Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 12 Psychology Variations In Psychological Attributes Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 12 Psychology can get free printable Worksheets for Class 12 Psychology Chapter 1 Variations In Psychological Attributes in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 12 students should practice questions and answers given here for Psychology in Class 12 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 12 Psychology Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Psychology books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 12 Psychology Chapter 1 Variations In Psychological Attributes
Class 12 Psychology students should download to the following Chapter 1 Variations In Psychological Attributes Class 12 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 12 Psychology Worksheet for Chapter 1 Variations In Psychological Attributes
Question. How does the Triarchic theory help us to understand intelligence?
Answer. Robert Sternberg proposed the Triarchic theory of intelligence. He views intelligence as the ability to adapt, to shape and select environment to accomplish one’s goals and those of one’s society and culture. Sternberg proposed the following three types of intelligence:
(a) Componential or Analytical Intelligence: Componential or analytical intelligence is the analysis of information to solve novel problems. It has 3 components:
(i) Knowledge acquisition component which is responsible for learning and acquisition of the ways of doing things.
(ii) Meta component which involves planning what to do and how to do.
(iii) Performance component which involves actually doing things.
(b) Experiential or Creative Intelligence: This specifies how experiences affect intelligence and how intelligence affects a person’s experiences.
(c) Contextual or Practical Intelligence: This involves adapting to the present environment or selecting a more favourable environment than the existing one or modifying the environment to fit one’s needs. People high on this intelligence are called ‘street smart’.
Question. How is ‘aptitude’ different from ‘interest’ and ‘intelligence’? How is aptitude measured?
Answer. Aptitude is an individual’s capacity to acquire some specific knowledge or skill after training. For example, a person with high mechanical aptitude will be a successful mechanical engineer.
Interest is a preference for a particular activity. For example, a person can have a strong interest in mathematics or science.
Intelligence is the global and aggregate capacity of an individual to think rationally, act purposefully and deal effectively with the environment.
Multiple Aptitude Tests exist in the form of test batteries which measure aptitude in separate areas. For example, DBDA (David’s Battery of Differential Abilities) measures aptitude in various areas such as Closure Ability, Clerical Ability, Numerical Ability, Psychomotor Ability, Reasoning Ability etc.
Question. How is creativity related to intelligence?
Answer. (i) A certain level of intelligence is required for creativity but beyond that intelligence does not correlate with creativity. Creativity tests involve divergent thinking and assess such abilities such as ability to produce a variety of ideas i.e. ideas which are off-the-beaten-track, ability to see new relationships. It involves expression of
spontaneous originality and imagination.
Tests of intelligence involve convergent thinking. The person has to think of the right solution to the problem and the focus is on assessing abilities such as memory, logical reasoning, accuracy, perceptual ability and clear thinking.
(ii) Creativity tests are open-ended. There are no specified answers to questions or problems in creativity tests. Individuals have freedom to use one’s imagination and express it in original ways.
On the other hand, intelligence tests are closed-ended. There are fixed answers to questions.
Question. What is IQ? How do psychologists classify people on the basis of their IQ scores?
Answer. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) refers to mental age divided by chronological age and multiplied by 100. Mental Age (MA) is the measure of a person’s intellectual development relative to the people of his or her age group. Chronological Age (CA) is the biological age by birth.
IQ = (MA/CA) × 100
For example, a 10-year-old child with a mental age of 12 will have an IQ of 120
[(12/10) × 100].
Classification of people based on IQ:
Above 130 Very superior
120-130 Superior
110-119 High average
90-109 Average
80-89 Low average
70-79 Borderline
Below 70 Intellectually disabled
Question. How can you differentiate between verbal and performance tests of intelligence?
Answer. On the basis of the nature of items used IQ tests are classified into Verbal and Performance tests – Verbal tests require subjects to give verbal responses either orally or in a written form they can be administered only to literate people. E.g. Binet-Simon IQ test. Performance tests require subjects to manipulate objects such as wooden blocks to perform a task. Written language is not required for answering the items and it can be administered to persons from different cultures. E.g. Koh’s Block design.
Question. Explain briefly the multiple intelligences identified by Gardner.
Answer. Gardner in his theory of Multiple Intelligences described 8 types of intelligence: Howard Gardner proposed the theory of Multiple Intelligences. According to him, intelligence is not a single entity but distinct types of intelligences exist. Each of these intelligences are independent of each other which means that if a person exhibits one type of intelligence, it does not necessarily indicate being high or low on other types of intelligences. He described 8 types of intelligence. They are as follows:
(i) Linguistic: It is the capacity to use language fluently and be sensitive to different shades of word meanings. This involves using language fluently and flexibly. Persons high on this intelligence are ‘word-smart’. Poets and writers are strong in this component of intelligence.
(ii) Logical-Mathematical: This involves skills in scientific thinking and problem solving. People high on this type of intelligence can think logically and critically. They engage in abstract reasoning and can manipulate symbols to solve mathematical problems.
Scientists and Nobel Prize winners are strong in this component.
(iii) Spatial: It refers to the abilities involved in forming, using and transforming mental images. Pilots, sailors, sculptures, painters, architects, interior decorators and surgeons are high in this type of intelligence.
(iv) Musical: It is the capacity to produce, create and manipulate musical patterns. Persons high on this intelligence are sensitive to sounds and vibrations and in creating new patterns of sounds and rhythms.
(v) Bodily-Kinaesthetic: This involves using body flexibly and creatively. Athletes, dancers, actors, sportsperson, gymnasts and surgeons are high in this intelligence.
(vi) Interpersonal: This is the skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviours of other people so as to bond into a comfortable relationship with others. Psychologists, counselors, social workers, religious leaders are high on this component.
(vii) Intrapersonal: This refers to the knowledge of one’s internal strengths and limitations and awareness of one’s own feelings, motives and desires. This relates to human existence and finding meaning in one’s life. Philosophers and spiritual leaders are high on this intelligence.
(viii) Naturalistic:This is recognizing the beauty of flora and fauna. Hunters, farmers, tourists, botanists, zoologists, bird watchers are high on this component.
CBSE Class 12 Psychology Chapter 1 Variations In Psychological Attributes Objective Type Questions
Question. The speed with which one accomplishes a task refers to one’s intellectual capacity. (True/False)
Answer. True
Question. Enduring beliefs about the ideal mode of behaviour is called _________.
Answer. Values
Question. _________ is a method in which a person provides factual information about herself/ himself.
Answer. Self-Report
Question. The ratio which states the relationship between mental age and the chronological age is called the:
(a) Developmental Quotient (DQ)
(b) Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
(c) Performance Quotient (PQ)
(d) None of the above
Answer. B
Question. The range of average IQ is:
(a) 110–120
(b) 90–110
(c) 105–115
(d) 120–140
Answer. B
Question. Two-factor theory was proposed by:
(a) Charles Spearman
(b) Arthur Jensen
(c) Howard Gardner
(d) J.P. Guilford
Answer. A
Question. If a person has a skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviours of other people, he/she is said to have
(a) Interpersonal intelligence
(b) Intrapersonal intelligence
(c) Linguistic intelligence
(d) Social intelligence
Answer. A
Question. Ability to use past experiences creatively to solve novel problems is known as:
(a) Musical intelligence
(b) Interpersonal intelligence
(c) Experiential intelligence
(d) Contextual intelligence
Answer. C
Question. _____________ proposed hierarchical model of intelligence consisting of abilities operating at two levels.
(a) Binet
(b) Wechsler
(c) Jensen
(d) Spearman
Answer. C
Question. The Structure-of-Intellect Model was proposed by:
(a) Charles Spearman
(b) Arthur Jensen
(c) Howard Gardner
(d) J.P. Guilford
Answer. D
Question. An IQ below __________ is generally considered intellectually disabled
(a) 100
(b) 70
(c) 120
(d) 110
Answer. B
Question. “Intelligence is the global capacity of an individual to think rationally, act purposefully and deal effectively with the environment”. This definition was proposed by:
(a) Wechsler
(b) Binet
(c) Gardner
(d) Sternberg
Answer. A
Question. The _________ approach considers intelligence as an aggregate of abilities.
Answer. Psychometric
Question. Match the two lists and choose the correct match from the given options:
List A List B
(i) One-factor theory (a) Thurstone
(ii) Two-factor theory (b) Binet
(iii) Structure of Intellect Model (c) Spearman
(iv) Theory of Primary Mental Abilities (d) Guilford
A. (i)-(d), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(b)
B. (i)-(c), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a)
C. (i)-(a), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(d), (iv)-(b)
D. (i)-(b), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(d), (iv)-(a)
Answer. D
Question. ‘Selection of environment’ to accomplish one’s goals and those of one’s society and culture is an intelligent act. It is given by:
(a) Sternberg
(b) J. P. Guilford
(c) Charles Spearman
(d) Louis Thurstone
Answer. A
CBSE Class 12 Psychology Chapter 1 Variations In Psychological Attributes Very Short Answer Questions
Question. What is observation?
Answer. Observation involves employing systematic, organized and objective procedures to record behaviour in a natural situation. For example, observing mother-child interactions.
Question. What is self-report?
Answer. Self-report is a method in which a person provides factual information about himself or herself or beliefs and opinions which he or she holds. For example, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.
Question. Differentiate between talent and giftedness.
Answer. Giftedness is exceptional general ability shown in superior performance in a wide variety of areas. Gifted children have high ability, high creativity and high commitment.
Talent refers to remarkable ability in a specific field (e.g., spiritual, social, aesthetic, etc.).
The highly talented are called ‘prodigies’.
Question. Define emotional intelligence.
Answer. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use the information to guide one’s thinking and actions.
Question. What do you understand by individual differences?
Answer. Individual differences refer to distinctiveness and variations among people’s characteristics and behaviour patterns. Individuals vary in terms of physical characteristics such as height, weight, hair colour, etc. They also vary along psychological dimensions like they may be dominant or submissive, intelligent or dull, outgoing or withdrawn, etc. For example, a gifted child has an IQ of 130 while a mentally retarded child has an IQ below 70.
Question. Explain linguistic intelligence.
Answer. It is the capacity to use language fluently and be sensitive to different shades of word meanings. This involves using language fluently and flexibly. Persons high on this intelligence are ‘word-smart’. Poets and writers are strong in this component of intelligence.
Question. Explain naturalistic intelligence.
Answer. Naturalistic intelligence involves awareness of our relationship with the natural world which is useful in recognizing the beauty of different species of flora and fauna. Hunters, farmers, tourists, botanists, zoologists, bird watchers possess naturalistic intelligence.
Question. What is situationism?
Answer. The fact that behaviour is influenced by situations and circumstances and not by personal traits is known as situationism. For example, two persons having different personality traits behave in the same manner, such as submitting to the top boss.
Question. Define Emotional Intelligence/Emotional Quotient.
Answer. Emotional Intelligence is a set of skills that underlie accurate appraisal, expression and regulation of emotions. It is the feeling side of intelligence. A good IQ and scholastic record is not enough to be successful in life. It is the ability to monitor one’s own and others emotions, to discriminate among them and to use the information to guide one’s thinking and actions. It is the ability to process emotional information accurately and correctly. Emotional Quotient (EQ) is used to express Emotional Intelligence.
Question. Define aptitude.
Answer. Aptitude is an individual’s capacity to acquire some specific knowledge or skill after training. For example, a person with high Mechanical Aptitude will be a successful Mechanical Engineer. Or, a person good in drawing and fine arts can become a good professional artist. Or, a person with high Verbal Ability can be trained to be a good writer.
Question. Define interest.
Answer. Interest is a preference for a particular activity. For example, a person can have a strong interest in mathematics or science.
Question. Define intelligence.
Answer. According to Wechsler, intelligence is defined as the global and aggregate capacity of an individual to think rationally, act purposefully and deal effectively with the environment.
Question. Explain the psychometric approach to understand intelligence. State two theories based on this approach.
Answer. Psychometric approach to intelligence expresses the individual’s performance in terms of a single index of cognitive abilities. For example, Binet’s Uni or one-factor theory of intelligence, Charles Spearman’s two-factor theory are theories based on this approach.
Question. Differentiate between psychometric and information processing approaches to intelligence.
Answer. Psychometric approach to intelligence expresses the individual’s performance in terms of a single index of cognitive abilities. For example, Binet’s Uni or one-factor theory of intelligence. Information processing approach describes the processes people use in intellectual reasoning and problem solving. For example, Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligence.
CBSE Class 12 Psychology Chapter 1 Variations In Psychological Attributes Short Answer Questions
Question. Explain how the PASS model helps us to understand intelligence.
Answer. According to the model developed by J.P. Das, Jack Naglieri and Kirby (1994), intellectual activity involves three functional units of brain, namely A-Arousal/Attention,
S-Simultaneous processing, S-Successive processing and P-Planning respectively:
(i) Arousal/Attention: An optimal level of arousal focuses our attention to the relevant aspects of a problem. Too much or too little arousal would interfere with attention
(ii) Simultaneous and Successive Processing: Information is integrated into our knowledge system simultaneously or successively. In simultaneous processing, relations among various concepts are integrated into a meaningful pattern for comprehension. For example, grasping the meaning and relationship between abstract figures in Raven’s Progressive Matrices.
Successive processing takes place when you remember all the information serially so that recall of one leads to the recall of another. Learning of digits, alphabets,
multiplication tables are examples of successive processing.
(iii) Planning: After the information is attended to and processed, planning is activated.
For example, planning a time schedule of study by giving more time or studying with a friend.
Question. How is ‘aptitude’ different from ‘interest’ and ‘intelligence’? How is aptitude measured?
Answer. Aptitude is an individual’s capacity to acquire some specific knowledge or skill after training. For example, a person with high mechanical aptitude will be a successful mechanical engineer.
Intelligence is the global and aggregate capacity of an individual to think rationally, act purposefully and deal effectively with the environment.
Interest is a preference for a particular activity. For example a person can have a strong interest in mathematics or science.
Multiple Aptitude Tests exist in the form of test batteries which measure aptitude in separate areas. For example, DBDA (David’s Battery of Differential Abilities) measures aptitude in various areas such as Closure Ability, Clerical Ability, Numerical Ability,Psychomotor Ability, Reasoning Ability etc.
Question. How is creativity related to intelligence?
Explain the relationship between creativity and intelligence.
Answer. (i) A certain level of intelligence is required for creativity but beyond that intelligence does not correlate with creativity. Creativity tests involve divergent thinking and assess such abilities such as ability to produce a variety of ideas i.e. ideas which are off-thebeaten- track, ability to see new relationships. It involves expression of spontaneous
originality and imagination.
Tests of intelligence involve convergent thinking. The person has to think of the right solution to the problem and the focus is on assessing abilities such as memory, logical
reasoning, accuracy, perceptual ability and clear thinking.
(ii) Creativity tests are open-ended. There are no specified answers to questions or problems in creativity tests. Individuals have freedom to use one’s imagination and express it in original ways.
On the other hand, intelligence tests are closed-ended. There are fixed answers to questions.
Question. Mention any six indicators of giftedness.
Answer. Gifted children show
(i) Advanced logical thinking, questioning and problem solving behaviour.
(ii) High speed in processing information.
(iii) Superior generalisation and discrimination ability.
(iv) Advanced level of original and creative thinking.
(v) High level of intrinsic motivation and self-esteem.
(vi) Independent and non-conformist thinking.
(vii) Preference for solitary academic activities for long periods.
Question. Describe the theory of Primary Mental Abilities.
Answer. Louis Thurstone developed the theory of Primary Mental Abilities which states that there are seven Primary Mental Abilities each of which is relatively independent of others. They are:
(i) Verbal Comprehension: To grasp words, concepts and ideas quickly.
(ii) Numerical Ability: Speed and accuracy in numerical computations.
(iii) Spatial Relations: Speed in procuring details.
(iv) Perceptional Speed: Visualizing patterns and forms.
(v) Word Fluency: Using words fluently and accurately.
(vi) Memory: Accuracy in recalling information.
(vii) Inductive Reasoning: Deriving rules from facts.
Question. Describe the hierarchical model of intelligence.
Answer. Arthur Jensen proposed that intelligence works at two levels:
Level I: This level is associative learning in which output is more or less similar to the input as in rote learning.
Level II: This is cognitive competence (sensitivity to contact, understanding discrimination, problem solving and effective communication). It involves higher order skills as they transform the input to produce an effective output.
CBSE Class 12 Psychology Chapter 1 Variations In Psychological Attributes Long Answer Questions
Question. What is the meaning of assessment? Explain the methods used for psychological assessment.
What is the meaning of assessment? Describe the key features of any two methods used for psychological assessment.
Answer. Assessment refers to the measurement of psychological attributes of individuals and their evaluation, often using multiple methods in terms of certain standards of comparison. For example, intellectual ability of a slow learner in a class would require testing intelligence. Formal assessment is objective, standardized and organized while informal assessment varies from case to case and from one assessor to another and is open to subjective interpretations.
The methods of assessment are:
Psychological test: A psychological test is an objective and standardized measure of an individual’s mental or behavioural characteristics. For example, psychological tests measure psychological attributes such as intelligence, aptitude, personality, etc.
Interview: Interview is a face-to-face interaction between two people. For example,an interview between a doctor and a patient, a salesman and a customer, employee selection by an employer.
Case-study: A case-study is an in-depth study of an individual in terms of his psychological attributes, psychological history in the context of his physical and psycho-social environment. It is used by clinical psychologists. A case analysis of great people is an example. Case-studies are based on data generated by different methods such as interview, observation, questionnaire, psychological tests etc.
Observation: Observation involves employing systematic, organized and objective procedures to record behavior in a natural situation. For example, observing motherchild interactions.
Self-report: Self-report is a method in which a person provides factual information about himself or herself or beliefs and opinions which he or she holds. For example,Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.
Important Notes for Class 12 Psychology Chapter 1 Variations In Psychological Attributes
Chapter At A Glance
The term ‘intelligence’ refers to individual’s abilities to understand complex ideas, to adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in various forms of reasoning, to overcome obstacles by careful thought. Ability tests include aptitude tests which measure capacity to learn and predict what one can accomplish with training and achievement tests which measure accomplished skills and indicate what one can do at present. Studies correlating IQs between persons with varying degrees of genetic relationships show that heredity plays a role in intelligence. Estimates of heritability vary, however, and such environmental factors as nutrition, intellectual stimulation, and emotional climate of the home are important determinants of intelligence. Emotional intelligence is knowing our own emotions, managing our emotions, motivating ourselves, recognizing the emotions of others and handling relationships. The most advanced thought process, creativity, involves production of uncommon and novel ideas that are highly relevant to the situation. Creativity is defined as something different from intelligence and as a parallel construct to intelligence, but it differs from intelligence in that it is not restricted to cognitive or intellectual functioning or behaviour. Although creativity requires a minimum IQ of 120, but beyond that level relationship between intelligence and creativity is either not clear or is very weak.
1. Define Intelligence?
2. What is Aptitude?
3. What is Emotional Intelligence?
4. What is Integral Intelligence?
5. What is Technological Intelligence?
6. Differentiate the various approaches of Intelligence and classify the theories of Intelligence on the base of the approaches?
7. What is Buddhi?
8. Explain Cubic structure of Intelligence proposed by JP Guilford?
9. “Intelligence is the ability to adapt, to shape and select an environment to accomplish ones goals” explain the above concept?
10. Explain Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence?
11. Explain the nature and nurture controversy of intelligence?
12. Describe PASS model theory of Intelligence?
13. Explain the Cognitive assessment system of JP DAS?
14. What are the various types of intelligence tests?
15. What are the various misuses of Intelligence tests?
16. Explain the relationship between creativity and Intelligence?
17. Explain the Indian concept of Intelligence?
18. Explain the classification of Terman& Merrill on Intelligence?
Q1) Name the following
1) 3 individual tests
2) 3 group tests
3) 3 verbal tests
4) 3 non verbal tests
5) 3 performance test
6) 3 aptitude tests
7) 5 intelligence test
8) 5 intelligence test for which Indian norms have been developed
9) Any 4 intelligence tests developed in India
Q2) “Roma is a 10 years old girl how has an exceptional general ability which can be seen in wide variety of areas”
a) Which ability is been discussed here?
b) Explain its important characteristics in detail?
Q4) Differentiate between the following
a) Culture Fair and culture bias test
b) Individual and group test
c) Verbal, Non verbal and performance tests
d) Talent and giftedness. Give Examples
Q5) Explain the various domains of Psychological attribute that categorizes variety of tests.
Q6) How is Psychometric approach different from information processing approach?
Q7) Explain the theory of Primary mental abilities?
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Worksheet for CBSE Psychology Class 12 Chapter 1 Variations In Psychological Attributes
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