NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Human Geography Nature and Scope

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NCERT Book for Class 12 Geography Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope

Class 12 Geography students should refer to the following NCERT Book Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope in Class 12. This NCERT Book for Class 12 Geography will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope NCERT Book Class 12

Click on the view or download PDF button below to access the Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope Class 12 Geography book. All Geography Class 12 NCERT books have been divided into various chapters so that you can download and read them easily. Refer to the section below to access more books of Geography in Class 12.

Human Geography Nature and Scope

You have already studied ‘Geography as a Discipline’ in Chapter I of the book, Fundamentals of Physical Geography (NCERT, 2006). Do you recall the contents? This chapter has broadly covered and introduced you to the nature of geography. You are also acquainted with the important branches that sprout from the body of geography. If you re-read the chapter you will be able to recall the link of human geography with the mother discipline i.e. geography. As you know geography as a field of study is integrative, empirical, and practical.

Thus, the reach of geography is extensive and each and every event or phenomenon which varies over space and time can be studied geographically. How do you see the earth’s surface? Do you realise that the earth comprises two major components: nature (physical environment) and life forms including human beings? Make a list of physical and human components of your surroundings.

Physical geography studies physical environment and human geography studies  “the relationship between the physical/natural and the human worlds, the spatial distributions of human phenomena and how they come about, the social and economic differences between different parts of the world”.1 You are already aware of the fact that the core concern of geography as a discipline is to understand the earth as home of human beings and to study all those elements which have sustained them.

Thus, emphasis is on study of nature and human beings. You will realise that geography got subjected to dualism and the wide-ranging debates started whether geography as a discipline should be a law making/theorising (nomothetic) or descriptive (idiographic). Whether its subject matter should be organised and approach of the study should be regional or systematic?

Whether geographical phenomena beinterpreted theoretically or through historicinstitutional approach? These have been issues for intellectual exercise but finally you will appreciate that the dichotomy between physical and human is not a very valid one because nature and human are inseparable elements and should be seen holistically. It is interesting to note that both physical and human phenomena are described in metaphors using symbols from the human anatomy.

We often talk of the ‘face’ of the earth, ‘eye’ of the storm, ‘mouth’ of the river, ‘snout’ (nose) of the glacier, ‘neck’ of the isthmus and ‘profile’ of the soil. Similarly regions, villages, towns have been described as ‘organisms’. German geographers describe the ‘state/country’ as a ‘living organism’. Networks of road, railways and water ways have often been described as “arteries of circulation”. Can you collect such terms and expressions from your own language? The basic questions now arises, can we separate nature and human when they are so intricately intertwined?


Human geography studies the inter-relationship between the physical environment and sociocultural environment created by human beings through mutual interaction with each other. You have already studied the elements of physical environment in class XI in the book entitled Fundamentals of Physical Geography (NCERT 2006). You know that these elements are landforms, soils, climate, water, natural vegetation and diverse flora and fauna. Can you make a list of elements which human beings have created through their activities on the stage provided by the physical environment?

Houses, villages, cities, road-rail networks, industries, farms, ports, items of our daily use and all other elements of material culture have been created by human beings using the resources provided by the physical environment. While physical environment has been greatly modified by human beings, it has also, in turn, impacted human lives.

Naturalisation of Humans and

Humanisation of Nature

Human beings interact with their physical environment with the help of technology. It is not important what human beings produce and create but it is extremely important ‘with the help of what tools and techniques do they produce and create’.

Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. Human beings were able to develop technology after they developed better understanding of natural laws. For example, the understanding of concepts of friction and heat helped us discover fire. Similarly, understanding of the secrets of DNA and genetics enabled us to conquer many diseases. We use the laws of aerodynamics to develop faster planes. You can see that knowledge about Nature is extremely important to develop technology and technology loosens the shackles of environment on human beings. In the early stages of their interaction with their natural environment humans were greatly influenced by it. They adapted to the dictates of Nature.

This is so because the level of technology was very low and the stage of human social development was also primitive. This type of interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature was termed as environmental determinism. At that stage of very low technological development we can imagine the presence of a naturalised human, who listened to Nature, was afraid of its fury and worshipped it.



1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.

    (i) Which one of the following statements does not describe geography?

         (a) an integrative discipline

         (b) study of the inter-relationship between humans and environment

         (c) subjected to dualism

         (d) not relevant in the present time due to the development of technology.

    (ii) Which one of the following is not a source of geographical information?

         (a) traveller’s accounts

         (b) old maps

         (c) samples of rock materials from the moon

         (d) ancient epics

    (iii) Which one of the following is the most important factor in the interaction between people and environment?

         (a) human intelligence                              (c) technology

         (b) people’s perception                             (d) human brotherhood

    (iv) Which one of the following is not an approach in human geography? 

         (a) Areal differentiation                             (c) Quantitative revolution

         (b) Spatial organisation                             (d) Exploration and description

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

    (i) Define human geography.

    (ii) Name some sub-fields of human geography.

    (iii) How is human geography related to other social sciences?

3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.

    (i) Explain naturalisation of humans.

    (ii) Write a note on the scope of human geography.


Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 12 Geography Human Geography - Nature and Scope

Fundamentals of Human Geography Appendix I
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Appendix I
Fundamentals of Human Geography Appendix II
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Appendix II
Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 01 Human Geography Nature and Scope
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Human Geography Nature and Scope
Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 02 The World Population Distribution Density and Growth
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography The World Population Distribution Density and Growth
Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 03 Population Composition
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Population Composition
Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 04 Human Development
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Human Development
Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 05 Primary Activities
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Primary Activities
Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 06 Secondary Activities
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Secondary Activities
Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 07 Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Tertiary and Quaternary Activities
Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 08 Transport and Communication
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Transport and Communication
Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 09 International Trade
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography International Trade
Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 10 Human Settlements
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Human Settlements
Fundamentals of Human Geography Glossary
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Glossary
India People and Economy Appendices
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Appendices
India People and Economy Chapter 01 Population Distribution Density Growth and Composition
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Population Distribution Density Growth and Composition
India People and Economy Chapter 02 Migration Types Causes and Consequences
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Migration Types Causes and Consequences
India People and Economy Chapter 03 Human Development
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Human Development
India People and Economy Chapter 04 Human Settlements
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Human Settlements
India People and Economy Chapter 05 Land Resources and Agriculture
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Land Resorces and Agriculture
India People and Economy Chapter 06 Water Resources
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Water Resources
India People and Economy Chapter 07 Mineral and Energy Resources
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Mineral and Energy Resources
India People and Economy Chapter 08 Manufacturing Industries
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Manufacturing Industries
India People and Economy Chapter 09 Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context
India People and Economy Chapter 11 International Trade
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography International Trade
India People and Economy Chapter 12 Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems
India People and Economy Glossary
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Glossary
Practical Work in Geography Part II Annexure
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Annexure
Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 01 Data Its Sources and Compilation
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Data Its Sources and Compilation
Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 02 Data Processing
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Data Processing
Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 03 Graphical Representation of Data
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Graphical Representation of Data
Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 04 Use of Computer in Data Processing and Mapping
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Use of Computer in Data Processing and Mapping
Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 05 Field Surveys
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Field Surveys
Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 06 Spatial Information Technology
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Spatial Information Technology
Practical Work in Geography Part II Glossary
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Glossary
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NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope

The above NCERT Books for Class 12 Geography Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope Geography Class 12 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 12 Geography are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 12 Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope book for Geography also includes collection of question. Along with Geography Class 12 NCERT Book in Pdf for Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 12 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 12 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 12. You can download free NCERT Geography Class 12 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above

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