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NCERT Book for Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 1 The Third Level
Class 12 English students should refer to the following NCERT Book Vistas Chapter 1 The Third Level in Class 12. This NCERT Book for Class 12 English will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Vistas Chapter 1 The Third Level NCERT Book Class 12
Click on the view or download PDF button below to access the Vistas Chapter 1 The Third Level Class 12 English book. All English Class 12 NCERT books have been divided into various chapters so that you can download and read them easily. Refer to the section below to access more books of English in Class 12.
The Third Level
THE presidents of the New York Central and the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroads will swear on a stack of timetables that there are only two. But I say there are three, because I’ve been on the third level of the Grand Central Station. Yes, I’ve taken the obvious step: I talked to a psychiatrist friend of mine, among others. I told him about the third level at Grand Central Station, and he said it was a wakingdream wish fulfillment. He said I was unhappy. That made my wife kind of mad, but he explained that he meant the modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and all the rest of it, and that I just want to escape. Well, who doesn’t? Everybody I know wants to escape, but they don’t wander down into any third level at Grand Central Station. But that’s the reason, he said, and my friends all agreed. Everything points to it, they claimed. My stamp collecting, for example; that’s a ‘temporary refuge from reality.’ Well, maybe, but my grandfather didn’t need any refuge from reality; things were pretty nice and peaceful What does the third level refer to?
in his day, from all I hear, and he started my collection. It’s a nice collection too, blocks of four of practically every U.S. issue, first-day covers, and so on. President Roosevelt collected stamps too, you know. Anyway, here’s what happened at Grand Central. One night last summer I worked late at the office. I was in a hurry to get uptown to my apartment so I decided to take the subway from Grand Central because it’s faster than the bus. Now, I don’t know why this should have happened to me. I’m just an ordinary guy named Charley, thirty-one years old, and I was wearing a tan gabardine suit and a straw hat with a fancy band; I passed a dozen men who looked just like me. And I wasn’t trying to escape from anything; I just wanted to get home to Louisa, my wife. I turned into Grand Central from Vanderbilt Avenue, and went down the steps to the first level, where you take trains like the Twentieth Century. Then I walked down another flight to the second level, where the suburban trains leave from, ducked into an arched doorway heading for the subway — and got lost. That’s easy to do. I’ve been in and out of Grand Central hundreds of times, but I’m always bumping into new doorways and stairs and corridors. Once I got into a tunnel about a mile long and came out in the lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel. Another time I came up in an office building on Forty-sixth Street, three blocks away. Sometimes I think Grand Central is growing like a tree, pushing out new corridors and staircases like roots.
Reading with Insight
1. Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why?
2. What do you infer from Sam’s letter to Charley?
3. ‘The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and stress.’ What are the ways in which we attempt to overcome them?
4. Do you see an intersection of time and space in the story?
5. Apparent illogicality sometimes turns out to be a futuristic projection? Discuss.
6. Philately helps keep the past alive. Discuss other ways in which this is done. What do you think of the human tendency to constantly move between the past, the present and the future?
7. You have read ‘Adventure’ by Jayant Narlikar in Hornbill Class XI. Compare the interweaving of fantasy and reality in the two stories.
Please refer to attached file for NCERT Class 12 English The Third Level
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NCERT Book Class 12 English One Centimetre |
NCERT Book Class 12 English The Third Level |
NCERT Book Class 12 English The Tiger King |
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NCERT Book Class 12 English The Enemy |
NCERT Book Class 12 English Should Wizard Hit Mommy |
NCERT Book Class 12 English On The Face Of It |
NCERT Book Class 12 English Evans Tries An O Level |
NCERT Book Class 12 English Memories Of Childhood |
NCERT Book Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 1 The Third Level
The above NCERT Books for Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 1 The Third Level have been published by NCERT for latest academic session. The textbook by NCERT for Vistas Chapter 1 The Third Level English Class 12 is being used by various schools and almost all education boards in India. Teachers have always recommended students to refer to Vistas Chapter 1 The Third Level NCERT etextbooks as the exams for Class 12 English are always asked as per the syllabus defined in these ebooks. These Class 12 Vistas Chapter 1 The Third Level book for English also includes collection of question. Along with English Class 12 NCERT Book in Pdf for Vistas Chapter 1 The Third Level we have provided all NCERT Books in English Medium for Class 12 which will be really helpful for students who have opted for english language as a medium. Class 12 students will need their books in English so we have provided them here for all subjects in Class 12. You can download free NCERT English Class 12 Textbook PDF and all chapters by clicking on the links above
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