CBSE Class 12 Biology Principles of Inheritance and Variation MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 12 Biology Principles of Inheritance and Variation MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation Class 12 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 12 Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 12 Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 12 Biology Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Class 12 Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation in Class 12.

Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation MCQ Questions Class 12 Biology with Answers

Question: The crossing of F1 to homozygous recessive parent is called

a) back cross
b) test cross
c) F1 cross    
d) all of these

Answer : B

Question: The test cross is used to determine the

a) genotype of the plant
b) phenotype of the plant
c) both a) and b)
d) None of the above

Answer : A

Question: ABO blood group system is due to

a) multifactor inheritance
b) incomplete dominance
c) multiple allelism
d) epistasis

Answer : C

Question: In humans, the dominance relationship between the A and B alleles of the ABO blood group gene is an example of

a) complete dominance
b) incomplete dominance
c) codominance
d) epistasis

Answer : C


Question: The distance between the genes is measured by

a) angstrom   
b) map unit
c) Dobson unit
d) millimetre

Answer : B

Question: Linkage reduces the frequency of

a) hybrids.
b) all parental types.
c) homozygous recessive parents.
d) heterozygous recessive parents.

Answer : A

Question: Distance between the genes and percentage of recombination shows

a) a direct relationship
b) an inverse relationship
c) a parallel relationship
d) no relationship

Answer : A

Question: HbA and HbS alleles of normal and sickle celled RBC are

a) dominant-recessive alleles.
b) polygenic alleles.
c) codominant alleles.
d) multiple alleles.

Answer : C

Question: Sex is determined in human beings

a) by ovum.
b) at time of fertilization.
c) 40 days after fertilization.
d) seventh to eight week when genitals differentiate in foetus.

Answer : B

Question: The ‘X’ body of Henking was observed in

a) all sperms during spermatogenesis.
b) all eggs during oogenesis.
c) half of the sperms during spermatogenesis.
d) half of the eggs during oogenesis.

Answer : C 


Question: All genes located on the same chromosome

a) Form one linkage group

b) Will not from any linkage groups

c) Form interactive groups that affect the phenotype

Answer :  A


Question: Conditions of a karyotype 2n ± 1 and 2n ± 2 are called

a) Aneuploidy

b) Polyploidy

c) Allopolyploidy

d) Monosomy

Answer :  A


Question: Distance between the genes and percentage of recombination shows

a) an inverse relationship

b) a parallel relationship

c) no relationship

d) a direct relationship

Answer :  A


Question: If a genetic disease is transferred from a phenotypically normal but carrier female to only some of the male progeny, the disease is

a) Sex-linked recessive

b) Autosomal dominant

c) Sex-linked dominant

d) Autosomal recessive

Answer :  A


Question: In sickle cell anaemia glutamic acid is replaced by valine. Which one of the following triplets codes for valine?

a) G U G

b) G A A

c) A A G

d) G G G

Answer :  A


Question: Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia are caused due to a problem in globin molecule synthesis. Select the correct statement

a) Thalassemia is due to less synthesis of globin molecules

b) Both are due to a quantitative defect in globin chain synthesis

c) Both are due to a qualitative defect in globin chain synthesis

d) All of these

Answer :  A


Question: Among the following characters, which one was not considered by Mendel in his experiments on pea?

a) Among the following characters

b) Seed – Green or Yellow

c) Pod – Inflated or Constricted

d) Pod – Inflated or Constricted

Answer :  A


Question: Which one from those given below is the period

a) 1856 - 1863

b) 1840 - 1850

c) 1857 - 1869

d) 1870 - 1877

Answer :  A


Question: A disease caused by an autosomal primary non-disjunction is

a) Down's syndrome

b) Klinefelter's syndrome

c) Turner's syndrome

d) Turner's syndrome

Answer :  A


Question: If a colour-blind man marries a woman who is homozygous for normal colour vision, the probability of their son being colour-blind is

a) 0

b) 0.5

c) 1

d) 2

Answer :  A


Question: Person having genotype IA IB would show the blood group as AB. This is because of

a) Co-dominance

b) Pleiotropy

c) Segregation

d) Incomplete dominance

Answer :  A


Question: Z Z / ZW type of sex determination is seen in:

a) Peacock

b) Cockroach

c) Platypus

d) Snails

Answer :  A


Question: A Across between two tall plants resulted in offspring having few dwarf plants. What would be the genotypes of both the parents?

a) Tt and Tt

b) TT and Tt

c) TT and TT

d) Tt and tt

Answer :  A


Question: In a dihybrid cross, if you get 9:3:3:1 ratio it denotes that

a) The allels of two genes are segregating independently.

b) It is a case of multiple allelism

c) It is a multigenic inheritance

d) The allels of two genes are interacting with each other

Answer :  A


Question: Which of the following will not result in variations among siblings?

a) Linkage

b) Mutation

c) Independent assortment of genes

d) Crossing over

Answer :  A


Question: In a testcross involving F1 dihybrid flies, more parental-type offspring were produced than the recombinant-type offspring. This indicates

a) The two genes are linked and present on the same chromosome.

b) Both of the characters are controlled by more than one gene

c) Both of the characters are controlled by more than one gene

d) None of these

Answer :  A.


Question: How many pairs of contrasting characters in pea plants were studied by Mendel in his experiments?

a) 7

b) 5

c) 6

d) 4

Answer :  A


Question: If a hybrid expresses a character, is it called

a) Dominant

b) Co-dominant

c) Recessive

d) Epistaxis

Answer :  A


Question: A plant having the genotype AABbCC will produce ______ kinds of gametes

a) 4

b) 3

c) 2

d) 1

Answer :  A


Question: A man with blood group 'A' marries a woman with blood group 'B'. What are all the possible blood groups of their offsprings?

a) A, B, AB and O

b) A, B and AB only

c) A and B only

d) None of these

Answer :  A


Question: Two linked genes a and b show 20% recombination.

The individuals of a dihybrid cross between ++ /++ × ab/ab shall show gametes

a) + +80 : ab 20

b) + + 50 : ab 50

c) + + 40 : ab 40 : + a 10 : + b : 10

d) + + 30 : ab 30 : + a 20 : + b : 20

Answer :   C


Question: A normal green male maize is crossed with albino female. The progeny is albino because

a) trait for albinism is dominant

b) the albinos have biochemical to destroy plastids derived from green male

c) plastids are inherited from female parent

d) green plastids of male must have mutated

Answer : C


Question: Multiple alleles control inheritance of

a) phenylketonuria

b) colourblindness

c) sickle cell anaemia

d) blood groups

Answer : D


Question: Blue eye colour is recessive to brown eye colour. A brown eyed man whose mother was blue eyed marries a blue eyed women. The children shall be 

a) both blue eyed and brown eyed 1 : 1

b) all brown eyed

c) all blue eyed

d) blue eyed and brown eyed 3 :1

Answer : A


Question: A dihybrid condition is 
a) ttRr
b) Tt rr
c) tt rr
d) Tt Rr

Answer : D


Question: Mendel’s last law is 
a) segregation
b) dominance
c) independent assortment
d) polygenic inheritance

Answer : C


Question: First geneticist/father of genetics was 
a) de Vries
b) Mendel
c) Darwin
d) Morgan

Answer : B


Question: The contrasting pairs of factors in Mendelian crosses are called 
a) multiple alleles
b) allelomorphs
c) alloloci
d) paramorphs

Answer : B


Question: The allele which is unable to express its effect in the presence of another is called 
a) codominant
b) supplementary
c) complementary
d) recessive

Answer : D


Question: RR (red) Antirrhinum is crossed with WW (white) one. Offspring RW are pink. This is an example of 

a) dominant-recessive

b) incomplete dominance

c) hybrid

d) supplementary genes

Answer : B


Question: A gene pair hides the effect of another. The phenomenon is 
a) epistasis
b) dominance
c) mutation
d) None of these

Answer : A


Question: An allele is dominant if it is expressed in 

a) both homozygous and heterozygous states

b) second generation

c) heterozygous combination

d) homozygous combination

Answer : A


Question: In a cross between AABB × aabb, the ratio of F2 genotypes between AABB, AaBB, Aabb and aabb would be 
a) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
b) 2 : 1 : 1 : 2
c) 1 : 2 : 2 : 1
d) 7 : 5 : 3 : 1

Answer : C


Question: Segregation of Mendelian factors (no linkage, no crossing over) occurs during 
a) anaphase-I
b) anaphase-II
c) diplotene
d) metaphase-I

Answer : A


Question: An organism with two identical alleles is 
a) dominant
b) hybrid
c) heterozygous
d) homozygous

Answer : D


Question: When a certain character is inherited only through female parent, it probably represents

a) multiple plastid inheritance 

b) cytoplasmic inheritance

c) incomplete dominance

d) Mendelian nuclear inheritance

Answer : B


Question: A polygenic inheritance in human beings is

a) skin colour 

b) phenylketonuria

c) colourblindness

d) sickle cell anaemia

Answer : A


Question: Mendel studied interitance of seven pairs of traits in pea which can have 21 possible combinations. If you are told that in one of these combinations, independent assortment is not observed in later studies, your reaction will be 

a) independent assortment principle may be wrong

b) Mendel might not have studied all the combinations

c) it is impossible

d) later studies may be wrong

Answer : B


Question: Two dominant non-allelic genes are 50 map units apart. The linkage is 
a) cis type
b) trans type
c) complete
d) absent/incomplete

Answer : D


Question: Which of the following is suitable for experiment on linkage? 
a) aaBB × aaBB
b) AABB × aabb
c) AaBb × AaBb
d) AAbb × AaBB

Answer : B


Question: Haploid plants are preferred over diploids for mutation study because in haploids 

a) recessive mutation express immediately

b) induction of mutations is easier

c) culturing is easier

d) dominant mutation express immediately

Answer : A


Question: The process of mating between closely related individuals is 
a) self breeding
b) inbreeding
c) hybridization
d) heterosis

Answer : B


Question: A fruit fly exhibiting both male and female traits is 
a) heterozygous
b) gynandromorph
c) hemizygous
d) gynander

Answer : B


Question: A woman with albinic father marries an albinic man. The proportion of her progeny is 

a) 2 normal : 1 albinic

b) all normal

c) all albinic 

d) 1 normal : 1 albinic

Answer : D


Question: A cross between pure tall pea plant with green pods and dwarf pea plant with yellow pods will produce dwarf F2 plants out of 16
a) 9
b) 3
c) 4
d) 1

Answer : C


Question: In a dihybrid cross AABB x aabb, F2 progeny of AABB, AABb, AaBB and AaBb occurs in the ratio of
 a) 1 : 1 : 1 : 1
b) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
c) 1 : 2 : 2 : 1
d) 1 : 2 : 2 : 4

Answer : D


Question: When two genetic loci produce identical phenotypes in cis and trans position, they are considered to be

a) pseudoalleles

b) different genes

c) multiple alleles

d) parts of same gene

Answer : A


Question: Alleles that produce independent effects in their heterozygous condition are called

a) codominant alleles

b) epistatic alleles

c) complementary alleles

d) supplementary alleles

Answer : A


Question: A fruit fly heterozygous for sex-linked genes, is mated with normal female fruit fly. Male specific chromosome will enter egg cell in the proportion
a) 1 : 1
b) 2 : 1
c) 3 : 1
d) 7 : 1

Answer : A


Question: When a single gene influences more than one traits it is called

a) pleiotropy

b) epistasis

c) pseudodominance

d) None of these

Answer : A


Question: If Mendel had studied the seven traits using a plant with 12 chromosomes instead of 14, in what way would his interpretation have been different? 

a) He would have mapped the chromosome

b) He would have discovered blending or incomplete dominance

c) He would not have discovered the law of independent assortment

d) He would have discovered sex-linkage

Answer : C

Question: How many types of genetically different gametes will be produced by a heterozygous plant having genotype AABbCc ? 
a) Two
b) Four
c) Six
d) Nine

Answer : B

Question: Crossing over in diploid organism is responsible for 
a) dominance of genes
b) linkage between genes
c) segregation of alleles
d) recombination of linked alleles

Answer : D

Question: Albinism is known to be due to an autosomal recessive mutation. The first child of a couple with normal skin pigmentation was an albino. What is the probability that their second child will also be an albino ? 
a) 100%
b) 25%
c) 50%
d) 75%

Answer : B

Question: Hybridization between Tt × tt gives rise to the progeny of ratio 
a) 1 : 1
b) 1 : 2 : 1
c) 1 : 2
d) 4 : 1

Answer : A

Question: Which one of the following characters studied by Mendel in garden pea was found to be dominant ? 
a) Green seed colour
b) Terminal flower position
c) Green pod colour
d) Wrinkled seed

Answer : C

Question: In a given plant, red colour (R) of fruit is dominant over white fruit (r); and tallness (T) is dominant over dwarfness (t). If a plant with genotype RRTt is crossed with a plant of genotype rrtt, what will be the percentage of tall plants with red fruits in the next generation?
a) 100%
b) 25%
c) 50%
d) 75%

Answer : C

Question: During organ differentiation in Drosophila, an organ is modified to another organ (such as wings may be replaced by legs) Genes responsible for such metamorphosis are called 
a) double dominant genes
b) plastid genes
c) complementary genes
d) homeotic genes

Answer : D

Question: Ratio of complementary genes is 
a) 9 : 3 : 4
b) 12 : 3 : 1
c) 9 : 3 : 3 : 4
d) 9 : 7

Answer : D

Question: A and B genes are linked. What shall be the genotype of progeny in a cross between AB/ab and ab/ab? 
a) AAbb and aabb
b) AaBb and aabb
c) AABB and aabb
d) None of these

Answer : B

Question: Two non-allelic genes produce the new phenotype when present together but fail to do so independently, it is called 
a) epistasis
b) polygene
c) non-complementary gene
d) complementary gene

Answer : D

Question: Extranuclear inheritance occurs in 
a) Killer Paramecium
b) Killer Amoeba
c) Euglena
d) Hydra

Answer : A

Question: Extra nuclear chromosomes occur in 
a) peroxisome, ribosome
b) chloroplast and mitochondria
c) mitochondria and ribosome
d) chloroplast and lysosome

Answer : B

Question: A plant of F1-generation has genotype “AABbCC”. On selfing of this plant, the phenotypic ratio in F2-generation will be
a) 3 : 1
b) 1 : 1 
c) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
d) 27 : 9 : 9 : 9 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 1

Answer : A

Question: Which one of the following traits of garden pea studied by Mendel was a recessive feature?
a) Green pod colour
b) Round seed shape
c) Axial flower position
d) Green seed colour

Answer : D 


Question: Which one of the following traits of garden pea studied by Mendel was a recessive feature?
a) Green pod colour
b) Round seed shape
c) Axial flower position
d) Green seed colour

Answer : D

Question: The genes controlling the seven pea characters studied by Mendel are now known to be located on how many different chromosomes?
a) Five b) Four
c) Seven d) Six

Answer : B


Question: Genes for cytoplasmic male sterility in plants are generally located in 
a) nuclear genome
b) cytosol
c) chloroplast genome
d) mitochondrial genome

Answer : D


Question: Two crosses between the same pair of genotypes or phenotypes in which the sources of the gametes are reversed in one cross, is known as 
a) dihybrid cross
b) reverse cross
c) test cross
d) reciprocal cross

Answer : D


Question: One of the parents of a cross has mutation in its mitochondria. In that cross, that parent is taken as a male. During segregation of F2 progenies that mutation is found in 
a) one-third of the progenies
b) none of the progenies
c) all of the progenies
d) fifty per cent of the progenies

Answer :  B


Question: Extranuclear inheritance is a consequence of presence of genes in 
a) mitochondria and chloroplasts
b) endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria
c) ribosomes and chloroplast
d) lysosomes and ribosomes

Answer : A


Question: In a dihybrid cross, F2 phenotypic ratio is 13 : 3. It is case of

a) complementary genes
b) epistatic genes
c) multigenic inheritance
d) incomplete dominance

Answer : B

Question: In sickle-cell anaemia, shape of RBCs under oxygen tension becomes

a) biconcave disc like
b) elongated and curved
c) circular                  
d) spherical

Answer : B

Question: Sickle cell anaemia is

a) caused by substitution of valine by glutamic acid in the beta globin chain of haemoglobin.
b) caused by a change in a single base pair of DNA.
c ) characterized by elongated sickle like RBCs with a nucleus.
d) an autosomal linked dominant trait.

Answer : B

Question: Sickel-cell anaemia is an example of

a) sex-linked inheritance.
b) deficiency disease.
c) autosomal heritable disease.
d) infectious disease.

Answer : C


Question: It is well known that Queen Victoria of England was a carrier for haemophilia. Since this is an X-linked disease, it can be predicted that

a) all of her sons would have had disease.
b) all her daugthers would have been carriers.
c) her father must definitely have had haemophilia.
d) haemophilia would have occurred in more of her male than her female descendents.

Answer : D

Question: The number of phenotypes in ABO blood groups is

a) 1
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8

Answer : B

Question: Extra chromosome ‘X’ is present in which one of the following cases?

a) Down syndrome
b) Klinefelter syndrome
c) Turner syndrome
d) Bleeder’s disease

Answer : B

Question: The person with Turner’s syndrome has

a) 45 autosomes and X sex chromosome
b) 44 autosomes and XYY sex chromosomes
c) 45 autosomes and XYY sex chromosomes
d) 44 autosomes and X sex chromosome

Answer : D

Question: Mental retardation in man associated with sex chromosomal abnormality is usually due to

a) increase in size of X-chromosome.
b) increase in size of Y-chromosome.
c) increase in number of Y-chromosome.
d) increase in number of X-chromosome.

Answer : D


Question: A character which is expressed in a hybrid is called

a) dominant   
b) recessive
c) co-dominant
d) epistatic

Answer : A 


Question: Mendel’s Law of independent assortment holds good for genes situated on the:

a) non-homologous chromosomes

b) homologous chromosomes

c) extra nuclear genetic element

d) same chromosome

Answer: A


Question: Occasionally, a single gene may express more than one effect. The phenomenon is called

a) pleiotropy

b) mosaicism

c) polygeny

d) multiple allelism

Answer: A


Question: In a certain taxon of insects some have 17 chromosomes and the others have 18 chromosomes. The 17 and 18 chromosome-bearing organisms are:

a) males and females, respectively

b) females and males, respectively

c) all males

d) all females

Answer: A


Question: The inheritance pattern of a gene over generations among humans is studied by the pedigree analysis. Character studied in the pedigree analysis is equivalent to:

a) Mendelian trait

b) polygenic trait

c) maternal trait

d) quantitative trait

Answer: A


Question: Where are the genes for cytoplasmic male sterility in plants located?

a) Mitochondrial genome

b) Cytosome

c) Cytosome

d) None of these

Answer: A


Question: _________ is a type of trait whose phenotype is influenced by more than one gene

a) Polygenic trait

b) Monogenic trait

c) Both

d) None of these

Answer: A


Question: It is said that Mendel proposed that the factor controlling any character is discrete and independent. This proposition was based on the

a) observations that the offspring of a cross made between the plants having two contrasting characters shows only one character without any blending

b) self pollination of F1 offsprings

c) cross pollination of parental generations

d) All of these

Answer: A


Question: Two genes ‘A’ and ‘B’ are linked. In a dihybrid cross involving these two genes, the F1 heterozygote is crossed with homozygous recessive parental type (aa bb). What would be the ratio of offspring in the next generation?

a) 1 : 1 : 1: 1

b) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1

c) 3 : 1

d) 1 : 1

Answer: A


Question: Mother and father of a person with ‘O’ blood group have ‘A’ and ‘B’ blood group respectively. What would be the genotype of both mother and father?

a) Both mother and father are heterozygous for ‘A’ and ‘B’ blood group, respectively

b) Both mother and father are homozygous for ‘A’ and ‘B’ blood group, respectively

c) Mother is heterozygous for ‘A’ blood group and father is homozygous for ‘B

d) Mother is homozygous for ‘A’ blood group and father is heterozygous for ‘B’

Answer: A


Question: A pleiotropic gene

a) controls multiple traits in an individual

b) controls multiple traits in an individual

c) is a gene evolved during Pliocene

d) control of trait only in combination with another gene

Answer: A

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