Refer to JEE Chemistry Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques MCQs Set A provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by JEE (Main), NCERT and KVS. Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques
Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques in Full Syllabus.
Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers
Question: Which of the following scientist proposed that a ‘vital force’ was responsible for the formation of organic compounds ?
- a) Berzilius
- b) Berthelot
- c) Wohler
- d) Kolbe
Answer: Berzilius
Question: First organic compound to be synthesised was
- a) urea
- b) cane sugar
- c) methane
- d) acetic acid
Answer: urea
Question: Which of the following organic compound was synthesised by F. Wohler from an inorganic compound?
- a) Urea
- b) Chloroform
- c) Methane
- d) Acetic acid
Answer: Urea
Question: The discovery that shook the belief in the vital force theory was
- a) Wholer’s synthesis of urea from ammonium cyanate
- b) Fermentation of sugars
- c) Synthesis of indigo
- d) Stereoisomerism
Answer: Wholer’s synthesis of urea from ammonium cyanate
Question: In laboratory, first organic compound was synthesised by
- a) Wohler
- b) Kekule
- c) Hennel
- d) Liebig
Answer: Wohler
Question: Who is known as the “Father of Chemistry”?
- a) Lavoisier
- b) Priestley
- c) Faraday
- d) Rutherford
Answer: Lavoisier
Question: The hybridisation of carbon atom in C — C single bond of H2C = CH — CH = CH2 is
- a) sp2 — sp2
- b) sp3 — sp3
- c) sp2 — sp
- d) sp3 — sp
Answer: sp2 — sp2
The state of hybrization of carbons 1, 3 and 5 are in the following sequence
- a) sp, sp3, sp2
- b) sp3, sp2, sp
- c) sp2, sp, sp3
- d) sp, sp2, sp3
Answer: sp, sp3, sp2
Question: The percentage of s- character of the hybrid orbitals in ethane, ethene and ethyne are respectively
- a) 25, 33, 50
- b) 50, 75, 100
- c) 10, 20, 40
- d) 25, 50, 75
Answer: 25, 33, 50
- a) CH3CH = CH2
- b) CH2 = CHCHO
- d) None of these
Answer: CH3CH = CH2
Question: 2- Pentene contains
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: Which of the following does not represent the 2 – bromo pentane ?
- a) (ii) and (iii)
- b) (ii), (iii) and (v)
- c) Only (ii)
- d) (iii) and (v)
Answer: (ii) and (iii)
Question: Which of the following correctly represents the expanded form of following organic compound ?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: Structural formula of benzene is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: The successive members in a homologues series differ from each other by ________
- a) – CH2 unit
- b) – CH3 unit
- c) – OCH3 unit
- d) None of these
Answer: – CH2 unit
Question :
- a) (A) and (D)
- b) (B) and (D)
- c) Only (D)
- d) Only (B)
Answer: (A) and (D)
Question: The correct decreasing order of priority of functional groups is
- a) – COOH, – SO3H, – COOR, – OH
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Answer: – COOH, – SO3H, – COOR, – OH
Question: Which of the following is incorrectly matched –
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: The functional group present in organic, acid is –
- a) –COOH
- b) – OH
- c) – CHO
- d) > C = O
Answer: –COOH
Question: Which of these contains the carbonyl group?
- a) all of these
- b) aldehydes
- c) ketones
- d) esters
Answer: all of these
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Question: Butanone is a four-carbon compound with the functional group –
- a) ketone
- b) carboxylic acid
- c) aldehyde.
- d) alcohol.
Answer: ketone
Question: The functional group present in CH3COOC2H5 is
- a) ester
- b) ketonic
- c) aldehydic
- d) carboxylic
Answer: ester
Question: Which of the following compounds contains 1°, 2°, 3° as well as 4° carbon atoms ?
- a) 2,2,3-trimethyl pentane
- b) 2-methyl pentane
- c) Neopentane
- d) 2,3-dimethyl butane
Answer: 2,2,3-trimethyl pentane
Question: The number of secondary hydrogens in 2, 2-dimethylbutane is
- a) 2
- b) 6
- c) 8
- d) 4
Answer: 2
Question: The compound which has one isopropyl group is
- a) 2- Methypentane
- b) 2, 2, 3- Trimethylpentane
- c) 2, 2 - Dimethylpentane
- d) 2, 2, 3, 3 - Tetramethylpentane
Answer: 2- Methypentane
Question: Which of the following statements is false for isopentane ?
- a) It has a carbon which is not bonded to hydrogen
- b) It has one CH group
- c) It has one CH2 group
- d) It has three CH3 groups
Answer: It has a carbon which is not bonded to hydrogen
Question: The number of primary, secondary and tertiary carbons in 3, 4-dimethylheptane are respectively
- a) 4, 3 and 2
- b) 4, 2 and 3
- c) 2, 3 and 4
- d) 3, 4 and 2
Answer: 4, 3 and 2
Question: The number of primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary carbons in neopentane are respectively
- a) 4, 0, 0 and 1
- b) 4, 3, 2 and 1
- c) 5, 0, 0 and 1
- d) 4, 0, 1 and 1
Answer: 4, 0, 0 and 1
Question: What is the IUPAC name of t-butyl alcohol
- a) 2–Methyl-propan–2-ol
- b) Propanol-2
- c) Butanol–2
- d) Butanol–1
Answer: 2–Methyl-propan–2-ol
Question: The IUPAC name of CH3COCH (CH3)2 is -
- a) 3-methyl-2-butanone
- b) 4-methylisopropyl ketone
- c) 2-methyl-3-butanone
- d) isopropyl methyl ketone
Answer: 3-methyl-2-butanone
- a) 2–ethyl–3–methylpentanal
- b) 2, 3–diethylbutanal
- c) 2–sec butylbutanal
- d) 3–methyl–2–ethylpentanal
Answer: 2–ethyl–3–methylpentanal
Question: Which of the following statements is false for isopentane
- a) It has a carbon which is not bonded to hydrogen
- b) It has one CH group
- c) It has one CH2 group
- d) It has three CH3 groups
Answer: It has a carbon which is not bonded to hydrogen
Question: The IUPAC name of the compound CH3OCH2CH2CH2OCH2CH3 is
- a) 3-ethoxy-1-methoxypropane
- b) 1-ethoxy-3-methoxypropane
- c) 2, 5-dioxyhexane
- d) ethoxypropane oxymethane
Answer: 3-ethoxy-1-methoxypropane
Question: Which of the following compounds has wrong IUPAC name?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
- a) 3-bromo-1-chlorocyclohexene
- b) 1-bromo-3-chlorocyclohexene
- c) 2-bromo-6-chlorocyclohex-1-ene
- d) 6-bromo-2-chlorocyclohexene
Answer: 3-bromo-1-chlorocyclohexene
- a) 3-methyl pentan-3-ol
- b) diethylethanol
- c) 1-ethyl-1-methylpropan-1-ol
- d) 2-ethylbutan-2-ol
Answer: 3-methyl pentan-3-ol
- a) 5–chlorohex–2–ene
- b) 2–chlorohex–5–ene
- c) 1–chloro–1–methylpent–3–ene
- d) 5–chloro–5–methylpent–2–ene
Answer: 5–chlorohex–2–ene
- a) 2 - phenylbutane
- b) 3 - phenylbutane
- c) 2 - cyclohexylbutane
- d) 3 - cyclohexylbutane
Answer: 2 - phenylbutane
- a) 5-methyl-3-hexanamine
- b) 2-methyl-4-hexanamine
- c) 2-methyl-4-amino hexane
- d) 5-methyl-3-amino hexane
Answer: 5-methyl-3-hexanamine
Question: Which one of the following is ethyl-4-(dimethyl amino) butanoate ?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
- a) 5 – methyl – 4 – phenyl hexanal
- b) 5 – isopropyl – 5 – phenyl butanal
- c) 2 – methyl – 3 – phenyl hexanal
- d) 4 – benzyl – 5 – methyl hexanal
Answer: 5 – methyl – 4 – phenyl hexanal
Question: IUPAC name of (CH3)3 CCl is
- a) 2-chloro-2-methylpropane
- b) 3-chloro butane
- c) 1-butyl chloride
- d) 2-butyl chloride
Answer: 2-chloro-2-methylpropane
- a) N, N-dimethylcyclopropane carboxamide
- b) N-methylcyclopropanamide'
- c) cyclopropionamide
- d) None of these
Answer: N, N-dimethylcyclopropane carboxamide
Question: Which of the following is a 3-methylbutyl group?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
- a) 3-ethyl-5-methylheptane
- b) 5-ethyl-3-methylheptane
- c) 3,5-diethylhexane
- d) 1,1-diethyl-3-methylpentane
Answer: 3-ethyl-5-methylheptane
- a) 2,8-dimethyl-4,6-decadiene
- b) 1,5-di-iso-propyl-1,4-hexadiene
- c) 2,8-dimethyl-3,6-decadiene
- d) 1,1,7,7-tetramethyl-2,5-octadiene
Answer: 2,8-dimethyl-4,6-decadiene
- a) 3-methyl 2-butanone
- b) 2-methyl 3-butanone
- c) isopropyl methyl ketone
- d) methyl isopropyl ketone
Answer: 3-methyl 2-butanone
Question: The IUPAC name of neopentane is
- a) 2, 2-dimethylpropane
- b) 2, 2-dimethylbutane
- c) 2-methylpropane
- d) 2-methylbutane
Answer: 2, 2-dimethylpropane
- a) 1-Chloro-4-methyl-2-nitrobenzene
- b) 1-Chloro-2-nitro-4-methyl benzene
- c) 2-Chloro-1-nitro-5-methyl benzene
- d) m-Nitro-p-chlorotoluene
Answer: 1-Chloro-4-methyl-2-nitrobenzene
- a) 2 – bromo – 4 – ethylbenzene carboxylic acid
- b) 6 – bromo – 4 – ethylbenzene carboxylic acid
- c) Ortho – bromo – paraethyl benzoic acid
- d) 4 – bromo – 3 – ethyl benzoic acid
Answer: 2 – bromo – 4 – ethylbenzene carboxylic acid
Question: Total number of structural isomers possible for C3H6 are :
- a) 2
- b) 4
- c) 1
- d) 3
Answer: 2
Question: An aromatic compound of formula C7H7Cl has in all ..... isomers
- a) 4
- b) 5
- c) 2
- d) 3
Answer: 4
Question: CH3CH2OH and CH3OCH3 are the examples of
- a) functional isomerism
- b) metamerism
- c) chain isomerism
- d) position isomerism
Answer: functional isomerism
Question: Which organic structure among the following is not an isomer of the compound CH3–CO–CH2CH2CH2CH3 ?
- b) (CH3)2CH–CO–CH2CH3
- c) Both
- d) None of these
Question: The least number of carbon atoms in alkane showing isomerism is
- a) 4
- b) 1
- c) 3
- d) 2
Answer: 4
Question: The number of possible alkynes with molecular formula C5H8 is
- a) 3
- b) 5
- c) 2
- d) 4
Answer: 3
Question: The total number of isomers for C4H8 is
- a) 6
- b) 8
- c) 5
- d) 7
Answer: 6
Question: Which of the following compounds is isomeric with 2, 2, 4, 4- tetramethylhexane?
- a) 4-isopropylheptane
- b) 3-ethyl -2, 2- dimethylpentane
- c) 4-ethyl-3-methyl-4-n propyloctane
- d) 4, 4-diethyl-3-methylheptane
Answer: 4-isopropylheptane
Question: Which are isomers ?
- a) ethyl alcohol and dimethyl ether
- b) acetone and acetaldehyde
- c) propionic acid and propanone
- d) methyl alcohol and dimethyl ether
Answer: ethyl alcohol and dimethyl ether
Question: Methoxyethane and propanol are the examples of isomerism of the type
- a) functional
- b) structural
- c) position
- d) tautomerism
Answer: functional
Question: Isomers of propionic acid are
- a) HCOOC2H5 and CH3COOCH3
- b) HCOOC2H5 and C3H7COOH
- c) CH3COOCH3 and C3H7OH
- d) None of these
Answer: HCOOC2H5 and CH3COOCH3
- a) Functional
- b) Linkage
- c) Position
- d) Tautomerism
Answer: Functional
Question: A functional isomer of 1-butyne is
- a) 1, 3-butadiene
- b) 1-butene
- c) 2-butyne
- d) 2-butene
Answer: 1, 3-butadiene
Question: In which of the following, functional group isomerism is not possible?
- a) Alkyl halides
- b) Alcohols
- c) Aldehydes
- d) Cyanides
Answer: Alkyl halides
Question: The compounds CH3CH == CHCH3 and CH3CH2CH == CH2
- a) are position isomers
- b) are tautomers
- c) exist together in dynamic equilibrium
- d) None of these
Answer: are position isomers
Question: Heterolytic fission of a covalent bond in organic molecules gives
- a) cations and anions
- b) only anions
- c) free radicals
- d) only cations
Answer: cations and anions
Question: Which of the following statements is not correct ?
- a)
- b) Carbocation posses sextet of electrons.
- c) Carbocations have trigonal planar shape
- d) Carbocations are formed by heterolytic cleavage
Question: Heterolytic fission of C – Br bond results in the formation of
- a) carbocation
- b) free radical
- c) carbanion
- d) None of these
Answer: carbocation
Question: Which of the following carbocations is least stable?
- a) Methyl
- b)
- c)
- d) pri-Alkyl
Answer: Methyl
Question: Which of the following ions is most stable ?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
- a) III > I > II
- b) II > III > I
- c) III > II > I
- d) I > II > III
Answer: III > I > II
Question: Select the most stable carbocation amongst the following
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: The most stable carbonium ion among the following is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: The organic reaction which proceed through heterolytic bond cleavage are called ________
- a) Both
- b) ionic
- c) polar
- d) None of these
Answer: Both
- a)
- b) it is non-planar
- c) an electrophile can attack on its C+
- d) it does not undergo hydrolysis
Question: The shape of methyl carbanion is similar to that of –
- a) NH3
- b) methyl carbocation
- c) BF3
- d) methyl free radical
Answer: NH3
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: The homolytic fission of a covalent bond liberates
- a) Free radicals
- b) Carbonium ions
- c) Carbanions
- d) Carbenes
Answer: Free radicals
Question: Homolytic fission of C–C bond in ethane gives an intermediate in which carbon is
- a) sp2-hybridised
- b) sp2d-hybridised
- c) sp-hybridised
- d) sp3-hybridised
Answer: sp2-hybridised
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MCQs for Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles and Techniques Chemistry Full Syllabus
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