NCERT Book Class 12 English Tomorrow

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NCERT Book for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 4 Tomorrow

Class 12 English students should refer to the following NCERT Book Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 4 Tomorrow in Class 12. This NCERT Book for Class 12 English will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 4 Tomorrow NCERT Book Class 12

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What was known of Captain Hagberd in the little seaport of Colebrook was not exactly in his favour. He did not belong to the place. He had come to settle there under circumstances not at all mysterious—he used to be very communicative about them at the time—but extremely morbid and unreasonable. He was possessed of some little money evidently, because he bought a plot of ground, and had a pair of ugly yellow brick cottages run up very cheaply. He occupied one of them himself and let the other to Josiah Carvil—blind Carvil, the retired boat-builder—a man of evil repute as a domestic tyrant. These cottages had one wall in common, shared in a line of iron railing dividing their front gardens; a wooden fence separated their back gardens. Miss Bessie Carvil was allowed, as it were of right, to throw over it the teacloths, blue rags, or an apron that wanted drying.

She was a tall girl; the fence was low, and she could spread her elbows on the top. Her hands would be red  with the bit of washing she had done, but her forearms were white and shapely, and she would look at her father’s landlord in silence—in an informed silence which had an air of knowledge, expectation and desire.

‘It rots the wood,’ reported Captain Hagberd. ‘It is the only unthrifty, careless habit I know in you. Why don’t you have a clothes-line out in your back yard?’ Miss Carvil would say nothing to this—she only shook her head negatively. The tiny back yard on her side had a few stone-bordered little beds of black earth, in which the simple flowers she found time to cultivate appeared somehow extravagantly overgrown, as if belonging to an exotic clime; and Captain Hagberd’s upright, hale person, clad in No.1 sailcloth from head to foot, would be emerging knee-deep out of rank grass and the tall weeds on his side of the fence. He appeared, with the colour and uncouth stiffness of the extraordinary material in which he chose to clothe himself—‘for the time being’, would be his mumbled remark to any observation on the subject—like a man roughened out of granite, standing in a wilderness not big enough for a decent billiard-room. A heavy figure of a man of stone, with a red handsome face, a blue wandering eye, and a great white beard flowing to his waist and never trimmed as far as Colebrook knew.

Seven years before, he had seriously answered ‘Next month, I think’ to the chaffing attempt to secure his custom made by that distinguished local wit, the Colebrook barber, who happened to be sitting insolently in the tap-room of the New Inn near the harbour, where the captain had entered to buy an ounce of tobacco. After paying for his purchase with three half-pence extracted from the corner of a handkerchief which he carried in the cuff of his sleeve, Captain Hagberd went out. As soon as the door was shut the barber laughed. ‘The old one and the young one will be strolling arm in arm to get shaved in my place presently.

Noticing a stranger listening to him with a vacant grin,  he explained, stretching out his legs cynically, that this queer old Hagberd, a retired coasting-skipper, was waiting for the return of a son of his. The boy had been driven away from home, he shouldn’t wonder; had run away to sea and had never been heard of since. Put to rest in Davy Jones’s locker this many a day, as likely as not. That old man came flying to Colebrook three years ago all in black broadcloth (had lost his wife lately then), getting out of a third-class smoker as if the devil had been at his heels; and the only thing that brought him down was a letter—a hoax probably. Some joker had written to him about a seafaring man with some such name who was supposed to be hanging about some girl or other, either in Colebrook or in the neighbourhood. ‘Funny, ain’t it?’ The old chap had been advertising in the London papers for Harry Hagberd,  and offering rewards for any sort of likely information. And the barber would go on to describe with sardonic gusto how that stranger in mourning had been seen exploring the country, in carts, on foot, taking everybody into his confidence, visiting all the inns and alehouses for miles around, stopping people on the road with his questions, looking into the very ditches almost; first in the greatest excitement, then with a plodding sort of perseverance, growing slower and slower; and he could not even tell you plainly how his son looked. The sailor was supposed to be one of two that had left a timber ship, and to have been seen dangling after some girl; but the old man described a boy of fourteen or so—‘a clever-looking, high-spirited boy’. And when people only smiled at this he would rub his forehead in a confused sort of way before he slunk off, looking offended. He found nobody, of course; not a trace of anybody—never heard of anything worth belief, at any rate; but he had not been able, somehow, to tear himself away from Colebrook.

‘It was the shock of this disappointment, perhaps, coming soon after the loss of his wife, that had driven him crazy on that point,’ the barber suggested, with an air of great psychological insight. After a time the old man abandoned the active search. His son had evidently gone away; but he settled himself to wait. His son had been once at least in Colebrook in preference to his native place. There must have been some reason for it, he seemed to think, some very powerful inducement, that would bring him back to Colebrook again.

‘Ha, ha, ha! Why, of course, Colebrook. Where else? That’s the only place in the United Kingdom for your longlost sons. So he sold up his old home in Colchester, and down he comes here. Well, it’s a craze, like any other. Wouldn’t catch me going crazy over any of my youngsters clearing out. I’ve got eight of them at home.’ The barber was showing off his strength of mind in the midst of a laughter that shook the tap-room.


Understanding the Text

1. What is the consistency one finds in the old man’s madness?

2. How does Captain Hagberd prepare for Harry’s homecoming?

3. How did Bessie begin to share Hagberd’s insanity regarding his son?

4. What were Harry’s reasons for coming to meet old Hagberd?

5. Why does Harry’s return prove to be a disappointment for Bessie?


Talking about the Text

1. ‘Every mental state, even madness, has its equilibrium based upon self-esteem. Its disturbance causes unhappiness’.

2. Joyce’s ‘Eveline’ and Conrad’s ‘Tomorrow’ are thematically similar.



1. Comment on the technique used by the author to unfold the story of Captain Hagberd’s past.

2. Identify instances in the story in which you find streaks of insanity in people other than Hagberd. What implications do they suggest?


Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 12 English Tomorrow

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NCERT Book Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 4 Tomorrow

The above NCERT Books for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 4 Tomorrow have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 4 Tomorrow English Class 12 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 4 Tomorrow NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 12 English are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 12 Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 4 Tomorrow book for English also includes collection of question. Along with English Class 12 NCERT Book in Pdf for Kaleidoscope Short Stories Chapter 4 Tomorrow we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 12 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 12 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 12. You can download free NCERT English Class 12 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above

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