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NCERT Book for Class 12 Geography Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 5 Field Surveys
Class 12 Geography students should refer to the following NCERT Book Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 5 Field Surveys in Class 12. This NCERT Book for Class 12 Geography will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 5 Field Surveys NCERT Book Class 12
Click on the view or download PDF button below to access the Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 5 Field Surveys Class 12 Geography book. All Geography Class 12 NCERT books have been divided into various chapters so that you can download and read them easily. Refer to the section below to access more books of Geography in Class 12.
Field Survey
You have studied aspects of Physical Geography of the world as well as of India in Class XI. In the present class, besides the Practical Work in Geography you will also study various aspects of Human Geography. While studying these aspects, you may have observed that issues addressed pertain to global or national level. In other words, the given information helps us to understand the issues at macro level. You may also have observed that the forms, events and processes in your surroundings are similar to what you have studied at macro level.
Have you ever thought how would you study some of the aspects at local level? You know that the regional level information is used to analyse different physical and human parameters of a large area. Similarly, information has to be gathered at the local level by conducting primary surveys for generating information. The primary surveys are also called field surveys. They are an essential component of geographic enquiry. It is a basic procedure to understand the earth as a home of humankind and are carried out through observation,sketching, measurement, interviews, etc. In the present chapter, we will discuss the procedure involved in carrying out the field surveys.
Why is Field Survey Required ?
Like many other sciences, geography is also a field science. Thus, a geographical enquiry always needed to be supplemented through well –planned field surveys. These surveys enhance our understanding about patterns of spatial distributions, their associations and relationships at the local level. Further, the field surveys facilitate the collection of local level information that is not available through secondary sources. Thus, the field surveys are carried out to gather required information so as the problem under investigation is studied in depth as per the predefined objectives. Such studies also enable the investigator to comprehend the situation and processes in totality and at the place of their occurrence. This is possible through ‘Observation’, which is a useful method of gathering information and then to derive inferences.
Field Survey Procedure
The field survey is initiated with well-defined procedure. It is performed in the following functionally inter – related stages :
1. Defining the Problem
The problem to be studied should be defined precisely. This can be achieved by way of statements indicating the nature of the problem. This should also be reflected in the title and sub-title of the topic of the survey.
2. Objectives
A further specification of the survey is done by listing the objectives. Objectives provide outline of the survey and in accordance to these, suitable tools of acquisition of data and methods of analysis will be chosen.
3. Scope
Like clearly defined objectives, scope of survey needs to be delimited in terms of geographical area to be covered, time framework of enquiry and if required themes of studies to be covered. This multi-dimensional delimitation of the study is essential in relation to fulfilment of the predefined objectives and limitations of analysis, inferences and their applicability.
4. Tools and Techniques
Field survey is basically conducted to collect information about the chosen problem for which varied types of tools are required. These include secondary information including maps and other data, field observation, data generated by interviewing people through questionnaires.
(i) Recorded and Published Data
These data provide base information about the problem. These are collected and published by different government agencies, organisations and other agencies. This information alongwith cadastral and topographical maps, provides basis to prepare the framework of survey. Listing of households, persons, landholdings in the survey area can be done using the official records or electoral rolls available with the village panchayat or the revenue officials. Similarly, essential physical features like relief, drainage, vegetation, land use and cultural features like settlements, transport and communication lines, irrigation infrastructure, etc. can be traced out from the topographical maps.
The field boundaries of land parcels can be marked out from cadastral maps available with land revenue officials. The field survey is conducted either for the entire ‘population’ or for the‘samples’. These basic informations and maps are required to select the units of observation. The large-scale maps of the survey area also help the investigator to orient and locate him/her on the ground. This initial orientation helps the investigator to insert additional features in the map appropriately.
1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below :
(i) Which one of the following helps most in planning for a field survey ?
(a) Personal Interviews
(b) Secondary Information
(c) Measurements
(d) Experimentation
(ii) Which one of the following is taken up at the conclusion of a field survey ?
(a) Data entry and Tabulation
(b) Report Writing
(c) Computation of Indices
(d) None of the above
(iii) What is most important at the initial stages of field survey ?
(a) Outlining the Objectives
(b) Collection of Secondary Information
(c) Defining the spatial and thematic coverages
(d) Sample Design
(iv) What level of information is acquired during a field survey ?
(a) Macro level information
(b) Maso level information
(c) Micro level information
(d) All of the above levels of information
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words :
(i) Why is a field survey required ?
(ii) List the tools and techniques used during a field survey.
(iii) What type of coverages need to defined before undertaking a field survey?
(iv) Describe survey design in brief.
(v) Why is the well-structured questionnaire important for a field survey ?
3. Design a field survey on any one of the following problems :
(a) Environmental Pollution
(b) Soil Degradation
(c) Floods
(d) Energy Issues
(e) Land Use Change Detection
Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 12 Geography Field Surveys
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Appendix I |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Appendix II |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Human Geography Nature and Scope |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography The World Population Distribution Density and Growth |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Population Composition |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Human Development |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Primary Activities |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Secondary Activities |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Tertiary and Quaternary Activities |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Transport and Communication |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography International Trade |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Human Settlements |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Glossary |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Appendices |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Population Distribution Density Growth and Composition |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Migration Types Causes and Consequences |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Human Development |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Human Settlements |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Land Resorces and Agriculture |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Water Resources |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Mineral and Energy Resources |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Manufacturing Industries |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography International Trade |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Glossary |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Annexure |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Data Its Sources and Compilation |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Data Processing |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Graphical Representation of Data |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Use of Computer in Data Processing and Mapping |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Field Surveys |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Spatial Information Technology |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Glossary |
NCERT Book Class 12 Geography Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 5 Field Surveys
The above NCERT Books for Class 12 Geography Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 5 Field Surveys have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 5 Field Surveys Geography Class 12 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 5 Field Surveys NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 12 Geography are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 12 Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 5 Field Surveys book for Geography also includes collection of question. Along with Geography Class 12 NCERT Book in Pdf for Practical Work in Geography Part II Chapter 5 Field Surveys we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 12 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 12 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 12. You can download free NCERT Geography Class 12 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above
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