as an ammeter to measure the value of current in a given circuit. The following reasons are
I. galvanometer gives full scale deflection for a small current.
II. galvanometer has a large resistance.
III. a galvanometer can give inaccurate values.
The correct reasons are:
a) I and II
b) II and III
c) I, II and III
d) I and III
Answer: I and II
More Questions..........................................................
Question: Assertion: To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter a small resistance is connected in parallel with it.
Reason: The small resistance increases the combined resistance of the combination
a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion
b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct
Answer: Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion
Question: A galvanometer having a resistance of 80 ohms is shunted by a wire of resistance 2 ohms. If the total current is 1amp., the part of it passing through the shunt will be
a) 0.02 amp
b) 0.5 amp
c) 0.8 amp
d) 0.25 amp
Answer: 0.02 amp
Question: In an ammeter 0.2% of main current passes through the galvanometer. If resistance of galvanometer is G, the resistance of ammeter will be
Question: A galvanometer of resistance, G is shunted by a resistance S ohm. To keep the main current in the circuit unchanged, the resistance to be put in series with the galvanometer is
a) 100.1 mA
b) 10.01 mA
c) 1000.1 mA
d) 1.01 mA
Answer: 100.1 mA
Question: A galvanometer of resistance 5 ohms gives a full scale deflection for a potential difference of 10 mV. To convert the galvanometer into a voltmeter giving a full scale deflection for a potential difference of 1V, the size of the resistance that must be attached to the voltmeter is
a) 495 ohm
b)49.5 ohm
c) 4950 ohm
d) None of these
Answer: 495 ohm
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MCQs for Galvanometer and its Conversion into Ammeter and Voltmeter Physics Full Syllabus
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