Refer to JEE Chemistry Hydrocarbons MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by JEE (Main), NCERT and KVS. Hydrocarbons Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Hydrocarbons
Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Hydrocarbons in Full Syllabus.
Hydrocarbons MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers
Question: Which one of the following is the strongest bond?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: An alkyne has general formula
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
- a) Pent-4-yn-2-ene
- b) Pent-2-en-4-yne
- c) Pent-l-yn-3-ene
- d) Pent-3-en-1-yne
Answer: Pent-4-yn-2-ene
Question: Number of alkynes for formula C5H8 is –
- a) 3
- b) 5
- c) 2
- d) 4
Answer: 3
- a) 1-butene-3-yne
- b) 1-butyn-3-ene
- c) but-1-yne-3-ene
- d) 3-butene-1-yne
Answer: 1-butene-3-yne
Question: The homologue of ethyne is
- a) C3H6
- b) C2H6
- c) C2H4
- d) None of these
Answer: C3H6
Question: The C - H bond length is minimum in the bond formed by
- a) sp - s overlapping (as in alkynes)
- b) sp2 – s overlapping (as in alkenes)
- c) sp3 – s overlapping (as in alkanes)
- d) None of these
Answer: sp - s overlapping (as in alkynes)
Question: Triple bond of ethyne is made of
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: Maximum carbon-carbon bond distance is found in –
- a) ethane
- b) ethyne
- c) ethene
- d) benzene
Answer: ethane
Question: The acetylene molecule contains
- a) 3 sigma and 2 pi bonds
- b) 5 sigma bonds
- c) 4 sigma and 1 pi bonds
- d) 2 sigma and 3 pi bonds
Answer: 3 sigma and 2 pi bonds
Question: Butyne-2 contains
- a) both sp and sp3 hybridised carbon atoms
- b) both sp and sp2 hybridised carbon atoms
- c) sp3 hybridised carbon atoms only
- d) sp hybridised carbon atoms only
Answer: both sp and sp3 hybridised carbon atoms
Question: The correct order towards bond length is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- a) I
- b) II
- c) III
- d) all are equal electronegative
Answer: I
- a) KOH in C2H5OH
- b) Na
- c) HCl in H2O
- d) Zn in alcohol
Answer: KOH in C2H5OH
Question: Calcium carbide when treated with water gives
- a) acetylene
- b) ethylene
- c) methane
- d) ethane
Answer: acetylene
Question: Which one of the following has the minimum boiling point ?
- a) Isobutane
- b) 1-Butyne
- c) 1-Butene
- d) n- Butane
Answer: Isobutane
Question: Ammonical silver nitrate forms a white precipitate easily with
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question: When acetylene is passed through dil. H2SO4 in presence of HgSO4, the compound formed is
- a) acetaldehyde
- b) ketone
- c) ether
- d) acetic acid
Answer: acetaldehyde
Question: Which of the following will be the final product when C2H2 reacts with HCl
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: The hydrocarbon which can react with sodium in liquid ammonia is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
More Questions.........................................
Question: Which of these will not react with acetylene?
- a) NaOH
- b) Na
- c) Ammonical AgNO3
- d) HCl.
Answer: NaOH
Question: When acetylene is passed over heated iron tube, the product obtained is –
- a) C6H6
- b) C2H2
- c) C4H4
- d) None of these
Answer: C6H6
Question: But–2–yne on chlorination gives
- a) 2, 2, 3, 3 –tetrachlorobutane
- b) 1, 1, 2, 2 –tetrachlorobutane
- c) 1, 2 –dichlorobutane
- d) 1 –chlorobutane
Answer: 2, 2, 3, 3 –tetrachlorobutane
Question: When propyne reacts with aqueous H2SO4 in the presence of HgSO4, the major product is
- a) Acetone
- b) Propanol
- c) Propyl hydrogen sulphate
- d) Propanal
Answer: Acetone
Question: Propyne on polymerisation gives
- a) Mesitylene
- b) Ethyl benzene
- c) Benzene
- d) Propyl benzene
Answer: Mesitylene
Question: What happens when a mixture of acetylene and hydrogen is passed over heated Lindlar’s catalyst ?
- a) Ethylene is formed
- b) Ethane and water are formed
- c) Acetylene and ethane are formed
- d) None of these
Answer: Ethylene is formed
Question: Which of the following reaction is shown by alkynes
- a) All of these
- b) Substitution
- c) Addition
- d) Polymerization
Answer: All of these
Question: Which of the following reactions will yield 2, 2-dibromopropane ?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- a) Br2, HBr, CH3COCH3, CH3CHO
- b) HBr, Br2, CH3COCH3, CH3CHO
- c) HBr, HBr, CH3COCH3, CH3CHO
- d) None of these
Answer: Br2, HBr, CH3COCH3, CH3CHO
Question: Which of the following polymer can be used as electrodes in batteries ?
- a) Polyacetylene
- b) Polyisoprene
- c) Polypropene
- d) Polyethene
Answer: Polyacetylene
Question: Which of the following catalyst is used for the following conversion ?
- a) Red hot iron tube
- b) Iron-molybdenum
- c) Platinized Asbestos
- d) Platinized Nickel
Answer: Red hot iron tube
Question: Which one of the following is a non-benzenoid aromatic compound?
- a) Tropolone
- b) Benzoic acid
- c) Aniline
- d) Naphthalene
Answer: Tropolone
Question: Benzene was discovered by
- a) Faraday
- b) Ramsay
- c) Dalton
- d) Priestley
Answer: Faraday
Question: The ring structure of benzene was proposed by
- a) Kekule
- b) Faraday
- c) Davy
- d) Wohler
Answer: Kekule
Question: Six carbon atoms f benzene are of
- a) one type
- b) three types
- c) two types
- d) six types
Answer: one type
Question: Select the true statement about benzene amongst the following
- a) There is cyclic delocalisation of pi-electrons in benzene
- b) Monosubstitution of benzene gives three isomeric products
- c) There are two types of C – C bonds in benzene molecule
- d) Because of unsaturation benzene easily undergoes addition
Answer: There is cyclic delocalisation of pi-electrons in benzene
Question: The benzene molecule contains
- a) 6 sp2 hybrid carbons
- b) 6 sp3 hybrid carbons
- c) 3 sp2 hybrid carbons
- d) 3 sp3 hybrid carbons
Answer: 6 sp2 hybrid carbons
Question: Aromatic compounds burn with sooty flame because
- a) they have a relatively high percentage of carbon
- b) they resist reaction with oxygen of air
- c) they have a relatively high percentage of hydrogen
- d) they have a ring structure of carbon atoms
Answer: they have a relatively high percentage of carbon
Question: Carbon atom in benzene molecule is inclined at an angle of
- a) 120°
- b) 180°
- c) 60°
- d) 109° 28'
Answer: 120°
Question: The chemical system that is non-aromatic is
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) Nne of these
Question: Benzene can be directly obtained from
- a) All the above
- b) Phenol
- c) Acetylene
- d) Chlorobenzene
Answer: All the above
- a) Benzene
- b) Toluene
- c) Benzaldehyde
- d) Benzoic acid
Answer: Benzene
Question: In a reaction of C6H5Y, the major product (> 60%) is m-isomer, so the group Y is
- a) –COOH
- b) –OH
- c) –NH2
- d) –Cl
Answer: –COOH
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: Chlorobenzene is o, p-directing in electrophilic substitution reaction. The directing influence is explained by
- a) +M of Cl
- b) +M of Ph
- c) +I of Cl
- d) +I of Ph
Answer: +M of Cl
Question: Catalytic hydrogenation of benzene gives
- a) cyclohexane
- b) toluene
- c) xylene
- d) benzoic acid
Answer: cyclohexane
Question: The strongest ortho - para and strongest meta - directing groups respectively are
- a) –NH2 and –NO2
- b) –CONH2 and –NH2
- c) –NO2 and –NH2
- d) None of these
Answer: –NH2 and –NO2
Question: For the formation of toluene by Friedal Craft reaction, reactants used in presence of anhydrous AlCl3 are
- a) CH4 and CaCN2
- b) C2H5 OH and Zn
- c) C2H2 and CCl4
- d) None of these
Answer: CH4 and CaCN2
Question: Benzene can be obtained in the reaction
- a) Trimerisation of ethyne
- b) Reduction of PhCHO
- c) All of these
- d) Ethene + 1, 3-butadiene
Answer: Trimerisation of ethyne
Question: Nitration of benzene by nitric acid and sulphuric acid is
- a) Electrophilic substitution
- b) Electrophilic addition
- c) Nucleophilic substitution
- d) Free radical substitution
Answer: Electrophilic substitution
- a) Friedel - Craft’s reaction
- b) Kolbe’s synthesis
- c) Wurtz reaction
- d) Grignard reaction
Answer: Friedel - Craft’s reaction
Question: Benzene reacts with CH3COCl + AlCl3 to give
- a) acetophenone
- b) toluene
- c) chlorobenzene
- d) benzyl chloride
Answer: acetophenone
Question: Benzene on reaction with ozone forms __________.
- a) triozonide
- b) hexaozonide
- c) 2 molecules of ketone and 1 molecule of aldehyde
- d) 2 molecules of aldehyde and 1 molecule of ketone
Answer: triozonide
Question: AlCl3 acts as ________ in Friedel-Crafts reaction
- a) electrophile
- b) intermediate
- c) nucleophile
- d) free radical
Answer: electrophile
Question: The electrophilic substitutions reactions of benzene takes place via
(i) generation of electrophile
(ii) generation of nucleophile
(iii) formation of carbocation intermediate
(iv) removal of proton from the carbocation intermediate
- a) (i), (iii) and (iv)
- b) (i) and (iv)
- c) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
- d) (ii) and (iv)
Answer: (i), (iii) and (iv)
Question: During the nitration of benzene. In the process of generation of nitronium ion sulphuric acid behaves as a/an ______ and nitric acid behave as a/an
- a) acid, base
- b) weak acid, strong acid
- c) base, acid
- d) strong acid, weak acid
Answer: acid, base
Question: Benzene is highly unsaturated but it does not undergo addition reaction because
- a)
- b) cyclic structures do not show addition reaction
- c) benzene is a non-reactive compound
- d) All of the above
Question: Which of the following statements are correct ?
(i) LNG is obtained by liquefaction of natural gas.
(ii) Petrol is obtained by fractional distillation of petroleum.
(iii) Coal gas is obtained by destructive distillation of coal.
(iv) CNG is found in upper strata during drilling of oil wells
- a) (ii) and (iv)
- b) (i), (ii) and (iii)
- c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
- d) (i) and (iii)
Answer: (ii) and (iv)
Question: Which of the following statements are correct ?
(i) Saturated hydrocarbons contain only carbon-carbon single bonds.
(ii) Saturated hydrocarbons contain both carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen single bond.
(iii) Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain carbon-carbon double bonds.
(iv) Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain carbon-carbon double and triple bonds both.
- a) (ii) and (iv)
- b) (i) and (iv)
- c) (i) and (iii)
- d) (i) and (ii)
Answer: (ii) and (iv)
Question: Which of the following statements are correct regarding structure of methane ?
(i) Methane has tetrahedral structure.
(ii) The bond angle between all H – C – H bonds is 109.5°.
(iii) The carbon atom is sp2 hybridized.
(iv) C – C and C – H bond lengths are 154 pm and 112 pm respectively.
- a) (i), (ii) and (iv)
- b) (i), (ii) and (iii)
- c) (i), (iii) and (iv)
- d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Answer: (i), (ii) and (iv)
Question: In the preparation of alkanes from hydrogenation of alkenes and alkynes. Finely divided catalysts are used which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding these catalysts
(i) Platinum and palladium catalyse the reaction at room temperature.
(ii) Nickel catalyse the reaction at relatively higher temperature and pressure.
(iii) Platinum and palladium catalyse the reaction at higher temperature
- a) (i) and (ii)
- b) (i) only
- c) (i) and (iii)
- d) (ii) and (iii)
Answer: (i) and (ii)
Question: Which of the following statements are correct ?
(i) The rate of reactivity of alkanes with halogens is F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2.
(ii) Rate of replacement of hydrogens of alkanes is 3° > 2º > 1°
(iii) Fluorination of alkanes is a very slow process.
(iv) Iodination of alkanes is too violent to be controlled
- a) (i) and (ii)
- b) (i) and (iv)
- c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
- d) (ii) and (iii)
Answer: (i) and (ii)
Question: Which of the following statements are correct ?
(i) Decomposition reaction of higher alkanes into smaller fragments by the application of heat is called pyrolysis.
(ii) Pyrolysis and cracking are different processes.
(iii) Dodecane on pyrolysis gives a mixture of heptane and pentene.
(iv) Pyrolysis follow free radical mechanism.
- a) (i), (iii) and (iv)
- b) (i), (ii) and (iv)
- c) (i), (iii) and (iv)
- d) None of these
Answer: (i), (iii) and (iv)
Question: Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct ?
(i) Alkanes can have infinite number of conformations by rotation around a C – C single bonds.
(ii) Rotation around C – C single bond is completely free.
(iii) Rotation is hindered by a small energy barrier of 1-20 kJ mol–1 due to torsional strain
- a) (i) and (iii)
- b) Only (iii)
- c) (i) and (ii)
- d) (ii) and (iii)
Answer: (i) and (iii)
Question: Which of the following statements are correct ?
(i) Stability of conformation is affected due to torsional strain.
(ii) Magnitude of torsional strain depends upon the angle of rotation about C – C bond.
(iii) Eclipsed form has least torsional strain.
(iv) Staggered form has maximum torsional strain
- a) (i) and (ii)
- b) (i) and (iv)
- c) (i) and (iii)
- d) (iii) and (iv)
Answer: (i) and (ii)
Question: Which of the following statements are correct ?
(i) Cis form of alkene is polar whereas trans form is non-polar
(ii) Cis form of alkene is non-polar whereas trans form is polar.
(iii) In case of solid alkenes the trans isomer has higher melting point than the cis isomer.
(iv) Cis and trans both form have same properties
- a) (i) and (iii)
- b) (i), (iii) and (iv)
- c) (ii) and (iii)
- d) (i) and (iv)
Answer: (i) and (iii)
Question: Which of the following statements are correct ?
(i) Alkynes on reduction with palladised charcoal form cis alkenes.
(ii) Alkynes on reduction with palladised charcoal form trans alkenes.
(iii) Alkynes on reduction with sodium in liquid ammonia form trans alkenes.
(iv) Propyne on reduction with palladised charcoal form a mixture of cis and trans propene.
- a) (i) and (iii)
- b) (i), (iii) and (iv)
- c) (i) and (iv)
- d) (ii) and (iv)
Answer: (i) and (iii)
Question: Which of the following statements are correct ?
(i) Polynuclear hydrocarbons contain two or more benzene rings fused together.
(ii) Polynuclear hydrocarbons have carcinogenic property.
(iii) Polynuclear hydrocarbons are formed on incomplete combustion of organic materials like tobacco, coal and petroleum.
(iv) They are also produced in human body due to various biochemical reactions.
- a) (i), (ii) and (iii)
- b) (i), (iii) and (iv)
- c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
- d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Answer: (i), (ii) and (iii)
- a) A – (r), B – (p), C – (q)
- b) A – (p), B – (q), C – (r)
- c) A – (r), B – (q), C – (p)
- d) A – (q), B – ( p), C – (r)
Answer: A – (r), B – (p), C – (q)
Question: Bond angle in alkenes is equal to
- a) 120°
- b) 180°
- c) Both
- d) None of these
Answer: 120°
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MCQs for Hydrocarbons Chemistry Full Syllabus
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