NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs

Refer to NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Electromagnetic Waves Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Waves

Full Syllabus Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Electromagnetic Waves in Full Syllabus.

Electromagnetic Waves MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Physics with Answers









For the answer of the following questions choose the correct alternative from among the given ones.

(1) Who produced the electromagnetic waves first ?
(A) Marconi
(B) Maxwell
(C) J.C. Bose
(D) Hertz


NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs

NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-


(11) Electric field in an electromagnetic wave is given by E=50 sinω(t-x/c) NC-1 .Intensity of this wave is ___________ Wm-2
(A) 50 (B) 1.1×108 (C) 3.3 (D) 5.5×10-19

(12) The amplitude of the electric field in a parallel beam of light of intensity 2.0Wm-2 is _______
(A) 38.8NC-1 (B)19.4NC-1 (C) 9.7NC-1 (D) None of these.

(13) Speed of electromagnetic wave is the same
(A) for all wavelengths (B) in all media
(C) for all intensities (D) for all frequencies

(14) The maximum electric field in a plane electromagnetic wave is 900NC-1 . The wave is going in the x direction and the electric field is in the y direction. The maximum magnetic field in the wave is ____________T
(A)3×10-8 (B) 3×10-6 (C) 27×10-6 (D) 27×1010

(15) Electromagnetic waves are produced by
(A) a static charge (B) a moving charge
(C) an accelerating charge (D) chargeless particles

(16) Maxwells equations are derived from the laws of___________
(A) electricity (B) magnetism
(C) both electricity and magnetism (D) mechanics

(17) Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the longest wavelength?
(A) Radio waves (B) Infrared radiations
(C) x rays (D) visible rays

(18) Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the highest frequency?
(A) radio waves (B) micro waves (C) r rays (D) x rays

(19) Which of the following electromagnetic waves is used in telecommunication?
(A) radio waves (B) visible radiations
(C) ultraviolet rays (D) micro waves

NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-1
NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-2
NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-3
NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-4
NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-5
NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-6
NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-7

(49) The velocity of light in vaccum can be changed by changing____
(A) frequency (B)wavelength (C)amplitude (D) none of these

(50) An electromagnetic wave going through vaccum is described by E=Eo sin(kx- ω t) then B=Bo sin(kx- ω t) then
(A) E0B0= ω k (B) E0k = B0 ω (C) E0 ω = B0k (D)none of these

(51) If the wavelength of light is 4000° A then the number of waves in 1mm length will be___
(A)2.5 (B)2500 (C)250 (D)25000

(52) The SI unit of displacement current is_________
(A) coulomb (B)henry (C) ampere (D)faraday

(53) The electromagnetic waves do not transport_______
(A) energy (B) charge (C)momentum (D)information

(54) An electric charge oscillating with a frequency of 1kilo cycles/s can radiate electromagnetic waves of wavelength
(A) 100km (B)200km (C) 300km (D)400km

(55) The frequency 1057MHz of radiation arising from two close energy levels in hydrogen belongs to_____
(A) radio waves (B)infrared waves (C)micro waves (D) γ rays

NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-8
NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-9
NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-10

(71) Unit of  oC is same as that of
(A)current (B)resistance (C)electric charge (D) velocity

(72) In electromagnetic spectrum, the visible light lie between
(A) radiowaves and microwaves
(B) ultraviolet rays and infrared rays
(C) ultraviolet rays and x rays
(D) infrared rays and microwaves

(73) Which of the following statements is not true in case of electromagnetic waves?
(A) they are light waves (B)theay are transverse waves
(C) propagates through space (D) they are longitudinal waves

(74) The oscillating electric and magnetic field vectors of an electromagnetic waves far away from source are oriented along
(A) Mutually perpendicular direction and differ in phase by 90°
(B) Mutually perpendicalar and in same phase
(C) In same direcfi on and in same phase
(D) In same divecfi on and differ in phaseby 90°

(75) Which of the following option of electromagnetic waves is in order of increasing frequency ?
(A) microwaves, ultraviolet rays, x rays
(B) gamma rays, ultraviolet rays, radiowaves
(C) radiowaves, visible light, infrared rays
(D) gamma rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays

(77) The sum delivers 103Wm-2 of electromagnetic flux to earth’s surface. The total power that is incident on a roof of dimension 8m x 20m will be________
(A) 4×105w
 (B) 2.56×104w
 (C) 6.4×105w

(77) Bolometer is used to detect ___________.
(A) infrared rays (B) ultraviolet rays (C) x rays (D) γ rays

(78) Range of frequency of microwaves is about__________.
(A)530kHz to 1710kHz (B)54MHz to 890MHz
(C) 3GHz to 300GHz (D) 4×1014Hz to 7×1014Hz

(79) SI unit of displacement current is
(A) coulomb (B)ampere (C)faraday (D)none of these

NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-11
NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-12
NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-13


(90) Which of the following electromagnetic wave has the least frequency?
(A) radiowave (B) infrared radiation (C)microwave (D)x rays

(91) Which of the following electromagnetic wave has the least wavelength?
(A) rradiowave (B)visible wave (C) ultraviolet rays (D) microwaves

(92) Which of the following waves are not transverse in nature?
(A) light emitted from a sodium lamp
(B) sound waves travelling in air
(C) xrays from an x ray machine
(D) microwaves used in radar

(93) An electromagnetic wave
(A) can be deflected by electric field
(B) can be deflected by magnetic field
(C) can be deflected bye both electric and magnetic field
(D) none of these

(94) When an electromagnetic wave encounters a dielectric medium, the transmitted wave has
(A) same frquency but different amplitude
(B) same amplitude but different frequency
(C) same frequency and amplitude
(D) different frequency and amplitude

(95) According to Maxwell, a changing electric field produces_____
(A) emf (B)radiation pressure
(C) electric current (D)magnetic field

(96) ______was the first to predict the existence of electromagnetic waves
(A) Maxwel (B) Faraday (C)Ampere (D) hertz

(97) If the earth were not having atmosphere, its temperature________.
(A) would have been low (B) would have been high
(C)would hav remain constant (D) none of these

(98) _________ is responsible for the green house effect
(A) infrared rays (B)ultraviolet rays (C)x raya (D)radiowaves

(99) The dimensional formula of energy density is
(A) M1L0T-2 (B)M1L-1T -2 (C)M1L-1T-3 (D)M1L0T-3




NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs-14

MCQs for Electromagnetic Waves Physics Full Syllabus

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Physics to develop the Physics Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Physics will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Physics. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Physics so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Physics MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest NEET MCQs for Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Waves

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You can find NEET Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Electromagnetic Waves Full Syllabus MCQs?

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Are there any online resources for NEET Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Waves?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Waves