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Worksheet for Class 10 Computers Cyber Ethics
Class 10 Computers students should download to the following Cyber Ethics Class 10 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 10 Computers Worksheet for Cyber Ethics
Cyber Ethics
1. Issues Related to Cyber Ethics
• Plagiarism The word ‘plagiarism’ has emerged from a latin word plagiarius, which means kidnapping. Plagiarism is an act of copying another person’s idea, words or work and pretend that they are our own.
• Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Intellectual property rights reserves all the rights of the owner to the information to decide, how much information is to be exchanged, shared or distributed. The owner can decide the price for doing so.
• Netiquettes The word netiquette is a combination of net (from Internet) and etiquette. It means respecting other users' views and displaying common etiquette when posting your views to online discussion groups.
• Hacking Hacking means stealing of required information by seeking and exploting weakness in a computer or a computer network. For gathering
required information, a hacker appears with malicious intention and breaks into the owner’s system and steals the information illegally.
• Piracy Software piracy means copying of data or computer software without the owner’s permission. However, most peoples are aware about piracy and know that it is illegal, yet the piracy is uncontrollable.
• Digital Property Rights Digital property includes data, Internet accounts, and other rights in the digital world, including contractual rights and intellectual property rights. Digital property rights disputes arise when some form of counterfeiting or piracy occurs between companies.
• Software License A software license is a license agreement that gives an individual, company or organisation permission to use a software program. It typically provide end users with the right to one or more copies of the software without violating copyrights.
There are two types of software license, which are as follows:
(i) Proprietary Software License The hallmark of proprietary software licenses is that the software publisher grants the use of one or more copies of software under the End-User License Agreement (EULA), but ownership of those copies remains with the software publisher.
(ii) Free and Open Source Software License
This license generally fall under two categories: those with the aim to have minimal requirements about how the software can be redistributed (permissive licenses) and those that aim to preserve the freedom that is given to the users by ensuring that all subsequent users receives those rights (copyleft licenses).
2. Open Source Software Movement The open source software movement is a movement that supports the use of open source licenses for some software. The open source movement was started to spread the concept of open source software.
Thus, open source software is a software whose source code is available for modification or enhancement by anyone. Examples of open source software are Linux, Unix, MySQL, etc.
3. Freedom of Information (FOI) FOI or Right to Information (RTI) refers to a citizen’s right to access information that is held by the state. In many countries, this freedom is supported as a constitutional right.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) FOIA is a federal law that generally provides that any person has a right to obtain access to federal agency records.
4. Digital Divide Digital divide is a term that describes the uneven distribution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in society.
5. e-Commerce e-Commerce (Electronic Commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet. e-Commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange, inventory management systems and automated data collection systems.
There are some types of e-Commerce, which are as follows:
• Business-to-Business (B2B)
• Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
• Consumer-to-Business (C2B)
• Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
• Business-to-Government (B2G)
Frauds in e-Commerce e-Commerce fraud shows no signs of slowing down. Online businesses are quickly becoming easy targets for cybercriminals as fraud in e-Commerce continues to rise.
There are some methods of fraud that are used to target e-Commerce as:
• Refund Fraud l Merchant Fraud
• Fraud via Identity Theft
6. Secure Data Transmission System Security is an essential part of any transaction that takes place over the Internet. Customers will lose his/her faith in e-Commerce if its security is compromised.
Following are the essential requirements for safe e-Payments/transactions:
• Confidentiality l Integrity
• Availability l Authenticity
• Non-Repudiability l Encryption
• Auditability
Objective Type Questions
Choose the correct alternative
Question. using someone else’s twitter handle to post something will be termed as
(a) fraud
(b) identity stealing
(c) online stealing
(d) violation
Answer : B
Question. fraud is
(a) cheating others
(b) an internationally false representation of a fact
(c) to deceive another party in order to obtain a profit
(d) all of these
Answer : B
Question. trojan horse is a ……….
(a) virus
(b) worm
(c) spyware
(d) adware
Answer : A
Question. e-commerce means
(a) doing business online via the internet
(b) doing business off-line
(c) studying commerce via electronic media
(d) none of these
Answer : A
Question. Which of the following is defined as a set of rules for acceptable online behaviour?
(a) Netiquette
(b) Internetiquette
(c) Etiquette
(d) Ethics
Answer : A
Question. When software is defined as being in the ………… , anyone is free to use and modify the software without restrictions.
(a) public domain
(b) proprietary
(c) commercial
(d) closed
Answer : A
Question. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her creation for a certain period of time.
(a) IPR
(b) FOI
(c) RTI
(d) All of these
Answer : A
Question. Which of the following is a contract between the entity that created and supplied an application, underlying source code?
(a) Software rules
(b) Software license
(c) Software norms
(d) None of these
Answer : B
Question. Which of the following can be defined as the right to access information held by public bodies?
(a) Freedom of Information (FOI)
(b) Right to Information (RTI)
(c) Both (a) and
(b) (d) None of these
Answer : C
Question. ……… is a collection of rights that automatically get to someone who creates an original work of authorship like a literary work, song, movie or software.
(a) Patent
(b) Trademark
(c) Copyrights
(d) Digital rights
Answer : C
Question. This type of e-Commerce is when an individual sells their services or products to a business organisation.
(a) C2B
(b) B2B
(c) C2C
(d) B2C
Answer : A
Question. Which of the following protects the specific, unique name, logo and symbols pertaining to your products or business brand?
(a) Patent
(b) Trademark
(c) Copyrights
(d) Digital rights
Answer : B
Question. Riya has received an encrypted message and wants to convert this message into the actual message (message before encryption). The technique she should use is called
(a) conversion
(b) encryption
(c) decryption
(d) None of these
Answer : C
Question. ………… , term that describes the uneven distribution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in society.
(a) Digital divide
(b) Cyber crime
(c) Cyber ethics
(d) Digital rights
Answer : A
Question. It is an intentionally deceptive action designed to provide the perpetrator with an unlawful gain or to deny a right to a victim.
(a) Crime
(b) Ethics
(c) Fraud
(d) Etiquette
Answer : C
Question. It means that data/information is not being received or modified by an unauthorised person, over a network, from source to destination.
(a) Secure data transmission
(b) Secure socket layer
(c) Intellectual property rights
(d) Freedom of information
Answer : A
Question. ………… is the study of ethics pertaining to computers, covering user behaviour.
(a) Phishing
(b) Piracy
(c) Cyber crime
(d) Cyber ethics
Answer : D
Question. It is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides.
(a) Patent
(b) Trademark
(c) Copyrights
(d) Digital rights
Answer : A
Question. Which of the following is the act of copying another person’s work word-for-word?
(a) Paraphrased plagiarism
(b) Direct plagiarism
(c) Accidental plagiarism
(d) Mosaic plagiarism
Answer : B
Question. intellectual property is an
(a) industrial property
(b) copyright property
(c) free property
(d) both (a) and (b)
Answer : D
Question. intellectual property does not include
(a) creation of mind
(b) artistic work
(c) literary
(d) none of these
Answer : D
Question. which of the following is a type of plagiarisim?
(a) partial
(b) collusion
(c) self
(d) all of these
Answer : D
State whether these statements are true or false.
Question. data protection is same as data privacy.
Answer : true
Question. digital divide is determined by access to internet.
Answer : false
Question. computer ethics are a set of commercial standards that govern the use of computers.
Answer : true
Question. right to information Act was passed in 2002.
Answer : false
Fill in the blanks.
Question. FO““M is same as ……………
Answer : FLOSS
Question. …………. Is a technology which keeps the messages secret from unauthorized secret from unauthorized access.
Answer : encryption
Question. GNU stands for generally not ……….
Answer : Unix
Question. ………… means malicious software which is created to impair a computer system.
Answer : malware
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question. what is netiquette?
Answer : the word netiquette is a combination of “net” (from internet) and etiquette. It means respecting other users views and displaying courtesy when posting your views to online discussion groups.
Question. what is piracy?
Answer : the unauthorized use of another person’s work is known as piracy.
Question. what is SSL?
Answer : secure socket layer (SSL) is a security protocol developed by Netscape communications to protect communication over the internet.
Question. how does firewall protect us from network security threats?
Answer : firewalls help to filter the traffic by forming a barrier between a trusted and an untrusted network.
It can be hardware or software or both.
Question. what is computer ethics?
Answer : computer ethics is set of moral principles that governs the behaviour of a group or individual that regulate the use of computers. These are like intellectual property rights, privacy concerns and how computers affect society.
Question. what is cyber crime?
Answer : cybercrime consists of using the internet for wrong intentions. It includes email spoofing cyber defamation, sending threatening emails, etc.
Question. ritwik wants to use a software but does not want to pay for it. Which type of software can he use?
Answer : open source software
Question. what is SET?
Answer : SET is secure electronic transaction. It is a system for ensuring the security of financial transaction on the internet.
Question. name five common intellectual property rights.
Answer : copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, industrial designs.
Question. what is copyright?
Answer : a copyright protects artistic and literary work. Copyright shall expire after 70 years of the last author’s death.
Question. Geetu is an artist. She posts her artwork on the internet. One day she comes to know that Shreyas has downloaded one of the paintings that she has posted without her permission. He had further printed that image on an invitation card. Has Shreyas does the right thing? Which right of geetu has he infringed?
Answer : no, Shreyas has not done right thing. Intellectual property rights can be used by geetu.
Question. what is trademark?
Answer : trademarks are distinctive phrases, words, symbols or sings. They distinguish services or products of one company from the others. Brands usually associate with distinctive trademarks.
Question. Riya wants to buy and sell goods online, which term is used to describe this process?
Answer : e-commerce
Question. what isi a digital certificate?
Answer : digital certificates are electronic files containing user’s name, user’s public key and name of certification authority, etc. That acts as an online passport.
Question. what is patent?
Answer : a patent is a form of right granted by the government to an inventor to protect his/her invention. It gives the holder the right to prevent anyone else from using it for a fixed period.
Question. what is cyber bullying?
Answer : cyber bullying involves abuse of another person using threats, insults and hurtful remarks and messages over the internet. There have been numerous reports of people who have been driven to suicide by persistent cyber bullying.
Question. what is intellectual property?
Answer : intellectual property refers to creations of the mind i.e. inventions; literary and artistic works; symbols, names and images used in commerce.
Question. define data encryption.
Answer : encryption scrambles the data on computers while transferring on a network. It is used to hide a message from an unintended recipient.
Question. name two security threats in a network.
Answer : denial of service attacks and snooping.
Question. what are internet trolls?
Answer : internet trolls post messages and comments that try to evoke an emotional response from other people. BBC presenter Richard bacon and other celebrities have spoken about being victims of trolls.
Question. define the term digital divide.
Answer : the gap between technical knowledge of the people who have access to computers and internet and those who do not have that access.
Question. what is privacy in e-commerce?
Answer : privacy in e-commerce means the protection of privacy of all the parties involved in trading through e-commerce.
Question. Raman is an employee of ABC company. He wants a software for which he paid. What type of software is Raman using?
Answer : Raman is using proprietary software.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question. what is cryptography?
Answer : cryptography is a technology which keeps the messages secret from unauthorized access. Sender of the information encrypts the data using a secret code and only the specified receiver can decrypt the data using the same or different secret code.
To encrypt a message, the message is passed to an algorithm that transforms the message using a key into a meaningless script called cryptogam or ciphertext. The ciphertext can be sent to the intended recipient. The recipient has a key to decrypt the ciphertext back to the original message.
Question. what do you by e-commerce? How has it benefitted the customer?
Answer : e-commerce is the ability to do business online via internet. Consumers no longer need to travel to shops or stores to get their daily needs. All they have to do In browse through the internet and purchase the product needed using their computer connected to the internet and save their time and energy.
Question. what is online fraud?
Answer : fraud committed using the internet is called online fraud.
Online fraud may occur in many forms such as:
Non-delivered goods
Stealing information
Fraudulent payments
Non-existent companies
Question. what is secure data transmission?
Answer : secure data transmission means applying enough technical safeguards so that the data travels safely to its target, without being compromised or eavesdropped.
Same techniques are:
(i) SSL secure data transmission
(ii) data encryption
(iii) using safe protocols e.g. SFTP
Question. what is cryptography?
Answer : cryptography is a technology which keeps the messages secret from unauthorized access. Sender of the information encrypts the data using a secret code and only the specified receiver can decrypt the data using the same or a different secret code.
To encrypt a message, the message is passed to an algorithm that transforms the message using a key into a meaningless script called cryptogram or ciphertext. The ciphertext can be sent to the intended recipient. The recipient has a key to decrypt the ciphertext back to the original message.
Question. what is open source software?
Answer : open source software is a software that any programmer can download from the internet free and modify with suggested improvements. The changes must be made available to all. Which can result in better quality software
Question. write a short note on DRM.
Answer : digital rights management (DRM) is a systematic approach to copyright protection for digital media.
The purpose of DRM I to prevent unauthorized redistribution of digital media and restrict the ways consumers can copy content they’ve purchased.
Digital rights refers to the relationship between copyrighted digital works (Such as film, music and art) and user permissions and rights related to computers, networks and electronic devices. Digital rights also refers to the access and control of digital information.
The definition of digital rights and responsibilities is having the right And freedom to use all types of digital technology while using thin as technology in an acceptable and appropriate manner. As a user of digital technology you also have the right to privacy and the freedom of personal expression.
Question. define plagiarism?
Answer : plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation and stealing the publication of another author’s language, thoughts, ideas as one own original work.
It is considered as an academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics. It is an act of fraud.
Question. What is online fraud?
Answer : fraud committed using the internet is called online fraud.
Online fraud may occur in many forms such as:
Non-delivered goods
Stealing information
Fraudulent payments
Non-existent companies
Question. what is free open source software movement?
Answer : free/open source software movement (FOSSM) or free/libre open source software movement
(FOSSM) is a social movement with the goal of obtaining and guaranteeing certain freedoms for software users, namely the freedom to run the to redistribute copies with or without changes. Richard
Stallman formally founded the movement in 1983 by launching the GNU project. Stallman, later established the free software foundation in 1985 to support the movement.
Question. why is privacy important in e-commerce?
Answer : privacy is the protection of personal information given online.
The privacy of the users must be respected by ensuring that data collected is not sold to irresponsible parties. The merchant should also say clearly in terms and conditions about how the data will be used.
Question. what is software license?
Answer : a software license is a legal document that describes the legal rights pertaining to the authorized use or redistribution of software. It defines the responsibilities of the parties entering into the license agreement and may impose restrictions on how the software can be used.
Question. what is proprietary software?
Answer : proprietary software are commercial or packaged software, it is copyrighted software that prohibits the redistribution or modification of its program.
Question. what is secure data transmission?
Answer : secure data transmission means applying enough technical safeguards so that the data travels safely to its target, without being compromised or eavesdropped.
Some techniques are:
(i) SSL secure data transmission
(ii) data encryption
(iii) using safe protocols e.g. SFTP
Question. what are digital property rights?
Answer : digital property rights includes data, internet accounts and other rights in the digital world.
Intellectual property rights can also exist in digital property such as pictures, music, movies, literary works, web page, computer code. It refers to access and control of digital information.
Question. why is privacy important in e-commerce?
Answer : privacy is the protection of personal information given online.]
The privacy of the users must be respected by ensuring that data collected is not sold to irresponsible parties. The merchant should also say clearly In terms and conditions about how the data will be used.
Question. Kuhu has just learnt how to do online banking. Name any two precautions that she should take to prevent online fraud.
Answer : don not share user id and password with anyone.
Avoid doing transactions from cyber café and other public places.
Detailed answer: use bigger and strong password.
Do not use predictable passwords like mobile number, data of birth.
Question. what is freedom of information?
Answer : freedom of information refers to a citizen’s right to access information that is held by the government. The right to information is a fundamental right.
It helps in creating a more open and democratic society, challenging corruption and enhancing transparency.
Question. what do you mean by e-commerce? How has it benefitted the customer?
Answer : e-commerce is the ability to do business online via internet. Consumers no longer need to travel to shops or stores to get their daily needs. All they have to do in browse through the internet and purchase the product needed using their computer connected to the internet and save their time and energy.
Question. what is digital signature?
Answer : a digital signature is a digital code that can be authenticated through encryption and password attached to an electronically transmitted message to uniquely identify the sender. Digital signatures enable the recipient of the information to verify the authenticity of the information origin, and also verify that the information is intact.
Question. can we use open source software (OSS) for all organizations?
What are the disadvantages of open source software?
Answer : the open source software:
May not provide long term support
May not be secure enough
May not be scalable
So, they cannot be recommended for all organizations. Though, OSS software suite (LAMP-linux, my SQL and PHP) can be used even for military organizations as they have community development groups, security and scalability.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question. write down the essential requirements for safe e-payments?
Answer : security is an essential part of any transaction that takes place over the internet. Customers will lose his/her faith in e-business if its security is compromised. Following are the essential requirements for safe e-payments/transactions-
Confidentiality: information should not be accessible to any unauthorized person. It should not be intercepted during the transmission.
availability: information should be available wherever and whenever required within a time limit specified.
Authenticity: there should be a mechanism to authenticate a user before giving him/her an access to the information.
Non-reputability: it is the protection against the denial of order or denial of payment. Once a sender a message, the sender should not be able to deny sending the message. Similarly the recipient of message should not be able to deny the receipt.
Encryption: information should be encrypted add decrypted only by an authorized user. ]
Auditability: data should be recorded in such a way that it can be audited for integrity requirements.
Question. What is software piracy?
Answer : software piracy is any attempt to break the licence terms of a piece of software. This includes downloading and using a program without paying for it, as well as buying selling or any other piece of software. It could mean extracting code from a program, or modifying it without permission in oreder to do something that the developers did not wish you to do. When you buy software, music or films legally, copyright law forbids us from:
Giving a copy to a friend
Making a copy and then selling it
Using the software on a network (unless the license allows it, eg it is a business license) Renting the software without the permission of the copyright holder
The practice of copying software is a serious problem in some countries. Copying music, films and software illegally means that there is less money available to pay the writers, developers and artists.
Question. write a short note on secure electronic transaction.
Answer : secure electronic transaction is a secure protocol developed by master card and visa in collaboration. Theoretically, it is the best security protocol. It has the following components.
Card holder’s digital wallet software: digital wallet allows the card holder to make secure purchases online via point and click interface.
Merchant software: this software helps merchants to communicate with potential customers and financial institutions in a secure manner.
Payment gateway server software: payment is used by financial institutions to issue digital certificates to card holders and merchants, and to enable them to register their account agreements for merchant’s certificate request.
Certificate authority software: this software is used by financial institutions to issue digital certificates to card holder and merchants, and to enable them to register their account agreements for secure electronic commerce.
Question. explain the concept of digital divide stating causes for it and measures to reduce the divide.
Answer : the digital divide, or the digital split, is a social issue referring to the differing amount of information between those who have access to the internet and those who do not have access. The term became popular among concerned parties, such as scholars, policy makers, and advocacy groups, in the late 1990s.
Broadly speaking, the difference is not necessarily determined by the access to the internet, but by access to ICT (information and communication technology) and to media that the different segments of society can use. With regards to the internet, the access is only one aspect, other factors such as the quality of connection and related services should be considered.
The problem is often discussed in international context, indicating certain countries are far more equipped than other developing countries to exploit the benefits from the rapidly expanding internet.
The digital divide is not indeed a clear single gap which divides a society into two groups. Researches report that disadvantage can take such forms as lower.
Performance computers, lower-quality or high price connections difficulty of obtaining technical assistance, and access to subscription-based contents.
The idea that some information and communication technologies are vital to quality civic life is not new. Some suggest that the internet and other ICTs are somehow transforming society, improving our mutual understanding, eliminating power differentials, realizing a truly free and democratic world society, and other benefits.
Question. explain IPR and what are the two main types of IPR?
Answer : IPR (intellectual property rights) allow creators, or owners of patents, trademarks or copyrighted works to benefit from their own work or investment in a creation. Owners holding IPR can prevent the use of their intellectual property.
Patent copyright trademark layout trade secret
Trademarks: trademarks have been defined as any sign, or any combination of signs capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other underwings.
Copyright: copyright is a legal means of protecting an author’s work. It is a type of intellectual property that provides exclusive publication, distribution, and usage rights for the author. Therefore, any original content published on the web is protected by copyright law.
Question. how can someone improve privacy concerns in e-commerce?
Answer : there are some following ways to improve privacy concerns:
Choice/consent: give consumers option as to how any personal information collected from them may be used.
Participation: give consumers the ability to access data about themselves i.e. to view the data in a entity’s files and to contest that data’s accuracy and completeness.
Security: ensure that consumer data is accurate and secure. To reassure data integrity collectors must take reasonable steps, such as using only reputable sources of data and cross-referencing data against multiple sources. Security involves both managerial and technical measures to protect against loss and the unauthorized access, destruction, use, or disclosure of the data.
Question. explain few netiquettes.
Answer : “netiquette” refers to internet etiquette. This simply means the use of good manners in online communication such as email, forums, blogs, and social networking sites to name a few. It is important to use netiquette because online communication is non-verbal.
(i) accuracy of information: misleading others is obviously a major breach of online etiquette. This is true even if it’s unintentional. Check facts before providing information or giving you shouldn’t be acting like you are.
(ii) use internet resources ethically: online study resources should be used to support learning, not replace it.
(iii) promote healthy discussions: to get the most out of online forums a useful netiquette guideline is to promote he healthy discussion. You can help your online community by posing questions, sharing experiences, providing positive feedback, asking follow-up questions, and referring to information sources.
(iv) ignore inflammatory comments by trolls: it’s generally best to ignore trolls. These are internet users who try to bait other users into a reaction.
(v) respect others as equal: show a little respect and humility online.
(vi) remember, your words are permanent: be careful with what you post online. Once it’s out there, you may not be able to get it back.
(vii) make your point in a nice way: write in a way to get the kind of reaction you want. A litter thoughtfulness, strategy and netiquette can go a long way in online discussion.
Question. explain the types of plagiarism.
Answer : following are the types of plagiarism:
Collusion: occurs when one student produces work and another student to copy it. It both students submit the work, both the students will be deemed to have colluded.
Complete plagiarism: occurs when a piece of work is copied entirely from one or more source.
Partial plagiarism: occurs when sections of a document are directly copied and unacknowledged source (S) within an assignment. self-plagiarism: occurs when you re-use your own previously written work or data in a new assignment and do not reference it appropriately.
Copying and pasting : is done on the availability of information on the internet and electronic journals.
Word switch: occurs in case you copy a sentence or paragraph into your assignment and change a few works, it will still be considered to be plagiarism.
Concealing sources: means that you have cited a piece of work from a text. This does not mean you do not have to reference any other text you must acknowledge the source, even if it is the very next paragraph.
Inadvertent plagiarism: occurs as a result of poor study skills, but it is still considered to be academic misconduct.
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Worksheet for CBSE Computers Class 10 Cyber Ethics
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