CBSE Class 12 Psychology Developing Psychological Skills Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 Psychology Developing Psychological Skills Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 12 Psychology can get free printable Worksheets for Class 12 Psychology Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 12 students should practice questions and answers given here for Psychology in Class 12 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 12 Psychology Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Psychology books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 12 Psychology Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills

Class 12 Psychology students should download to the following Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills Class 12 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 12 Psychology Worksheet for Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills

Question. Describe the set of competencies that must be kept in mind while administering a psychological test.
Answer. The set of competencies which psychologists require is concerned with the knowledge base of the discipline of psychology. They involve psychological assessment, evaluation and problem solving with individuals and groups, organisation, and the community. Psychologists have always been interested in understanding individual differences from the time of Galton in the late 19th century. Psychological tests have been devised and are primarily used for the determination and analysis of individual differences in general intelligence, differential aptitudes, educational achievement, vocational fitness, personality, social attitudes, and various non-intellectual characteristics. Psychological tests have also been used for studying a variety of psychological studies on groups besides making an assessment of a particular individual. Psychologists study these differences based on factors such as occupation, age, gender, education, culture, etc.

While using psychological tests an attitude of objectivity, scientific orientation, and standardised interpretation must be kept in mind. For example, in organisational and personnel work, in business and industry, where specialised tests are used to select individuals for specific jobs, it is essential to use actual performance records or ratings as a criterion for establishing validity of a test. Suppose, the personnel department wants to know whether a certain psychological test can help it to identify potentially best stenographers, it must be established that the test differentiates among employees of several performance levels. In addition, it should be found that the performance on the job of a newly employed worker selected on the basis of a test indeed matches with her/his test scores.

Question. What is the typical format of a counselling interview?
Answer. The 3 stages of a counselling interview are
(i) Opening of the interview: It involves establishing rapport between two communicators.
The purpose is to make the interviewee comfortable.
(ii) Body of the interview: It is the heart of the process. In this stage, the interviewer asks questions in an attempt to generate information and data that are required for the purpose. The interviewer prepares a set of questions, also called a schedule, for different domains or categories s/he wants to cover. For example, the questions used in job interview are nature of organization last worked for, satisfaction with past job etc.
(iii) Closing the interview: At this stage, the interviewer summarises what s/he has been able to gather and or offers comments. When the interview is ending, the interviewer gives a chance to the interviewee to ask questions or offer comments.

Question. What do you understand by the term counselling? Explain the characteristics of an effective counsellor.
Answer. Counselling involves a helping relationship that involves someone seeking help and someone trained to give help, in a setting that permits help to be given and received.
The qualities that are associated with effective counsellors are:
(i) Authenticity: The degree to which you are aware of the perceptions of others as well as of your own perception of yourself indicates that you are self-aware. Authenticity means that your behavioural expressions are consistent with what you value and the way you feel and relate to your inner self-image.
(ii) Positive Regard for Others: In order to show positive regard to others, the following must be kept in mind:
(a) When you are speaking, get into the habit of using “I” messages rather than “you” messages. An example of this would be, “I understand” rather than “you should not”.
(b) Respond to what the other person has said, after checking with her/him.
(c) Give the other person the freedom to share feelings or anything s/he wants to say. Do not interrupt or cut in.
(d) Do not assume that the other person knows what you are thinking. Express yourself according to the frame of reference, i.e. in the context of the verbal exchange taking place.
(e) Do not label either yourself or the other person (e.g., “you are an introvert”, etc.).
(iii) Empathy: Empathy is the ability of a counsellor to understand the feelings of another person from her/his perspective. It is like stepping into someone else’s shoes and trying to understand the pain and troubled feelings of the other person.
(iv) Paraphrasing: This involves the ability of a counsellor to reflect on what the client says and feels using different words.

Question. To be an effective counsellor, it is mandatory that s/he undergoes professional training.
Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons in support of your arguments.
Answer. Persons who have received practical training under expert supervision can do counselling, and not everybody. An untrained person may unintentionally cause more harm than any good.

Question. What are the ethical considerations in client-counsellor relationships?
Answer. American Psychological Association (APA) has developed a code of ethical conduct for behaviour and decision-making in actual clinical settings. Some of the APA practice guidelines are:
(i) Knowledge of ethical/professional codes, standards, and guidelines; knowledge of statutes, rules, regulations, and case law relevant to the practice of psychology.
(ii) Recognise and analyse ethical and legal issues across the range of professional activities in the clinical setting.
(iii) Recognise and understand the ethical dimensions/features of her/his own attitudes and practice in the clinical setting.
(iv) Seek appropriate information and consultation when faced with ethical issues.
(v) Practice appropriate professional assertiveness related to ethical issues.


CBSE Class 12 Psychology Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills Objective Type Questions 

Question. Participant observation involves becoming an active member of the setting where observation takes place. (True/False)
Answer. True

Question.  _____________ involves ability to interact with others effectively.
(a) Communication skills
(b) Interviewing skills
(c) Psychological testing skills
(d) Counselling skills
Answer. A

Question. Empathy is a part of ____________ skills.
(a) Communication
(b) Psychological testing
(c) Counselling
(d) Interviewing
Answer. C

Question. Counselling is a helping relationship and a counsellor should possess skills of
(a) positive regard
(b) empathy
(c) paraphrasing
(d) all the above
Answer. D

Question. Empathy means understanding things from other person’s perspective. (True/False)
Answer. True

Question. ____________ involves making summary of the ideas just received and is restatement of what is understood.
Answer. Paraphrasing

Question. Interpersonal communication refers to the communication that takes place between two or more persons. (True/False) 
Answer. True

Question.  ____________ involves making summary of the ideas just received and is restatement of what is understood.
Answer. Paraphrasing

Question. Paraphrasing is a process in which feelings and ideas are expressed.
Answer. True 

Question. The interview questions intended to get a person to reflect on what he or she has said are called leading questions. (True/False)
Answer. False


CBSE Class 12 Psychology Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills Very Short Answer Questions 

Question. State two skills of an effective psychologist. 
Answer. Skills can be defined as the proficiency or dexterity that is acquired or developed through training and experience. Skills of an effective psychologist are:
(i) General skills: Ability to listen and be empathetic, to develop respect for or interest in others’ culture and experience. These skill include personal and intellectual skill.
(ii) Observational skills: A psychologist can begin observations by carefully scrutinizing the physical setting to capture the atmosphere.

Question. Explain ‘encoding’ in the communication process. 
Answer. Encoding in the communication process involves taking ideas, giving them meaning and putting them in message forms. For example, while taking an examination you realize that you have not brought your pen and you ask your friend for it, i.e., encode a message that you need a pen.

Question. Differentiate between hearing and listening.
Answer. Hearing is a biological activity that involves reception of a message through sensory channels. It is only a part of listening. Listening is a process that involves reception, attention, assignment of meaning and the listener response to the message presented.

Question. What is paraphrasing?
Explain the term paraphrasing in human communication. 
Answer. Paraphrasing involves the ability of a counsellor to reflect on what the client says and feels using different words. Human communication becomes effective if the counsellor understands and is again able to relate in his words what feelings and emotions the client has described.

Question. What is the role of culture in listening? 
Answer. Some cultures, such as India, emphasize on listening by being a silent communicator while some cultures focus on controlling attention.

Question. Differentiate between verbal and non-verbal communication. 
Answer. Verbal communication involves using a language while non-verbal communication involves gestures, postures, eye-contact, clothing style and body movement.

Question. What do you mean by congruency in communication?
Answer. Consistency between verbal and non-verbal communication is called congruency.

Question. What is counselling?
Answer. Counselling involves a helping relationship that involves someone seeking help and someone trained to give help, in a setting that permits help to be given and received.

Question. Explain ‘authenticity’ as a quality of an effective counsellor.
Answer. The degree to which the counselor is aware of the perceptions of his clients as well as the perception of his own self indicates his self-awareness. Authenticity means that the counsellor’s behavioural expressions are consistent with what he values, the way he feels and relates his inner self-image.


CBSE Class 12 Psychology Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills Short Answer Questions-I

Question. Describe the individual and cultural differences among psychologists with special reference to sensitivity to diversity.
Answer. Effective psychologists are sensitive to diversity because they have:
(i) Knowledge of self (one’s own attitudes, values, and related strengths/limitations) as one operates in the professional settings with diverse others.
(ii) Knowledge about the nature and impact of individual and cultural diversity in different situations.
(iii) Ability to work effectively with diverse backgrounds in assessment, treatment, and consultation.
(iv) Ability to respect and appreciate different cultural norms and beliefs.
(v) Being sensitive to one’s preferences and also to one’s preference for own group.
(vi) Ability to promote diversity in cultural beliefs and respecting it to promote positive life outcomes.

Question. Explain three skills of communication. 
Answer. The three skills of communication are:
(i) Speaking: This involves the use of language which the communicator should use appropriately.
(ii) Active listening: Academic success, employment achievement and personal happiness depend upon your ability to listen effectively. Listening requires a person to be attentive. S/he should be patient, non-judgmental and yet have the capacity to analyze and respond.
(iii) Body language or non-verbal skills: It is possible to communicate effectively even without using verbal language:
- The language that people exchange without using words is called body language.
- Use of gesture, posture, eye contact, clothing style, body movement and facial expressions are some examples of body language. All these together form a cluster.
- These non-verbal acts are symbolic and communication is effective only when we use these.
- A person’s background and past pattern of behavior are considered important in analyzing body language.
- Body language can encourage and discourage the conversation.
- For example, crossing arms over the chest may suggest that a person likes to keep aloof. But, crossed arms accompanied by an erect posture, tightened body muscles, a set clenched jaw and a narrowing of the eyes are likely to communicate anger.

Question. What are psychological tests and what skills are required by psychologists to use these and where are they used?
Answer. Psychological tests involve psychological assessment, evaluation and problem solving with individuals and groups, organization, and the community. Psychologists have always been interested in understanding individual differences. Psychological tests have been devised and are primarily used for the determination and analysis of individual differences in general intelligence, differential aptitudes, educational achievement, vocational fitness, personality, social attitudes, and various non- intellectual characteristics. Psychologists study these differences based on factors such as occupation, age, gender, education, culture, etc. While using psychological tests an attitude of objectivity, scientific orientation, and standardized interpretation must be kept in mind. For example, in organizational and personnel work, in business and industry, where specialized tests are used to select individuals for specific jobs, it is essential to use actual performance records or ratings as a criterion for establishing validity of a test.

Question. Explain non-verbal communication.
Answer. It is possible to communicate effectively even without using verbal language:
- The language that people exchange without using words is called body language
- Use of gesture, posture, eye contact, clothing style, body movement and facialexpressions are some examples of body language. All these together form a cluster.
- These non-verbal acts are symbolic and communication is effective only when we use these.
- A person’s background and past pattern of behavior are considered important in analyzing body language.
- Body language can encourage and discourage the conversation.
- For example, crossing arms over the chest may suggest that a person likes to keep aloof. But, crossed arms accompanied by an erect posture, tightened body muscles, a set clenched jaw and a narrowing of the eyes are likely to communicate anger.

CBSE Class 12 Psychology Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills Short Answer Questions-II 

Question. What are the characteristics of communication?
Answer. (i) Communication is dynamic because the process is constantly in a state of change.
As the expectations, attitudes, feelings, and emotions of the persons who are communicating change, the nature of their communication also changes.
(ii) Communication is continuous because it never stops, whether we are asleep or awake we are always processing ideas or thoughts. Our brain remains active.
(iii) Communication is irreversible because once we send a message we cannot take it back. Once we have made a slip of tongue, given a meaningful glance, or engaged in an emotional outburst, we cannot erase it. Our apologies or denials can make it light but cannot stamp out what was communicated.
(iv) Communication is interactive because we are constantly in contact with other people and with ourselves. Others react to our speech and actions, and we react to our own speech and actions, and then react to those reactions. Thus, a cycle of action and reaction is the basis of communication.

Question. Mention some tips to improve your listening skills.
Answer. (i) Listening requires a person to be attentive.
(ii) The person should be paitent, non-judgemental and yet have the capacity to analyse and respond.
(iii) Recognise that both the sender as well as the receiver have equal responsibility in making effective communication.
(iv) Refrain from forming an early judgment about information that is being communicated. Be open to all ideas.
(v) Be a patient listener. Do not be in a hurry to respond.
(vi) Avoid ego speak. That is, do not talk only about what you want to talk about. Give consideration also to others and to what they say.
(vii) Be careful to the emotional responses which certain words are likely to bring about.
(viii) Be aware that your posture affects your listening.
(ix) Control distractions.
(x) If in doubt, try to paraphrase. Also, check with the sender whether s/he has been correctly understood by you.
(xi) Visualise what is being said. That is, try to translate the message in the form of a concrete action.

Question.‘Effective communication is possible with body language.’ Comment.
How does understanding of body language help in effective communication?
Explain the role of body language in communication. 
Answer. It is possible to communicate effectively even without using verbal language:
- The language that people exchange without using words is called body language
- Use of gesture, posture, eye contact, clothing style, body movement and facial expressions are some examples of body language. All these together form a cluster.
- These non-verbal acts are symbolic and communication is effective only when we use these.
- A person’s background and past pattern of behavior are considered important in analyzing body language.
- Body language can encourage and discourage the conversation
- For example, crossing arms over the chest may suggest that a person likes to keep aloof. But, crossed arms accompanied by an erect posture, tightened body muscles, a set clenched jaw and a narrowing of the eyes are likely to communicate anger.

Question. What are the myths of counselling?
Answer. (i) Counselling is not merely giving information.
(ii) Counselling is not merely giving advice.
(iii) Counseling is not selection and placement of individuals onto jobs or for courses.
(iv) Counselling is not the same as ‘interviewing’ although interviewing may be involved.
(v) Counselling is not ‘influencing attitudes, beliefs and behaviour’ by persuading, admonishing, threatening or compelling.


CBSE Class 12 Psychology Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills Long Answer Questions 

Question. Explain the components of communication process.
Discuss briefly the components of human communication.
Answer. The various components of the communication process are:
(i) Encoding: Encoding in the communication process involves taking ideas, giving them meaning and putting them in message forms. For example, while taking an examination you realize that you have not brought your pen and you ask your friend for it, i.e., encode a message that you need a pen.
(ii) Channel: After the message is encoded it is passed through a channel and our senses such as eyes, ears, tongue, nose or skin become active.
(iii) Decoding: After the message is encoded, passed through a channel it is decoded wherein the message is translated into understandable forms. For example, you may say that you heard a bell or an object feels soft.
(iv) Speaking: This involves the use of language which the communicator should use appropriately.
(v) Listening: Academic success, employment achievement and personal happiness depend upon your ability to listen effectively. Listening requires a person to be attentive. S/he should be patient, non-judgmental and yet have the capacity to analyze and respond.
(vi) Reception: During reception, in addition to using the hearing mechanism, people listen through their visual system. They observe a person’s facial expressions, posture, movement and appearance.
(vii) Attention: Normally your attention is divided between what you are attempting to listen to, and what is happening around you, and what is going on in your mind. For example, while watching a movie, a person in front of you is constantly whispering to his friend or you are worried about your forthcoming examination. Thus, your attention is divided and is pulled in different directions.
(viii) Paraphrasing: Paraphrasing involves the ability of a counsellor to reflect on what the client says and feels using different words. Human communication becomes effective if the counsellor understands and is again able to relate in his words what feelings and emotions the client has described.


Important Notes for Class 12 Psychology Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills

Chapter At A Glance

The basic premise of applied psychology is the use of psychological principles and theories to overcome
problems in real life situations. Many areas of our lives and society have been influenced and changed by the often unnoticed application of psychological principles. Becoming an effective psychologist requires that one should not only have theoretical understanding but must have requisite skills and competencies. An effective psychologist should possess the skills of counselling, psychological testing, communicating and interviewing.



Q1. What are the intellectual and personal skills required by the therapist to deal with the client.

Q2. Differentiate between Naturalistic and Participant observation giving their advantages & disadvantages.

Q3. “Communication has been characterized in various ways”. Explain the characteristics that define concept. Give examples.

Q4. “In the process of communication listening, paraphrasing and body language holds their own importance”. Explain the link each one has with communication. Give examples.

Q5. Draw the diagram showing the process of the basic communication.

Q6. “Sharad is a 27 years old boy, who is very socializing and speaks to many people. But most of the time he is not able to remember many, important discussions after the interaction is over.” What tips would you give him to improve his communication skills?

Q7. “Psychological Assessment is a basic competency required by psychologist for integrated knowledge, evaluation & diagnosis.

(a) What are the skills needed of psychological assessment?

(b) What are the facts required to administer psychologist?

Q8. “Ishika has given several interviews for her job but has not been selected for any of the interview”. What are the tips that you would give her so that she improves her skills?

Q9. Explain the various types of questions that can be asked during the interview. Give example for each one of them.

Q10 “A panel of judges is supposed to interview around 20 candidates for the post of Sales Manager is Nestle”. What procedure / format due you think they will follow to deal with the candidates?

Q11. What are the ethical issues according to A.P.A. (American Psychological Association) that a psychologist must know while practicing counseling?

Q12. Explain the characteristics of an effective helper? Give examples for each of them.

Q13. What is Counselling? Explain its nature?

Q14. How has counseling transformed over the period of time? How can one break the myths that still exist

Worksheet for CBSE Psychology Class 12 Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Chapter 9 Developing Psychological Skills designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 12 Psychology released by CBSE. Students of Class 12 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 12 Psychology on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Psychology by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 12 Psychology to develop the Psychology Class 12 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Psychology designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 12 Psychology in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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