NEET Biology Digestion and Absorption Notes

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Study Material for NEET Biology Digestion and Absorption

NEET Biology students should refer to the following Pdf for Digestion and Absorption in NEET. These notes and test paper with questions and answers for NEET Biology will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

NEET Biology Digestion and Absorption



Digestion and Absorption MCQ Questions with Answers Class 11 Biology 

Question. In which type of dentition, each tooth in the buccal cavity is embedded in a socket of jaw bone?

(1) Heterodont

(2) Thecodont

(3) Diphyodont

(4) Monophyodont

Answer (2)


Question. The common passage for food and air is

(1) Oesophagus

(2) Pharynx

(3) Trachea

(4) Glottis

Answer (2)

Question. Oesophagus opens in which part of the stomach?

(1) Pyloric

(2) Cardiac

(3) Fundic

(4) Caecum

Answer (2)


Question. Abnormal frequency of bowel movement and increased liquidity of the faecal discharge is known as

(1) Vomiting

(2) Diarrhoea

(3) Constipation

(4) Indigestion

Answer (2)


Question. How many pairs of salivary glands are present in human beings?

(1) 2 pairs

(2) 3 pairs

(3) 4 pairs

(4) 5 pairs

Answer (2)


Question. Which gland is both exocrine and endocrine?

(1) Liver

(2) Gall bladder

(3) Glisson’s capsule

(4) Pancreas

Answer (4)


Question. Glisson’s capsule is related to

(1) Liver

(2) Pancreas

(3) Lung

(4) Pharynx

Answer (1)


Question. Endocrine portion of pancreas secretes

(1) Insulin

(2) Glucagon

(3) Both (1) & (2)

(4) HCl

Answer (3)


Question. Which is the largest gland of human body?

(1) Liver

(2) Pancreas

(3) Gall bladder

(4) Lung

Answer (1)


Question. All of the following are the parts of large intestine, except

(1) Caecum

(2) Colon

(3) Ileum

(4) Rectum

Answer (3)


Question. The wall of alimentary canal from oesophagus to rectum possesses _____ layers.

(1) 2 layers

(2) 3 layers

(3) 4 layers

(4) 5 layers

Answer (3)


Question. In intestine, the function of microvilli is to

(1) Secrete gastric juice

(2) Secrete pancreatic juice

(3) Increase absorptive surface area

(4) Secrete hormones

Answer (3)


Question. The major functions of buccal cavity is/are

(1) Mastication of food

(2) Facilitation of swallowing

(3) Help in the secretion of glucagon

(4) Both (1) & (2)

Answer (4)


Question. All of the following juices contain enzymes, except

(1) Pancreatic juice

(2) Intestinal juice

(3) Bile juice

(4) Gastric juice

Answer (3)


Question. The antibacterial enzyme, present in the saliva that prevents infections is

(1) Maltose

(2) Salivary amylase

(3) Lysozyme

(4) Pepsinogen

Answer (3)


Question. HCl secreting cells present in the stomach are

(1) Oxyntic cells

(2) Peptic cells

(3) Chief cells

(4) Mucus neck cells

Answer (1)


Question. The major components of food are

(1) Carbohydrates

(2) Proteins

(3) Fats

(4) All of these

Answer (4)


Question. Which enzyme gets activated by HCl, secreted from gastric glands?

(1) Trypsinogen

(2) Pepsinogen

(3) Renin

(4) Chymotrypsin

Answer (2)


Question. The breakdown of biomolecules i.e. dipeptides, lactose, maltose and sucrose etc. occur mainly in the

(1) Ilium

(2) Pyloric region of stomach

(3) Duodenum region of small intestine

(4) Caecum region of large intestine

Answer (3)


Question. The main function of bile is to

(1) Eliminate the waste products

(2) Emulsify the fats

(3) Digest proteins by enzymatic activity

(4) Regulate the digestion process

Answer (2)


Question.  Bile is stored and concentrated in

(1) Liver

(2) Pancreas

(3) Lungs

(4) Gall bladder

Answer (4)


Question. Which organ of the following is present in abdominal cavity, just below diaphragm.

(1) Pharynx

(2) Pancreas

(3) Liver

(4) Tongue

Answer (3)

Question. The wave like muscular contractions of the digestive tract is called

(1) Mastication

(2) Assimilation

(3) Peristalsis

(4) Stimulation

Answer (3)

The chemical substances of food are called nutrients and are mainly used for growth, development and energy production. These nutrients fall into two categories.
(I) Organic Nutrients – Carbohydrates, proteins, fat and vitamins.
(II) Inorganic Nutrients – Minerals and water ( For details please refer ‘Vitamins and Minerals’)
The carbohydrates, proteins and fats are three Major energy sources and are called Macro nutrients or Proximate principles of food. (For details please refer ‘Biomolecules’) Autotrophs - These organisms synthesize their food from inorganic raw materials, eg. – Plants.
Heterotrophs – These include most of the Protozoans and animals which feed on high energy organic molecules. They are of 4-categories.
(i) Parasitic – Generally consume liquid food derived from the body of the host. eg. Tape worm, Ascaris and leech .
(ii) Symbiotic – Live in association with other animals and obtain food material from each other. eg. Bacteria, E.coli, present in human gut provide vitamins to the human body and in turn consume simple food materials from the intestine.
(iii) Saprophytic – Feed on dead organic matter by digesting them outside the body. eg. Housefl y, spider.
(iv) Holozoic – Consume whole or part of a plant/animal food in liquid or solid form (eg. Animals) They can be classifi ed into three major categories
(a) Herbivores – Consume plant material (eg. Rabbit, cows).
(b) Carnivores – Consume fl esh or animal meat ( eg. Lion, Tiger )
(c) Omnivores – Consume both plants and animals ( eg. Cockroach, crow, rat and man).
Special categories of Heterotophs –
(i) Sanguivores – Feed on Blood of vertebrates, (eg. Leech, louse, bedbug , female mosquito, Vampire bat)
(ii) Insectivores – Feed on insects (eg. Frog, lizard, Ant-eaters )
(iii) Larvivores – Feed on larvae (eg. Gambusia fi sh - feeds on mosquito larvae )
(iv) Coprophagous – Feed on faecal matter (eg. Pig, rabbit )
(v) Detritivores- Feed directly on decaying organic matter (eg. Earthworm )
(vi) Frugivores – Feed on fruits ( birds, bat, monkey ). Most of the birds are grainivores .
(vii) Cannibals – Feed on the members of the same species.
(viii) Osmotrophs – Absorb predigested food material through skin by osmosis (eg. Tape worm)
(ix) Filter-feeders – Pick-up food particles from the water current, created by ciliary or fl agellar beating. (eg. Sponges, Paramecium, Unio).
Holozoic Nutrition includes 4-important steps –
(i) Ingestion – It means process of feeding. Depending upon the size of food the animals with holozoic nutrition can be classifi ed into two groups. (i) Microphagy – Feeding on microorganism (eg. Paramecium) and macrophagy – feeding on larger organisms (eg. Higher animals)
(ii) Digestion – It is enzymatic conversion of complex food material like protein, carbohydrate, lipid and nucleic acid into simpler food materials by hydrolysis (break down by the addition of water). The digestion can be intracellular (eg. Amoeba, Paramecium, sponges) or extra cellular - in cavity.( eg. higher animals).
(iii) Absorption – Simpler food materials are taken up by the cells directly or indirectly through the blood or lymph, as in higher organisms.
(iiv) EEgeestiion – It is removal of undigested waste from the body.
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NEET NEET Biology Digestion and Absorption Study Material

We hope students liked the above Study Material for Digestion and Absorption designed as per the latest syllabus for NEET Biology released by NEET. Students of NEET should download the Study Material in Pdf format, read the notes and related questions and solutions given in above NEET Biology Study Material on daily basis. All latest Study Material have been developed for Biology by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics which the students should learn and practice to get better score in school tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for NEET Biology to develop the Biology NEET Study Material. After solving the questions given in the Study Material which have been developed as per latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for NEET Biology designed by our teachers. Also download NEET Biology Sample Papers given on studiestoday. After solving these you should also refer to NEET Biology MCQ Test for the same chapter.


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