CBSE Class 12 Biology Human Reproduction MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 12 Biology Human Reproduction MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 3 Human Reproduction Class 12 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 12 Biology and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 12 Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Human Reproduction

Class 12 Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 3 Human Reproduction in Class 12.

Chapter 3 Human Reproduction MCQ Questions Class 12 Biology with Answers


Question: The __________ lead to vas deferens that ascends to the ______ and loops over the __________.

a) prostate, stomach, urinary bladder.
b) epididymis, abdomen, urinary bladder.
c) vas efferentia, abdomen, ureter.
d) urinary bladder, ejaculatory duct, abdomen.

Answer : B 

Question: The enlarged end of penis is covered by a loose fold of skin is called.

a) glans penis
b) foreskin
c) hymen       
d) urethral meatus

Answer : B 

Question: Which of the following is a transporting tube leading from the bladder to which brings urine outside the body via penis?

a) Ureter               
b) Epididymis
c) Ejaculatory duct
d) Urethra meatus

Answer : D 

Question: Vasa efferentia are the ductules leading from

a) epididymis to urethra.
b) vas deferens to epididymis.
c) rete testis to vas deferens.
d) testicular lobules to rete testis..

Answer : C

Question: A sac shaped like an upside down pear with a thick lining and muscles in the pelvic area where a fertilized egg or zygote comes to grow into a baby is called _______.

a) oviduct
b) uterus
c) vagina
d) vulva

Answer : B 

Question: Which of the following is a finger like structure and lies at the upper junction of the two labia minora above the urethral opening?

a) Clitoris 
b) Oviduct
c) Ampulla
d) Chorionic villi

Answer : A

Question: Which of the following produces sperms in spermatogenesis?

a) Sertoli cells.
b) Interstitial cells.
c) Primary spermatocytes.
d) Immature male germ cells.

Answer : D


Question: In the process of spermatogenesis, first maturation division is called _______.

a) mitotic division 
b) reduction division
c) amitotic division
d) None of the these

Answer : B

Question: Spermatids are transformed into sperm by a process called_______.

a) spermiation 
b) implantation
c) insemination
d) spermiogenesis

Answer : D

Question: In humans, male germs cells differentiate into _____ at the end of first meiotic division.

a) spermatid
b) spermatogonium
c) secondary spermatocyte
d) primary spermatocyte

Answer : C 


Question: The vas deferens receives duct from the seminal vesicle and opens into urethra as:

a) Ejaculatory duct

b) Efferent ductule

c) Ureter

d) Epididymis

Answer: A


Question: Urethral meatus refers to the:

a) External opening of the urinogenital duct

b) Muscles surrounding the urinogenial duct

c) Opening of vas deferens into urethra

d) Urinogenital duct

Answer: A


Question: Morula is a developmental stage

a) Between the zygote and blastocyst

b) Between the blastocyst and gastrula

c) After the implantation

d) Between implantation and parturition

Answer: A


Question: Corpus luteum develops under the influence of

a) LH

b) FSH

c) Estrogen

d) All of these

Answer: A


Question: Corpus luteum produces

a) Progesterone

b) Testosterone

c) Estrogen

d) All of these

Answer: A


Question: The membranous cover of the ovum at ovulation is

a) Corona radiata

b) Zona radiata

c) Zona pellucida

d) Chorion

Answer: A


Question: Identify the odd one from the following

a) Labia minora

b) Fimbriae

c) Infundibulum

d) Isthmus

Answer: A


Question: Correct sequence in development is

a) Fertilization – Zygote – cleavage – Morula – Blastula - Gastrula

b) Fertilization – Zygote – Blastula – Morula – Cleavage - Gastrula

c) Fertilization – Cleavage – Morula – Zygote – Blastula – Gastrula

d) None of these

Answer: A


Question: Correct sequence of hormone secretion from beginning of menstruation is

a) FSH, estrogen progesterone

b) Estrogen, progesterone, FSH

c) FSH, progesterone, estrogen

d) All of these

Answer: A


Question: Immediately after ovulation, the mammalian egg is covered by a membrane known as

a) Zona pellucida

b) Corona radiata

c) Chorion

d) All of these

Answer: A


Question: _______ is a lytic enzyme released by the sperm.

a) Hyaluronidase

b) Helicase

c) Trypsin

d) None of the these

Answer: A


Question: How many autosomes does a human primary spermatocyte have?

a) 44

b) 34

c) 24

d) 14

Answer: A


Question: Where does the ovum receive the sperm?

a) Vegetal pole

b) Zona pellucid

c) Zona pellucid

d) None of these

Answer: A


Question: How does human sperm locomote?

a) Flagella

b) Cilia

c) Neutrophils

d) None of these

Answer: A


Question: Cryptorchidism is a condition where

a) One or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum

b) One of both testes are not developed

c) One of both testes are not developed

d) None of these

Answer: A


Question:  Egg is liberated from ovary in 
a) secondary oocyte stage
b) primary oocyte stage
c) oogonial stage
d) mature ovum stage

Answer:  A

Question:  Gonads develop from embryonic 
a) ectoderm
b) endoderm
c) mesoderm
d) Both b) and c)

Answer:  C

Question:  How many sperms are formed from a secondary spermatocyte? 
a) 4
b) 8
c) 2
d) 1
Answer:  C
Question: Occurrence of Leydig’s cells and their secretion is 
a) ovary and estrogen
b) liver and cholesterol
c) pancreas and glucagon
d) testis and testosterone
Answer:  D
Question: Middle piece of mammalian sperm possesses
a) mitochondria and centriole
b) mitochondria only
c) centriole only
d) nucleus and mitochondria
Answer:  B
Question: Fertilizins are emitted by
a) immature eggs b) mature eggs
c) sperms d) polar bodies
Answer:  B
Question: Freshly released human egg has 
a) one Y - chromosome
b) one X - chromosome
c) two X - chromosomes
d) Both a) and b)
Answer:  B
Question: Location and secretion of Leydig’s cells are
a) liver — cholesterol 
b) ovary — estrogen
c) testis — testosterone
d) pancreas — glucagon
Answer:  C
Question: Extrusion of second polar body from egg nucleus occurs 
a) after entry of sperm but before completion of fertilization
b) after completion of fertilization
c) before entry of sperm
d) without any relation of sperm entry
Answer:   A
Question: Male hormone is produced in the testis by cells of 
a) sertoli b) epithelial
c) spermatocytes d) Leydig
Answer:  D
Question: Acrosome reaction in sperm is triggered by 
a) capacitation b) release of lysin
c) influx of Na+ d) release of fertilizin
Answer:  D
Question: Ovulation occurs under the influence of
a) LH b) FSH 
c) estrogen d) progesterone
Answer:  A
Question: In 28 days human ovarian cycle, ovulation occurs on 
a) l day b) 5 day
c) 14 day d) 28 day
Answer:  C
Question: At the end of first meiotic division, male germ differentiates into 
a) secondary spermatocyte
b) primary spermatocyte
c) spermatogonium
d) spermatid
Answer:  A
Question: The mammalian corpus luteum produces
a) estrogen 
b) progesterone
c) luteotropic hormone
d) luteinizing hormone
Answer:  B
Question: The estrus cycle is a characteristic of 
a) human males only
b) human females only
c) mammalian males other than primates
d) mammalian females other than primates
Answer:  D
Question: Stratum germinativum is an example of which kind of epithelium ? 
a) Cuboidal
b) Ciliated
c) Columnar
d) Squamous
Answer:  A
Question: After ovulation, Graafian follicle regresses into 
a) corpus luteum
b) corpus callosum
c) corpus albicans
d) corpus atresia
Answer:  A
Question: Secretion of progesterone by corpus luteum is initiated by 
a) thyroxine
b) LH
c) MSH
d) testosterone
Answer:  B
Question: Which set is similar ? 
a) Corpus luteum — Graafian follicle
b) Sebum — Sweat
c) Bundle of His — Pacemaker
d) Vit-B7 — Niacin
Answer:  A
Question: Mainly which type of hormones control the menstrual cycle in human beings ? 
a) FSH
b) LH
c) FSH, LH, estrogen
d) Progesterone
Answer:  C
Question: When both ovaries are removed from rat which hormone is decreased in blood ?
a) Oxytocin b) Prolactin
c) Estrogen
d) Gonadotropic releasing factor
Answer:  C
Question: Bartholin’s glands are situated 
a) on either side of vagina in humans
b) on either side of vas deference in humans
c) on the sides of the head of some amphibians
d) at the reduced tail end of birds
Answer:  A
Question: Ovulation in the human female normally takes place during the menstrual cycle
a) at the mid secretory phase 
b) just before the end of the secretory phase
c) at the beginning of the proliferative phase
d) at the end of the proliferative phase
Answer:  D
Question: If mammalian ovum fails to get fertilized, which one of the following is unlikely ?
a) Corpus luteum will disintegrate 
b) Estrogen secretion further decreases
c) Primary follicle starts developing
d) Progesterone secretion rapidly declines
Answer:  B
Question: Sertoli cells are regulated by the pituitary hormone known as 
a) FSH
b) GH
c) prolactin
d) LH
Answer:  A
Question: Withdrawal of which of the following hormones is the immediate cause of menstruation ? 
a) Estrogen
b) FSH
d) Progesterone
Answer:   D
Question: Which part of ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine gland after ovulation ? 
a) Graafian follicle
b) Stroma
c) Germinal epithelium
d) Vitelline membrane
Answer:  A
Question: In the human female, menstruation can be deferred by the administration of
a) LH only
b) combination of FSH and LH
c) combination of estrogen and progesterone
d) FSH only
Answer:  C
Question: Which one of the following is the correct matching of the events occurring during menstrual cycle? 
a) Development of : Secretory phase and increased secretion of progesterone
b) Menstruation: breakdown of myometrium and ovum not fertilized.
c) Ovulation : LH and FSH attain peak level and sharp fall in the secretion of progesterone.
d) Proliferative phase: Rapid regeneration of myometrium and maturation of Graafian follicle
Answer:  A
Question: The correct sequence of spermatogenetic stages leading to the formation of sperms in a mature human testis is: 
a) spermatid – spermatocyte –spermatogonia – sperms
b) spermatogonia-spermatid-spermatocytesperms
c) spermatocyte-spermatogonia-spermatid – sperms
d) spermatogonia – spermatocyte – spermatid – sperms
Answer:  D
Question: Which one of the following is the most likely root cause why menstruation is not taking place in regularly cycling human female ?
a) maintenance of high concentration of sex-hormones in the blood stream
b) retention of well-developed corpus luteum
c) fertilisation of the ovum
d) maintenance of the hypertrophical endometrial lining.
Answer:  C
Question: Seminal plasma in humans is rich in 
a) glucose and certain enzymes but has no calcium
b) fructose and certain enzymes but poor in calcium
c) fructose, calcium and certain enzymes
d) fructose and calcium but has no enzymes
Answer: B
Question: Sertoli cells are found in
a) ovaries and secrete progesterone
b) adrenal cortex and secrete adrenaline
c) seminiferous tubules and provide, nutrition to germ cells
d) pancreas and secrete cholecystokinin
Answer: C
Question: Vasa efferentia are the ductules leading from
a) Testicular lobules to rete testis 
b) Rete testis to vas deferens
c) Vas deferens to epididymis
d) Epididymis to urethra
Answer:  B
Question: Seminal plasma in human males is rich in
a) fructose and calcium 
b) glucose and calcium
c) DNA and testosterone
d) ribose and potassium
Answer:  A
Question: The second maturation division of the mammalian ovum occurs 
a) Shortly after ovulation before the ovum makes entry into the Fallopian tube
b) Until after the ovum has been penetrated by a sperm
c) Until the nucleus of the sperm has fused wilh that of the ovum
d) in the Graafian follicle following the first maturation division
Answer:  B
Question: Which one of the following statements about human sperm is correct? 
a) Acrosome has a conical pointed structure used for piercing and penetrating the egg, resulting in fertilisation
b) The sperm lysins in the acrosome dissolve the egg envelope facilitating fertilisation
c) Acrosome serves as a sensory structure leading the sperm towards the ovum
d) Acrosome serves no particular function
Answer:  B
Question: The part of Fallopian tube closest to the ovary is 
a) Isthmus
b) Infundibulum
c) Cervix
d) Ampulla
Answer: B
Question: Secretions from which one of the following are rich in fructose, calcium and some enzymes ?
a) Liver
b) Pancreas
c) Salivary glands
d) Male accessory glands
Answer: D 


Question: Increased secretion of which hormone start the process of sperm formation at the time of puberty?

a) GH 
b) TSH
c) PRL
d) GnRH

Answer : D

Question: After birth, colostrum is released from mammary glands which is rich in

a) fat and low in proteins
b) proteins and low in fat
c) proteins, antibodies and low in fat
d) proteins, fat and low in antibodies

Answer : C

Question: Which of the following hormone maintains the function of male sex accessory gland and ducts?

a) Estrogen       
b) Androgen
c) Progesterone
d) Luteinizing hormone

Answer : B

Question: Semen is a constituent of seminal plasma with _______.

a) ovum 
b) sperm
c) zygote
d) follicle

Answer : B

Question: Ejaculation of human male contains about 200 – 300 million sperms, of which for normal fertility ____ % sperms must have normal shape and size and at least ____% must show energetic motility.

a) 40, 60
b) 50, 50
c) 60, 40
d) 30, 70

Answer : C


Question: Which of the following stage of oogenesis forms a membrane called zona pellucida surrounding it?

a) Oogonia          
b) Polar body
c) Corpus luteum
d) Secondary oocytes

Answer : D

Question: By which process sperms released from the seminiferous tubules?

a) Spermiation        
b) Insemination
c) Spermatogenesis
d) Spermiogenesis

Answer : A


Question: Which of the following contains a fluid filled cavity called antrum?

a) Primary spermatocyte.
b) Primary follicle of ovary.
c) Tertiary follicle of ovary.
d) Secondary spermatocyte.

Answer : C

Question: Menstruation is triggered by a sudden decline in the amount of hormone secreted by corpus luteum. Identify the hormone.

a) Luteinizing hormone
b) Follicle stimulating hormone
c) Progesterone
d) Estrogen

Answer : C

Question: Level of which hormones are at their highest during the luteal phase (second half of the cycle) of the menstrual cycle?

a) Estrogen
b) Progesterone
c) Luteinizing hormone
d) Follicular stimulating hormone

Answer : B 


Question: Which one of the following is not a male accessory gland?

a) Ampulla

b) Prostate

c) Bulbourethral gland

d) None of these

Answer: A


Question: The immature male germ cell undergo division to produce sperms by the process of spermatogenesis. Choose the correct one with reference to above.

a) Secondary spermatocytes have 23 chromosomes and undergo second meiotic division

b) Spermatozoa are transformed into spermatids

c) Primary spermatocytes divide by mitotic cell division

d) Spermatogonia have 46 chromosomes and always undergo meiotic cell division

Answer: A


Question: Match between the following representing parts of the sperm and their functions and choose the correct option

  • a) A-iv, B-iii, C-i, D-ii
  • b) A-iv, B-i, C-ii, D-iii
  • c) A-ii, B-i, C-iii, D-iv
  • d) A-ii, B-iv, C-i, D-iii



Question: There is no cell division involved in

a) spermiogenesis

b) embryogenesis

c) oogenesis

d) All of these

Answer: A


Question: It The cell division in secondary oocyte is suspended at

a) Metaphase II

b) Prophase II

c) Prophase II

d) None of these

Answer: A


Question: Connective tissue around seminiferous tubules possess endocrine cells called

a) Leydig cells

b) Sertoli cells

c) Primary germ cells

d) None of these

Answer: A


Question: Conversion of spermatids into sperms is

a) Spermiogenesis

b) Ppermatogenesis

c) Gametogenesis

d) Metamorphosis

Answer: A


Question: Corona radia is made up of

a) follicular cells around the oocyte

b) stratum functionalis

c) zona pellucid around the oocyte

d) All of these

Answer: A


Question: Which among the following has 23 chromosomes?

a) Secondary oöcyte

b) Oögonia

c) Zygote

d) Spermatogonia

Answer: A



a) A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-i

b) A-iii, B-i, C-ii, D-iv

c) A-ii, B-iv, C-iii, D-i

d) A-ii, B-i, C-iii, D-iv

Answer: A


Question: Corpus leteum develops from

a) Graafian follicle

b) none of the these

c) Nephrostome

d) Oocyte

Answer: A


Question: Corpus luteum

a) Later forms corpus albicans

b) None of these

c) Decreases in size during pregnancy

d) Degenerates during pregnancy

Answer: A


Question: Which of the following hormones is not secreted by human placenta?

a) LH

b) Progesterone

c) Estrogens

d) hCG

Answer: A


Question: The cell which undergoes meiosis I during spermatogenesis, is the

a) primary spermatocyte

b) secondary spermatocyte

c) spermatid

d) spermatogonium

Answer: A


Question: Seminal plasma, the fluid part of semen is formed by

a) seminal vesicles, prostate and bulbourethral gland.

b) prostate and seminal vesicle

c) Both

d) None of these

Answer: A


Question: Choose the incorrect statement from the following:

a) Polyspermy is prevented by the chemical changes in the egg surface

b) In the human female implantation occurs almost seven days after fertilisation

c) Colostrum contains antibodies and nutrients

d) In birds and mammals internal fertilisation takes place

Answer: PA


Question: Identify the wrong statement from the following

a) Orgonial cells start to proliferate and give rise to functional ova in regular cycles from puberty onwards

b) High levels of estrogen triggers the ovulatory surge.

c) Sperms released from seminiferous tubules are poorly motile / non-motile.

d) Progesterone level is high during the post ovulatory phase of menstrual cycle

Answer: A


Question: Spot the odd one out from the following structures with reference to the male reproductive system

a) Isthmus

b) Vasa efferentia

c) Ret testis

d) Epididymis

Answer: A


Question: Seminal plasma, the fluid part of semen, is contributed by.

i. Seminal vesicle

ii. Prostate

iii. Urethra

iv. Bulbourethral gland

a) i, ii and iv

b) ii, iii and iv

c) i and iv

d) i and ii

Answer: A


Question: Spermiation is the process of the release of sperms from

a) Seminiferous tubules

b) Vas deferens

c) Epididymis

d) Prostate gland

Answer: A


Question: Vas deferens receives the duct of seminal vesicle and forms the

a) ejaculatory duct

b) urethral meatus

c) urethra

d) epididymis

Answer: A


Question: How many functional sperms and how many ova will be formed by a primary spermatocyte and a primary oocyte

a) Four, One

b) Four, Four

c) One, One

d) None of these

Answer: A


Question: Cavity of graafian follicle is

a) Antrum

b) Liquor folliculi

c) Discus proligerous

d) All of these

Answer: A


Question: Cells of corona radiata remain grouped together by

a) Hyaluronic acid

b) Hyaluronidase

c) Lipids

d) Pectins

Answer: A


Question: Ovulation occurs under the influence of

a) Ovulation occurs under the influence of

b) follicle-stimulating hormone

c) progesterone

d) None of these

Answer: A


Question: Proliferative phase of menstrual cycle, is also called

a) luteal phase

b) luteal phase

c) luteal phase

d) All of these

Answer: A


Question: ells of Leydig occur in

a) Testis

b) Ovary

c) Liver

d) Spleen

Answer: A


Question: Mature Graafian follicle is generally present in the ovary of a healthy human female around stet:

a) 11 – 17 day of menstrual cycle

b) 18 – 23 day of menstrual cycle

c) 24 – 28 day of menstrual cycle

d) 5 – 8 day of menstrual cycle

Answer: A


Question: Acrosomal reaction of the sperm occurs due to

a) Its contact with zona pellucida of the ova

b) Reactions within the uterine environment of the female

c) Reactions within the epididymal environment of the male

d) Androgens produced in the uterus

Answer: A


Question: Cleavage starts after fertilization in

a) Fallopian tube

b) Uterus

c) Vestibule

d) Clitoris

Answer: A


Question:  Cells become variable in morphology and function in different regions of the embryo. The process is 
a) differentiation
b) metamorphosis
c) organization
d) rearrangement

Answer:  A

Question: Human eggs are 
a) alecithal b) microlecithal
c) mesolecithal d) macrolecithal

Answer:  A

Question: During cleavage, what is true about cells?
a) Nucleocytoplasmic ratio remains unchanged
b) Size does not increase
c) There is less consumption of oxygen
d) The division is like meiosis

Answer:  B

Question: Blastopore is 
a) opening of neural tube
b) opening of gastrocoel
c) future anterior end of embryo
d) found in blastula

Answer:  B

Question: Meroblastic cleavage is division 
a) horizontal b) partial/parietal
c) total d) spiral

Answer:  B

Question: Eye lens is formed from 
a) ectoderm b) mesoderm
c) endoderm d) both a) and b)

Answer:  A

Question: Amount of yolk and its distribution are changed in the egg. Which one is affected?
a) Pattern of cleavage 
b) Formation of zygote
c) Number of blastomeres
d) Fertilization

Answer:  A

Question: Termination of gastrulation is indicated by
a) obliteration of blastocoel 
b) obliteration of archenteron
c) closure of blastopore
d) closure of neural tube

Answer:  A

Question: In telolecithal egg the yolk is found 
a) all over the egg b) on one side
c) both the sides d) at centre

Answer: B

Question: What is true about cleavage in fertilized egg of human?
a) Meroblastic
b) Starts when egg reaches uterus
c) Starts in fallopian tube
d) It is identical to normal mitosis

Answer: C

Question: Extra-embryonic membranes of the mammalian embryo are derived from 
a) inner cell mass
b) trophoblast
c) formative cells
d) follicle cells

Answer: C

Question: Cleavage in mammalian egg is 
a) equal holoblastic
b) unequal holoblastic
c) superficial meroblastic
d) discoidal meroblastic

Answer: C

Question: At the time of organogenesis, genes regulate the process at different levels and at different time due to 
a) promoter
b) regulator
c) intron
d) exon

Answer:  C

Question: What is true for cleavage ? 
a) Size of embryo increases
b) Size of cells decreases
c) Size of cells increases
d) Size of embryo decreases

Answer: C

Question: During embryonic development, the establishment of polarity along anterior/ posterior, dorsal/ventral or medial/lateral axis  is called 
a) anamorphosis
b) pattern formation
c) organizer phenomena
d) axis formation

Answer: D

Question: Test-tube baby means a baby born when
a) the ovum is fertilized externally and there after implanted in the uterus
b) it develops from a non-fertilized egg
c) it is developed in a test tube
d) it is developed through tissue culture method

Answer: A

Question: Gray crescent is the area 
a) at the point of entry of sperm into ovum
b) just opposite to the site of entry of sperm into ovum
c) at the animal pole
d) at the vegetal pole

Answer: B

Question: The living organisms can be unexceptionally distinguished from the non-living things on the basis of their ability for
a) responsiveness to touch
b) interaction with the environment and progressive evolution
c) reproduction
d) growth and movement

Answer:  C

Question: Which extra-embryonic membrane in humans prevents desiccation of the embryo inside the uterus?
a) Chorion b) Allantois
c) Yolk sac d) Amnion 

Answer: D


Question: Which one of the following statement is incorrect about menstruation? 
a) During normal menstruation about 40 mL blood is lost
b) The menstrual fluid can easily clot
c) At menopause in the female, there is especially abrupt increase in gonadotropic hormones
d) The beginning of the cycle of menstruation is called menarche

Answer: B

Question: Foetal ejection reflex in human female is induced by: 
a) fully developed foetus and placenta
b) differentiation of mammary glands
c) pressure exerted by amniotic fluid
d) release of oxytocin from pituitary

Answer: A

Question: A change in the amount of yolk and its distribution in the egg will affect 
a) Number of blastomeres produced
b) Fertilization
c) Formation of zygote
d) Pattern of cleavage

Answer:  D

Question: The signals for parturition originate from 
a) placenta only 
b) Placenta as well as fully developed foetus
c) oxytocin released from maternal pituitary
d) fully developed foetus only

Answer:  B

Question: The first movements of the foetus and appearance of hair on its head are usually observed during which month of pregnancy?
a) Fourth month b) Fifth month
c) Sixth month d) Third month

Answer:  A

Question: In human female the blastocyst 
a) gets implanted into uterus 3 days after ovulation
b) gets nutrition from uterine endometrial secretion only after implantation
c) gets implanted in endometrium by the trophoblast cells.
d) forms placenta even before implantation

Answer:  C

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CBSE Class 12 Biology Environmental Issues MCQs

MCQs for Chapter 3 Human Reproduction Biology Class 12

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 12 Biology to develop the Biology Class 12 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 12 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Biology will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Biology. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Biology so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 12 Biology MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE MCQs for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Human Reproduction

You can download the CBSE MCQs for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Human Reproduction for latest session from

Are the Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Human Reproduction MCQs available for the latest session

Yes, the MCQs issued by CBSE for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Human Reproduction have been made available here for latest academic session

Where can I find CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Human Reproduction MCQs online?

You can find CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Human Reproduction MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Chapter 3 Human Reproduction Class 12 MCQs?

To prepare for Chapter 3 Human Reproduction MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

Are there any online resources for CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Human Reproduction?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Human Reproduction