NEET Biology Breathing and Exchange of Gases Notes

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Study Material for NEET Biology Breathing and Exchange of Gases

NEET Biology students should refer to the following Pdf for Breathing and Exchange of Gases in NEET. These notes and test paper with questions and answers for NEET Biology will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

NEET Biology Breathing and Exchange of Gases


Respiration is a physiochemical process involving exchange of gases and oxidation of food material to release energy.
It is a catabolic process and includes two parts:
1. External Respiration:
It includes intake of oxygen and removal of carbon-di-oxide from the body. It is also known as ventilation or breathing.
NEET Biology Breathing and Exchange of Gases Notes
2. Internal Respiration:
It includes gaseous exchange between the cells and fl uid medium and utilization of oxygen, and production of carbon-di-oxide, by the cells.
Survey of respiratory structures in animals
• In Protozoans, Porifers, Coelenterates and Helminthes there are no specialized respiratory structures, and exchange of gases occurs through general body surface.
• In Annelids respiration is either cutaneous (ex. Earthworm and Nereis) or branchial.
• In Arthropods there are various type of respiratory structures like Gills (in crustaceans), book lungs (in arachnids) and tracheal tubes (in insects). In Prawn, the gills (8 pairs) are of 3 types : (i) Podobranchs-1 pair; (ii) Arthrobranch-2 pairs (iii) Pleurobranch-5 pairs. All the gills are  hyllobranch type. In Cockroach there are three pairs of longitudinal tracheal tubes. Each lateral tube contains 10 spiracles (Total spiracles = 10 pairs).
• In Molluscs the respiratory structure are mainly Gills.
• In Echinoderms the gills, body wall, respiratory tree and Tubee ffeeeett (primarily the locomotory structures) are the respiratory structures.
• In Protochordates and Cyclostomes the respiratory structures are Gills.
• In Fishes the Gills are the main respiratory structures but in lung fi shes (Dipnoi) the Gills and Lungs both are well developed.
• In Amphibians the respiratory structures are either Gills (Branchial respiration) or Lungs (Pulmonary respiration). In Frog the respiration is Cutaneous, Bucco-pharyngeal as well as Pulmonary.
• In Reptiles birds and mammals the respiration is Pulmonary.
In human the respiratory structures are Lungs which are endodermal in origin. The respiratory system contains following important components:
Nasal passage
• It contains hair for fi ltering out dust particles.
• Bowman’s glands secrete mucus.
• Turbinals (bones) warm up the air.
• The sensory lining of nasal passage is called Schneiderian membrane.
• It is a common passage for gut and respiratory tract.
• The openings of internal nostrils in pharynx are called Choane.
• The opening between Pharynx and Larynx is called Glottis. It is closed by epiglottis during swallowing of food. However, the opening between Pharynx and Gut (Oesophagus) is different, and is called Gullet.
• The lateral sides of Pharynx contain openings of Eustachian canals also.
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NEET NEET Biology Breathing and Exchange of Gases Study Material

We hope students liked the above Study Material for Breathing and Exchange of Gases designed as per the latest syllabus for NEET Biology released by NEET. Students of NEET should download the Study Material in Pdf format, read the notes and related questions and solutions given in above NEET Biology Study Material on daily basis. All latest Study Material have been developed for Biology by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics which the students should learn and practice to get better score in school tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for NEET Biology to develop the Biology NEET Study Material. After solving the questions given in the Study Material which have been developed as per latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for NEET Biology designed by our teachers. Also download NEET Biology Sample Papers given on studiestoday. After solving these you should also refer to NEET Biology MCQ Test for the same chapter.


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