Refer to JEE Chemistry The Solid State MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by JEE (Main), NCERT and KVS. The Solid State Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry The Solid State
Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for The Solid State in Full Syllabus.
The Solid State MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers
Question: Which of the following is not a characteristic property of solids?
- a) Intermolecular forces are weak
- b) Intermolecular distances are short
- c) Constituent particles have fixed positions
- d) Solids oscillate about their mean positions
Answer: Intermolecular forces are weak
Question: Most crystals show good cleavage because their atoms, ions or molecules are
- a) arranged in planes
- b) spherically symmetrical
- c) strongly bonded together
- d) weakly bonded together
Answer: arranged in planes
Question: “Crystalline solids are anisotropic in nature. What is the meaning of anisotropic in the given statement?
- a) Different values of some of physical properties are shown when measured along different directions in the same crystals
- b) An irregular arrangement of particles over the entire crystal
- c) Same values of some of physical properties are shown when measured along different directions in the same crystals
- d) A regular pattern of arrangement of particles which repeats itself periodically over the entire crystal
Answer: Different values of some of physical properties are shown when measured along different directions in the same crystals
Question: A crystalline solid
- a) changes abruptly from solid to liquid when heated
- b) has no definite melting point
- c) undergoes deformation of its geometry easily
- d) has an irregular 3-dimensional arrangements
Answer: changes abruptly from solid to liquid when heated
Question: Which of the following is not a characteristic of a crystalline solid ?
- a) Isotropic nature
- b) Definite and characteristic heat of fusion
- c) A regular periodically repeated pattern of arrangement of constituent particles in the entire crystal.
- d) A true solid
Answer: Isotropic nature
Question: Which of the following is not a crystalline solid?
- a) Glass
- b) KCl
- c) CsCl
- d) Rhombic S
Answer: Glass
Question: Which of the following statements about amorphous solids is incorrect ?
- a) They are anisotropic
- b) They melt over a range of temperature
- c) There is no orderly arrangement of particles
- d) They are rigid and incompressible
Answer: They are anisotropic
Question: Which of the following is not a crystalline solid?
- a) Glass
- b) KCl
- c) CsCl
- d) Rhombic S
Answer: Glass
Question: Which of the following is an amorphous solid ?
- a) Quartz glass (SiO2)
- b) Silicon carbide (SiC)
- c) Graphite (C)
- d) Chrome alum
Answer: Quartz glass (SiO2)
Question: Which of the following statement is not true about amorphous solids ?
- a) They are anisotropic in nature
- b) Amorphous solids can be moulded by heating
- c) They may become crystalline on keeping for long time
- d) On heating they may become crystalline at certain temperature
Answer: They are anisotropic in nature
Question: The sharp melting point of crystalline solids is due to _____.
- a) a regular arrangement of constituent particles observed over a long distance in the crystal lattice
- b) a regular arrangement of constituent particles observed over a short distance in the crystal lattice
- c) same arrangement of constituent particles in different directions
- d) different arrangement of constituent particles in different directions
Answer: a regular arrangement of constituent particles observed over a long distance in the crystal lattice
Question: Why some glass objects from ancient civilisations are found to become milky in appearance?
- a) Glass is amorphous but on heating it become crystalline at some temperature
- b) Glass is a crystalline solid, milky appearance is due to its crystalline nature
- c) Because of reaction of glass with impurities present in the atmosphere
- d) None of these
Answer: Glass is amorphous but on heating it become crystalline at some temperature
Question: Which of the following amorphous solid is used as photovoltaic material for conversion of sunlight into electricity?
- a) Silicon
- b) Quartz glass
- c) Quartz
- d) None of these
Answer: Silicon
Question: Solid CH4 is
- a) molecular solid
- b) ionic solid
- c) covalent solid
- d) does not exist
Answer: molecular solid
Question: An example of a covalent crystalline solid is
- a) NaF
- b) Si
- c) Al
- d) Ar
Answer: NaF
Question: Among solids, the highest melting point is exhibited by
- a) Covalent solids
- b) Pseudo solids
- c) Ionic solids
- d) Molecular solids
Answer: Covalent solids
Question: Which of the following exists as covalent crystals in the solid state ?
- a) Silicon
- b) Phosphorus
- c) Iodine
- d) Sulphur
Answer: Silicon
Question: The major binding force of diamond, silicon and quartz is
- a) covalent bond force
- b) electrostatic force
- c) electrical attraction
- d) non-covalent bond force
Answer: covalent bond force
Question: In graphite electrons are
- a) spread out between the sheets
- b) localised on each carbon atom
- c) localised on every third carbon atom
- d) present in antibonding orbital
Answer: spread out between the sheets
Question: Which one of the following forms a molecular solid when solidified?
- a) Methane
- b) Calcium fluoride
- c) Silicon carbide
- d) Rock salt
Answer: Methane
More Questions................................
Question: Which of the following is a network solid ?
- a) Diamond
- b) SO2 (solid)
- c) I2
- d) H2O (Ice)
Answer: Diamond
Question: Which of the following solids is not an electrical conductor?
- a) I2 (s)
- b) Mg (s)
- c) TiO (s)
- d) None of these
Answer: I2 (s)
Question: Iodine molecules are held in the crystals lattice by
- a) london forces
- b) dipole-dipole interactions
- c) covalent bonds
- d) coulombic forces
Answer: london forces
Question: Which of the following is not the characteristic of ionic solids?
- a) Very low value of electrical conductivity in the molten state
- b) Brittle nature
- c) Very strong forces of interactions
- d) Anisotropic nature
Answer: Very low value of electrical conductivity in the molten state
Question: Graphite is a good conductor of electricity due to the presence of ______.
- a) free valence electrons
- b) anions
- c) lone pair of electrons
- d) cations
Answer: free valence electrons
Question: Graphite cannot be classified as
- a) ionic solid
- b) network solid
- c) conducting solid
- d) covalent solid
Answer: ionic solid
Question: Which of the following cannot be regarded as molecular solid ?
(i) SiC (Silicon carbide) (ii) AlN
(iii) Diamond (iv) I2
- a) (i), (ii) and (iii)
- b) (iv)
- c) (ii) and (iii)
- d) (ii) and (iv)
Answer: (i), (ii) and (iii)
Question: Crystals can be classified into basic crystal units, equal to
- a) 7
- b) 14
- c) 4
- d) 2
Answer: 7
Question: How many three dimensional crystal lattice are possible?
- a) 14
- b) 20
- c) 7
- d) 10
Answer: 14
Question: Which of the following represents monoclinic crystal system?
- a)
- b)
- c) Both
- d) None of these
Question: In face-centred cubic lattice, a unit cell is shared equally by how many unit cells
- a) 2
- b) 6
- c) 4
- d) 8
Answer: 2
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- a)
- b)
- c) Both
- d) None of these
Question: Tetragonal crystal system has the following unit cell dimensions
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: The number of atoms contained in a fcc unit cell of a monoatomic substance is
- a) 4
- b) 1
- c) 2
- d) 6
Answer: 4
Question: In face-centred cubic lattice, a unit cell is shared equally by how many unit cells
- a) 6
- b) 2
- c) 4
- d) 8
Answer: 6
Question: The number of atoms per unit cell of bcc structure is
- a) 2
- b) 6
- c) 1
- d) 4
Answer: 2
Question: When molten zinc is converted into solid state, it acquires hcp structure. The number of nearest neighbours of Zn will be
- a) 12
- b) 4
- c) 6
- d) 8
Answer: 12
Question: Hexagonal close packed arrangement of ions is described as
- a) ABABA
- b) ABC ABA
- c) ABC ABC
- d) ABBAB
Answer: ABABA
Question: In which of the following crystals alternate tetrahedral voids are occupied?
- a) ZnS
- b) Na2O
- c) NaCl
- d) CaF2
Answer: ZnS
Question: Which of the following statements is not true about classical smog?
- a) Its main components are produced by the action of sunlight on emissions of automobiles and factories.
- b) Produced in cold and humid climate
- c) It contains compounds of reducing nature
- d) It contains smoke fog and sulphur dioxide
Answer: Its main components are produced by the action of sunlight on emissions of automobiles and factories.
Question: Which of the following statements about photochemical smog is wrong?
- a) It has low concentration of oxidising agent
- b) It has high concentration of oxidising agents
- c) It can be controlled by controlling the release of NO2, hydrocarbons ozone, etc
- d) Plantation of some plants like pinus helps in controlling photochemical smog.
Answer: It has low concentration of oxidising agent
Question: Select the process that does not add particulate materials to air.
- a) Use of air conditioner
- b) Burning of fosssil fuels
- c) Paper industry
- d) Incomplete combustion of coal
Answer: Use of air conditioner
Question: The biggest particulate matter is
- a) Fly ash
- b) Soot
- c) HNO3 droplets
- d) H2SO4 droplets
Answer: Fly ash
Question: The viable particulate among the following is
- a) Algae
- b) Mist
- c) Fumes
- d) Smoke
Answer: Algae
Question: The aromatic compounds present as particulates are
- a) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
- b) Benzene
- c) Toluene
- d) Nitrobenzene
Answer: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Question: Which of the following can control the photochemical smog ?
(A) Use of catalytic converters in automobiles.
(B) Plantation of trees like pinus, pyrus vitis etc.
(C) Using less sulphur containing fossil fuels
- a) A and B
- b) A and C
- c) B
- d) A, B and C
Answer: A and B
Question: The gas responsible for ozone depletion
- a) NO and freons
- b) CO2
- c) SO2
- d) CO
Answer: NO and freons
Question: Identify the incorrect statement from the following
- a) Ozone absorbs infrared radiation
- b) Depletion of ozone layer is because of its chemical reactions with chlorofluoro alkanes
- c) Ozone absorbs the intense ultraviolet radiation of the sun.
- d) None of these
Answer: Ozone absorbs infrared radiation
Question: Which of the following chemical, harmful to ozone, is released by chlorofluoro carbon?
- a) Chlorine
- b) Sulphur dioxide
- c) Fluorine
- d) Nitrogen dioxide
Answer: Chlorine
Question: In Antarctica ozone depletion is due to the formation of following compound
- a) acrolein
- b) SO2 and SO3
- c) peroxyacetyl nitrate
- d) None of these
Answer: acrolein
Question: Depletion of ozone layer causes
- a) skin cancer
- b) blood cancer
- c) breast cancer
- d) lung cancer
Answer: skin cancer
Question: Select the one that has an adverse effect on ozone layer
- a) Chlorofluorocarbons
- b) Dust particles
- c) Carbon dioxide
- d) Soil
Answer: Chlorofluorocarbons
Question: Ozone hole refers to
- a) Reduction in thickness of ozone layer in stratsophere
- b) Reduction in thickness of ozone layer in troposphere
- c) Hole in ozone layer
- d) Increase in concentration of ozone
Answer: Reduction in thickness of ozone layer in stratsophere
Question: Which of the following statements is wrong?
- a) Ozone is not responsible for green house effect.
- b) Ozone can oxidise sulphur dioxide present in the atmosphere to sulphur trioxide
- c) Ozone hole is thinning of ozone layer present in stratosphere
- d) Ozone is produced in upper stratosphere by the action of UV rays on oxygen
Answer: Ozone is not responsible for green house effect.
Question: Which of the following statements is correct
- a) Ozone hole is thinning of ozone layer of stratosphere at some places
- b) Ozone hole means vanishing of ozone layer around the earth completely
- c) Ozone hole is a hole formed in the troposphere from which ozone oozes out
- d) Ozone hole is a hole formed in stratosphere from which ozone oozes out
Answer: Ozone hole is thinning of ozone layer of stratosphere at some places
Question: Ozone is an important constituent of stratosphere because it
- a) Absorbs ultraviolet radiation which is harmful to human life
- b) Removes poisonous gases of the atmosphere by reacting with them
- c) Prevents the formation of smog over large cities
- d) Destroys bacteria which are harmful to human life
Answer: Absorbs ultraviolet radiation which is harmful to human life
Question: The gas(es) not responsible for ozone depletion
- a) Both
- b) SO2
- c) CO2
- d) None of these
Answer: Both
Question: What is the concentration of dissolved oxygen in cold water ?
- a) 10 ppm
- b) 100 ppm
- c) 5 ppm
- d) 200, 000 ppm
Answer: 10 ppm
Question: Water pollution is caused by
- a) pesticides
- b) SO2
- c) CO2
- d) O2
Answer: pesticides
Question: Minamata disease of Japan is due to pollution of
- a) Mercury
- b) Lead
- c) Aresenic
- d) Cynide
Answer: Mercury
Question: The high amount of E. coli in water is the indicator of
- a) sewage pollution
- b) presence of chlorine in water
- c) industrial pollution
- d) None of these
Answer: sewage pollution
Question: A lake with an inflow of domestic sewage rich in organic waste may result in
- a) death of fish due to lack of oxygen
- b) increased population of aquatic food web organisms
- c) an increase production of fish due to lot of nutrients
- d) drying of the lake very soon due to algal bloom
Answer: death of fish due to lack of oxygen
Question: Which of the following does not occur when the sewage is discharged into water ?
- a) Increase in O2
- b) Cyanophycean blooms occur
- c) Eutrophication
- d) None of these
Answer: Increase in O2
Question: Which of the following metal is a water pollutant and causes sterility in human being
- a) Mn
- b) Hg
- c) As
- d) Mg
Answer: Mn
Question: Sewage mostly constitutes
- a) Biodegradable pollutants
- b) Effluents
- c) Air pollutants
- d) Non-biodegradable pollutants
Answer: Biodegradable pollutants
Question: Sewage containing organic waste should not be disposed in water bodies because it causes major water pollution. Fishes in such a polluted water die because of
- a) decrease in the amount of dissolved oxygen in water
- b) clogging of gills by mud
- c) increase in the amount of dissolved oxygen
- d) large number of mosquitoes
Answer: decrease in the amount of dissolved oxygen in water
Question: Sewage water is purified by
- a) microoganisms
- b) fishes
- c) light
- d) aquatic plants
Answer: microoganisms
Question: Water is often treated with chlorine to
- a) kill germs
- b) increase oxygen content
- c) remove hardness
- d) remove suspended particles
Answer: kill germs
Question: Which causes death of fish in water bodies polluted by sewage?
- a) Decrease in D.O.
- b) Pathogens
- c) Foul smell
- d) Herbicides
Answer: Decrease in D.O.
Question: B.O.D. test or biochemical oxygen demand test is made for measuring
- a) water pollution
- b) soil pollution
- c) air pollution
- d) noise pollution
Answer: water pollution
Question: Brewery and sugar factory waste alters the quality of a water body by increasing
- a) COD and BOD
- b) turbidity
- c) temperature
- d) pH
Answer: COD and BOD
Question: Which one of the following statement is not true ?
- a) Concentration of DO below 6 ppm is good for the growth of fish
- b) pH of drinking water should be between 5.5 – 9.5.
- c) Clean water would have a BOD value of less than 5 ppm.
- d) Oxides of sulphur, nitrogen and carbon are the most widespread air pollutant
Answer: Concentration of DO below 6 ppm is good for the growth of fish
Question: Limit of BOD prescribed by Central pollution Control Board for the discharge of industrial and municipal waste waters into natural surface waters, is
- a) < 30 ppm
- b) < 10 ppm
- c) < 100 ppm
- d) < 3.0 ppm
Answer: < 30 ppm
Question: Biochemical Oxygen Demand, (BOD) is a measure of organic material present in water. BOD value less than 5 ppm indicates a water sample to be
- a) rich in dissolved oxygen
- b) poor in dissolved oxygen
- c) highly polluted
- d) not suitable for aquatic life
Answer: rich in dissolved oxygen
Question: Phosphate fertilizers when added to water leads to
- a) Increased growth of decomposers
- b) Reduced algal growth
- c) Increased algal growth
- d) Nutrient enrichment (eutrophication)
Answer: Increased growth of decomposers
Question: BOD of pond is connected with
- a) None of these
- b) Microbes
- c) Organic matter
- d) Microbes & organic matter
Answer: None of these
Question: The maximum prescribed concentration of cadmium in drinking water in ppm is
- a) 0.005
- b) 3
- c) 0.05
- d) 2
Answer: 0.005
Question: Excess nitrate in drinking water can cause
- a) methemoglobinemia
- b) liver damage
- c) kidney damage
- d) laxative effect
Answer: methemoglobinemia
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MCQs for The Solid State Chemistry Full Syllabus
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