Refer to JEE Chemistry Biomolecules MCQs Set B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by JEE (Main), NCERT and KVS. Biomolecules Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Biomolecules
Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Biomolecules in Full Syllabus.
Biomolecules MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers
Question: Proteins are polypeptide of
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: Globular proteins are present in
- a) milk
- b) blood
- c) eggs
- d) all of these
Answer: milk
Question: In fibrous proteins, polypeptide chains are held together by
- a) hydrogen bonds
- b) covalent bonds
- c) electrostatic forces of attraction
- d) van der waals forces
Answer: hydrogen bonds
Question: Which of the following is not a function of proteins?
- a) As energy provider for metabolism
- b) As food in the form of meat, eggs
- c) As a biological catalysts in the form of enzymes
- d) Formation of hair, wool, skin and nails
Answer: As energy provider for metabolism
Question: Which of the following is not a fibrous protein?
- a) Insulin
- b) Keratin
- c) Myosin
- d) None of these
Answer: Insulin
Question: A polypeptide with more than hundred amino acid residues, having molecular mass higher than 10,000 u is called
- a) protein
- b) enzyme
- c) hormone
- d) nucleic acid
Answer: protein
Question: An insulin is a ______ which contains _____ amino acids.
- a) protein, 51
- b) hormone, 74
- c) protein, 74
- d) hormone, 51
Answer: protein, 51
Question: Which of the following is an example of globular proteins?
- a) Albumin
- b) Glycine
- c) Alanine
- d) None of these
Answer: Albumin
Question: Which of the following is not a characteristics of fibrous proteins?
- a) These are generally soluble in water
- b) These have elongated shape.
- c) These have fibre like structure.
- d) In the fibrous proteins polypeptide chains are held together by hydrogen and disulphide bonds
Answer: These are generally soluble in water
Question: Which of the following statements is true about a peptide bond (RCONHR)?
- a) It is capable of forming a hydrogen bond
- b) It is non planar
- c) The cis configuration is favoured over the trans configuration.
- d) Single bond rotation is permitted between nitrogen and the carbonyl group
Answer: It is capable of forming a hydrogen bond
Question: Proteins are condensation polymers of
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: Primary structure of a protein is
- a)
- b) sequence in which amino acids of one polypeptide chain are joined to other chain
- c) the folding patterns of polypeptide chains
- d) the pattern in which the polypeptide chain are arranged
Question: The protein that transport oxygen in the blood stream is
- a) haemoglobin
- b) collagen
- c) insulin
- d) albumin
Answer: haemoglobin
Question: The helical structure of protein is stabilized by
- a) hydrogen bonds
- b) peptide bonds
- c) dipeptide bonds
- d) ether bonds
Answer: hydrogen bonds
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Question: Which of the following statements is incorrect?
- a) During denaturation 1° and 2° structures are destroyed but 3° structure remains intact
- b) All the above statements are incorrect.
- c)
- d)
Answer: During denaturation 1° and 2° structures are destroyed but 3° structure remains intact
Question: Which of the following indicates the order in which amino acids are linked together in a protein ?
- a) Primary structure
- b) Tertiary structure
- c) Secondary structure
- d) Quaternary structure
Answer: Primary structure
Question: Which of the following statement is not true about secondary structure of protein ?
- a) The hydrophilic/ hydrophobic character of amino acid residues is important to secondary structure
- b) The steric influence of amino acid residues is important to secondary structure
- c) The ability of peptide bonds to form intramolecular hydrogen bonds is important to secondary structure
- d) The alpha helix, beta pleated sheet and beta turns are examples of secondary structure of protein
Answer: The hydrophilic/ hydrophobic character of amino acid residues is important to secondary structure
Question: Which of the following terms indicates to the arrangement of different protein subunits in a multiprotein complex ?
- a) quaternary structure
- b) secondary structure
- c) primary structure
- d) tertiary structure
Answer: quaternary structure
Question: Secondary structure of protein is mainly governed by
- a) hydrogen bonds
- b) covalent bonds
- c) disulphide bonds
- d) ionic bonds
Answer: hydrogen bonds
Question: The secondary structure of a protein refers to
- a)
- b) fixed configuration of the polypeptide backbone
- c) hydrophobic interactions
- d) None of these
Question: Tertiary structure of protein arises due to
- a) folding, coiling and bonding of polypeptide chain
- b) linear sequence of amino acid in polypeptide chain
- c) denatured proteins
- d) folding of polypeptide chain
Answer: folding, coiling and bonding of polypeptide chain
Question: Denaturation of proteins leads to loss of its biological activity by
- a) Loss of both secondary and tertiary structures
- b) Loss of both primary and secondary structures
- c) Loss of primary structure
- d) Formation of amino acids
Answer: Loss of both secondary and tertiary structures
Question: Coagulation of protein is known as
- a) denaturing
- b) decay
- c) deamination
- d) dehydration
Answer: denaturing
Question: Which of the following terms refers to the overall three dimensional shape of a protein
- a) Tertiary structure
- b) Primary structure
- c) Secondary structure
- d) Quaternary structure
Answer: Tertiary structure
Question: Which of the following indicates to ‘regions of ordered structure within a protein
- a) Secondary structure
- b) Quaternary structure
- c) Primary structure
- d) Tertiary structure
Answer: Secondary structure
Question: The strongest form of intermolecular bonding that could be formed involving the residue of the amino acid serine is.
- a) hydrogen bond
- b) ionic bond
- c) van der Waals interactions
- d) None of the above
Answer: hydrogen bond
Question: Which of the following protein destroy the antigen when it enters in body cell?
- a) Antibodies
- b) Chromoprotein
- c) Insulin
- d) Phosphoprotein
Answer: Antibodies
Question: Which of the following is incorrect regarding enzymes?
- a) They are very specific for a particular reaction but not for a particular substrate
- b) They are generally named after the compound or class of compounds upon which they work
- c) All the above statements are incorrect
- d) Most of them are globular proteins
Answer: They are very specific for a particular reaction but not for a particular substrate
Question: Enzymes take part in a reaction and
- a) increase the rate of a chemical reaction
- b) decrease the rate of a chemical reaction
- c) both
- d) None of these
Answer: increase the rate of a chemical reaction
Question: Enzymes are made up of
- a) Proteins with specific structure
- b) Edible proteins
- c) Nitrogen containing carbohydrates
- d) Carbohydrates
Answer: Proteins with specific structure
Question: The enzyme which hydrolyses triglycerides to fatty acids and glycerol is called
- a) Lipase
- b) Pepsin
- c) Maltase
- d) Zymase
Answer: Lipase
Question: Which one of the following, statements is incorrect about enzyme catalysis?
- a) Enzymes are least reactive at optimum temperature.
- b) Enzymes are denaturated by ultraviolet rays and at high temperature
- c) Enzyme action is specific
- d) Enzymes are mostly proteinous in nature
Answer: Enzymes are least reactive at optimum temperature.
Question: Insulin production and its action in human body are responsible for the level of diabetes. This compound belongs to which of the following categories?
- a) A hormone
- b) An antibiotic
- c) An enzyme
- d) A co-enzyme
Answer: A hormone
Question: Enzymes are essential as biocatalysts. They function in
- a) aqueous medium, temp = 30–35ºC; pH=7
- b) organic medium
- c) aqueous medium under extreme pH conditions
- d) None of these
Answer: aqueous medium, temp = 30–35ºC; pH=7
Question: Which of the following statements is incorrect?
- a) Enzymes always require a coenzyme in their catalytic action.
- b) Enzymes action is specific
- c) Enzymes have a very large turnover number
- d) Enzymes are organic catalysts
Answer: Enzymes always require a coenzyme in their catalytic action.
Question: Among the following vitamins the one whose deficiency causes rickets (bone deficiency) is :
- a) Vitamin D
- b) Vitamin A
- c) Vitamin B
- d) Vitamin C
Answer: Vitamin D
Question: Deficiency of vitamin B1 causes the disease
- a) Beri-Beri
- b) Sterility
- c) Convulsions
- d) Cheilosis
Answer: Beri-Beri
Question: The vitamin that is not soluble in water is
- a) Vitamin D
- b) Vitamin B1
- c) Vitamin B2
- d) Vitamin B6
Answer: Vitamin D
Question: Anaemia is caused by the deficiency of vitamin
- a) B12
- b) B1
- c) B6
- d) B2
Answer: B12
Question: Vegetable oils like wheat gram oil, sunflower oil etc. are the good source of
- a) vitamin E
- b) vitamin A
- c) vitamin K
- d) vitamin D
Answer: vitamin E
Assertion : D(+)– Glucose is dextrorotatory in nature.
Reason : ‘D’ represents its dextrorotatory nature
- a) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
- b) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct
- c) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
- d) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion
Answer: Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
Assertion : Sucrose is called an invert sugar.
Reason : On hydrolysis, sucrose bring the change in the sign of rotation from dextro (+) to laevo(–).
- a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion
- b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
- c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
- d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct
Answer: Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion
- a) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct
- b) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
- c) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
- d) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion
Answer: Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct
Assertion : At isoelectric point, the amino group does not migrate under the influence of electric field.
Reason : At isoelectric point, amino acid exists as a zwitterion.
- a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion
- b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
- c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
- d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct
Answer: Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion
Assertion : Vitamin D cannot be stored in our body
Reason : Vitamin D is fat soluble vitamin and is excreted from the body in urine.
- a) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct
- b) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
- c) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
- d) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion
Answer: Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct
Question: Which one of the following is the reagent used to identify glucose?
- a) Ammoniacal silver nitrate
- b) Sodium ethoxide
- c) Chloroform and alcoholic KOH
- d) Neutral ferric chloride
Answer: Ammoniacal silver nitrate
Question: Glucose molecule reacts with 'X' number of molecules of phenylhydrazine to yield osazone. The value of 'X' is
- a) three
- b) one
- c) four
- d) two
Answer: three
Question: In the acetylation of glucose, which group is involved in the reaction
- a) alcoholic OH group
- b) CHO group
- c) >C = O group
- d) all of these
Answer: alcoholic OH group
Question: Select the false statement about the cyclic glucose.
- a)
- b) Glucose form six-membered ring in which –OH is at C–5 position
- c) If the OH group is added to CHO group it will form cyclic hemiacetal structure
- d) None of these
- a) specific rotation in beaker I will decrease while in II will increase upto a constant value
- b) the specific rotation of equilibrium mixture in two beakers will be different
- c) the equilibrium mixture in both beakers will be leavorotatory
- d) the equilibrium mixture in both beakers will contain only cyclic form of glucose
Answer: specific rotation in beaker I will decrease while in II will increase upto a constant value
Question: In disaccharides, if the reducing groups of monosaccharides i.e., aldehydic or ketonic groups are bonded, these are nonreducing sugars. Which of the following disaccharide is a non-reducing sugar?
- a)
- b)
- c) Both
- d) None of these
Question: Which of the following pairs represents anomers?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: Optical rotation of some compound along with their structures are given below which of them have D configuration.
- a) I, II, III
- b) I, II
- c) II, III
- d) III
Answer: I, II, III
Question: Structure of a disaccharide formed by glucose and fructose is given below. Identify anomeric carbon atoms in monosaccharide units.
- a) ‘a’ carbon of glucose and ‘b’ carbon of fructose.
- b) ‘f’ carbon of glucose and ‘f’ carbon of fructose
- c) ‘a’ carbon of glucose and ‘e’ carbon of fructose
- d) ‘a’ carbon of glucose and ‘a’ carbon of fructose.
Answer: ‘a’ carbon of glucose and ‘b’ carbon of fructose.
Question: Cyclic structure of fructose resembles with
- a) furan
- b) oxiran
- c) pyridine
- d) pyran
Answer: furan
- a) D-glucose + D-fructose
- b) D-glucose + L-fructose
- c) L-glucose + L-fructose
- d) L-glucose + D-fructose
Answer: D-glucose + D-fructose
Question: Which one of the following statements is not true regarding (+) Lactose ?
- a) (+) Lactose is a reducing sugar and does not exhibit mutarotation
- b) (+) Lactose, C12H22O11 contains 8-OH groups.
- c) On hydrolysis (+) Lactose gives equal amount of D(+) glucose and D(+) galactose
- d) None of these
Answer: (+) Lactose is a reducing sugar and does not exhibit mutarotation
Question: Which one of the following sets of monosaccharides forms sucrose?
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d) None of these
Question: Which of the following statements is correct?
- a) Rhamnose having formula C6H12O5 is a carbohydrate. Though this is not according to general formula of carbohydrates.
- b) Chemically the carbohydrates may be defined as optically inactive polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones
- c) Only the compounds following general formula Cx(H2O)y are carbohydrates
- d) None of these
Answer: Rhamnose having formula C6H12O5 is a carbohydrate. Though this is not according to general formula of carbohydrates.
Question: The strongest form of intermolecular bonding that could be formed involving the residue of the amino acid valine is
- a) van der Waals interactions
- b) none of the above
- c) ionic bond
- d) hydrogen bond
Answer: van der Waals interactions
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MCQs for Biomolecules Chemistry Full Syllabus
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