CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Html Basics

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Html Basics. Students and teachers of Class 10 Computers can get free printable Worksheets for Class 10 Computers Html Basics in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 10 students should practice questions and answers given here for Computers in Class 10 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 10 Computers Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Computers books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 10 Computers Html Basics

Class 10 Computers students should download to the following Html Basics Class 10 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 10 Computers Worksheet for Html Basics

Objective Type Questions

From the list given below, pick the correct answer:


Question. This attribute changes the background color of a web page.
Answer : BGCOLOR

Question. This tag defines the HTML header and does not affect the appearance of the document.
Answer : HEAD

Question. This tag display text in italic.
Answer : I

Question. This tag identifies the document as an HTML document.
Answer : HTML

Question. This tag display text or characters in a specific style and size.
Answer : FONT

Question. This attribute defines the size of the text in the front element.
Answer : SIZE

Question. This tag is used to insert a line break with extra spaces in the starting.
Answer : P

Choose the correct alternative.

Question. Apart from <b> tag, what other tag makes text bold ?
(a) <fat>
(b) <strong>
(c) <black>
Answer : <strong. 

Question. the <small> and <big> tags are special in what way?
(a) they work on anything
(b) they are for images only
(c) they can be repeated
(d) none of the above
Answer : they can be repeated

Question. which HTML tag produces the biggest heading?
(a) <h7>
(b) <h7>
(c) <h4>
(d) <h1>
Answer : (d) <h1>

Question. to display (x+y)2, correct HTML code is:
(a) <SUM> (X + Y)2</SUB>
(b) X+Y <SUP>2</SUP
(c) (X+Y) <SUP>2</SUP>
(d) <SUP>(X+Y)2</SUP>
Answer : (c) (X+Y) <SUP>2</SUP>

Question. for smaller text, which element is used?
(a) <tiny>
(b) <min>
(c) <small>
(d) em>
Answer : (c) <small>

Question. HTML is what type of language?
(A) Scripting Language
(B) Markup Language
(C) Programming Language
(D) Network Protocol
Answer : (B) Markup Language

Question. to show deleted text, which element is used?
(a) <ins>
(b) <del>
(c) <em>
(d) <strong>
Answer : (b) <del>

Question. we can view the source code of html document in:
(a) notepad
(b) power point
(c) excel
(d) paint
Answer : (a) notepad

Question. which element defines a title of the work?
(a) <abbr>
(b) <cite>
(c) <address>
(d) blockquote>
Answer : (b) <cite>

Question. which attribute does not come in <HR>tag?
(a) size
(b) color
(c) width
(d) length
Answer : (d) length

Question. which of the following is not a browser?
(a) Microsoft Bing
(b) Netscape Navigator
(c) Mozilla Firefox
(d) Opera
Answer : (a) Microsoft Bing

Question. how is a tag enclosed?
(a) ()
(b) <>
(c) []
(d) {}
Answer : (b) <>

Question. the value of #000000 is:
(a) black
(b) white
(c) red
(d) none of the above
Answer : black

State whether these statements are true or false.

Question. HTML uses user defined tags.
Answer : False

Question. HTML tags are surrounded by curly brackets.
Answer : false

Question. the full form of HTML is Hyper Text markup language.
Answer : true

Question. <strong> works similar to <i> element
Answer : false

Question. <title> should be the first tag in any HTML document.
Answer : false

Question. to align multiple lines of text, we use justify.
Answer : true

Fill in the blanks.

Question. HTML web pages can be read and rendered by ……..
Answer : web browser

Question. ……… is known as the father of world wide web (www).
Answer : time Berners - lee

Question. the year in which HTML was first proposed was ………
Answer : 1990

Question. the value of #FFFFFF is ……………
Answer : white

Question. ………… tag is used to display a picture in a HTML page.
Answer : img

Question. tags and text that are not directly displayed on the page are written in …… section.
Answer : <head>

Question. fundamental HTML block is known as ………
Answer : HTML tag

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question. what is the method of viewing the source code of the current page in the web browser?
Answer : right click on the web page and then select view source from the context menu.

Question. what is a BASEFONT element? What is its use?
Answer : the BASENT element sets the default font size and type. The basefont size may be increased or decreased using the FONT tags.

Question. consider the following HTML statement: <body bgcolor = ’’blue’’ alink = ’’red’’Vlink = yellow’’>
In the above statements, what do you mean by alink and vlink?
Answer : alink stands for active while vlink stands for visited line. When the cursor is positioned on the hyperlinked text, the colored specified in alink attribute (red) is seen. When the link has been clicked once, the color changes to the one specified in vlink attribute (yellow).

Question. why do we insert comments in an HTML document, even though they are not displayed on a web page?
Answer : comments enable the user to understand the code. Ex: ! this is a comment>

Question. what is a ’’tag’’?
Answer : a tag is a coded HTML command that indicates which part of web page should be displayed.

Question. which tag/attributes of HTML are sed to
(i) insert a picture in a web page.
(ii) insert an empty line in the web page.
Answer : (i) <IMG>
(ii) <BR>OR<P>

Question. what colours do #FFFFFF and #000000 denote?
Answer : #FFFFFF denotes white and #000000 denotes black.

Question. write HTML code to set the image ’’Vase.jpg’’ stored in ’’my pictures’’ folder in C: as the background of your webpage.
Answer : the HTML code is <BODY background = ’’C:/My pictures/Vase.jpg>

Question. which HTML tag would be used to display power in expression x2+ y = 10.
Answer : <sup>

Question. identify the errors and write the correct HTML code
1. <BODY background =’’red’’>
2. <FONT type =’’arial’’>
Answer : 1. <BODY bgcolor =’’red’’>
2.<FONT face = ’’arial’’>

Question. can we assign justified alignment to a paragraph in HTML?
Answer : no. all the browsers left, centre and right alignments but not justified.

Question. which heading element gives the most prominent headings?
Answer : <H1>

Question. give an example of an empty element in HTML.
Answer : <BR>

Question. which tag is used to display a horizontal rule on a web page?
Answer : <HR> or HR

Question. write the HTML code to display a horizontal line of red color.
Answer : <hr color=’’red’’>

Question. name two attributes of FONT tag of HTML.
Answer : 1. Size 2. Face 3. Color (any tow)

Question. name the attributes of <img> tag which are used for specifying its dimensions in a web page.
Answer : height & width.

Question. how is <BR> tag different from <P> tag?
Answer : <BR> starts a net line within the current paragraph. While <P> starts a new paragraph.

Question. name two tags that are present in every HTML code.
Answer : <HTML>, <BODY>

Question. how can the font size of a single line on a web page be changed?
Answer : <P> Hello <FONT “I)E = ’’+’’. World ,/FONT> </P>

Question. what is the use of width attribute in HTM?
Answer : width attribute specifies the width of a horizontal line in pixels or percent. Its default value is 100%.

Short Answer type Questions

Question. what is the difference between container tag and empty tag?
Answer :  container tag has both the start and the end tag. The text or the graphic is inserted inside the beginning and end tag of the container tag. For example: <body> this is a container tag </body>. The
<BODY> tag here is a container tag which has both the beginning and the ending tag and the text is between both the tags.
The empty tag is a standalone tag. This implies that such a tag has beginning but no ending tag. For example. The <BR> tag is used for adding one line break. Such a tag does not need an end so as to tell the browser, that end of line break has come because there is no need. Such a tag is called empty tag.

Question. what are HTML documents?
Answer : HTML documents describe web pages. HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain text. They are also called as web pages.

Question. explain the scr and align attributes of the IMG tag.
Answer : Src – specifies the URL or path of an image
Align – specifies the alignment of an image according to surrounding elements.

Question. what are HTML elements?
Answer : an HTML elements is defined by a starting tag. If the element contains other content, it ends with a closing tag, where the element name is preceded by a forward slash as shown below with few tags:


Question. what is the HEAD element?
Answer : the HEAD contains general information about the document. It is the first thing that appears before the <BODY>. The contents of HEAD are not displayed as part of the document.
<TITLE> Hell HTML page </TITLE>

Question. what are SUB and SUP tags?
Answer : the subscript <SUB> and superscript <SUP> tags allow the web author the place specified text either slightly below (SUB) or above (SUP) the rest of the text in a particular line.

Question. Write a short note on heading tag.
Answer : heading tag is used to display the heading or the main topic on the web page. This tag varies from
H1 to H6. This is a container tag. The heading tag <H1> shows the heading with the largest font size. As you increase with the number in the heading ta, as you size goes down as shown in the example given below.
<H1> this text is in largest font i.e. H1 font </H1>
<H2> this text is in larger font i.e. H2 font <this/H2>
<H4> this text is in medium small font i.e. H4 font
<H5> this is in smallest font i.e. H5 font </H5>
<H6> this text is in smallest font i.e. H6 font

Question. write the full form of : (i) <HR> (ii) <A> (iii) <IMG> (iv) <P>
Answer : (i) horizontal rule tage (ii) ancho tag (iii) image tag (iv) paragraph tag

Question. what is purpose of HTML?
Answer : HTML is the most widely used language to design web contents for the internet. It is the basic building block of website.

Question. give the coding of giving the heading PACE computer education of <H1> tag font style as comic sans MS text color as blue. Body text color as red, background as green, alignment as center, font style of body text as brush script, size = 15. The text for body is as follows:
Education is the
Ability to listen to almost
Anything without
Losing your temper
Or your
Answer : <html>
<title> example</title>
<hi> <font color=’’blue’’ face = ’’camic’’ sans
M’’>pace computer education </font>
<body bgcolor=’’ green ’’text = ’’red’’ align=’’ center’’>
<font size = ’’15’’ face = brush script> education is the <br>
Ability to listen to almost <br>
Anything without <br>
Losing your temper <br>
Or your <br>
Self confidence </font>

Question. what is the use of <HR> tag? Name the various attributes of <HR> tag?
Answer : <HR> tag is used to insert a horizontal rule line across the webpage. Attributes supported by <HR>
tag are:
COLOR: to set the line color
SIZE: to set the line height
ALIGN: to set the horizontal line alignment
NOSHADE: to make a flat 2-dimensional solid line

Question. list and define different types of paragraph alignments.
Answer : left – it is used for left align text <p align=’’left> ….. </p>
Right – it is used to right align text <p align=’’right>…..</p>
Center – it is used for center align text <p align=’’center’’>….</p>

Question. describe <font> tag and <basefont> tag?
Answer : basefont is an HTML tag that specifies the font you want to use throughout your document:
<basefont face=" arial, Verdana, courier" size="4" color = ''green">
In this example the browser of the user will select the first available font of the list to display the text.
The font tag is an older HTML tag but is no longer recommended although it still works. This is an example of its use:
<font size=" face="Verdana" color="blue"> this paragraph is in Verdana size 3. And is blue text color.

Question. what is a <BR> tag? How do you use it?
Answer : <BR> tag is used when it is required to end a line but not a new paragraph. It creates a single line break. It is an empty tag.

Question. how many predefined colors can be used? Name them.
Answer : there are 16 predefined colors. These are: black, silver, grey, white, maroon, red, purple, fuchsia, green, lime, olive, yellow, navy, blue, teal and aqua.

Question. what are HTML attributes?
Answer : attributes provide additional information about the element. The are always specified in the start
tag. Attributes are given as name value pairs.
Ex: <BODY bgcolor=’red’> ……</BODY>

Question. write the HTML code to display an inline image named as pencil.jpg located at c:/in the center of your web page.
Answer : HTML code is <img scr = ’’: c/pencil.jpg’’ align=’’center’’> pencil < /img>

Question. answer the following questions:
(a) write the HTML code for placin an image Saif. GIF at the center of the web page.
(b) identify the center in the following HTML code. Also write the correct code: <BODY COLO‘ = ''‘ED"
Answer : (a) HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE Placing image at center </TITLE> <HEAD>
(b) in the above code, instead of color use bgcolor attribute.
The correct code is: <BODY BGCOLO‘= ''‘ED" BACKG‘OUND ''AE‘OPLANE.JPG">

Question. what is the purpose of the TITLE element in HTML?
Answer : the <title> tag is required in all HTML documents and it defines the title of the document.
The <title> element defines a title in the browser toolbar, provides a title for the page when it is added to favorites, displays a title for the page in search engine results.

Question. write the HTML code to do the following:
(a) to display a horizontal line of green color
(b) to create a hyperlink on the word CLICK to an image name testimage.jpeg.
Answer : (a) <hr color = ''green">
(b) <a href = '' testimage. Jpeg"> CLICK </a>

Question. what are the limitations of HTML?
Answer : HTML is a programming language and is a simpler text file. Therefore, complex designing cannot be accomplished. Heavy interactive forms or dynamic pages are a challenge to create using HTML. On the other hand, languages like ASP (active server pages), JSP, Java Servlets, etc. work wonders in creating dynamic pages.

Question. what do you mean by empty elements? Explain with example. How is it different from container element?
Answer : HTML elements with no content are called empty elements.
<br>-adds a line break
<hr> - adds a horizontal line
<source>-add a media source
<input> - it’s an input
<line> - tells about relationships between the files like CSS
<meta> - changes metadata of your webpage
<img> - used to display images
Container elements are those elements which require both opening and closing tags like <html>, <body> and <font> whereas the empty element are those that do not require a closing tag like <Hr> and <Br>.

Question. what is the use of TEXT attribute of BODY tag?
Answer : the TEXT attribute of the <BODY> tag is used to set the foreground or text color of the page <BODY TEXT=’’O‘ANGE’’>

Question. how comment line can be used in HTML code?
Answer : to create a comment, start with <! – characters. Then, type your text that you want to be in the comment. Then, end the comment with the - > characters. For example, <!-comments->

Long Answer Type Questions

Question. list and explain the different attributes of body tag?
Answer : 


Question. explain the attributes of HR element.
Answer : the HR element is used to draw a horizontal dividing line completely across the screen. This can be used to logically separate blocks of text.
ALIGN: this attribute positions the rule on the page either LEFT, RIGHT or CENTER.
NOSHADE: this attribute renders the tag as an unshaded dark grey line without the hollow and slightly 3D appearance.
SIZE: this is a measurement of how thick the line is.
WIDTH: it can be set as a number or a percentage.
COLOR: it sets the color of the rule.
Example: <HTML>
<H1> this is an example <H/1>
<H‘ size ="4"width ="80%">
<H‘ size = ''10" width= 40>
<H‘> size = ''10" width = ''40" align=''center">
<H‘ size = ''10" width = ''40" align=center" noshade>
<H‘ size = ''10" width ="40" align=''center" olor= ''bule">

Question. write the HTML code for the following to appear one after the other:
> a small heading with the works, ''HAPPY BI‘THDAY"
> a horizontal rule across the page
> a large heading with the one word, ''CATHY"
>a medium-sized heading with the words, may 10 2019
> another horizontal rule
Answer : <html>
<head><title> INVITE</title></head>
<h1> CATHY </h1>
<h2> may 10 2019 ,/h2>

Question. explain the IMG tag.
Answer : the IMG tag is used for inserting images in HTML pages. The IMG tag is empty.
Its attributes are
SRC: SRC gives the url of the image document. This attribute must be present.
ALT: this attribute is used to define an alternate text when the browser can’t load image.
Example: <BODY>
A computer keyboard contains keys you press to enter data into the computer. For security purpose some keyboards include a fingerprint reader, which allow to work with the computer only if your fingerprint is recognized.
<IMG SRC = ''mouse.png"align=right">
A muse is a small handheld device. With the mouse, you control the movement of pointer, and you make selections form the sereen.
A microphone allows you to speak into the computer you can microphone for multipurpose like recor the own and other person voices.
A scanner converts printed material <such as text and pictures) into the form the computer can use </p>
<IMG SRC="scanner.png"align="left"
A webcam is a digital video camera that allows you to create movies or take pictures and store them on the computer instead of on tape or film.
A digital pen allows to work same as a mouse but in this situation mouse replace with digital pen to make easily digital art.

Question. explain about the various margin attributes of BODY tag?
Answer : the LEFTMARGIN attribute of <BODY> tag is used to specify the distance between the left side of the document and the left edge of the browser window.
The TOPMARGIN attribute is used to specify the distance between the top of the document and the top of the browser window.
<BODYLEFTMA‘GIN = ''20"TOPMA‘GIN = ''100">
<H1> this is an example </H1>

Question. write HTML code for the following page?
Answer : <HTML><Head> <title> chemical FORMULAE </TITLE></HEAD>
H<SUB>2</sub> 0- water<br/>
0<sub>2</sub> - oxygen<br/>
CO<sub>2</sub> - carbon dioxide <br/>
H <sub> 2</sub>so<sub>4</sub> - sulphuric acid
</p> <BODY> </HTML>

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Worksheet for CBSE Computers Class 10 Html Basics

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Html Basics designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 10 Computers released by CBSE. Students of Class 10 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 10 Computers on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Computers by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 10 Computers to develop the Computers Class 10 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 10 Computers designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 Computers in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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Yes, provides all latest NCERT Html Basics Class 10 Computers test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 10 Computers Html Basics worksheets?

CBSE Class 10 Computers Html Basics worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

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Regular practice with Class 10 Computers worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.