JEE Chemistry Carbon And Its Compounds MCQs C

Refer to JEE Chemistry Carbon And Its Compounds MCQs C provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by JEE (Main), NCERT and KVS. Carbon And Its Compounds Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Carbon And Its Compounds

Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Carbon And Its Compounds in Full Syllabus.

Carbon And Its Compounds MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers


1. Which of the following is an example of fossil fuel?
(A) coal gas
(B) coke
(C) natural gas
(D) producer gas
2. Most of the fuels are:
(A) carbon compounds with sulphur
(B) nitrogen compounds with carbon
(C) carbon compounds with hydrogen
(D) none of these
3. Destructive distillation of coal leads to the formation of
(A) wood
(B) kerosene
(C) ammoniacal liquor
(D) charcoal
4. When stream is passed over hot coke, it produces
(A) producer gas
(B) synthesis gas
(C) tear gas
(D) coal gas
5. Producer gas is a mixture of
(A) carbon monoxide and nitrogen gas
(B) carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas
(C) carbon monoxide and water vapour
(D) carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide
6. Which of the following is not obtained on fractional distillation of petroleum?
(A) Paraffin wax
(B) Asphalt
(C) Coal gas
(D) Petroleum gas
7. The property of an atom to form a bond with itself is known as:
(A) isomerism
(B) catenation
(C) allotropy
(D) none of these
8. In the hydrocarbon HC ≡ C – H, the covalency of carbon is:
(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four
9. Which of the following are isomers?
(A) ethane and propane
(B) ethane and ethene
(C) ethene and ethyne
(D) butane and isobutane
10. A hydrocarbon is:
(A) a compound containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
(B) is sodium hydrogen carbonate
(C) a compound containing carbon and hydrogen only
(D) a derivative of benzene
11. The formula of ethyne is:
(A) C2H2
(B) C6H6
(C) C2H4
(D) C2H6
12. The formula of tetrachloro methane is:
(A) CClH3
(B) CCl2
(C) CHCl3
(D) CCl4
13. An unsaturated hydrocarbon
(A) contains six carbon atoms
(B) contains fewer hydrogen atoms that is needed for carbon to have its usual valency of four
(C) contains excess hydrogen
(D) contains a chain of carbon atom
14. Water gas consists of:
(A) water vapour and coal dust
(B) a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen
(C) a mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen
(D) water vapour and methane
15. The reaction of one mol of bromine with ethyne yields:
(A) BrCH2 – CH2Br
(B) BrCH = CHBr
(C) Br2CH – CHBr2
(D) CH3 – CH2Br
16. Which of the following gas is knwon as illuminating gas?
(A) Ethane
(B) Ethene
(C) Ethyne
(D) Propane
17. The gas used in the welding and cutting of metals is:
(A) ethane
(B) ethene
(C) ethyne
(D) propane
18. Which of the following does not give a positive test with alkaline solution of potassium permanganate?
(A) C10H22
(B) C6H12
(C) C10H18
(D) C10H20
19. The process by which smaller molecules combine to give a molecule with a higher molecular weight to known as:
(A) condensation
(B) polymerisation
(C) catenation
(D) isomerisation
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MCQs for Carbon And Its Compounds Chemistry Full Syllabus

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Chemistry to develop the Chemistry Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Chemistry will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Chemistry. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Chemistry MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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How can I prepare for Carbon And Its Compounds Full Syllabus MCQs?

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