Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 Science Control and Coordination Assignment Set A. Get printable school Assignments for Class 10 Science. Class 10 students should practise questions and answers given here for Chapter 7 Control And Coordination Science in Class 10 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 10 Science prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations
Assignment for Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control And Coordination
Class 10 Science students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Chapter 7 Control And Coordination in Class 10. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Chapter 7 Control And Coordination Class 10 Science Assignment
Question. Which of the following is not a plant hormone ?
(a) auxin
(b) ascorbic acid
(c) cytokinin
(d) abscisic acid
Answer : B
Question. One of the following plant hormones is responsible for the phenomenon of phototropism in plants. This is :
(a) gibberellin
(b) eltroxin
(c) cytokinin
(d) auxin
Answer : D
Question. The movement of a plant part in response to the force of attraction exerted by the earth is called :
(a) hydrotropism
(b) geotropism
(c) chemotropism
(d) phototropism
Answer : B
Question. The movement of sunflower in accordance with the path of the sun is due to :
(a) photonasty
(b) phototropism
(c) hydrotropism
(d) chemotropism
Answer : B
Question. The plant part which exhibits negative geotropism is :
(a) root
(b) stem
(c) branch
(d) leaves
Answer : B
Question. A big tree falls in a forest but its roots are still in contact with the soil.
The branches of this fallen tree grow straight up (vertically). This happens in response to
(a) water and light
(b) water and minerals
(c) gravity and water
(d) light and gravity
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following is not caused by a growth movement ?
(a) bending of the shoot of a plant in response to light
(b) closing up of leaves of a sensitive plant on touching with an object
(c) climbing up of a plant on an object by using tendrils
(d) movement of the root of a plant towards a source of water
Answer : B
Question. The root of a plant is :
(i) positively phototropic but negatively geotropic
(ii) positively geotropic but negatively phototropic
(iii) negatively phototropic but positively hydrotropic
(iv) negatively hydrotropic but positively phototropic
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)
Answer : B
Question. The main function of the plant hormone called abscisic acid is to :
(a) increase the length of cells
(b) promote cell division
(c) inhibit growth
(d) promote growth of stem and roots
Answer : C
Question. The growth of tendrils in pea plants is due to the :
(a) effect of sunlight on the tendril cells facing the sun
(b) effect of gravity on the part of tendril hanging down towards the earth
(c) rapid cell division and elongation in tendril cells that are away from the support
(d) rapid cell division and elongation in tendril cells in contact with the support
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following phytohormone is not associated with the promotion of growth in plants ?
(a) auxin
(b) abscisic acid
(c) gibberellin
(d) cytokinin
Answer : B
Question. The plant hormone which triggers the fall of mature leaves and fruits from the plant body is :
(a) auxin
(b) gibberellin
(c) abscisic acid
(d) cytokinin
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following terms denotes the movement of the root of a plant towards moisture in the soil ?
(a) thigmotropism
(b) chemotropism
(c) hydrotropism
(d) geotropism
Answer : C
Question. The growth of a pollen tube towards the ovule caused by a sugary substance as stimulus is an example of :
(a) phototropism
(b) chlorotropism
(c) gravitropism
(d) chemotropism
Answer : D
Question. The bending of the shoot of a plant in response to light is called :
(a) geotropism
(b) phototropism
(c) thigmotropism
(d) photonasty
Answer : B
Question. The stimulus in the process of thigmotropism is :
(a) touch
(b) gravity
(c) light
(d) chemical
Answer : A
Question. A growing seedling is kept in a dark room. A burning candle is placed near it for a few days. The top part of seedling bends towards the burning candle. This is an example of :
(a) chemotropism
(b) hydrotropism
(c) phototropism
(d) geotropism
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following acts as a stimulus in the process of hydrotropism ?
(a) hydrocarbon
(b) hydrogen oxide
(c) hydrogen chloride
(d) hydrogen peroxide
Answer : B
Question. The growth movement of a plant part in response to the touch of an object is called :
(a) thigmonasty
(b) hydrotropism
(c) thigmotropism
(d) geotropism
Answer : C
Question. The climbing organs of plants like tendrils grow towards any support which they happen to touch and wind around the support. This is an example of :
(a) chemotropism
(b) nastic movement
(c) thigmotropism
(d) geotropism
Answer : C
Question. The rate of growth in roots is decreased by one of the following plant hormones. This plant hormone is :
(a) gibberellin
(b) auxin
(c) cytokinin
(d) ethene
Answer : B
Question. When the leaves of a Mimosa pudica plant are touched with a finger, they fold up quickly. This is an example of :
(a) chemotropism
(b) thigmonasty
(c) photonasty
(d) thigmotropism
Answer : B
Question. Dandelion flowers open the petals in bright light during the daytime but close the petals in dark at night.
This response of dandelion flowers to light is called :
(a) phototropism
(b) thigmonasty
(c) chemotropism
(d) photonasty
Answer : D
Question. To which of the following directional stimulus roots of a plant do not respond ?
(a) moisture
(b) candle light
(c) touch
(d) gravity
Answer : C
Question. One of the following is not caused by the growth related movement of the concerned plant part. This is :
(a) phototropism
(b) photonasty
(c) thigmonasty
(d) thigmotropism
Answer : C
Question. The bending of the root of a plant away from a source of light is caused by a plant hormone called :
(a) cytokinin
(b) gibberellin
(c) abscisic acid
(d) auxin
Answer : D
Question. Most of the plant hormones promote plant growth. A plant hormone which inhibits growth is :
(a) abscisic acid
(b) ethene
(c) ascorbic acid
(d) cytokinin
Answer : A
Question. The movement of a shoot towards light is :
(a) geotropism
(b) hydrotropism
(c) chemotropism
(d) phototropism
Answer : D
Question. The bending of the stem of a plant towards a source of light is caused by the action of a phytohormone known as :
(a) abscisic acid
(b) auxin
(c) gibberellins
(d) cytokinin
Answer : B
Question. Which of the following plant part exhibits negative phototropism ?
(a) root
(b) branch
(c) leaves
(d) stem
Answer : A
Question. Which of the following are not tropisms ?
(i) growing of pollen tube in response to a sugary substance
(ii) folding up of leaves of sensitive plant in response to touch
(iii) winding of tendril around a support in response to touch
(iv) opening up of the leaves of a daisy flower in response to light
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii) (c) (i) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv)
Answer : D
Study the diagram of reflex arc and answer the following questions
Question. Reflex action is controlled by
a) CNS
b) PNS
c) ANS
d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. Which is the correct sequence of the components of a reflex arc?
a) Receptors→ muscles→ sensory neuron→ motor neuron→ spinal cord
b) Receptors→ motor neuron→ spinal cord→ sensory neuron→ muscles
c) Receptors→ spinal cord→ sensory neuron→ motor neuron→ muscles
d) Receptors→ sensory neuron→ spinal cord→ motor neuron→ muscles
Answer : D
Question. While studying Rahul slapped his right arm with left hand unknowingly and found a mosquito was dead with tint of blood. The slapping action of Rahul is due to:
a) Involuntary action
b) Voluntary action
c) Reflex action
d) Automatic action
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following is not a function of sensory organ?
a) Detect all changes in the environment
b) Send appropriate signal to CNS
c) Analysis of signal
d) Receives signal
Answer : C
Very Short Answer
Question : Name the hormones secreted by pancreas.
Answer : Pancreas secertes Insulin and Glucagon hormone.
Question. What name is given to chemical substances which bring about control and coordination in plants?
Answer : Plant hormone.
Question. Which part of our brain is responsible for maintaining posture and balance of our body?
Answer : Cerebellum.
Question. Which part of the brain is concerned with memory, will and power?
Answer : Cerebral hemisphere.
Question. What are nastic movements?
Answer : There are certain movements due to stimulus of certain movements due to stimulus of contact, light, heat, etc. Such movements are called nastic movements.
Question. What are the different stimuli acting on plants?
Answer : Light, gravity, water and touch.
Question. State the function of:
(a) gustatory receptors, and
(b) olfactory receptors
Answer : (a) Gustatory receptors receive taste.
(b) Olfactory receptors receive smell.
Question. Name the part of human body in which the adrenal and pituitary glands are located.
Answer : Adrenal – Above kidney and
Pituitary – Brain.
Question. What will happen to a plant shoot if sunlight falls on it from one direction only?
Answer : The shoot will bend towards light.
Question. How do plants convey information?
Answer : By chemical coordination.
Question. Name one organ where growth hormone is synthesized in case of plants and man.
Answer : Shoot tip in plants and pituitary gland (anterior) in man.
Short Answer
Long Answer
Q1. Which hormone:
1. prepares the body for action?
2. controls the amount of sugar (glucose) in blood?
3. brings about changes in boys at puberty?
4. brings about changes in girls at puberty?
Ans. a) Adrenaline b) Insulin
c) Testosterone d) Oestrogen
Question : Phytohormones are
(B) avena coleoptiles, fungus gibberella
(D) human urine, rice plant.
(B) transpiration
(D) photosynthesis.
(B) geotropism
(C) heliotropism
(D) phototropism
(B) enhancing root initiation
(D) preventing the growth of the lateral buds.
(B) in short day plants under long day conditions
(D) none of the above
(C) help in retention of chlorophyll
(D) promote abscission layer formation
(B) gaseous enzyme
(C) gaseous hormone
(D) liquid gas mixture
(B) ethylene
(C) temperature
(D) short days
(B) phototropism
(C) photoperiodism
(D) photorespiration
(B) cerebellum with optic lobes
(D) mid brain, ponsvarolli and medulla oblongata
(B) 13 pairs
(C) 6 pairs
(D) 31 pairs
(B) cerebellum
(C) medulla oblongata
(D) diencephalon
(B) an organ concerned with voluntary actions
(D) a vestige of third eye and endocrine gland
(B) cerebellum
(C) sensory area
(D) association area
(B) sense organs
(C) internal organs
(D) skeletal muscle
(B) hematology
(C) neuroglia
(D) neurology
(B) receptor spinal cord muscles
(D) muscles spinal cord receptor
(B) occipital lobe
(C) frontal lobe
(D) parietal lobe
A brain is displayed at the Allen Institute for Brain Science. The human brain is a 3- pound (1.4-kilogram) mass of jelly-like fats and tissues—yet it's the most complex of all known living structures The human brain is more complex than any other known structure in the universe. Weighing in at three pounds, on average, this spongy mass of fat and protein is made up of two overarching types of cells—called glia and neurons— and it contains many billions of each. Neurons are notable for their branch-like projections called axons and dendrites, which gather and transmit electrochemical signals. Different types of glial cells provide physical protection to neurons and help keep them, and the brain, healthy. Together, this complex network of cells gives rise to every aspect of our shared humanity. We could not breathe, play, love, or remember without the brain.
Question. Animals such as elephants, dolphins, and whales actually have larger brains, but humans have the most developed cerebrum. It's packed to capacity inside our skulls and is highly folded. Why our brain is highly folded?
Answer : To increase the surface area of the brain to receive sensory impulses from various receptors, interpret the sensory information with the information that is stored in the brain and respond accordingly
Question. Which among this is not a function of cerebrum?
a) speech
b) Learning
c) Posture
d) Emotion
Answer : C
Question. Which among these protects our brain?
a) Neurotransmitter
b) Cerebrospinal fluid
c) Meninges
d) Grey matter
i) a, b & c
ii) b & c
iii) c & d
iv) b,c&d
Answer : B
Question. Ram was studying in his room. Suddenly he smells something burning and sees smoke in the room. He rushes out of the room immediately. Was Ram’s action voluntary or involuntary? Why?
Answer : 4. Ram’s action was voluntary because rushing out of the room was under conscious control. The smoke and smell were perceived by the receptor and sensor and signals are sent to the brain. The brain then sent the signals to effector organs.
Very Short Answer type Questlons
Question. If we happen to touch a hot object unknowingly, we immediately pull back our hand. What is this type of action known as ?
Answer : Reflex action
Question. Which part of the brain maintains posture and balance of the body ?
Answer : The cerebellum of the brain maintains posture and balance of the body.
Question. State one function each of cerebellum and pons.
Answer : The pons participates in regulating respiration. The cerebellum helps in maintaining balance and posture of the body.
Question. Name one hormone secreted by the pituitary gland.
Answer : Antidiuretic hormone (ADH, or vasopressin)
Question. Where are hormones made in the human body ?
Answer : Endocrine glands
Question. What is the name of the system of glands which produces hormones ?
Answer : Endocrine system
Question. Name the three components of a neuron (or nerve cell).
Answer : The three components of a neuron (or a nerve cell) are the cell body, the dendrites and the axon.
Question. (a) What are the short fibres of a neuron known as ?
(b) What is the long fibre of a neuron known as ?
Answer : (a) The short fibres of a neuron are known as the dendrites.
(b) The long fibre of a neuron is known as the axon.
Question. Name the most important part of the human brain.
Answer : The cerebrum (forebrain) is the most important part of the human brain.
Question. Which gland secretes the growth hormone ?
Answer : The pituitary gland
Question. Name the hormones secreted by (a) testes, and (b) ovaries
Answer : (a) The testes secrete testosterone also known as male sex hormone.
(b) The ovaries secrete oestrogen and progesterone also known as female sex hormone.
Question. Name the two systems of control and coordination in higher animals.
Answer : The two systems of control and coordination in higher animals are the nervous system and the endocrine system.
Question. What are the two parts of the vertebrate nervous system ?
Answer : The two parts of the vertebrate nervous system are the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.
Question. What are the scientific names for the following receptors in animals ?
(a) receptors for light (b) receptors for heat (c) receptors for sound
(d) receptors for smell (e) receptors for taste
Answer : The scientific names for the following receptors in animals are-
(a) receptors for light - Photoreceptor.
(b) receptors for heat - Thermoreceptor.
(c) receptors for sound - Phonoreceptor.
(d) receptors for smell - Olfactory receptors.
(e) receptors for taste - Gustatory receptors.
Question. Name the disease caused by the deficiency
Answer : Scurvy: It is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C.
Rickets: It is caused by the deficiency of vitamin D.
Anaemia: It is caused by the deficiency of iron.
Goitre: It is caused by the deficiency of iodine
Question. Name the disease caused by the deficiency of thyroxine hormone in the body.
Answer : Goitre
Question. Which halogen element is necessary for the making of thyroxine hormone by the thyroid gland ?
Answer : Iodine
Question. Why are some patients of diabetes treated by giving injections of insulin ?
Answer : 1. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that regulates the sugar level in the blood.
2. When this hormone is not synthesised in proper amount then the sugar level in the blood rises, then the person is said to be suffering from diabetes. This is the reason why diabetic patients are treated by giving injections of insulin.
Question. What is the name of in-built ‘arrangement’ in our body which controls the timing and amount of hormones released by various endocrine glands in the body ?
Answer : Feedback mechanism
Question. Name one gland each :
(a) which acts only as an endocrine gland.
(b) which acts only as an exocrine gland.
(c) which acts both as an endocrine gland as well as an exocrine gland.
Answer : (a) Thyroid is a large ductless gland present in the neck, acts only as an endocrine gland.
(b) Salivary gland present in and around the mouth and neck, acts only as an exocrine gland.
(c) Pancreas, an organ located in the abdomen, acts both as an endocrine gland and an exocrine gland.
Question. What part does the diet play in helping us to have a healthy thyroid gland ?
Answer : Diet provides iodine for making thyroxine hormone which keeps the thyroid gland healthy
Question. If sugar is detected in the urine of a person, name the disease he is suffering from.
Answer : Retina
Question. Name two parts of the body which contain receptors of chemical stimuli.
Answer : Nose and Tongue
Question. Which part of the eye contains cells which are sensitive to light ?
Answer : Retina
Question. What are the two main communications systems in an animal’s body ?
Answer : The nervous system and the endocrine system are the two main communication systems in an animal body.
Question. Which one term in each of the following includes the other three ?
(a) thyroid, ductless gland, thymus, pituitary, ovary
(b) adrenalin, insulin, hormone, thyroxine, estrogen
Answer : (a) ductless gland (b) hormone
Question. Which parts of the body form the central nervous system ?
Answer : The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord.
The peripheral nervous system is made up of nerves that branch off from the spinal cord and extend to all parts of the body.
Question. Give three examples of reflex actions.
Answer : Coughing, yawning and blinking of eyes are examples of reflex actions.
Question. Why do you need iodine in your diet ?
Answer : Iodine is needed in our diet because it helps the thyroid gland in making thyroxine hormone.
Question. State whether coughing is a voluntary action or reflex action.
Answer : Reflex actions are those actions which we do without thinking to protect ourselves. Coughing is a reflex action as it clears our windpipe.
Question : Name the hormones secreted by the following endocrine glands and specify one function of each:
(a) Thyroid (b) Pituitary (c) Pancreas
Answer : a. Thyroid: Secretes Thyroxine. It regulates metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
b. Pituitary: Secretes growth hormone. Growth hormone regulates growth and development of body.
c. Pancreas: Secretes insulin. Insulin lowers blood sugar level.
Question : How does chemical coordination occur in plants? Explain with the help of three examples.
Answer : In plants, chemical coordination occurs through various Phytohormones.
a. Auxins secreted by growing tissues. They provide growth of plants.
b. Gibberellins cause stem elongation, seed germination and flowering.
c. Cytokinin’s present in areas of actively dividing cells like fruits, seeds. Promote cell division.
d. Abscisic acid inhibits growth and respond to environmental stress.
Question : (a) An old man is advised by his doctor to take less sugar in his diet. Name the disease from which the man is suffering. Mention the hormone due to imbalance of which he is
suffering from this disease. Which endocrine gland secretes this hormone?
(b) Name the endocrine gland which secretes growth hormone. What will be its effect on a person if there is: (i) Deficiency of growth hormones
(ii) Excess secretion of growth hormones?
Answer : a. The man is suffering with the disease Diabetes. Insulin is the hormone which is
responsible for this disease. Pancreas secretes this hormone.
b. Pituitary gland.
(i) Deficiency of growth hormone causes dwarfism.
(ii) Excess secretion of growth hormone cause gigantism in a person.
Question : Draw and label a Neuron. Explain how it carries messages.
Answer : Information from the environment is detected by dendritic tip of a neuron located in the sense organ. A chemical reaction sets off here and it creates an electrical impulse which travels from dendrite to cell body and then along the axon to its endings where it sets off the release of some chemicals. The chemicals cross the synapse and set off a similar electrical impulse in dendrites of next neuron.Another synapse at the end of its axon delivers the impulse to the other cells like muscles cells / glands (effector organs) which react to perform the action.
Question :(a) Name the part of brain which controls :
(i) voluntary action (ii) involuntary action.
(b) What is the significance of the peripheral nervous system? Name the components of this nervous system and distinguish between the origin of the two.
Answer : .a.(i) Voluntary actions - cerebellum; (ii) Involuntary action — medulla oblongata.
b. The communication between the central nervous system and the other parts of the body is facilitated by the peripheral nervous system. Cranial nerves arise from the brain; spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord.
Question : Draw a labelled diagram of human brain. Discuss functions of cerebrum, cerebellum and medulla.
Draw and describe the role of various parts of human brain.
Answer : Human brain has three major parts:
a. Fore-Brain contains mainly cerebrum b. Mid-brain c. Hind-brain
Functions: a. Cerebellum which controls posture, balance of body and accurate voluntary movements.
b. Pons regulates respiration
c. Medulla oblongata which controls involuntary actions like blood pressure, salivation, vomiting etc.
Question : Give the function(s) of the following plant hormones:
a. Auxins b. Gibberellins c. Cytokinins d. Abscisic acid e. Ethylene
Answer : .a. Auxins promote cell elongation, root formation, cell division, etc. It also promotes fruit growth.
b. Gibberellins stimulate stem elongation, seed germination and flowering.
c. Cytokinins help in breaking the dormancy of seeds and buds. They delay ageing in leaves.
They also promote the opening of stomata.
d. Abscisic acid promotes falling of leaves and fruits.
e. Ethylene promotes ripening of fruits
Question : (a) Draw the structure of a neuron and label the following on it:
Nucleus, Dendrite, Cell body and Axon.
(b) Name the part of neuron :
(i) Where information is acquired.
(ii) Through which information travels as an electrical impulse.
Answer : (a)
b. (i) Dendrite (ii) Axon
Question : Describe an activity to illustrate the phenomenon of phototropism and explain why does this occur.
Answer :
a. Take a plant and make such an arrangement that it receives the light coming from a window as shown in the figure and observe it for few days.
b. Now,turn the flask so that the shoots are away from light and the roots towards light.
Leave it undisturbed in this condition for a few days.
c. Again, observe carefully to find the difference in the movement.
d. When growing plants detect light, auxin, synthesized at the shoot tip, helps the cells to grow longer. Auxin always diffuses towards the shady side of the shoot. This concentration of auxin stimulates the cells to grow longer on the side of the shoot which is away from light. Thus, the plant appears to bend towards light.
Question : (a) What is Phototropism and Geotropism? With labelled diagrams describe an activity to show that light and gravity change the direction that plant part grows in.
(b) Mention the role of each of the following plant hormones:
(i) Auxin (ii) Abscisic acid.
Answer : a. Phototropism It is tropic movements in the direction of light or away from it e.g. shoots bend towards light while roots grow away from it. Hence shoot is positively phototropic and root is negatively phototropic.
Geotropism: Growth of roots downward towards the earth hence positively geotropic whereas stem grows upward, away from earth, hence it is negatively geographic.
b. Auxins: Synthesized at the shoot tip, helps the cells to grow longer.
Abscisic acid: Inhibits growth, causes wilting and falling of leaves.
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CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control And Coordination Assignment
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