NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Induction MCQs

Refer to NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Induction MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Physics with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Electromagnetic Induction Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Physics and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Physics and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Induction

Full Syllabus Physics students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Electromagnetic Induction in Full Syllabus.

Electromagnetic Induction MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Physics with Answers







For the answer of the following questions choose the correct alternative from among the given ones.
1. A coil having area 2m2 is placed in a magnetic field which changes from 1 wb /m2 to 4 wb/m2 in an interval of 2 second. The emf induced in the coil of single turn is ____
(a) 4 v (b) 3 v (c) 1.5 v (d) 2 v
2. Two different loops are concentric & lie in the same plane. The current in outer loop is clockwise & increasing with time. The induced current in the inner loop then, is___
(a) clockwise (b) zero
(c) counter clockwise (d) direction depends on the ratio of loop radii
MCQ For the answer of the following questions choose the correct alternative from among the given ones. 1. A coil having area 2m2 is placed in a magnetic field which changes from 1 wb /m2 to 4 wb/m2 in an interval of 2 second. The emf induced in the coil of single turn is.... (a) 4 v (b) 3 v (c) 1.5 v (d) 2 v 2. Two different loops are concentric & lie in the same plane. The current in outer loop is clockwise & increasing with time. The induced current in the inner loop then, is.......... (a) clockwise (b) zero (c) counter clockwise (d) direction depends on the ratio of loop radii
MCQ For the answer of the following questions choose the correct alternative from among the given ones. 1. A coil having area 2m2 is placed in a magnetic field which changes from 1 wb /m2 to 4 wb/m2 in an interval of 2 second. The emf induced in the coil of single turn is.... (a) 4 v (b) 3 v (c) 1.5 v (d) 2 v 2. Two different loops are concentric & lie in the same plane. The current in outer loop is clockwise & increasing with time. The induced current in the inner loop then, is.......... (a) clockwise (b) zero (c) counter clockwise (d) direction depends on the ratio of loop radii
MCQ For the answer of the following questions choose the correct alternative from among the given ones. 1. A coil having area 2m2 is placed in a magnetic field which changes from 1 wb /m2 to 4 wb/m2 in an interval of 2 second. The emf induced in the coil of single turn is.... (a) 4 v (b) 3 v (c) 1.5 v (d) 2 v 2. Two different loops are concentric & lie in the same plane. The current in outer loop is clockwise & increasing with time. The induced current in the inner loop then, is.......... (a) clockwise (b) zero (c) counter clockwise (d) direction depends on the ratio of loop radii

11. An electron moves along the line AB,which lies in the same plane as a circular loop of conducting wires as shown in figure. What will be the direction of current induced if any, in the loop ?

MCQ For the answer of the following questions choose the correct alternative from among the given ones. 1. A coil having area 2m2 is placed in a magnetic field which changes from 1 wb /m2 to 4 wb/m2 in an interval of 2 second. The emf induced in the coil of single turn is.... (a) 4 v (b) 3 v (c) 1.5 v (d) 2 v 2. Two different loops are concentric & lie in the same plane. The current in outer loop is clockwise & increasing with time. The induced current in the inner loop then, is.......... (a) clockwise (b) zero (c) counter clockwise (d) direction depends on the ratio of loop radii

(a) No current will be induced

(b) The current will be clockwise

(c) The current will be anticlockwise

(d) The current will change direction as the electron passes by


12. A circular loop of radius R carrying current I lies in X-Y plane with its centre at origin. The total magnetic flux through x-y plane is ___

(a) Directly proportional to I (b) Directly proportional to R

(c) Directly proportional to R2 (d) zero

NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Induction MCQs-4

(a) Increases
(b) decreased
(c) Remain same
(d) depending on whether the semicircle bulge is towards the resistance or away from it.

14. Two similar circular loops carry equal currents in the same direction.On moving the coils further apart, the electric current will
(a) Remain unchanged
(b) Increasing in both
(c) Increasing in one decreasing in other
(d) Decreasing in both

15. When the number of turns in a coil is make four time without any change in length of the coil, its self inductance becomes 
(a) unchanged
 (b) two times
(c) four times
(d) sixteen times

16. A metal road moves at a constant velocity in a direction perpendicular to its length & a constant uniform magnetic field too. Select the correct statement (s) from the following.
(a) The entire rod is at the same electrical potential
(b) There is an electric field in the rod
(c) The electric polential is highest at the centre of the rod.
(d) The electric polential is lowest at the centre of the rod.

NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Induction MCQs--

19. Two coils of self inductances 2 mH & 8 mH are placed so close togather that the effective flux in one coil is completely half with the other.The mutual inductance between these coils is ____
(a) 4 mH
(b) 6 mH
 (c) 2 mH
(d) 16 mH

20. In circular coil. when no. of turns is doubled & resistance becomes half of the initial then inductance becomes ____
(a) 4 times
 (b) 2 times
 (c) 8 times
 (d) No change

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43. The core of a transformer is laminated so that ____
(a) Ratio of I/p & O/p voltage increases
(b) Rusting of core may be stopped
(c) Energy loss due to eddy current may be reduced
(d) Change in flux is increased

44. In transformer, core is made of soft iron to reduce _____
(a) Hysterlsis losses
(b) Eddy current losses
(c) Force opposing current
 (d) the weight

45. An ideal transformer has 1:25 turn ratio. The peak value of the ac is 28 V. The rms ms secondary voltage is nearest to _____
(a) 50 V
(b) 70 V
(c) 100 V
(d) 40 V

46. A primary winding of transformer has 500 turns whereas its secondary has 5000 turns. Primary is connected to ac supply of 20V, 50Hz The secondary output of ____
(a) 200V, 25 Hz
 (b) 200 V, 50Hz
(c) 2 V, 100 Hz (d) 2V, 50 Hz

47. A step down transformer is connected to main supply 200 V to operate a 6V, 30 w bulb. The current in primary is ____
(a) 3A
(b) 1.5 A
(c) 0.3 A
(d) 0.15 A

NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Induction MCQs--9

50. A coil of inductance 8.4 mH and resistance 6Ω is connected to a 12 V battery. The current in the coil is 1A in the time 
(a) 500 sec
(b) 20 sec
 (c) 35 ms
(d) 1 ms

51. Alternating current can not be measured by dc ammeter because,
(a) ac can not pass through dc ammeter
(b) Average value of complete cycle is zero
(c) ac is virtual
(d) ac changes its direction

52. The resistance of a coil for dc is in ohms. In ac, the resistance
(a) will remain same
 (b) will increase
(c) will decrease
(d) will be zero

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NEET UG Physics Electromagnetic Induction MCQs--15

73. Same current is flowing in two alternating circuits.The first circuits contains only inductance and the other contains only a capacitor. If the frequency of the emf of ac is increased the effect on the value of the current will be.
(a) Increase in the first circuit and dicrease in other
(b) Increase in both the circuit
(c) Decrease in both the circuit
(d) Decrease in the first and increase in other

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MCQs for Electromagnetic Induction Physics Full Syllabus

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Physics to develop the Physics Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Physics will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Physics. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Physics so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Physics MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest NEET MCQs for Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Induction

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Are the Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Induction MCQs available for the latest session

Yes, the MCQs issued by NEET for Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Induction have been made available here for latest academic session

Where can I find NEET Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Induction MCQs online?

You can find NEET Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Induction MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Electromagnetic Induction Full Syllabus MCQs?

To prepare for Electromagnetic Induction MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

Are there any online resources for NEET Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Induction?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Full Syllabus Physics Electromagnetic Induction