Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 Science Chemistry Different Types of Chemical Reactions Assignment. Get printable school Assignments for Class 10 Chemistry. Class 10 students should practise questions and answers given here for Practical Worksheets Chemistry in Class 10 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 10 Chemistry prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations
Assignment for Class 10 Chemistry Practical Worksheets
Class 10 Chemistry students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Practical Worksheets in Class 10. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 Chemistry will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Practical Worksheets Class 10 Chemistry Assignment
Combination reaction
Objectives: To study the Combination reaction of Quick lime (CaO) in water
Requirements: CaO, water, beaker, thermometer, stirrer, etc.
Points to remember:
1. CaO is a white powder
2. It reacts with water to form slaked lime [Ca(OH)2]
3. This process is called slaking of lime
4. Slaked lime is a suspension of Ca(OH)2 in water.
5. Clear solution of Ca(OH)2 in water is known as lime water
6. Slaking of lime is an exothermic reaction releasing a lot of heat energy.
7. CaO(s) + H2O(l) →Ca(OH)2(s/aq)
1. Take about 50 ml of water is a beaker and note its temperature and record as T10C
2. Add 2 spatula of CaO to it.
3. Stir well
4. Note the temperature again and record the same as T20C
5. Compare the temperature. (Which is greater? T1 or T2?)
1. Initial temperature: T10C = ………….0C
2. Final Temperature: T20C = ………… 0C
Result: Reaction between CaO and water is an example of combination reaction and it is an exothermic combination reaction.
1. Water used may boil due to chemical reaction and hence touching the hot beaker with bare hand should be avoided.
2. Use goggles and lab coat
3. Hg thermometer should be handled with care.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is meant by combination reaction?
2. What is the colour of CaO or quick lime?
3. How do you know that dissolution of CaO in water is exothermic?
4. What are exothermic reactions?
5. Does this reaction belong to REDOX type? (Ans: No. No electron exchange takes place)
Objectives: To study the decomposition reaction of FeSO4 Requirements: Iron sulphate hepta hydrate (FeSO4.7H2O), test tube, spatula, Bunsen burner, etc.
Points to remember:
1. Ferrous sulphate hepta hydrate crystals are light green (pale green) in colour.
2. On heating iron sulphate undergoes decomposition to form solid iron oxide and sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide gases. (2FeSO4.7H2O A→ Fe2O3 + SO2 + SO3 + 14H2O)
3. The gases formed has smell of burning sulphur
4. Iron sulphide is brown in colour.
5. The sulphur oxide gases produced are acidic and can be tested using moist blue litmus paper.
6. Both SO2 and SO3 are soluble in water
7. SO2 + H2O → H2SO3 (Sulphurous acid)
8. SO3 + H2O → H2SO4 (Sulphuric acid)
9. SO2 will dissolve in water and can be tested using acidified potassium dichromate solution (Yellow solution turns green)
10. The seven water molecules present in the crystal are known as water of crystallisation.
1. Take a few crystals of iron sulphate hepta hydrate in a clean dry test tube.
2. Heat the test tube strongly on a Bunsen burner.
3. Introduce a moist blue litmus paper near the mouth of the test tube
1. Green colour of the substance gradually changes to brown
2. The white fuming kind of gas released has smell of burning sulphur
3. Blue litmus paper turns to red.
Result: Light green iron sulphate undergoes decomposition to form brown iron oxide and acidic SO2 and SO3
gases. It also loses its water of crystallisation.
1. Do not inhale the gases that are released.
2. Avoid your eyes getting exposed to the gases.
3. Wear goggle and lab coat.
Answer the following questions:
1. What are decomposition reactions?
2. What is the colour of hydrated FeSO4?
3. What is the colour of the residue formed after the experiment? What is it chemically?
4. The gases emitted are ……….. oxides.
Experiment No: …1 (c) Displacement reaction Date: ………..
Objectives: To study the Displacement reaction of iron in copper sulphate
Requirements: Iron nails, thread, test tubes, copper sulphate, distilled water, spatula, TT stand, sand paper, etc.
Points to remember:
1. Colour of pure iron is greyish
2. Colour of pure copper is brownish.
3. Aqueous solution of copper sulphate is blue due to the presence of Cu2+ ions and ferrous sulphate is light green due to the presence of Fe2+ ions.
4. Fe is more reactive than Cu. Due to their difference in reactivity, copper gets deposited on iron when iron is kept in a solution of copper sulphate and metallic iron dissolves in water to form iron sulphate.
5. Due to the above mentioned reactions, the colour of the solution gradually changes from blue to light green.
6. Fe(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Fe2+(aq) + Cu(s).
7. This is an example of a single displacement reaction. (Fe2+ ions displace Cu2+ ions)
1. Take 10 ml each of copper sulphate solution in two test tubes and keep on a TT stand.
2. Take two iron nails and clean them using a sand paper to remove any rust.
3. Put one iron nail in one of the test tubes.
4. After 15 minutes, take out the iron nail keep it on a filter paper next to the clean iron nail and compare them. Compare also the solutions in both the test tubes.
5. Record your observation in the following table.
Nature of the: | Observation | Inference |
Iron nail before the experiment | Silvery grey in colour and lustrous | Metals are lustrous. |
Iron nail after the experiment | Brown deposit on the nai | Copper is deposited on the nail due the displacement reaction that takes place between Fe & Cu. |
Solution before the experiment | Light blue and transparent | Copper sulphate solution is peacock blue in colour |
Solution after the experiment | Light green and dirty | Due to the chemical reaction, Fe displaces Cu fromCuSO4 and FeSO4 is formed in the solution. Dirtiness is due to the rusting of iron. |
Fe displaces Cu from CuSO4 and forms FeSO4 in the solution hence the colour of the solution changes from light blue to pale green. The displaced copper gets deposited on iron nail. It appears as brown coating on iron nail.
1. Iron nail should be clean; otherwise impurity such as rust will cause interference to the expected reaction.
2. During the experiment the test tube should not be disturbed. (The deposit of copper might fall off)
3. More the time taken better will be the result.
1. What is meant by displacement reaction? (Ans: A stronger element displaces a weaker element from its compound)
2. Which is more reactive? Copper or iron and why? (Ans: Fe is more reactive as it displaces Cu from its compounds)
3. Name the reaction that takes place, when an iron nail is kept in copper sulphate solution. (Single displacement or REDOX)
4. What happens when (write also the chemical equations involved):
a. Zn strip is kept in copper sulphate solution? (Blue solution becomes colourless and brown deposit of Cu)
b. Copper wire is kept in ferrous sulphate solution? (No visible change as Cu cannot displace Fe)
c. Copper wire is kept in silver nitrate solution? (Black deposit of Ag and colourless solution becomes blue)
d. Copper sulphate solution is stored in iron vessel? (Hole will be formed on Fe vessel as Fe displaces Cu from Copper sulphate. Precious copper sulphate solution will be lost)
5. What is the colour of copper sulphate solution before the experiment? (Blue/Peacock blue)
6. Which out of the following get coated on iron nail? What is its colour?
(Copper oxide, copper sulphate, copper sulphide, copper metal) [Reddish brown copper metal)
7. What is the type of reaction that takes place in this experiment? (Chemical displacement)
Double displacement reaction
Experiment No: …1 (d) Date......
Objectives: To study the chemical reaction between Sodium sulphate and Barium Chloride.
Requirements: Solutions of Na2SO4 & BaCl2, test tubes etc.
Points to remember:
1. Sodium sulphate contains 2 sodium ions and one sulphate ion.
2. On mixing the solutions a double displacement reactions takes place.
3. Na2SO4(aq) + BaCl2(aq) → 2NaCl(aq) + BaSO4(aq).
Take 1 ml of Sodium sulphate solution in a test tube and add 1ml of BaCl2 solution to it. Record the change observed. | A white precipitate is formed | The white precipitate formed is BaSO4 Na2SO4+BaCl2 → BaSO4+2NaCl |
Add 1 ml of con. HCl acid to one portion of the precipitate taken in another test tube. | The precipitate remains insoluble. | Confirms the presence of BaSO4. Questions: |
1. What is meant by displacement reaction?
2. What is meant by double displacement reaction?
3. Write the formulae of sodium sulphate, barium chloride and barium sulphate.
4. What is the valency of:
a. Sodium in sodium sulphate
b. Barium ion in barium sulphate and barium chloride
c. Chloride ion in barium chloride and sodium chloride.
Ans: (a) +1, (b) +2+ and (c) -1
5. What is the colour of barium chloride solution? What is the colour of barium sulphate recipitate?
Multiple choice type questions
1. A student took solid quick lime in a china dish and added a small amount of water. He heard
a) A popping sound
b) A crackling sound
c) A hissing sound
d) No sound at all
2. On heating ferrous sulphate crystals one would get
a) Sweet smell
b) Rotten egg smell
c) Irritating choking smell
d) None of the above
3. Iron nails were dipped in a solution kept in a test tube. After half an hour, it was observed that
the colour of the solution had changed. The solution in the test tube was that of
a) Zinc sulphate
b) Copper sulphate
c) Iron sulphate
d) Aluminium sulphate
4. Which of the following will give a white precipitate with sodium sulphate solution?
a) Barium sulphate
b) Barium carbonate
c) Barium chloride
d) Sodium chloride
5. Iron nails were dipped in a solution of copper sulphate. After 10 minutes, it was observed that
the blue colour of the solution changes and a layer gets deposited on iron nails. The colour of the
solution and that of the coating would respectively be
a) Yellow and green
b) Brown and blue
c) Red and greenish blue
d) Green and reddish brown
6. The solution obtained after the reaction of water on calcium oxide is
a) Neutral
b) Acidic
c) Amphoteric
d) Basic
7. Although a group of the students dipped the iron nails for 10 minutes in the copper sulphate
solution they could not get the result. The possible reason could be
a) Copper sulphate was freshly prepared
b) The iron nail did not provide enough area for reacting
c) The iron nails have to be kept in solution atleast for 24 hr
d) Iron nails were not rubbed clean with sand paper.
8. The first change observed when crystals of ferrous sulphate are heated is
a) Evolution of brown fumes
b) Pale green colour fades
c) Crystals turn green
d) Yellow fumes evolve.
9. The colour of fumes observed on heating ferrous sulphate in a test tube is
a) White
b) Reddish brown
c) Dark brown
d) Black.
10. When you place an iron nail in copper sulphate, the reddish brown coating formed is
a) Soft and dull
b) Hard and flaky
c) Smooth and shiny
d) Rough and granular
Objectives: To study the decomposition reaction of FeSO4
Requirements: Iron sulphate hepta hydrate (FeSO4.7H2O), test tube, spatula, Bunsen burner, etc.
Points to remember:
11. Ferrous sulphate hepta hydrate crystals are light green (pale green) in colour.
12. On heating iron sulphate undergoes decomposition to form solid iron oxide and sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide gases. (2FeSO4.7H2O A→ Fe2O3 + SO2 + SO3 + 14H2O)
13. The gases formed has smell of burning sulphur
14. Iron sulphide is brown in colour.
15. The sulphur oxide gases produced are acidic and can be tested using moist blue litmus paper.
16. Both SO2 and SO3 are soluble in water
17. SO2 + H2O → H2SO3 (Sulphurous acid)
18. SO3 + H2O → H2SO4 (Sulphuric acid)
19. SO2 will dissolve in water and can be tested using acidified potassium dichromate solution (Yellow solution turns green)
20. The seven water molecules present in the crystal are known as water of crystallisation.'
4. Take a few crystals of iron sulphate hepta hydrate in a clean dry test tube.
5. Heat the test tube strongly on a Bunsen burner.
6. Introduce a moist blue litmus paper near the mouth of the test tube
4. Green colour of the substance gradually changes to brown
5. The white fuming kind of gas released has smell of burning sulphur
6. Blue litmus paper turns to red.
Result: Light green iron sulphate undergoes decomposition to form brown iron oxide and acidic SO2 and SO3 gases. It also loses its water of crystallisation.
4. Do not inhale the gases that are released.
5. Avoid your eyes getting exposed to the gases.
6. Wear goggle and lab coat.
Answer the following questions:
5. What are decomposition reactions?
6. What is the colour of hydrated FeSO4?
7. What is the colour of the residue formed after the experiment? What is it chemically?
8. The gases eitted are ……….. oxides.
Experiment No: …1 (e) Displacement reaction Date: ………..
Objectives: To study the Displacement reaction of iron in copper sulphate
Requirements: Iron nails, thread, test tubes, copper sulphate, distilled water, spatula, TT stand, sand paper, etc.
Points to remember:
8. Colour of pure iron is greyish
9. Colour of pure copper is brownish.
10. Aqueous solution of copper sulphate is blue due to the presence of Cu2+ ions and ferrous sulphate is
light green due to the presence of Fe2+ ions.
11. Fe is more reactive than Cu. Due to their difference in reactivity, copper gets deposited on iron when
iron is kept in a solution of copper sulphate and metallic iron dissolves in water to form iron sulphate.
12. Due to the above mentioned reactions, the colour of the solution gradually changes from blue to light
13. Fe(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Fe2+(aq) + Cu(s).
14. This is an example of a single displacement reaction. (Fe2+ ions displace Cu2+ ions)
6. Take 10 ml each of copper sulphate solution in two test tubes and keep on a TT stand.
7. Take two iron nails and clean them using a sand paper to remove any rust.
8. Put one iron nail in one of the test tubes.
9. After 15 minutes, take out the iron nail keep it on a filter paper next to the clean iron nail and compare them. Compare also the solutions in both the test tubes.
10. Record your observation in the following table.
Nature of the: | Observation | Inference |
Iron nail before the experiment | Silvery grey in colour and lustrous | Metals are lustrous. |
Iron nail after the experiment | Brown deposit on the nai | Copper is deposited on the nail due the displacement reaction hat takes place between Fe & Cu. |
Solution before the experiment | Light blue and transparent | Copper sulphate solution is peacock blue in colour |
Solution after the experiment | Light green and dirty | Due to the chemical reaction, Fe displaces Cu fromCuSO4 and FeSO4 is formed in the solution.Dirtiness is due to the rusting of iron. |
Fe displaces Cu from CuSO4 and forms FeSO4 in the solution hence the colour of the solution changes from light blue to pale green. The displaced copper gets deposited on iron nail. It appears as brown coating on iron nail.
4. Iron nail should be clean; otherwise impurity such as rust will cause interference to the expected reaction.
5. During the experiment the test tube should not be disturbed. (The deposit of copper might fall off)6. More the time taken better will be the result.
8. What is meant by displacement reaction? (Ans: A stronger element displaces a weaker element from its
9. Which is more reactive? Copper or iron and why? (Ans: Fe is more reactive as it displaces Cu from its compounds)
10. Name the reaction that takes place, when an iron nail is kept in copper sulphate solution. (Single displacement or REDOX)
11. What happens when (write also the chemical equations involved):
a. Zn strip is kept in copper sulphate solution? (Blue solution becomes colourless and brown deposit of Cu)
b. Copper wire is kept in ferrous sulphate solution? (No visible change as Cu cannot displace Fe)
c. Copper wire is kept in silver nitrate solution? (Black deposit of Ag and colourless solution becomes blue)
d. Copper sulphate solution is stored in iron vessel? (Hole will be formed on Fe vessel as Fe displaces Cu
from Copper sulphate. Precious copper sulphate solution will be lost)
12. What is the colour of copper sulphate solution before the experiment? (Blue/Peacock blue)
13. Which out of the following get coated on iron nail? What is its colour?
(Copper oxide, copper sulphate, copper sulphide, copper metal) [Reddish brown copper metal)
14. What is the type of reaction that takes place in this experiment? (Chemical displacement)
Double displacement reaction
Experiment No: …1 (d) Date......
Objectives: To study the chemical reaction between Sodium sulphate and Barium Chloride.
Requirements: Solutions of Na2SO4 & BaCl2, test tubes etc.
Points to remember:
4. Sodium sulphate contains 2 sodium ions and one sulphate ion.
5. On mixing the solutions a double displacement reactions takes place.
6. Na2SO4(aq) + BaCl2(aq) → 2NaCl(aq) + BaSO4(aq).
Take 1 ml of Sodium sulphate solution in a test tube and add 1 ml of BaCl2 solution to it. Recordthe change observed | A white precipitate is formed | The white precipitate formed is BaSO4 Na2SO4+BaCl2 →BaSO4+2NaCl |
Take 1 ml of Sodium sulphate solution in a test tube and add 1 ml of BaCl2 solution to it. Record the change observed | The precipitate remains insoluble | Confirms the presence of BaSO4. |
6. What is meant by displacement reaction?
7. What is meant by double displacement reaction?
8. Write the formulae of sodium sulphate, barium chloride and barium sulphate.
9. What is the valency of:
a. Sodium in sodium sulphate
b. Barium ion in barium sulphate and barium chloride
c. Chloride ion in barium chloride and sodium chloride.
Ans: (a) +1, (b) +2+ and (c) -1
10. What is the colour of barium chloride solution? What is the colour of barium sulphate recipitate?
Multiple choice type questions
1. A student took solid quick lime in a china dish and added a small amount of water. He heard
e) A popping sound
f) A crackling sound
g) A hissing sound
h) No sound at all
2. On heating ferrous sulphate crystals one would get
e) Sweet smell
f) Rotten egg smell
g) Irritating choking smell
h) None of the above
3. Iron nails were dipped in a solution kept in a test tube. After half an hour, it was observed that
the colour of the solution had changed. The solution in the test tube was that of
e) Zinc sulphate
f) Copper sulphate
g) Iron sulphate
h) Aluminium sulphate
4. Which of the following will give a white precipitate with sodium sulphate solution?
e) Barium sulphate
f) Barium carbonate
g) Barium chloride
h) Sodium chloride
5. Iron nails were dipped in a solution of copper sulphate. After 10 minutes, it was observed that
the blue colour of the solution changes and a layer gets deposited on iron nails. The colour of the
solution and that of the coating would respectively be
e) Yellow and green
f) Brown and blue
g) Red and greenish blue
h) Green and reddish brown
6. The solution obtained after the reaction of water on calcium oxide is
e) Neutral
f) Acidic
g) Amphoteric
h) Basic
7. Although a group of the students dipped the iron nails for 10 minutes in the copper sulphate
solution they could not get the result. The possible reason could be
e) Copper sulphate was freshly prepared
f) The iron nail did not provide enough area for reacting
g) The iron nails have to be kept in solution atleast for 24 hr
h) Iron nails were not rubbed clean with sand paper.
8. The first change observed when crystals of ferrous sulphate are heated is
e) Evolution of brown fumes
f) Pale green colour fades
g) Crystals turn green
h) Yellow fumes evolve.
9. The colour of fumes observed on heating ferrous sulphate in a test tube is
e) White
f) Reddish brown
g) Dark brown
h) Black.
10. When you place an iron nail in copper sulphate, the reddish brown coating formed is
e) Soft and dull
f) Hard and flaky
g) Smooth and shiny
h) Rough and granular
Experiment No: …1 (c) Displacement reaction Date: ………..
Objectives: To study the Displacement reaction of iron in copper sulphate
Requirements: Iron nails, thread, test tubes, copper sulphate, distilled water, spatula, TT stand, sand paper, etc.
Points to remember:
15. Colour of pure iron is greyish
16. Colour of pure copper is brownish.
17. Aqueous solution of copper sulphate is blue due to the presence of Cu2+ ions and ferrous sulphate is light green due to the presence of Fe2+ ions.
18. Fe is more reactive than Cu. Due to their difference in reactivity, copper gets deposited on iron when iron is kept in a solution of copper sulphate and metallic iron dissolves in water to form iron sulphate.
19. Due to the above mentioned reactions, the colour of the solution gradually changes from blue to light green.
20. Fe(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Fe2+(aq) + Cu(s).
21. This is an example of a single displacement reaction. (Fe2+ ions displace Cu2+ ions)
11. Take 10 ml each of copper sulphate solution in two test tubes and keep on a TT stand.
12. Take two iron nails and clean them using a sand paper to remove any rust.
13. Put one iron nail in one of the test tubes.
14. After 15 minutes, take out the iron nail keep it on a filter paper next to the clean iron nail and compare them. Compare also the solutions in both the test tubes
Nature of the | Observation | Inference |
Iron nail before the experiment | Silvery grey in colour and lustrous | Metals are lustrous. |
Iron nail after the experiment | Brown deposit on the nai | Copper is deposited on the nail due the displacement reaction that takes place between Fe & Cu. |
Solution before the experiment | Light blue and transparent | Light blue andtransparent |
Solution after the experiment | Light green and dirty | Due to the chemical reaction, Fe displaces Cu from CuSO4 and FeSO4 is formed in the solution. Dirtiness is due to the rusting of iron. |
Fe displaces Cu from CuSO4 and forms FeSO4 in the solution hence the colour of the solution changes from light blue to pale green. The displaced copper gets deposited on iron nail. It appears as brown coating on iron nail.
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CBSE Class 10 Chemistry Practical Worksheets Assignment
We hope you liked the above assignment for Practical Worksheets which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 10 Chemistry released by CBSE. Students of Class 10 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 10 Chemistry regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 10 Chemistry practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for Chemistry by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 10 Chemistry also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 Chemistry have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 10 Chemistry students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 10 Chemistry which you can use to further make your self stronger in Chemistry.
What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 10 Chemistry Practical Worksheets?
a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of Chemistry Class 10 Assignments for chapter Practical Worksheets will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 10 Chemistry Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 10 Chemistry with answers relating to Practical Worksheets, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Practical Worksheets within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 10 Chemistry mock tests for Practical Worksheets reduces exam stress.
How to Solve CBSE Class 10 Chemistry Practical Worksheets Assignment effectively?
a. Start with Class 10 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 10 Chemistry Practical Worksheets.
b. Solve without checking answers: You should first attempt the assignment questions on Practical Worksheets yourself and then compare with provided solutions.
c. Use Class 10 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 10 Chemistry worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 10 Chemistry MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Practical Worksheets assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 10 Chemistry
How to practice CBSE Class 10 Chemistry Practical Worksheets Assignment for best results?
a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Practical Worksheets questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 10 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 10 Chemistry, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 10 Chemistry Practical Worksheets assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.
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All topics given in Practical Worksheets Chemistry Class 10 Book for the current academic year have been covered in the given assignment
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Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for Practical Worksheets Class 10
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