JEE Chemistry Carbon And Its Compounds MCQs B

Refer to JEE Chemistry Carbon And Its Compounds MCQs B provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by JEE (Main), NCERT and KVS. Carbon And Its Compounds Full Syllabus MCQ are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Chemistry and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for JEE (Main) Full Syllabus Chemistry and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Chemistry Carbon And Its Compounds

Full Syllabus Chemistry students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Carbon And Its Compounds in Full Syllabus.

Carbon And Its Compounds MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Chemistry with Answers


1. The main constituents of coal gas are
(A) CH4 + CO + H2
(B) CO2 + CO + H2
(C) CO + CO2
(D) CO + N2
2. The calorific value of carbon is about ............kcal:
(A) 7.8
(B) 15.6
(C) 47
(D) 94
3. Good conductor of heat and current is
(A) Anthracite
(B) Diamond
(C) Charcoal
(D) Graphite
4. Graphite is used in nuclear reactors
(A) As a lubricant
(B) As a fuel
(C) As moderator
(D) None of these
5. Carbon tetrachloride has zero dipole moment because of
(A) Planar structure
(B) Smaller size of C and Cl atoms
(C) Regular tetrahedral structure
(D) None of these
6. The nature of chemical bonding in diamond is
(A) Metallic
(B) Co-ordinate
(C) Covalent
(D) Ionic
7. Carbon reacts with strong electropositive metal oxides to form
(A) Carbide
(B) Carbonate
(C) Hydroxide
(D) Oxide
8. What happens when steam is passed over red hot carbon
(A) C + 2H2O → CO2 + 2H2
(B) C + H2O → CO + H2
(C) Water vapour dissociates into H2 and O2
(D) None of these
9. Highest electronegativity among the following is for
(A) C
(B) Si
(C) Sn
(D) Pb
10. The inert form of carbon is
(A) Diamond
(B) Graphite
(C) Coal
(D) Charcoal
11. The most reactive form of carbon is
(A) Diamond
(B) Graphite
(C) Coal
(D) Charcoal
12. Coke is obtained from coal by
(A) Cracking
(B) Fractional distillation
(C) Destructive distillation
(D) None of these
13. The ability of a substance to assume two or more crystalline structures is called
(A) Isomerism
(B) Amorphism
(C) Polymorphism
(D) Isomorphism
14. Hot and con. HNO3 react with carbon to form
(A) CO2
(B) CO
(D) NO2 + CO2
15. The metal which does not form a polynuclear carbonyl is
(A) Sodium
(B) Manganese
(C) Iron
(D) Cobalt
16. Animal charcoal is used for decolourisation of sugar because
(A) It oxidises coloured material
(B) It reduces coloured material
(C) It converts coloured material into colourless
(D) It absorbs coloured material
17. Wood charcoal is used in gas masks because it
(A) Is poisonous
(B) Liquifies gas
(C) Is porous
(D) Adsorbs gases
18. Which gas is essential constituent of almost all fuel gases:
(A) CO2
(B) N2
(C) CO
(D) H2O
19. Which form of carbon has a two-dimensional sheet-like structure
(A) Coal
(B) Coke
(C) Diamond
(D) Graphite
20. The chemical formula of phosgene or carbonyl chloride is
(A) PH3
(B) COCl2
(C) POCl3
(D) PCl3
21. The coal form containing maximum percentage of carbon is
(A) Lignite
(B) Anthracite
(C) Bituminous
(D) Peat
22. Which is a true acid anhydride
(A) Al2O3
(B) CO
(C) CaO
(D) CO2
23. A kettle which becomes furred-up in use has inside it, a deposit of
(A) Calcium carbonate
(B) Magnesium bicarbonate
(C) Magnesium sulphate
(D) Sodium sulphate
24. Which is the least pure form of carbon
(A) Graphite
(B) Lamp black
(C) Wood charcoal
(D) Animal charcoal
25. By chlorination of carbon disulphide with chlorine in presence of aluminium chloride, we get-
(A) Carbon tetrachloride
(B) Chloroform
(C) Chloral
(D) Methylene chloride
26. ‘Lead pencil’ contains
(A) Pb
(B) FeS
(C) Graphite
(D) PbS
27. The refractive index of diamond is highest among solids. Its value is
(A) 2.225
(B) 3.235
(C) 2.15
(D) 2.417
28. Which of the following is an example of fossil fuel
(A) Coal gas
(B) Coke
(C) Natural gas
(D) Producer gas
29. Which of the following is used as an antiknocking material in gasoline-
(B) C2H5OH
(C) Glyoxal
(D) Freon
30. Carbon forms a large number of compounds because it has
(A) fixed valency
(B) non-metallic nature
(C) high ionization potential
(D) property of catenation
31. The gas used in the welding and cutting of metals is
(A) ethane
(B) ethene
(C) ethyne
(D) propene
32. Which of the following does not give a positive test with alkaline solution of potassium permanganate
(A) C10H22
(B) C6H12
(C) C10H18
(D) C10H20
33. The main constituent of LPG is
(A) methane
(B) ethane
(C) propane
(D) butane
34. The chemical added to LPG to help detect it’s leakage is
(A) isobutene
(B) ethylamine
(C) methyl mercaptan
(D) ethyl mercaptan
35. Carborundum is
(A) Al2O3
(B) SiC
(C) BF3
(D) B4C
36. The first organic substance ever prepared in the laboratory from inorganic compound is
(A) Urea
(B) Ethyl alcohol
(C) Methane
(D) Ethane
37. Which of the following halide of carbon is used as refrigerant
(A) CCl4
(B) CF4
(C) CH2Cl2
(D) CH2F2
38. Crystalline form of carbon having 60 carbon atoms joined together
(A) polymer
(B) Buckminster Fullerene
(C) coal
(D) diamond
39. Benzene reacts with Cl2 to form BHC in the presence of
(A) Ni
(B) AlCl3
(C) Sunlight
(D) Zn
40. Breaking of higher hydrocarbon into lower one by heat is called
(A) Neutralisation
(B) Polymerisation
(C) Cracking
(D) Acetylation
 JEE Chemistry Carbon And Its Compounds MCQs B
42. Acetic acid can be used for the preparation of
(A) Ethane
(B) Methane
(C) Acetone
(D) All of these
43. Benzoic acid on treatment with hydrazoic acid in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid gives
(A) Benzamide
(B) Sodium benzoate
(C) Aniline
(D) C6H5CON3
44. Hunsdiecker reaction is given by
(A) Aldehydes
(B) Ketones
(C) Carboxylic acids
(D) All of these
45. Rochelle salt is disodio salt of
(A) Tartaric acid
(B) Citric acid
(C) Oxalic acid
(D) Salicylic acid
46. Which one of the following acids undergoes decarboxylation on strong heating
(A) Benzoic acid
(B) Acetic acid
(C) Formic acid
(D) All of these
47. Which one of the following acids give grey precipitate with SnCl4
(A) Oxalic acid
(B) Succinic acid
(C) Formic acid
(D) Malic acid
48. Fehling solution is not reduced by
(C) Tartaric acid
(D) Oxalic acid
49. Colour of bromine is discharged by
(A) Phenol
(B) Formic acid
(C) Ethylene
(D) All of these
50. Acid chloride can be reduced into
(A) Aldehyde
(B) Primary alcohol
(C) Ketone
(D) Any one of these
51. Acetylation reaction with acetyl chloride is carried out in the presence of which solvent
(C) Pyridine
(D) Any one of these
52. Acetic anhydride is mainly prepared in large scale by
(A) Acetylene
(B) Methane
(C) Ketone
(D) Acetic aci
53. Acetic anhydride is used in laboratory as
(A) Solvent
(B) Dehydrating agent
(C) Acetylating agent
(D) Both (B) and (C)
54. Hofmann rearrangement is given by
(A) Amide
(B) Acid chloride
(C) Acid anhydride
(D) All of these
55. Which one of the following compounds gives carboxylic acid with HNO2
 JEE Chemistry Carbon And Its Compounds MCQs B
56. Which one of the following compounds on oxidation gives oxalic acid
(A) Glucose
(B) Sucrose
(C) Arabinose
(D) Galactose
57. Which one of the following dibasic acids on strong heating gives CO2, CO and HOH
(A) Formic acid
(B) Oxalic acid
(C) Malonic acid
(D) Succinic acid
58. Which one of the following will not form acid chloride
(A) Oxalic acid
(B) Formic acid
(C) Glutaric acid
(D) Adipic acid
59. Which of the following gives silver mirror test
(C) Citric acid
(D) Formic and tartaric acid
60. Salicylic acid on gentle heating (at 110°C) gives
(A) Phenol
(B) Benzoic acid
(C) Phenyl salicylate
(D) Benzene
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MCQs for Carbon And Its Compounds Chemistry Full Syllabus

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Full Syllabus Chemistry to develop the Chemistry Full Syllabus MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Full Syllabus test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Chemistry will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Full Syllabus Chemistry. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Chemistry so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Chemistry MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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